#🍑 peaches & cream (nsfw.)
nymfaia-archive · 2 years
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claire sunday funday doodles ft. her soft belly
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nymfaia-archive · 2 years
Fuck marry kill Arthur Leon Frey
ask my muse anything you want on anon / accepting!
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     “-- No?”
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     Xiao Pai stood as if she were malfunctioning, walnut brown irises seeming to swirl as she contemplated. No, she didn’t want to fuck and marry and then kill any of them. That would be a waste of time and affection, she thought, not to mention she barely had it in her to prepare fish for suppers.
     Well. Her clumsiness could kill someone. One. Not somethree.
     “I think - I wed Leon, yes? He is a good man. He teases, but - he’s never lost his temper at me dropping things. Even on him. Frey ... has done too much to dispose. And she’s very, very cute -”
     Her hands had reached into her hair, fiddling with the ends of her fringe. Xiao Pai partially obscured her face with her hand, hiding the roaring blush that kissed her cheeks.
     “Arthur - is - ... who is Arthur? So, I think, in that order - Frey, Leon, and Arthur, yes?”
     She knew so little about Arthur. The man managed to be a looking glass for others, pleasant and seemingly transparent and wholly bland. She had to admit to herself, however, that she hadn’t much tried connecting with the man beyond their shared enjoyment of manju.
     “...Why would you ask that of anyone?” Xiao added, her voice bashful and uncertain, speaking up when it wasn’t wholly asked. “It’s - ... I don’t want - ...”
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nymfaia-archive · 2 years
🐾 Miqo’te, like their real world counterparts both human and cat, are able to have multiple children in one pregnancy by more than one parent. This is called heteropaternal superfecundation. While this isn’t seen often in humans, as most people don’t have multiple partners in such a short window that it can occur, it does happen: many fraternal twins with the same father are actually from two separate occurrences.
Waves hand. Hi. My twin brother is technically my half brother because we have different dads. Feel free to ask me about it. It is possible with people, and much more probable with cats. Given this knowledge, Miqo’te with multiple children in a litter have a higher chance of them belonging to different sires. For cats, it’s usually more obvious since coat colorations and patterns vary so wildly. In miqo’te circles who abide by the Nuhn/Tia hierachy, it’s not observed as often since child-bearing parents are intended to breed with the clan’s strongest.
🐾 Different clans in different locales have wildly conflicting heats and cycles. We know this is true in the real world, as cats located in warmer parts of the world are “on” more often than the ones in colder climates or in areas where seasons are more wildly different. V’nilla, as a Z clan member from Thanalan, would usually have more routine cycles (much like humans/hyurs, elezens, etc) - but by moving to Ishgard, where it is now cold year round, her body has decided that it’s closed for business because it’s too fucking freezing to be having any kittens. (which she is absolutely a-okay with.)
🐾 Miqo’te shed. They lose hair far more often than their hyur counterparts. Once or twice a year, depending on the climate, they often have a blow-out where they could brush and brush and brush and still lose hair/fur.
🐾 In that vein... my Miqo’te are furry. V’nilla has lots of body hair that she doesn’t really bother to get rid of. In most Miqo’te communities, it’s not seen as wrong to have it in abundance. With the exception of some performers or those living in hyur/elezen heavy populations, they let their body hair just exist.
V’nilla has lots of pit and bit hair, dark leg hair, and thick eyebrows. Her tail doesn’t just jut out of her back: there is a considerable fur trail on her spine leading up to it, mimicking the trail of hair that begins at her navel.
(As a plus, most Miqo’te have stunning eyelashes.)
🐾 Miqo’te’s nails grow considerably quicker than other races, barring Hrothgar. Keeping a nail file or clippers on hand is almost imperative if the claws aren’t used for combat.
🐾 My Miqo’te don’t have toebeans, necessarily, but their finger and toe pads are much more resilient to callousing and stay very very soft. Some skin tones may have pinker finger and toe pads.
🐾 Miqo’te do see better in the dark. And they do have glowy eyes in certain light. 8)
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nymfaia-archive · 2 years
I had this thought last night while I was half asleep and entirely forgot about it until now but.
