#🍡.dommale elements
minkmousesworld · 3 years
The center of The Universe
tw yandere / unhealthy behaviour
𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔢: modern au (implied), yandere au
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: manipulation, idolisation, mention of forced relationship, unhealthy relationship, obsession
⚠ nsfw under "nsfw"
𝔡𝔞𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤(𝔰): yandere! Tanjirou Kamado x yandere (variable)! Reader
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♡ delusional ♡ clingy ♡ obsessive
♡ Tanjirou is a type of delirious and sweet yandere who constantly coos over you and snuggles closer, asking "what do you want to eat?" and "aren't you cold?", which often makes him too intrusive.
Everyone actually likes him because of his "heart of gold" and social intelligence, so you won't feel any significant negativity or antipathy towards him at first, and over time you will start to get used to it. He begins with an innocent but excessive courtship, which over time becomes darker and more disturbing, but does not cease to be innocent.
Tanjirou is like a prince charming (at least, he tries to evoke only such associations), and even his desperate love you can find it kind of cute. Although he is a little too caught up in his feelings, but he is almost safe for you and wants the best.
And if you can ignore the sick gleam in his eyes and the constant presence, you can definitely play the self-delusion "he just loves me very much; after all, we are having a candy-bouquet period!".
Even if this is the "period" you had ten years ago, and now you are happily married with a bunch of kids / pets.
♡ Even though he is in love, Tanjirou is still awkward in courting and expressing his feelings, so he is prone to extreme forms of worship and bigotry, including with temples in your honor (you don't want to know what's in that closet, [Y/n]) and the behavior of a "good wife".
He cooks you food and sweets, monitors your well-being, is always ready to give you really good advice (as long as it does not concern your romantic relationship), provides you with excellent emotional support and sighs in love whenever he sees or thinks about you.
There is no one in the world who would be so perfect a "wife" for you.
♡ Tanjirou doesn't believe that you should inevitably have twenty children, ten cats, and five hamsters; after all, he respects your wishes as long as they don't become an obstacle to your relationship. But talking about family is inevitable.
About what your future will be like, or how your family will be arranged from the inside. Do you want children or do you prefer pets? Or maybe you don't want to have anyone but him? What do you think about your work? Or do you want to stay at home? Will you go on studying?
Tanjirou needs to know everything to create the perfect scenario.
He also often makes you promise that you will never leave him, that you love him very much and that you will definitely become a family, otherwise he becomes sad, and you definitely do not want Tanjirou to be sad.
It always ends badly.
♡ Tanjirou does not feel romantic moments well, does not know how to build deep emotional connections, and feels threatened by any of your intimacy with others. What if you find someone better than him?
He can't let that happen.
Any interaction you have with others that cannot be classified as "platonic" or "safe" should be interrupted. This does not apply to family or friends; Tanjirou respects you and your boundaries to a certain extent, but if you pay more attention to them than to him, Tanjirou will be jealous and suspicious.
Aren't you family? Then why do you need strangers? Strangers only spoil the family. His parents have never had close relationships with strangers and live happily and in love. They are such a good example for your family.
You, too, will live happily and in love.
For his part, Tanjirou is also willing to sacrifice those relationships and connections that do not suit you. After all, he doesn't want you to be disappointed in him, to doubt his loyalty or his love. Such doubts always make him ill.
In addition, there is no one who can even try to compete in his fixation on you.
♡ Tanjirou can't build and deepen a relationship properly, and all his first attempts to get closer to you remain on the level of stalking, "nervous" distance cuts and obvious awkwardness when you are alone, although he assures you that he loves your company.
He enjoys your closeness, but at the same time, does not know what he needs to do next to maintain this atmosphere or even deepen it.
If you are also "non-passionate", then this will not be a minus — Tanjirou does not mind building a romantically calm relationship as long as you remain a family.
But if you are on the more "bright" side, then it will be very pleasant for Tanjirou, but you may feel disappointed, since his romance looks like "care, gifts, service"; he does not know how to create passion. But he clearly enjoys it when you express your love in a more raw way, and thanks you for it.
Although after a series of passionate kisses, he will need time to start thinking straight.
♡ Tanjirou is always there for you and hates being separated, otherwise he gets nervous about your safety and that something might happen to you. Even worse, if you tend to get into trouble — then he becomes a full-fledged mother hen, from which you can not escape, only accept or flirt to make him agitated and weaken the protection (but then he becomes more sticky and wants affection...).
♡ Tanjirou may look like a "sweet boy with cherry cheeks", but working at the bakery, daily "towing" Nezuko to school, and playing sports (bonus points if you like athletic guys — he won't miss an opportunity to become more attractive to you) did their job.
♡ Even if in your eyes he is a hyper-loving but innocent lover who behaves too enthusiastically and is always on your side, Tanjirou takes the protection of the relationship very seriously.
