#🎇 headcanon ➤ arceus.
gardenofgods-a ¡ 3 years
Arceus knows he can get away with a lot in regards to his worshipers. They spent a long time hauling heavy marble up to the peak of Mt. Coronet to painstakingly build a temple by hand to revere him and to feel closer to their god, and he almost immediately destroyed it and blew it to pieces. You’d think that would make all of them go ‘well damn fuck you too’, and sure, maybe a few reacted that way! But there were also a majority who were like well... guess that’s just God’s Will and turned a blind eye to it.
Even now, it’s that way. He could literally descend from the Hall of Origin and start eradicating humanity, and those who worship him would be all for it. He can do so many horrible things and there are people who will still heed to his every word and dismiss his actions. If humanity ever found out about how badly he traumatized his own children and literally hurt them for billions of years, I guarantee you a lot of them would just be like oh okay :) not a problem.
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gardenofgods ¡ 2 years
Without a doubt, the legendaries Arceus cares about the most are the Creation Trio, but not in the way a loving parent would. It’s a type of care that’s malicious and abusive, and that is how it’s always been. His children had to be the picture of perfection. Arceus created them intentionally to be the strongest out of all the legendaries, their power coming just behind his own. He bestowed upon them his own power over space, time, and antimatter, the Creation Trio inheriting three of his most powerful moves from him as well. Spacial Rend, Roar of Time, and Shadow Force.
He gave them all the tools they needed to succeed, to be a ruthless force that could crush the pantheon under their heels if anyone ever dared opposed them or tried to stand against him. Arceus gave them every opportunity, and yet the free will they had was too much. Discipline and punishments didn’t work. He struck fear into them, but it didn’t go they way he had anticipated. In the end, Arceus only wound up with three sniveling cowards on his hands, and billions of years of disappointment and wasted time.
There is little he despises more in this world than his children, especially Giratina and Dialga as of late. Palkia is really the only wildcard left now, with Giratina and Dialga showing where their alliances lie. The god of space is the golden child, the favored one, but not by much. He could still flip any which way, and that uncertainty drives Arceus insane.
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gardenofgods ¡ 3 years
Arceus almost wiped the Celestica people clean off the map. He knew of them of course, being some of the first people to settle in Hisui, and because they worshiped him. They were his very first worshipers, settling in Hisui thousands of years ago, before the region was known as Sinnoh.
He was pleased by this worship, though their prayers, hopes, and call for aid from the god fell unanswered, it didn’t stop people from leaving offerings and other things for him. Things for the civilization went fine, with them building settlements and landmarks across the region, made of heavy stones that they painstakingly had to transport. Yes, everything was very, very fine, until... he noticed the statues.
The ones to Dialga and Palkia were fine, but upon seeing his daughter was dedicated a statue by the Celestica people, the very scorn upon his entire life and being, knowing that they wasted their offerings and prayers to her too, enraged him. It filled him with such a deep, ungodly rage that he descended from the Hall of Origin, and he destroyed their civilization. People weren’t spared from his rage, no matter how young or old. Some were lucky enough to escape the slaughter, fleeing and hiding in the far reaches of the region.
All of the stone and marble structures they worked so hard to build were destroyed, as was Giratina’s statue. Seeing that much alone was what made him the angriest, still unable to believe how they revered her the same as they would him. It was sickening, utterly sickening, and gut-wrenching. With the remains of the civilization crumbling and burning, Arceus returned back to the heavens.
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gardenofgods ¡ 3 years
Arceus has existed for 20 billion years, around 6 billion years before the Creation Trio (and the universe) were created. Most of this time in the primordial nothingness was spent thinking, testing his powers, and simply existing in the vast darkness that would become space. Existence was an ordeal that he toiled over, questioning his purpose, and who he was, for many of those years. At some point down the line, he would realize his true power. He realized how he could be the one to bring things into existence, and snuff them out without a thought. He was the beginning and the end. The Alpha and Omega.
