#🐌 cloverse jester
cloverses · 11 months
happy birthday to jester and aceline!!!
hopefully this year it posts properly!!! they'll both have parties of their own sorts, in... drastically different styles- but would you expect anything less of them?
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cloverses · 2 years
it's jester and aceline's birthdays!!! …this was originally queued for earlier today, but tumblr deleted the post- so here's attempt 2!
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cloverses · 2 years
i want to fight jester not because i dislike her but because i want to know if she will make the sound that a clown nose makes when she gets impacted
NO THIS IS ONE OF THE FUNNIEST ANSWERS POSSIBLE jester honking every time you smack her. not only that but she bounces. you smack her and she turns into a bouncy ball. its entertainment for the ages
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cloverses · 3 years
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(art by @pandrena)
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cloverses · 3 years
can i please get some platonic headcanons for jester and static??? what do they like doing with friends 👀👀
i'm gonna quickly say now that usually i wouldn't answer anything with static, as she's chris's character and not mine- however, if you want to ask further questions about the two, you can 100% ask them over at @pandamagines and we'd both be more than happy to answer them there!!! (jester's role is... pretty similar to it is here so y'know.)
however, for a one time thing, chris agreed to help me with this response!!! no harm in doing it once!
to start with, jester and static have drastically different behaviors around others just... in general. it probably doesn't help that in cloverse, static is nobility, while jester is- well, a court jester, raised on the streets.
that doesn't mean they can't share a friend, though! depending on who you are (noble or commoner) would change who you likely met first, but either way, jester is ecstatic to have a new friend! she's always been quick to get along with others, and it's unlikely you're any different.
(written by chris) Static is often shy or withdrawn upon meeting new people, but gaining a new friend she can trust is never something she's against. It may take her longer to warm up, but she'll be willing to try; it just takes patience with her.
jester no doubt shows you around if you haven't been to the castle before, and tells you about who you shouldn't push too far. which sounds threatening, but she more means servants-wise... aka who you shouldn't. get caught spreading glitter wildly around, lest you get in trouble.
this is probably not a problem you have. it is a problem jester commonly has. she just assumes it's important information everyone should know and who are we to argue?
(written by chris) Static might not show you around, but as she hasn't been outside quite as much due to nobility raising her to be "proper", she still isn't against exploring alongside you. Maybe you can even show her some things of the outside world.
activities they'd do with you vary quite a bit depending on which one it is- jester is very active and loves to bake, pull pranks, and general chaotic stuff, while static tends to be more reserved.
(written by chris) Static is more likely to show people any sentimental items she may have - collections of jewelry, her wardrobe, any plays shes performed in...maybe she'd act out a part from memory for you.
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cloverses · 3 years
how much time (HA) would it take for someone particularly annoying to worm their way into time's heart. would they be able to notice him acting particularly different?
i took so long on this question because im cold and i keep having to take my hands out of the blanket im in
time does not have this problem. he does not experience cold or hot as unpleasant feelings theyre just kinda existing feelings
it would take less time (HA) than you think, believe it or not! while time puts on a tough act, he, deep down, is lonely- also the only people who ever visit him tend to be annoying anyways so. one of the only people he could (could) consider a friend is a very hyper jester who keeps stealing his spare body parts to juggle.
...yeah. we love jester.
but you'd definitely be able to notice him acting different. you hear a bit of whirring when you're around, or especially when you do something he deems attractive- it's quiet, but you can still hear it over the ticking of his tower.
he puts his work down sometimes to stare at you when you're not looking, though looking away quickly when you notice- he's noticeably softer to you than he is to others...
of course, time is still grumpy, but he's less grumpy around you.
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cloverses · 3 years
hi s. how would the cloverse squad react/respond to being bitten as a joke/as a sign of affection
i'm assuming this is not gentle nipping, and full biting- well, not super hard, but still a normal bite.
god this is long
hy gives you a very tired look. hy doesn't even say anything. you can just feel the disappointment radiating off of hym and the silent "why" in the air
she laughs it off- warns you that she might bite you back sometime. overall, she doesn't think too much about it, though there's a twinkle in her eye.
you'll almost certainly be bitten back later when you're least expecting it.
he pauses when you bite him. your teeth can't even begin to manage getting through his scales, so he hardly feels more than pressure.
"do you feel better about yourself now?"
you get the feeling he's been through much worse before- and, again, he barely feels it.
she yelps and lightly bats you away with a huff.
"no biting!"
she doesn't take it personally, though- just seems a little startled by your actions.
they bite you back almost immediately. if you continue, it will turn into a (play) fight- so, er, maybe let up fast, seeing as allen tends to... forget their own strength.
it's definitely going to leave a mark, though. on you. not them. so be warned! their teeth are sharp.
their eyes immediately tear up- it doesn't hurt, but you've definitely spooked them.
