ask-rainbows · 8 months
"Hi there! We just moved to this place so I was wondering if we could get a promo or something? Would be very sweet of yall. I'm Felicity, and this beauty over here is Aruna." Felicity pulls a taller woman with red hair next to herself.
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"I'm Aruna Damani..." She brushed a strand of hair out of her face, then turned towards the shorter person standing next to her.
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"Oh? I gotta introduce myself? I thought Felicity will do that. Well then, I'm Sora Haruki, excited to meet everyone here!" Sora looked around the room, seemingly confused. "Where's Viorel?"
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Just in that moment, a broad man came inside the room, carrying a little girl in his arms.
"My apologies, I didn't mean to be late. Ah, I'm Viorel Albu and this princess over here is my daughter Ilena. I'm also very pleased to meet everyone."
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taglist, feel free to ignore <3: @ask-the-monster-nest @ask-chef-teruteru @the-silver-peahen-residence @reborn-demon @devildomflower @ghostprince-rule and anyone who likes to join
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la-scigghiu · 1 year
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Sono una donna felice, come lo dovrebbe essere qualunque donna nel riverbero di questa età luminosa. Ho debolezze eleganti e cicatrici charmantes. Non ho più illusioni sulla nobiltà delle persone e per questo so apprezzare la loro inestimabile arte di convivere con le proprie imperfezioni.
🔸 Alessandro Baricco
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smokingago · 4 months
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Poi vide i suoi occhi.
E non ebbe più pace. Le farfalle volavano ovunque dentro di lui, non solo nello stomaco.
Non dormiva più. Sognava solamente a intervalli. E sognava lei.
Dentro quegli occhi aveva visto il luogo dove si arriva.
Il tempo dove ci si ferma.
L'abbraccio dove si vuole rimanere.
La casa per i suoi sguardi.
Il cielo per le sue stelle.
Paola Felice
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crisvesan · 4 days
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💕 Con el nuevo día despertamos a nuevo mes, a nueva vida, a nueva belleza..., a nuevos latidos...Sed felices...!
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sacrifesse · 4 months
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🍀 ⋆˙⟡♡ LUCK iD PACK 〰️
╰┈┈➤ REQUESTED BY @sonicore 。
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— NAMES : lucky , clover , charlie , asher , felix , felicia , beatrix , beatrice , charm , isadora , penny , benedict , benoit , chance , bennett , felice , ace , evangeline , fate , faith , fortune , iris
— PRONOUNS : luck/lucks/luckself , clover/clovers/cloverself , charm/charms/charmself , penny/pennies/pennyself , ace/aces/aceself , fate/fates/fateself , faith/faiths/faithself , fortune/fortune/fortuneself , rabbit/rabbits/rabbitself , youth/youths/youthself , luck/lucky/luckyself , rainbow/rainbows/rainbowself
— TiTLES : the lucky one , (pronoun) who is lucky , (pronoun) who holds (pronoun) lucky charms near and dear , (pronoun) who searches the meadow for a four leaf clover , (pronoun) who finds the four leaf clover , (pronoun) who brims with luck , (pronoun) who flips (pronoun) lucky penny to make a decision , (pronoun) who asks (pronoun) lucky penny “heads or tails?” before giving it a flip , (pronoun) who brings (pronoun) lucky charm to all important life events , (pronoun) who puts (pronoun) faith in (pronoun) lucky charm , (pronoun) who wishes good fortune to all , (pronoun) who looks for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
— GENDERS : luckgender , luckyleafic , luckelixir , cloversintean , cloveric , cloverful , evenfonssetten , luckidgender , luckypupian , cloveric/clovergender , whiteclovergender
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pt: luck id pack
requested by sonicore /end pt.
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ritrosia · 3 months
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ciao non ho belle foto da postare sto soltanto lavorando ma sono felice💗🍀
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i-am-a-polpetta · 4 months
oggi ho lavorato 12 ore ho preso più di 100 chiamate, ho corso 40 minuti, fatto call di lavoro di 15 che mi ha aperto le porte ad un nuovo cliente. il vicepresidente ha detto che è vero che io faccio la differenza e che ci sono grandi cose in arrivo per me, grandi anzi grandissime. le stesse cose me le ha confermate Alessio, account manager del commerciale che oggi mi ha procurato un contratto.
mi ha reso felice sentirmi dire da due persone diverse che fanno cose opposte che ci sarà spazio per me anche per altro. spero non siano solo promesse vuote perché ci sto credendo tantissimo🍀🙏💖
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i-m-p-l-a-c-a-b-l-e · 2 months
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En la naturaleza, nos perdemos y somos más felices 💚🟢🌿🍀🌳🍃🛤️❤️😍😎
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ask-rainbows · 8 months
💥 , 👪 , 🍧 , 📣 , ⏳
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Felicity can't control her excitement. She screams and yells whenever she gets too excited, even in "inappropriate" moments. She only realized afterwards that she shouldn't have been so loud. She keeps telling herself to be more careful next time but it barely works.
Aruna has troubling showing affection. The only way you know she likes you is if she starts talking to you on her own will. She tries opening up more to people but still has a hard time to do so.