Up until the universe existed, he had no body or discernible form. He was a thought in the void, a collection of feelings and emotions, a whisper in the dark. He created a tangible form for himself, one to house those thoughts, those feelings and his power. It was a great, towering form, larger than a star and incomprehensible should anyone be unfortunate enough to see him in such a state in present times. A being steeped in the purest of white, with a blinding gold wheel, dozens of wings and eyes, and a thousand arms.
This form was what he used to create his three children, and to shape the very universe itself, sprung from his vision and ideals. It was a vast space of galaxies, stars, planets, and it all began from what is known now as Spear Pillar. Once at the center of the universe itself, the flow of time and space naturally made it move away, further and further.
Everything he had ever created was perfect. He was perfection, in his own mind. Even after most of his power died down, and his true form was relinquished to what is commonly seen today, everything that he created, in his eyes, needed to be perfect.
And that extended to his children as well. They were the first beings, beyond himself, that he had created. He gave the trio the strongest powers he could. Not strong enough to usurp or kill him by any means, but strong enough to crush anything or anyone who dare cross them. He thought that since he created them, they would bend to his will. Arceus didn’t account for them developing their own personalities, their own thoughts, as he had. That fact made him angry. How dare they not allow themselves to be molded into his vision. They were created for that purpose, and that purpose alone, and yet he quickly learned that was not the case.
He only grew more and more irate, doing anything he could to force them into perfection, be it by yelling at them, or going as far as physically hurting them. Arceus wasn’t afraid to use fear to manipulate his own children. 
There was also something else within him, though. He had his own fear, but not in the same sense as his children had. He didn’t have the fear that made him cower and cry, rather, he had a deeprooted, primordial fear. The kind of fear that made one bear their teeth and lash out, gnashing and growling.
Arceus had created something he couldn’t control. It was MUCH worse with Giratina, with her antimatter powers running amok with no end in sight. At least with his sons, their powers were relatively in control. It was one of the big reasons he treated her the worst out of the three. Again, though, they had become their own people, developing their own characteristics outside of what he could control or have any say in. It infuriated him on the deepest level, so much so that he could hardly stand to look at any of them. He was utterly disgusted by his children, regretting ever having created them. The thought of killing the trio had crossed his mind, but there were too many unknown variables that could arise from their deaths. Arceus wasn’t shy in making his hatred and disdain for them known. How much he utterly regretted bringing them into this world.
The other beings he would come to create following Giratina’s banishment and the finalization of earth were practically tossed onto the new planet, forced to learn and fend for themselves. He would not make the mistake of considering any of his creations to be his children ever again, already besmirching himself for allowing the Creation Trio to be considered as such.
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gardenofgods ¡ 3 years
Arceus despises Giratina and Yveltal for the exact same reason. While he does have a lot more gripes with his daughter beyond this one thing, it was a MAJOR point of irritation to him. Essentially, when he was teaching his sons to harness their powers of space and time, he viewed Giratina as a distraction as far as their training went. They would much rather spend time with their sister than with him learning their powers (and for good reason, honestly), and he also accused her of making them soft. It was a big reason why he steadily manipulated and convinced her that she was poisoning her brothers, and that they wouldn’t want to be around someone like her. Surely, she wouldn’t want to be a hindrance to her brothers, did she?
And for Yveltal, it’s the same story. Xerneas’ situation was extremely similar, in which he was teaching him how to use his powers, when he became more enamored with Yveltal and wanted to spend time with his counterpart. Having a repeat situation, billions of years later, irritated Arceus to no end. He already was furious with Giratina back then, so having it happen to him again made his blood boil. Yveltal, like Giratina, was a distraction, and he felt a deep hatred for the god of death over it, despite him really doing nothing wrong at all besides existing. Arceus, in part, is responsible for just how uncontrollable and volatile Yveltal’s powers are. They were controllable and normal at one point, but with some manipulation from Arceus, they grew beyond what Yveltal could control, and is another reason why he’s had to hibernate several times over his life cycle.