"did i- do something...?"
you'll probably immediately feel guilty after this one. maybe avoid biting ANN, even as a joke.
you try to bite them, and your mouth is filled with slime. whatever you do, do not swallow it. it will make you feel very, very unpleasant to ingest their slime.
they don't even seem to feel- or notice- it, but if they do, they immediately panic.
"s...spit it out...! bad...!"
their concern is more for you than themself, though.
she grabs a nearby duster and smacks you in the face with it, not even blinking at the pressure.
if you're another servant, or a commoner, her response is likely "please, behave yourself. i don't have time to deal with such bad manners."
if you're higher than her role, then it's more of a "my liege, you should know better than to behave in such a way."
either way, she's radiating disappointment in your actions, and you have a feeling she won't grab something so gentle next time...
he jumps and recoils immediately- stepping away from you if possible and holding his arms close to himself.
"ah... i'm... terribly sorry for being so rude, but... please... don't do that again, (title)..."
he keeps his distance from you for a while after that.
their ears turn back and their tail begins flicking- you pull away only to be bit yourself.
you get the feeling they'll match every bite you give them with one of their own.
you also get the feeling they won't be so gentle with their sharp, catlike teeth next time you bite them.
but, hey, if you want to risk it-
please don't bite the child. that's all i can ask. she's not nice about it.
they laugh it off, and don't seem too bothered by your actions. in fact, he seems very entertained.
"sorry- were you hoping for a different reaction? doe used to bite a lot when she was younger."
she IS a dad, after all- it's not surprising he's not bothered by your actions.
he gives you a disappointed stare and pulls his arm away.
"would you mind not behaving like an animal?"
elad's not very fun.
before you can pull away, eli grabs your arm, leans down, and bites you back.
they're surprisingly gentle for, y'know, an undead- but they do pull away with an almost amused stare.
"you know, you should be a lot more careful biting someone who's dead. i doubt i taste very pleasant, after all."
...eli, shouldn't you be more careful biting people when you're undead?
she pulls away before you even get a chance to bite her- knowing your fate has its perks and all.
"now, now- you don't want to bleed, do you? behave like a good little mortal."
jester is delighted when you bite her. she beams and immediately pulls you closer to bite you back, though just as playfully.
"you didn't think the jester wouldn't get you back, did you? a bite for a bite! oh, but she hopes she wasn't too rough."
she's a sweetheart about it, minus the fact she bit you too.
you get a mouth full of bitter plant... juice, and he only laughs it off as his body immediately mends itself. (being a plant makes you very fragile sometimes.)
"feisty, are you? well, i don't mind. it's not the first time i've been bit!"
they blink at you out of surprise, and then grin. you'll notice fairly fast how... sharp their teeth are.
"oh, you're a treat! i'd bite you back, but i think i might end up hurting you. er, satyr instincts, and all."
it certainly isn't the first time they've been bit (or otherwise injured) so they don't care too much if you do it multiple times.
it IMMEDIATELY latches onto you and bites back- harder than anticipated, probably, though not drawing blood.
it pulls away with a bit of a smug smirk, showing its teeth a little more than what you would consider normal friendly.
"sorry, but i'm the one who bites around here."
you try to take a bite and your mouth stings- it's hot, and you'll be forced to let go before long.
there's only a laugh from above you, the star-shaped head spinning in place.
"thank you for the entertainment, but i don't think it would be smart to do that again- stars are hot and all."
she laughs at your bite, and pats you on the head with a grin.
"oooh, careful~ i might have to bite you back if you do that again~! can't let bad deeds go unpunished, hm~?"
she'll follow up on that promise if you do.
you get a mouthful of metal, and it doesn't budge in the slightest. time just gives you a very tired look.
"...i have work to get to. can you take your childish entertainment elsewhere?"
if you try again, he'll have elad kick you out of the tower.
you get a mouthful of inky blackness that tastes both bitter and like nothing at all. it's... unpleasant.
when you look at the nothingness that is their face, you get chills as something stares back.
"...please don't do that again."
they tear up, but don't seem... too bothered, all things considered. it's mostly just their reaction to. most things.
"...um... can i help you with, er... something?"
they seem very... uncertain, how to approach this. you'll also get a bunch of fuzz in your mouth from their sweater, so. good for you???
