#🎀: It’s now or never ~ a star is born (summer’s verse)
midnightpsychos ¡ 1 year
“...Can I?” Nate x Jules
Nate x summer can I ?
“...Can I kiss you and shit ?" Bobby x Alexia
“...Can I?” Tyler x Cole
Yessss, @predatorymaniac, give me all the good shit but I’ll just do it as two big threads as I’ve told you privately :). Here are the first two:
“...Can I?” Nate x Jules
“Of course you can, you don’t ever have to ask me if you want to kiss me- just do it” Jules was happy being with Nate and having the thought of being his girlfriend, even if it meant that they would have to lay low for the time being due to Lexi’s stupid play.
Jules didn’t give a shit about what people thought whenever they spotted Jules with nate because it was simply none of their businesses about how Jules could ‘tame the beast’ Nate without receiving bruises off of him if she did something wrong whether by accident or on purpose was fully up to their decisions but none of that really happened between the two of them. 
“Kiss me, fuck me, use me, whatever comes to your beautifully suck mind then do to me - I’m forever yours and only yours” Jules said with a dark lust in her eyes, looking at the former jock.
Nate x summer can I ? 
“Are you sure you want to kiss me? I know we’ve had our ups and downs but I want to make sure you want to be with me as much as I’d love to be with you” this was the first time Summer has felt her walls falling down, and this is something she wanted to be apart of - she had no interest of him being ‘dangerous’ or whatever shit the paparazzi were making up about him because it was a pile of bullshit. 
Summer saw what Nate was like with Amara and considering he claimed he didn’t know what to do, he was doing a great job at being a father to her daughter - it managed to stick out like a sore thumb when it came to Amara telling Summer that Nate was her favourite parent but never really bothered Summer. 
Having her alone time with Nate, they were cuddling on the her bed when he had asked her that question - she knew that he would know what the answer was but insisted that if they did kiss and it led to something (not that it was guaranteed they would) they’d have to be quiet due to Amara being in bed. “Of course you can kiss me, you can do anything you want to me. You’re my soulmate and I’m only yours, if that’s something you’d like?” Summer smiled at nate and you could see how much he made her world shine. 
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