When Sora gets sad, they either isolate themselves or they make it everyone's problem, there's no in between. They rarely get really sad so when they do, they're overwhelmed how to deal with it.
Viorel has a hard time showing stress. He always tries to be calm and considerate in every situation, no matter how close he's to breaking.
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
Felicity is an only child. She had a pretty good relationship with her parents but since she wanted to be more independant, she started distancing herself from them. Her parents got it wrong and are now dissapointed in her so their relationship isn't as good anymore.
Aruna has two younger siblings, all three have different fathers who they have never met before. Since their mother was rarely home, Aruna had to take care of her siblings by herself. Most of the time, she was annoyed about this. Yet, she loves her siblings dearly.
Sora grew up in an orphanage most of the time. At age 14, they were adopted, only to get thrown out again 3 years later for coming out. Sora had managed to find a nice soul to take them in.
Viorel's parents were very traditional. Most of the time, they got along but his parents always found small things to scold Viorel for such as being vegetarian or having a child before marriage. Viorel is careful about his daughter seeing her grandparents. Ilena is everything to Viorel, he loves her to the moon and back and will do everything to protect her.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
The pair of earrings Felicity wears are a heirloom from her mother wich have been passed down a few generations already. She thinks they're pretty but other than that, they're not really important to her. Yet, she'd be devastaed to find out she lost them. She knows her mother would be very mad and would probably even disown her.
Aruna doesn't have any particular item from her childhood but she keeps all the gifts and drawings her siblings made for her, no matter how messy they look. She probably wouldn't mind much if one drawing got lost but if she lost all, she would like a failure of a sister.
Sora didn't keep anything. They didn't have much to begin with.
Viorel still has his favorite blanket from when he was still a newborn. He was so fond of it, he had planned to give it to Ilena but he realized, the blanket is way too dirty and washed out so Ilena's mother did everything to find where to buy the exact same blanket again. Now Viorel and Ilena have matching ones. If he lost his own, he would be a bit sad at first but he'd get over it quickly.
⏳ HOURGLASS - are they usually late or on-time?
Felicity is never on time, she's always at least 10 minutes late. Sometimes, she doesn't even show up at all because she forgot about the meet-up.
Aruna is always very punktional. She commonly arrives at exactly the minute the meet-up was supposed to be. It's kind of scary sometimes.
Sora is either very early or very late, no in between
Viorel used to be a very punktional person but since he had Ilena, a lot of times he's either late or spontanously has to cancel the meet-up
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smokingago · 5 months
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Sai, un giorno sarai felice e ti guarderai indietro.
Quasi non ci crederai nel renderti conto perche'
milioni di cose che pensavi fossero insuperabili
adesso ti fanno sorridere.
E si, sei riuscita ad andare avanti,
con grande dignità hai lottato,
hai pianto quasi orgogliosa delle lacrime.
Hai varcato porte, abbattuto muri e risanato ferite,
ed eccoti là adesso,
a guardare tutto questo dietro te
con uno splendido sorriso.
Silvia Nelli
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crisvesan · 20 days
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Amanecer...Un solo rayo de sol es suficiente para iluminar millones de sombras...🍀💕
Buenos días...y que seáis felices...!🍀💋☕☕💕💕💕🌻🎶🌈🍒🌿
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
Happy 🍀st. Patrick's Day🍀 to my favorite green-themed female characters! 💎🌈
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Lindsay the Luck Fairy
Jessica Cruz (DCSHG19)
Emily the Stirling Engine
Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter
Aisha Fairy of Waves (Winx)
Izzy Garcia (Power Rangers)
Mei (Monkie Kid)
Natalie Breez (Hero Factory)
Princess Lyna (Lolirock)
Cure March, Cure Mint, Cure Parfait, Cure Milky, Cure Felice
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mancino · 3 months
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Buongiorno,a chi non si aspetta nulla perchè nulla è dovuto.
Buongiorno, a chi pensa che una bella giornata non dipende dal tempo ma dallo stato d'animo.
Buongiorno, a chi ha giorni in cui si sente triste ma è felice di vivere perchè ha capito che la vita è un bellissimo dono e si riceve solo una volta. Buongiorno alla VITA! 🍀
- Maria Siniscalchi -🖋
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thesoulmustbebreath · 5 months
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Buongiorno!! ☕
Buon mercoledì 🤗🍀
Dal mio cuore
un infinito cielo di bene
e un bacio 🤗😘
Lucia 💓
Luli ❤️ Lu 💖🌞🌊♾️
La felicità è come la verità:
non la si ha, ci si è.
Per questo nessuno che sia felice
può sapere di esserlo.
Per vedere la felicità, ne dovrebbe uscire.
L'unico rapporto fra coscienza e felicità
è la gratitudine.
- Theodor Adorno -
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petalodiseta · 1 year
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Nella vita per essere felice devi capire quando devi togliere queste tre cose:
il disturbo,il saluto,gli slip.
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ask-rainbows · 8 months
Name: Felicity
Gender: afab, pangender
Pronouns: any but mainly she/her
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Age: 23
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