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cloverses · 3 years
plesee for the love of god give me sleepy soft hcs for literally any oc of urs who is cap as ble of sleep
oh dear lord this is going to be so long babe /lh
so, technically, almost all of my ocs are capable of sleep. however, a good amount of them... don't sleep anyways, so while this is going to continue to be painfully long i'll only do the people who DO sleep
aagi is known to sleep a lot, for no good reason. he doesn't need to, he just does.
as such, he doesn't really... get tired, he just kind of gets bored, lays down, and passes out! (sometimes for years!)
he DOES tend to be sleepy if woken up by outside forces, though. but it's. hard to do this. he's very likely to just roll over, bundle himself up in his wings, and go back to sleep.
he's not a big cuddler in his sleep, but you could probably use him as a bed without any complaints from him.
aceline is the rare OC who willingly goes to sleep! she's half-angel, and that human half means she needs sleep.
when sleepy, she's a little dazed and prone to spacing out. she sleeps very well, though, and wakes up without a problem.
she's cuddly in her sleep, but maybe not as much as others- you can probably escape her grasp fairly easy.
oh, allen. we already know allen works themself a lot and then passes out, usually cuddled up to someone or something...
allen is, by far, the clingiest sleeper i have, and it's largely due to their superhuman strength. if they're holding, you literally cannot escape without risking losing something.
when sleepy, theyre clumsier than usual... which is saying something. thankfully, they'd much rather just snuggle up with someone and pass out.
ann doesn't need to sleep in the same way most do- they're a robot. however, going into a 'sleep' state allows them to recharge their energy.
when low on energy, they get very spacey and kind of run on an autopilot- which leads to them not remembering how they ended up in this place...
they're not very cuddly, as they can't move much in their 'sleep', but they like to be surrounded by soft things.
camellia doesn't sleep easily. she's usually the last one awake out of the of the servants, making sure everything is set up for the morning. checking, double-checking...
she doesn't show her tiredness easily, and manages to remain pretty close to the same when she's sleepy. she wakes up very easily, too, no real disorientation.
she stays pretty still in her sleep and doesn't dream often, but she's a fairly light sleeper, so you have to be careful not to wake her up.
cameron, on the other hand, has none of the natural restlessness camellia has! he gets tired 'normally', and just pushes through it until his work is done.
he has to be careful once he's tired, though, because he ends up messing up a little bit more with his work. camellia usually sends him to bed.
he's cuddly, but not overly so; he needs to be holding something when he sleeps or else he finds it harder to fall asleep, but wrapping a blanket around his hands to grip it works just as well.
while doe doesn't need to sleep as much as a normal person, she's very young, and so she needs to anyways!
when she's tired, she gets even grumpier, if you could believe it. she's sassier and will glare at you from across the room.
please help put your daughter to bed so she doesn't get cranky
actually, doe rarely is ever put to bed. she'd be a little confused at having someone put her to sleep... though not against it.
as for eli... they sleep less than willingly. they need sleep to rest their body and allow it to heal itself, but 'sleep' is sometimes a bit of an overstatement- more often than not, they're laying awake in bed staring at the ceiling.
when they do sleep, it's very restless and rough, and they're prone to nightmares- so they often move to the couch to read, as not to disturb anyone else who might be there.
while they aren't very clingy, they move around a lot in their sleep due to nightmares. it's a wonder they haven't hurt themselves...
jester is yet another character who doesn't willingly sleep. she's very very prone to nightmares, restless nights- she kind of... is a little unhealthy in that she stays up as long as she can and then passes out, so she doesn't dream.
she's VERY clingy though. not as clingy as allen, but she likes to hold something as she sleeps to keep her safe.
sleeping with others is the easiest way for her to rest, because it means she feels safe. good thing she's a jester!
poku! poku doesn't need sleep as much as some others, being fae, but they still do get tired- usually from using their magic, which they don't use as often as they used to, since they run a tavern now...
but they still use it with their detective work.
when they're tired, they get overly giggly and a little... loopy. they're a mess. it's cute, though.
they're also very snuggly. including while they're still awake, to be honest.
sin doesn't technically need to sleep, but it likes to! it will lay wherever it deems fit and just. pass out.
it doesn't cuddle as much as it just lays there, dead to the world.
it's been known to close roads because a massive werewolf-like creature is passed out in the middle of them.
wes, as we know, probably has narcolepsy. (which was an accident, for those who aren't chris reading this, but ended up being almost an exact case anyways.) which means they fall asleep in the day very easily... but at random, and not very restfully. it's usually for short bits of time, and they can fend it off for a while, but...
they can seem fine for one moment, and then the next they're trailing off in their words and drifting off...
at night, they're clingy and surround themself with soft things (mostly an obscene amount of plushies) but even then, they don't rest very well. they're prone to nightmares and sleep paralysis, so they usually... don't sleep at night if they can avoid it.
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