#🎐 xelle .
sinjhopokedex · 11 months
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Anonymous asked: When things get hot and humid, how does everyone beat the heat?
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"Go to the beach, duh!"
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"What he said!"
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"Hide in my super air-conditioned room..."
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"Go swimming! Doesn't matter if it's in a pool or at the beach, both are good! Oh, oh, and eat ice cream!"
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"Well, I try to wear lighter clothes and stay hydrated. If I have time, I visit the castle's pool and hang out there for a while."
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"Hang out with Miyuki in her super air-conditioned room..."
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"I carry around a little battery-operated fan."
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"Just ignore it. Not like it's hotter than the forge anyway..."
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"Relax by the pool, with my loyal Prinnies fanning me~!"
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"Relax in the pool."
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"I can't feel the change in temperature or humidity. Y'know, being dead and all."
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"Buuuut, helping everyone else cool off with some expertly thrown water balloons is always fun, hehe~"
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sinjhopokedex-a · 3 years
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“It’s that time of year again...”
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“Yup! Halloween’s just around the corner, and—“
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“No, Claire. A few days from now, it’s... Umm...”
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“The anniversary of our old teammate’s death.”
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“I... Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t know...”
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“It’s alright. It’s just a bit of a hard time, that’s all.”
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“Oh... Well, what were they like? If you don’t mind me asking?”
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“...His name was Kieran. He was a vampire Crobat, a Ranger, and—”
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“Xell, you don’t have to.”
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“It’s fine.” [Pauses, then sighs.] “Anyway, he was the kind of guy that prided himself on never missing a shot, and that pride was warranted. He really did never miss, even when a battle was getting crazy. He wasn’t arrogant, though, and was always looking for ways to improve even with his incredible skills. He was levelheaded, strong, and got along with pretty much anyone he met...”
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“Right? He even considered me a friend, and I make it a point to be the least likeable person in the room at any given moment.”
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“Yeah, we know.”
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“But ignoring that Ghost... If he was so good at what he did, how did he die?”
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“...” [Sniffs.]
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“...An angel’s blessed bullet, straight through the heart.”
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“Oh, gods, that’s awful...!”
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“...Yeah, it was.”
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“But, wait... I thought Lady Rin established peace with the angles a long time ago. Aren’t she and the Seraph like, BFFs? Why would an angel do that?”
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“There are always “rogue agents” on both sides who go against their leader’s will. The one who killed him must have harbored a strong hatred for demons. Not that such feelings justifies what they did.”
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“Yeah, yeah, that angel was a douchebag. But like I say every godsdamn year, Kieran wouldn’t want us to be moping over his death. He’d want us to be happy, to party in his memory and never forget how awesome he was.”
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“Wow, that almost seemed decent of you.”
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“You’re welcome. Don’t get used to it.”
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sinjhopokedex-a · 2 years
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Two of the Princess’ squad are capable of Mega Evolution: Sallia and Xell. Sallia is capable of doing so pretty much on command, while Xell hasn’t quite figured it out how to initiate the transformation yet. He’s even asked her to help him with it, but she insists that it’s something he has to figure out for himself.
She may or may not be trying to avoid to helping him, because she doesn’t really know how she “figured it out”, either.
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sinjhopokedex-a · 2 years
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Anonymous asked: So what's everyone doing for the holidays? Anything interesting?
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“I was gonna visit my parents and family, but then I remembered they’re a bunch of massive douchebags and don’t deserve to be in my presence.”
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“I mean, I’ve given up on trying to spend any day with my sisters, let alone a holiday. Besides, my family is here in the castle, so this is where I’m staying.”
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“Aw, that’s so sweet!”
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“What about us, Claire? Should we try visiting dad?”
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"Haha, as if!”
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“Well, Caramelle’s already back in Celestia for these holidays, so there’s no one to rein me in from committing unspeakable acts to everyone who decides to stay in the castle...”
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“Glitter bombs again?”
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“Festive glitter bombs!
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[Sighs.] “I guess I’ll be washing that garbage out of my hair for the next week, then...”
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“I’m gonna do nothing but sleep and eat junk food until the new year!”
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“And the King and Queen already left for their vacation, and won’t be back until after the new year!”
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“But what about the Princess? Shouldn’t she get a break too?”
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“Don’t worry. I have my ways of getting her to stop working and enjoy the season.”
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sinjhopokedex-a · 3 years
Anonymous asked: Now that Claire's been here for a little while, how does everyone else feel about her?
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“She’s really fun! I love how energetic she is~”
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Claire’s a lot like Squeaks, which makes sense considering they’re twins... She definitely has even more energy than he does, though. Not sure if I’ll be able to keep up with both of them, haha.”
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“She seems really nice! A little... um, loud, but nice!”
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“Somehow more energetic than Squeaks... But I guess that’s not a bad thing.”
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“She doesn’t seem to like me very much, heheh.”
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“Kind of awkward, but obviously well meaning. I don’t think she likes me, though...”
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“Am I allowed to say she’s cute? ’Cause Squeaks got angry at me for saying that before.”
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“Apollo and I haven’t had the chance to meet her yet, but if what she did to our guards is any indication, she’s strong underneath her friendly and spunky exterior.”
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sinjhopokedex-a · 3 years
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“Woooow, what an awesome training arena!”
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“Yeah, not to brag or anything, but the training androids we use here are the best of the best, and everything here is state of the art and crazy durable. We have Overlords that train here, after all, so—”
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“Hey, there’s someone coming toward us...”
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“Huh? Oh, that’s just—”
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“Name’s Xell. It’s nice to meet you, Claire.”
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[Gasp!] “He’s a psychic!”
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“Well, yes, but that’s not how I knew your name. Your brother talks about you a lot, so I figured the girl with a similar aura to his must be... Well, you know.”
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“Ooooh! Make sense!”
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“Oh, and this is—”
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“Sallia. Though I think we’ve met before...?”
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“Y-Yes, ma’am!”
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“...You don’t have to be so formal...”
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“Y-Y-Yes, ma’a—I-I mean Lady Knight—I mean Miss Sallia, I-I mean—Hhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” [Runs away, face practically glowing red.]
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[Sighs.] “I’ll go get her...”
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sinjhopokedex-a · 3 years
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“Y’know what we should do tomorrow? Have a beach party!”
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“Sorry, but I have to pass. I’m not a fan of sand and I can’t swim...”
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“I’m with Xell. The second I step out under the hot sun, my skin will burn like a twig in a bonfire.”
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“Oh, well, okay... What about you guys?”
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“Sorry, Veera, but I have a lot to do in the Infirmary...”
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“I have to work as well... Sorry.”
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“I mean... I have a mountain of weapons that need repairs...”
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“Hey, don’t look so down! I’ll go with you!”
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“Well, it won’t be much of a party with just the two of us...”
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“If it’s a party you need, I’m your guy—”
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“Two person party’s fine! TWO PERSON PARTY’S FINE!!”
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