He is not the best when it comes to romance and intimacy, but in society he is like a fish in the water, which can change the currents to take care of more unfortunate fish.
Organizing bullying, blackmail, manipulation — Tanjirou's social intelligence and connections are enough to create a bubble around your relationship just for the two of you.
There will always be people who will be grateful to him and will gladly help him to be happy himself.
After all, Tanjirou has such a heart of gold that fights only for the best. He deserves to be happy, such a sweet and moral boy.
Even if his righteousness is false, and people mean nothing.
♡ In society and in the family, he is completely adequate, but as soon as you appear nearby, Tanjirou immediately "goes crazy" and snuggles up to you like a cat in March, catching your every word and action with a twinkle in his eyes.
The others notice this, but most of them either don't pay attention, or think it's cute that Tanjirou has an object of affection and becomes a "real man". Many people begin to advise Tanjirou how to properly care for you, which he always blushes brightly, but he uses some advice.
His siblings often ask "when will you have a wedding?" and "do you want to take Tanjirou with you, or will you stay with them?".
And all this seems so idealistic that you even involuntarily forget who exactly deprived you of the right to say "no" to all these questions. Tanjirou just smiles sheepishly and asks timidly if you would like to stay overnight tonight. The Kamado family would love to see you at a family dinner!
♡ If you are also a Yandere, Tanjirou is completely in love and clings to you even more.
The more "sick" you are of them, the better Tanjirou feels, who does not have to watch how to look "adequate" in his love.
His feelings become more raw and strong than if you were a non-yandere, but he also becomes more secure for himself and for others. In fact, your yandere side calms Tanjirou down and convinces him that you are soulmates who were meant to connect, and this belief lowers his nervousness.
No matter what "type" you are, Tanjirou is willing to do anything for you and accepts you in any form, as long as you want to start a family with him and don't push him away. He shows an amazing forgetfulness and inattention to your negative actions and turns a blind eye to a lot of things.
After all, everyone has flaws, although for Tanjirou, you are absolutely perfect♡
♡ You might think he doesn't understand, given how sweet and persistent he is, but he doesn't.
Tanjirou is aware of your unhealthy attraction, your reactions, and the fact that it's all completely wrong.
And at first, he keeps his distance because he doesn't want to hurt you and knows that his feelings are toxic. The less you see of each other, the better it will be, right? However, things only get worse over time, especially if you try to find out from him why he avoids your company.
Tanjirou is constantly nervous and aggressive, unnaturally emotional and can't help but look for you in a crowd of people whenever he needs to see you. And when Nezuko finds him in his room, crying while clutching your photos, you lose a potential ally. After all, even if her brother's love isn't normal, she can't help but feel sorry for him and help him.
Bonus: his behavior "before accepting feelings" is similar to how he reacts when you do not see each other for a long time (for any reason). With the same emotional swings, meaningless rituals and attempts to resume your communication.
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⚠ body worship, oral sex, mommy / daddy kink, dommale elements, soft & rough sex, breeding, scent kink, degradation, praise, corruption
mention of exhibitionism, masochism, hyperstimulation
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♡ Tanjirou starts a relationship with you by being completely and completely innocent. The only sexual experience was with fruits / vegetables, just to impress you in the future, and he doesn't want to talk about it.
He is not even particularly inclined to masturbate until you get close, and your image does not become his main erotic fantasy.
♡ So he embodies a serious, blushing virgin when you have a "first time" happening. He has no idea what he is doing, and if you also have no experience or confidence, then it will be very awkward, but funny.
On the other hand, it also means that he learns only what pleases you, and is the perfect material for your future "perfect lover".
Beyond experience, his preferences and sexual attraction change to match yours, and he is easily corrupted / "nurtured" by working hard for your praise.
♡ Tanjirou worships you more often than you might imagine. Everything about you is the object of his adoration and admiration, and he can definitely have fun just worshipping you and your body and whispering how beautiful you are and how lucky he is.
And Tanjirou actually means what he says when he looks at you with his bright, misty eyes, waiting for you to give him permission to touch you.
He is very respectful of your personal boundaries and your desire / unwillingness to feel someone else around you, even if right now it is vital for him to snuggle up to you...
... especially to your thighs.
Your thighs are his main anti-stress, and he often asks you to let him squeeze and kiss your thighs, or even leave as many hickeys on them as possible. If you are comfortable with sexual contact, Tanjirou often relieves stress by pushing between your thighs, or masturbating by groping them, depending on your comfort.
♡ His body is not a temple or something personal to him when it comes to you. He is always available for you and your desires, and is always ready to give you everything you want.
