#🍲 The Sustainable Miracle Diet 2019
ericleo108 ¡ 5 years
🍲 The Sustainable Miracle Diet 2019
The Sustainable Miracle Diet
The biggest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions is agriculture or how we produce food. There's every reason to have a plant based diet.  It's healthy for the individual and sustainable for the planet. The sustainable miracle diet is what we should be eating to be best in health both internally and environmentally. It’s about the effect we are having on our environment and our bodies.
This work will focus on the ocean and then how we farm to explain what is wrong and what needs to change about our food systems. Along the way we’ll discuss ocean dead zones, plastics, the real price of beef, food choices and rituals especially made with your buying power, industrial meat packing, lobbying, and the challenge of marketing healthy and sustainable food. A number of documentaries will be used as resources.
The Ocean
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Ocean dead zones are created from the run-off of farms down river flowing into the ocean. The phosphorus and other fertilizers create algae blooms that eat up all the oxygen so fish can’t breathe. It’s not sustainable. “The documentary “Racing Extinction” talks about ocean acidity levels and how sea shells can’t grow fast enough to outgrow ocean acidity eating its shell. This acidity is created by global warming and the oceans absorbing the increased amount of carbon in the atmosphere. 
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The other major problem with the ocean are the rising amount of plastics. Micro plastics are everywhere especially in the ocean where there’s plastic smog. When fish consume plastics they also consume the chemicals attached to the plastic. This works its way up the food chain and into human’s diet.”  Plastics leach BPA and other EA (Estrogen Activity). For more watch the documentary “A Plastic Ocean” on Netflix. 
Carbon Sequestering Farming
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As you can learn about in the documentary “Sustainable” on Netflix, Carbon Sequestering Farming is a sustainable farming practice that needs to be replicated. We need that and sustainable carbon sequestering farming on a large scale.
A large part of our farming goes into raising beef. “660 gallons of water for one quarter pound hamburger or 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. 55% of water usage goes to animal agriculture. Animals produce 65% of the worlds nitrous oxide which is 296 times greater than CO2.” 
The baby boom generation is the single most impactful generation this planet has ever seen. We could end world hunger if we took the feed we feed livestock and turn it into food for humans. Livestock with its use of land has a greater effect on the environment than the transportation industry. This is why the biggest environmental effect you can make on the environment is by being on a plant based diet.”
Public Awareness of The Lobby
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Much of our system is put into place because it makes money and those businesses lobby the government for subsidies. As discussed in the documentary “Cowspiracy” on Netflix, “Lobby groups set the policy decisions. We subsidize beef and farming in general and we don’t pay the true costs of that beef. If the burger cost $4 there’s $7 the public pays.”
We eat to much sugar, evidence of our poor western sugar filled diet is in childhood hypertension and diabetes. The middle aisles are the western diet but the healthiest food is in the produce aisle and their are not health claims. In the documentary “Food Inc.” on Netflix, Michael Pollan talks about how production of the food industry is deliberately kept from us. 4 companies control 80% of the beef market and it makes them large, powerful, and influential. 
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For example, Tyson is the biggest meat packer ever and changed everything about production including farming. There’s only a few companies and crops in the grocery store. They are just clever rearrangements of corn. We are engineering our food. Cheap corn has allowed ourselves to keep the price of meat low because that’s what the animals are fed. With the cost of long term health effects from a western diet it’s better for the individual and society to eat healthy and sustainably. 
Market Awareness 
In a larger perspective you have to be a scientist to understand why plastic pollution affects fish toxicity as it pertains to edible consumption and especially in the larger aspect the The Psycho Consumption Cage and why your not educated or shown a healthier diet since prematurity.  I understand the need to simplify decision making by saying shop in the vegetable aisle and you don’t have to be a scientist but as a properly functioning society we still need to be activists promoting healthy sustainable farming methods through our buying power and we have to at least be informed, if not scientific about our decision making. The problem is all that is supposed to be on automatic through the market but the populace is not educated enough to understand and demand a better diet for the benefit of themselves and the planet.
“Poor nutrition” marketing (like fast food) is targeting the poor so they have double the cases of disease related death due to poor diet. This is a catch 22 in capitalism. Fast food needs to advertise to a market that will buy their low quality food, they even change policy to price it that low, and that market is under educated financially strapped citizens that are looking for value and convenience. It’s a cycle where businesses are supplying to a market that can’t afford and doesn’t know to demand better alternatives with their money.
Who’s To Blame?
The problem is that McDonalds can come up with affordable healthy alternatives but if there’s no profit and the public doesn’t buy, McDonalds is not going to supply a product with no demand. McDonalds would have to educate their market or try to capture the already plant based consumer that probably doesn’t like the rest of their product line.” 
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In the documentary “Food Choices” it really comes full circle that we eat a poor diet, called the western diet, and use pharmaceutical medicines, western medicine, to fix the problem. It seems as though we never get to the fundamentals. If we want a healthier environment and a healthier world we have to focus on sustainable nutrient rich farming and eating rituals and we have to teach the next generation to crave a healthy and sustainable diet. 
School Lunches
“Getting children addicted to a plant based diet that’s better for everyone and everything is desirable so they see it as normal, desirable, and tradition. This could be accomplished by changing what’s served at the school cafeteria while educating the students about their diet. In this way we could change America’s dietary desires and habits in a generation.”
What we know about food is cultural. We have to focus on socializing the next generation to a healthy and sustainable diet. Let’s put it this way, the Japanese and Asia has been socialized to eat live octopus. I’m pretty sure if they can get over the live slimy, wiggly tentacles our kids can come to like a veggie burger. Especially for the rest of the world, such as aired dry lands, socializing eating bugs is sustainable and high in protein. Relatively unknown is you can use cricket flour in baking. Remember it’s about socializing from a young age to invoke normalcy in healthy and sustainable food. 
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