#馃幁 we keep driving into the night (mobile post)
dreamswideawake 1 year
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ooc; @blueheartedmayor inspired me with this dollmaker, so I made Poet and help I am obsessed.
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dreamswideawake 1 year
[ BESIDE ]: receiver wakens from their first genuinely restful sleep in weeks, to find the sender asleep next to them, having been holding the receiver throughout the night to help them fall asleep. -from @roisdevivre (Caesar)
So...you had a bad day || accepting || @roisdevivre
Aatos still had nightmares. Even after all these years. On his worst nights, he would abruptly awaken in a cold sweat, paralysed and petrified that he was back in that bright, white room that smelt of bleach and plastic. Other times, he would dream he was back on stage, doomed to endlessly repeat the moment he watched his friends die and feel the electricity course through his veins.
The night terrors had been plaguing him for weeks now, creeping in every night like shadowy tendrils to pull him deeper into disquiet. He tried to sleep - he wanted to sleep - but the images would creep in and he'd be stuck in an infinite loop of horrors. He just wanted pleasant dreams again; the kind where he would dream of far off flower fields, fairgrounds, theatre halls and ballrooms. The sort of dreams that inspired him and reminded him why life was bearable.
Aatos hadn't remembered falling asleep, but he knew he was dreaming the moment he started to imagine the natural wonders of a place he could only call Sanctuary. Somewhere far away, where the grass was vivid green, the mountains were capped with snow and the pine trees stretched on in patches for miles. Under the warmth of the sun, he felt safe here. As if someone was watching over him.
When he awoke, golden bars of sunlight illuminated his crimson curtains and gently flowed in the soft breeze. He felt a warmth around him and, blinking away the haze of sleep, he saw Caesar nestled into his chest, fitting against him like a puzzle piece. Had he been here all night? Slowly, reality began to drain in and he remembered how he'd sobbed, confiding in Caesar about his lack of sleep and his hopelessness. Caesar had held him and...
Aatos felt his heart skip in his chest and his fingers moved to gently stroke a few stray hairs from his beloved's face. A small smile of devotion crossed his lips and he leaned in to gently kiss Caesar's forehead, taking care not to wake him.
"Min盲 rakastan sinua..." he whispered, closing his eyes.
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dreamswideawake 1 year
[ BLANKET ]: having found the receiver either sleeping or just lying on the couch, sender gently takes a blanket and drapes it over them.
So, you had a bad day... || accepting || @anywherexwhen
The Poet had been laying silently on the sofa for quite some time, staring into space while he collected his thoughts. Occasionally, he would softly mutter to himself as lyrics popped up, fully formed in his imagination. He should have probably written them down, but he couldn鈥檛 muster the motivation to get up and find a pen and paper; so, he continued to lay perfectly still until he could feel his eyelids drooping.
Drifting between sleeping and waking - his most favourite in-between - he felt something be draped over him and was finally prompted to move. Tilting his head to fully gauge what had happened, he felt the plush blanket in the palm of his hand and smiled gratefully. Looking up, he could just about see the Doctor from the angle he was laying in.
"Thank you, darling..." he muttered drowsily. "...I suppose I must have dozed off."
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