The more interested you are in him, the happier and safer he becomes. Conversely, if you do not show interest, then for Tanjirou it is a serious cause for concern and suspicion…
♡ Tanjirou uses your clothes (or any other fabric with your smell) to masturbate. Nothing personal, but Tanjirou has a huge kink on smell and is easily aroused by even a hint of your scent, especially on his clothes.
So if you keep your used underwear available to him, he will definitely temporarily "borrow" it without your knowledge, but will return it (toss it) perfectly clean.
... It probably started from the moment you accidentally left your clothes with him, and Tanjirou couldn't help but be tempted.
This habit will stay with him for a long time — your smell, in addition to arousal, also calms him and gives him a sense of comfort, because of which he may well behave strangely and try to burrow into a pile of your clothes while you do not see him.
He is constantly stressed, so such moments give him a sense of security and comfort.
And no, he doesn't want to discuss it.
♡ Tanjirou does not even hint at sex, waiting for the moment when you "warm up", but he has a fairly high sexual desire and often expresses it either by serving you or by fantasizing about you.
It is not uncommon for him to have wet dreams with your participation, after which he is ashamed to look you in the eye.
♡ Tanjirou loves it when you try to make him a baby. It doesn't matter what position one of you is in, the fact that you want a child from him is very exciting for him.
... After all, no matter how much he tells you that a child is not necessary for him, he would definitely like to have a baby or even several.
It is also a delightful ground for the development of degradation, where you say that Tanjirou is only fit to (give birth / make you) a child, and for praise, where you purr Tanjirou about what a great mom / dad he will be for your baby.
In any case, he begs you to use his body for your desires and not to restrain yourself; he will withstand everything you want to do with him! Tanjirou is the big brother, after all!
♡ There is no one who would like to settle between your legs more than Tanjirou. It is not known whether this is due to his desire to worship you and be pleasant, or whether this is how his dependence on your smell is expressed, but he is in any case very happy with his position.
Perhaps at some point you will have to grab Tanjirou by the hair and pull him away from you so that he finally breaks off for at least a minute, because you also have limits.
Tanjirou will whine in frustration, but if you don't take away his right to kiss your thighs, then he may try to survive the temporary loss.…
♡ If Tanjirou feels that you are aroused, he will insist that you urgently need to deal with it. And you won't be able to escape anywhere — Tanjirou will cling to your leg like a pesky dog, and will stubbornly say that "[Y/n], you urgently need to relax!!! I'll help you!!! Trust me!!!"
This is also a guarantee that it will become normal for you to have sex wherever you can find a secluded place. Although Tanjirou doesn't want to make love outside of the house, can he let you feel dissatisfied? Oral sex and petting anywhere until you try to "pay him back". Tanjirou will refuse, blushing furiously, and convince you that he does not need it, he will wait at home!
... but he's a bit of a masochist and an exhibitionist, and loves it when you grope him, right up to orgasm, so…
♡ Tanjirou is actually on the vanilla side (especially if you didn't "corrupt" him), with "sweet hand-holding", "long foreplay and long care for each other after making love", "eye contact", "compliments and gentle conversations".
But he doesn't mind rough and wild sex, with pain and animal instincts, where he acts as your victim.
Spanking? Bites? Humiliating praise? Tanjirou charmingly moans and shivers, trying to shut his mouth so as not to make too loud noises, it's so vulgar. Although it doesn't make sense when you re-clamp him and lock his arms in place.
Decent boys definitely shouldn't behave like this.
Although he will always be gentle, he can't be rude to you, and he wants to make love in a more "traditional" way, there is something about the way you grab him by the hair and use him as a defenseless "prey" while he gasps under you and whines.
Tanjirou doesn't even try to escape, too quickly for the "trapped victim" to start fawning over you.
At the end, Tanjirou becomes very soft and affectionate, and wants to kiss and cuddle until you fall asleep.
♡ In everyday life, he behaves very carefully and makes sure that you eat healthy food, do not get cold or overheated, are not sad, are not nervous, are not in danger, and many more "not" that are a constant source of stress for him.
But during lovemaking, Tanjirou only wants to be your "good boy" who asks "Daddy / Mommy not to leave him!" while you tenderly / rudely take care of him and his sensitive body.
With all this stress and leadership role, Tanjirou is constantly stressed, unable to show his insecure side due to responsibility, and he tends to feel more vulnerable in front of you.
But at the same time, Tanjirou can't get rid of his "parenting tendencies", so he's equally excited if you treat him like a "Mommy". After all, he has to take care of his "tired little one", doesn't he? It doesn't matter if you're rude or gentle, he encourages you anyway and tells you how well you're doing and that you don't need to hold back with him♡
And although initially telling him about his kinks seems too risky or even humiliating... Spouses should be open to each other, right?
Even if at first he is very confused, showing off his preoccupied personality.