He was not and still isn’t happy with Giratina and Yveltal, holding that grudge and hatred for all of those years. His purpose for training his sons and Xerneas was to pawn off some of his responsibilities. The responsibility of overseeing time, space, and life, were to be passed on to others so he didn’t have to deal with it any longer, and those two were thorns in his side from the moment he started training.
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gardenofgods ¡ 3 years
It’s not a secret that Arceus despised, detested, and loathed his children. He was angry and abusive to them, controlling them and their actions until it literally broke them. However, for some reason, Giratina seemingly got it worse than her brothers. While they all suffered under his tyrannical rule, she got targeted.
Because he created something volatile and unpredictable. While her brothers could use their powers well and with far less trouble than hers, her antimatter was volatile, and unpredictable. Arceus created something he couldn’t control, and that made him feel threatened.
He feared her, but in a primal sort of fear, and not the traditional sense. This primal fear manifested into rage and controlling behavior, which lead to heavy emotional, mental, and physical abuse. His way of solving the problem of her unpredictability was to take her away from her brothers and lock her away into a room far back in the hall of origin. Out of sight, out of mind.
Yet she still destroyed and ruined, all because her powers were too much for her to handle at such an age. It was good for Arceus, however, because he was able to successfully throw her out of the dimension and into the Distortion World, shifting the blame on her for her violent behavior and destructive nature. In reality, it was his answer to his subconscious feeling of being threatened.
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gardenofgods ¡ 3 years
Arceus knows he can get away with a lot in regards to his worshipers. They spent a long time hauling heavy marble up to the peak of Mt. Coronet to painstakingly build a temple by hand to revere him and to feel closer to their god, and he almost immediately destroyed it and blew it to pieces. You’d think that would make all of them go ‘well damn fuck you too’, and sure, maybe a few reacted that way! But there were also a majority who were like well... guess that’s just God’s Will and turned a blind eye to it.
Even now, it’s that way. He could literally descend from the Hall of Origin and start eradicating humanity, and those who worship him would be all for it. He can do so many horrible things and there are people who will still heed to his every word and dismiss his actions. If humanity ever found out about how badly he traumatized his own children and literally hurt them for billions of years, I guarantee you a lot of them would just be like oh okay :) not a problem.
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gardenofgods ¡ 3 years
Arceus has the powers of the Creation Trio, as he’s the one who bestowed unto them their abilities. This means he can do things with time, space, and antimatter. He can freeze time, go to the past and future, view timelines, and move freely when time is stopped. He can create supernova level explosions, black holes, weave stars, enter other dimensions, and breathe galaxies (and survive in the deep vacuum of space). He can destroy and obliterate objects entirely, possessing a much deeper finesse for it than Giratina ever could, destroying titanic sized objects, planets, stars, even other legendaries without even touching them.
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gardenofgods-a ¡ 4 years
Pokeballs of any kind don’t work on Arceus. Not even a masterball would work on him. There is no kind of ball in existence that can contain his power; they get utterly destroyed upon making contact with him. Humans have difficulty perceiving his true form anyways, and the overwhelming power he exudes should make the idea of capturing him the last thing on their minds, instead focusing on surviving the encounter with the god or trying to find a way to flee.
The Azure Flute can summon him, but he is extremely picky about how it is played. There have been people who have attempted to summon him using fake flutes, and he always can tell when a flute isn’t genuine. This will only draw his ire, and he has no qualms with erasing a person out of existence for their impudence. Even if someone managed to get the Azure Flute and play it for him, he would likely react with anger and violence. All of the people who have tried to summon him in the past years have never made it off of Spear Pillar.
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gardenofgods-a ¡ 4 years
During battle, Arceus switches his plates often. When on the offensive, he’ll switch his plate to a type advantage over his opponent to make his Judgement attack more devastating, and on the defensive he switches his plate to a type that either negates the move being used on him, or resists it to minimize damage, similar to when Arceus was fighting the Creation Trio in the Jewel of Life movie (that’s the only part we talk about as far as that movie goes).
He can switch his typing extremely fast, to the point where it can be missed if one even blinks.