My au ra don't have body hair since I'm a loser and I lean into the "lol they're lizards/dragons" meme. Which means body hair is incredibly bizarre and, to Alta, is kind of. Attractive. She gets easily distracted by it since it's such an anomaly to her.
Chest hair? Very good. Scruffy faces? Ticklish and cute. Tummy trails on all kinds of people? Don't mind her she's not blushing.
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nymfaia-archive · 2 years
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KINK SHEET, ft. Altansarnai “I’ve only ever had two partners and I have no idea what half of these are” Kha.
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nymfaia-archive · 2 years
height differences.
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nymfaia-archive · 2 years
I'm a Big Fan of tie-closed tail holes for the tailed races bc I love bows and I think a touch of softness on anyone is Cute
But I just had a thought about strappy small clothes after seeing some bikinis that crisscross in the back and my brain exploding
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nymfaia-archive · 2 years
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uncensored under the cut, assuming tumblr doesn’t eat it
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nymfaia-archive · 2 years
Cirina, Alta, and Magnai aren’t really shy when it comes to public romps. Alta is the most cautious one, given her exposure to Eorzean morals (Ishgard’s coming to mind the strongest), but Cirina and Magnai, without any worldly knowledge, see public sex as … not much. The animals and beasts on the steppe frolick and fornicate in full view of their gods. They believe that, if their gods have to suffer through seeing their creature’s deaths in the open, creating new life under the open sky is almost a kindness.
(For Magnai, it is decidedly also a possessive thing, but. Alas.)
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nymfaia-archive · 2 years
“you’re trembling.” ( *bangs fists* cal and conri!!)
First time asks 🍑 accepting 🍑 @blaackbiird
"I am not trembling."
Cal had enough fire in his veins to ignite a campfire, blunt nails digging into the meat of Conri's shoulder as the half-beast dug into his own. Conri was mouthier than a teething hound, something the elf intended to tease him about after the haze of lust lifted from his mind.
It was difficult to complain about the teeth against his collar and throat when he couldn't form words, moans and half-lost calls of the man's name filling the space instead. Conri mouthed and bit and licked against Cal's flesh as if he were a man starved, tail thrashing behind him and his furry ears picking up every morsel of sound the elf made in reply.
Conri might have been starving, but Cal hadn't even realized he was allowed to be hungry in the first place. He had been gone from the Braixlands for nigh on a decade and hadn't allowed himself the indulgence since, uncertain how strangers would react to someone who was a man by name but not by body.
He had taken partners as who he used to be. Cal had yet to take one with who he had chosen to become, and now that the offer was on the table -
Yes, he shook, fire in his veins and lust thrumming in his ears. He opened his mouth to say something, to promise Conri that he wasn't scared or uncertain but simply overwhelmed by the affection he was bring given.
He had been so caught in his thoughts that he hadn't felt the man meander, adventuring lips and teeth marking his collar and sternum, until Conri wrapped his mouth around the peak of a breast. Fangs grazed and his tongue lapped and any soft platitudes on the elf's tongue turned into little more than a low, throaty sound.
He needed no one else to understand his choices. He had Conri, who saw his body and lavished it anyway, one bite at a time.
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nymfaia-archive · 1 year
Healing as foreplay.
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nymfaia-archive · 2 years
shadow wasn’t locked away in a magicked book for nothing. it wasn’t for being a promiscuous himbo, but it might as well have been. unfortunately for him, he’s been wallowing inside parchment for hundreds of years and is very much stuck in his ways, and vastly prefers his bed partners supple, soft, and curvy.
also unfortunately for him, he bound himself to a man who has very, very little interest in casual, one-off flings. xavier continues to be a cage, there in which shadow very noisily rattles at all hours of the day. he wants to get laid. for the gods above, xavier, he’ll never peep another euphemism or underhanded comment about magda’s breasts.
(it isn’t until xavier crossed paths with juven sakan that shadow ever spoke about the possibility of bedding a man. sadly, the demon’s comments about the blonde aren’t any different than the ones he makes about magda, and embarrass the mage to the ends of the earth.)
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nymfaia-archive · 2 years
Between the three of Edmont’s sons, Haurchefant has the most overall experience.