Fortunately, his soulmate accepts him♡
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minkmousesworld · 3 years
a little warm-up, and I'll try to finish requests♡
warnings: kemonomimi au
⚠ public teasing / petting, groping / petting, teasing, mention of oral sex, dommale elements.
kemonomimi (kitsune)! Zenitsu Agatsuma x Reader
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Zenitsu so charmingly moaned whenever you touched his body a little lower than normal. When you whispered sweet nonsense in his ear about how you could take him right now, on the street of the temple, so that anyone passing by could see how lustful the young servant of the temple is.
His fox ears twitched every time you bit them, causing Zenitsu to once again sweetly shake, whimper, and beg you to stop. His tail was much more honest than the owner — so trustfully reached into your hands for you to paw and rub, gently pulled and caressed so that Zenitsu again began to gasp for air, with the most depraved faces just for you. And then he hid his red cheeks and wet eyes from you in belated shame.
His cock was so visible through his clothes that you wondered why no one else had noticed what an "exhibitionist and pervert" he was. Zenitsu just shook his head in denial, gripping the broom more tightly in his hands, and spread his legs a little wider, allowing you to get under his clothes with deft fingers to touch again.
No matter how much he denied his pleasure, it was hard not to notice how his tail lifted every time you pulled up your clothes, or how he moaned depraved while you made him shiver again from a new orgasm... or he tries to satisfy you with his mouth, looking up with watery eyes, but lowering his ears so that you can stroke him.
He needed you so much.
Or when his fingers get under your clothes, while there are a lot of people around you, and stroke, making you shiver. Zenitsu just presses his lips to your neck, knowing what you will do to him after you are alone.
Or will you break down and grope him in public? Will you get your fingers under his clothes and lift his yukata high, demonstrating how much he wants to be taken? Will you show people that he belongs to you, and that he was such a naughty boy that he deserves to be punished in public? So that they can see and know everything?
Zenitsu rubs his cock against your clothes, hoping that no one will interrupt your little game. His whole body is itching for your attention and touch.
Kami-sama, he's so needy for you.
Not that anyone feels bad about it, right?
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minkmousesworld · 3 years
Reader and yoshiteru and toko and Sumiyoshi were out at the mall but yoshiteru was in a short skirt and a shirt, and was teasing reader by faking to drop stuff on the floor so his skirt can lift up and by touching reader thighs or putting his hand under there shirt. that's until Him and reader and toko and Sumiyoshi went to a restaurant. That's when yoshiteru puts his hand in the Reader's pants that's reader told their friend they be right back and deal’s with yoshiteru in the bathroom! - weird
soft spot for yoshiteru & skirts be like:
warnings: au world in which it is a partial norm for boys to wear skirts (no one will discriminate against them, but the skirt continues to be considered a feminine and flirty thing), mention of piercing
⚠ sexual teasing, semi public sex, petting
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Yoshiteru is so flirtatious.
Although he usually has a calmer personality and blushes easily, there is something about teasing you when you can't tease him back, so as not to arouse suspicion. When you can't get under his skirt, or slap him on the thigh, or tease him with what you will do to him later, or kiss until his head is spinning.
You can't do anything.
But Yoshiteru can.
And when your thighs touch, or when his skirt lifts up a little and you lower it, touching his skin, or when he impudently and coquettishly smiles at you over his shoulder, keep his hands behind back.
And this is the first time you want to push him so hard against the wall and lift up his skirt in full view of everyone.
... But instead, you continue on your way with the talkative Toko and the sleepy Sumihiko, in search of Kanato, then take a break and go to the cinema.
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You should have taken a break.
You were supposed to meet Kanato in a cafe and then go to the cinema.
You had to pull yourself together, make a serious face and pretend that nothing had happened.
But instead, you decided to take Yoshiteru.
And when you press him against the wall, not caring too much about whether anyone can hear you, Yoshiteru sighs in surprise, but after receiving another suffocating kiss, he whimpers and presses you closer, allowing you to lift his skirt and squeeze his thigh tightly.
Even if the only thing that hides you from others is the door, you can't help but get your hand under his shirt and touch the piercing in his nipples, which makes Yoshiteru bite his hand so as not to moan too much, since you are not alone.
Place your leg between his thighs to rub the boner, noticeably bulging through the skirt, while your partner looks at you with tears in his eyes, squeezing you tightly with his hips.
You need time to recover your breath after passionate kisses and say that he should take places away from the screen.
Maybe he will have time to watch the movie if he learns to be a good boy before the end.
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minkmousesworld · 3 years
Idk all I can think about recently is how much I want Gyutaro to be real like I would allow him to destroy me and then just hold him close and run my fingers through his hair and hold him, letting him listen to my heart beat for as long as he wants.
I'm so soft about it... sounds so wholesome & good...
you're so adorable♡♡ thank you, honey♡
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