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gardenofgods-a ¡ 4 years
There was a deep sense of foreboding that nestled within the pit of Giratina’s stomach as she tried to sleep. Something was... wrong. The palace had been too quiet recently. The halls were absent of her father’s oppressive presence lately. As nice as it was for him to seemingly be absent, it was strange. It kept her up at night, causing the young girl to wonder if now was the time to take her brothers and get the hell out of this place. Giratina didn’t even know where they could go, or what they’d do if they were found, but staying here any longer would be a death sentence. Hands ran over the scars on her arms, fingertips soon growing cold.
Giratina let out a breath as she soon stood up, making her way to the door of her room. Trying the handle didn’t work. Of course Arceus had locked it from the outside. She dropped to the floor, peeking beneath the door. Fingers slipped underneath, extending the darkness from the room to meet with the shadow cast by one of the marble pillars that lined the wall. Giratina melded into the shadows beneath her, and followed it to the pillar. Her heart hammered in her chest as she rose from the shadows. At least the knife tied to her leg in its makeshift sheath was a comfortable feeling, though she doubted it would do much good against her father in the end.
She moved down the corridors with urgency, lamenting the fact that her room was so far from her brother’s. If only she hadn’t been separated from them... they could have been gone by now. Long gone. Giratina was so desperate to leave this place. Maybe he wouldn’t care if he discovered them missing. Maybe that was what he wanted, to assume them lost to the churning universe before them.
Just as she had been running through the throne room to get to the long hall on the other end, where her brothers were, she felt it. The unfathomable presence of their father reentering their dimension, his aura draping over the palace like a heavy blanket. It was enough to make Giratina stop in her tracks, feeling as if ice was running through her veins.
A portal ripped open several meters from her, and Arceus stepped out. He didn’t seem to notice her at first, but she was too terrified to run. Of all the times she had sneaked out of her room to go and see her brothers, she had never been discovered by Arceus. Piercing red eyes locked onto her after a moment.
“And what do we have here?” Arceus would ask, rage veiling his voice already. He made no move to close the portal behind him, instead starting to move towards her. “Never mind that, actually... it’s perfect that you’re here. I’ve just finished preparing your new home for you. Isn’t that so generous of me?” Giratina looked past her father and towards the portal, putting everything together.
Inside the vortex was a world torn asunder and destroyed. A place that was once full of beauty more than likely, only to be twisted into a hellish nightmare after Arceus got his hands on it. Even though she was terrified, everything, everything in her body was screaming at her to avoid the portal. If she went in there, she was going to die.
As her mind reeled, Arceus had closed the distance and snatched her arm up in an iron grip. Oh god, oh god, he was going to put her in there to die. He was going to get rid of her for good, and all she’d become was a distant memory. Her chest rose and fell quickly, tears stinging her eyes. Giratina sucked in a breath, and screamed.
The very foundation of the Hall of Origin shook and quaked with her shrieks. The walls began to rattle and tremble, causing the large, stained glass pieces to shatter into a multitude of shards and colors. Arceus clearly wasn’t expecting the outburst. Without thinking, he dropped her arm and covered his ears.
Giratina retreated away from him, away from the portal. Tears streamed down her face as her expression twisted to anger. Arceus lowered his hands from his ears, palms slick with blood. Soon, the palace would begin to rumble from his anger. “You’re going to have it your way no matter what, aren’t you?”
In a flash, his plates materialized behind him, eyes turning an icy blue as he switched to his Icicle Plate. He unleashed a Judgement attack, and try as she might to block it out with an Aura Sphere, cold and ice still battered her. Before she could even think about what she could do, Arceus was already upon her in the blink of an eye. A swift kick to the stomach sent her flying across the room, the girl smashing into one of the marble pillars. Cracks spread across the surface as it crumbled and fell apart entirely, burying Giratina for the time being.
Pieces of debris soon exploded outwards, chunks of marble crumpling in on themselves like paper, before disappearing entirely. As she stood up from the decaying wreckage, blood poured down from her head, staining her dress. Giratina fired off another Aura Sphere at Arceus, though he made no move to even dodge it. Instead, he cut it in half with his hand, sending the two pieces careening into the wall behind him.