Artoirel has danced around truly having intercourse - he’s slept with Elezen men and women, but they usually don’t commit to much beyond heavy petting, oral, or anal. He stands by the fact that he technically hasn’t had sex before marriage in the way that matters to the church, and by mostly avoiding vaginal intercourse he isn’t worried about having any bastards or children out of wedlock.
Emmanellain has no experience at all. He’s kissed a few women on the cheek and the back of the hand… and that is the extent of his travels. As Artoirel deadpanned once, “the last skirts you pulled on were Mother’s as a toddler;” and he would be right.
Unlike Artoirel, Emmanellain sees the church as more of a chore than a belief, especially after he became a teenager. Additionally, he already sees himself as the spare son - Artoirel has always been the morally correct, upstanding leader that their father would need to take over the family. As a result, he has little care toward what he does outside of marriage. If the opportunity presented itself, he wouldn’t resist sleeping with a partner just to abide by the church.
(Despite his demeanor, Emman isn’t really one for one-offs or affairs. He’s only a tease and a playboy by image: he is so hungry for affection that he absolutely would settle down the moment someone wanted him. Artoirel, being the more conventionally attractive one, has his choice of rotating bed partners.)
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nymfaia-archive · 2 years
people who draw lewds of mermaids, only to have their tails start under their cooch and ass so they can have human looking bits, are cowards.
You're either fucking the fish or you're getting a handy from the human half. I'm not sorry.
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nymfaia-archive · 2 years
alright, ramblings about leia pt. 2, including general mermaid anatomy i’m leaning into for her, and her adaption to land life after [insert generic mermaid-to-human trope storyline here].
- Unlike humans, all aquatic folk have their genitals on the inside. Water temperatures change a lot and have a wide variance and I think having them on the inside makes the most sense for parts that are sensitive to environment changes (lookin at u nuts)
- There are fish and other aquatic animals that are able to change their anatomy based on pod, school, etc need, and we all know the meme about seahorse dudes being the ones that have babies. Gender stereotypes don’t really exist down where it’s wetter. You just have to have parts that fit together in order to have babies, but if that’s something you want to do, you’re not stuck with what you were born with so it’s flexible.
(I don’t know enough about how fish/aquatic species do this exactly so don’t squint too hard. It occurs in nature already so it can happen to merpeople. Easy peasy.)
- Merpeople have live births, but most of them are born en caul. I’ve seen superstitions where people believe humans born this way can’t drown or were seen as having good luck somehow. So it would make sense to me that people may have gotten this superstition from merfolk.It’s also a happy medium between actually having eggs like most fish, I think.
- Merpeople are able to breathe air and water due to the way their lungs are designed. I’m not actually a merbiologist so I don’t know how this works but it does. It does mean they can give oral underwater.
- Merfolk’s body lubrication for Activities is thick. Doing Activities in the shower is difficult due to how incompatible actual water is with keeping your fun bits lubricated. As an adaptation, merfolk have much more viscous fluids. It’s sticky and it’s minorly slimey and isn’t easy to remove with plain water, so uh, good luck with that, human friends. (A good soap and a scrub will get rid of it.)
- After getting her legs, Leia finds adapting to life on land much more difficult than she anticipated. Weight feels heavier on land, walking is effort, and she tires much quicker. I had a much longer post on this previously, but she’s primarily wheelchair bound as she works through physical therapy and gaining muscle. While she had a lot of muscle and strength in her hips and core, the way she moved as a mermaid didn’t translate exactly to the way humans walk, so she’s learning from scratch.
- Despite being a saltwater merperson her skin is constantly dry on land - or so it looks. She has flaky and rough patches on her thighs and calves where her scales once were that look like dry, cracked skin, and is usually camouflaged with moisturizer or a long soak, but it’s simply a side effect of not being wholly mer or human.
- She has armpit hair, but no lower body hair. When she gained her legs her body just... didn’t pick up that cue.
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nymfaia-archive · 2 years
anyway boinking the mermaid-turned-human gets you special perks like: being able to boink her in showers/hot tubs/hot springs/etc because her body designed her bits to stay wet while wet. and being able to get some good head from someone who never needs to come up for air if she’s under water.
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