There was no way she could win this battle. No matter what, she was going to lose. He was leagues upon leagues ahead of her in strength, and she hadn’t even been able to hit him with anything but her initial screams.
Like hell she was going to let him drag her in there alive. He would have to drag her lifeless body there himself. In a swift motion, she’d tear the knife free from its cloth sheath, and turn it towards her heart. Giratina had been waiting for the day she could do this, to free herself from this place. She never had the courage to try it until now. Without hesitation, she’d plunge the blade towards her heart.
The pain and pooling warmth she had expected to feel wasn’t there. Giratina looked down, confused, as she pulled her hands back. Spider lily buds dropped from between her fingers, fluttering to the floor before her. The sound of Arceus laughing pulled her attention back to him, her anger turning into confusion now.
“Oh please, child. Do you think I would allow you such an easy way out?” He sneered. “Besides... you wouldn’t want to subject your brothers to such a gruesome sight, would you?” Arceus added, gesturing behind him. With a horrified gaze, she would see Dialga and Palkia crouched behind a pillar, trembling. In that instant, all the fight she had in her left. She... really was about to kill herself in front of her brothers, wasn’t she? She was about to make them watch their little sister bleed out and die, leaving them to deal with Arceus. Alone. How selfish could she be?
“Now, Giratina, how shall this go? Will you come quietly like you should have in the beginning, or would you rather watch me tear Dialga and Palkia limb from limb?” Her breath caught in her throat at the thought, feeling her stomach churn. Soon, she hung her head and trudged forwards, the remaining flower buds in her hands cascading to the floor behind her.
Giratina approached the portal and peered in, seeing the wasteland that lay before her. Someone would come for her eventually. That was the only hope she had there. As much as she didn’t want to, her gaze soon moved to her trembling brothers. She wanted to be able to remember how they looked, before she-
“Go on already,” Arceus’ voice cut into her thoughts, “I grow tired of waiting.” His hands pressed down upon her shoulders as he shoved Giratina into the vortex, sending her tumbling down into eternity.
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gardenofgods-a ¡ 4 years
Arceus has the powers of the Creation Trio, as he’s the one who bestowed unto them their abilities. This means he can do things with time, space, and antimatter. He can freeze time, go to the past and future, view timelines, and move freely when time is stopped. He can create supernova level explosions, black holes, weave stars, enter other dimensions, and breathe galaxies (and survive in the deep vacuum of space). He can destroy and obliterate objects entirely, possessing a much deeper finesse for it than Gira ever could, destroying titanic sized objects, planets, stars, even other legendaries without even touching them.
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gardenofgods-a ¡ 4 years
It’s not a secret that Arceus despised, detested, and loathed his children. He was angry and abusive to them, controlling them and their actions until it literally broke them. However, for some reason, Giratina seemingly got it worse than her brothers. While they all suffered under his tyrannical rule, she got targeted.
Because he created something volatile and unpredictable. While her brothers could use their powers well and with far less trouble than hers, her antimatter was volatile, and unpredictable. Arceus created something he couldn’t control, and that made him feel threatened.
He feared her, but in a primal sort of fear, and not the traditional sense. This primal fear manifested into rage and controlling behavior, which lead to heavy emotional, mental, and physical abuse. His way of solving the problem of her unpredictability was to take her away from her brothers and lock her away into a room far back in the hall of origin. Out of sight, out of mind.
Yet she still destroyed and ruined, all because her powers were too much for her to handle at such an age. It was good for arceus, however, because he was able to successfully throw her out of the dimension and into the distortion world, shifting the blame on her for her violent behavior and destructive nature. In reality, it was his answer to his subconscious feeling of being threatened.
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gardenofgods-a ¡ 4 years
i genuinely find it funny that arceus is called the alpha pokemon. the alpha arceus vs the incel rest of the pantheon
anyways here’s some tags
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