#🐔ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵐʸ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗ ᵗᵒ ʸᵒᵘʳˢ/ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴs.
jcurncy · 4 years
if ching has a crush, she doesn’t try to make it obvious. she learned with abyo (and garu and pucca by proxy) when she was young that relentlessly pursuing your crush can just further push them away. she’d rather be very close friends and hide how much she genuinely cares and loves her crushes than risk ruining the friendship they have. however, if she gets any feeling, any hint, that they may like her back, she will slowly start to feel more flirtatious and try to ease in to letting them know she likes them. she’s cautious with these things. bothe because she has been acting as impulse control for pucca and abyo most of her life, but also because she’s aware they’re delicate situations and she doesn’t want to mess anything up.
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jcurncy · 4 years
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repost & tag away !
BOLD all that applies to your muse. italicized - applicable in some way.
Eyes: blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | silver
Hair: blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey | white | multi-colour | other
Body type: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight
Skin: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discoloured | other
Gender: male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels
Sexuality: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | gray-a | other mororsexual | unsure | doesn’t like labels
Romantic orientation: homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels
Species: human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | android | other | champion 
Education: high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other
I’ve been: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot
Positive traits: affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming |confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth |diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm
Negative traits: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | self-sacrificing | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative
Living situation: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian(s) | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other
Parents/guardian: mother | father | adoptive / foster | aunt | uncle(s) | foster | grandmother | grandfather | other
Sibling(s): sister | brother(s) | none | other
Relationship: single | crushing | verse dependent | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated
I have a(n): developmental disorder | learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability | other | none
Things i’ve done before: had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to the hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave |killed someone | had someone try to kill them
Tagged by: stole it from @gcldess​ Tagging: @honrr​ @himbyo​ and anyone else who wants to steal it can tag me if they want
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jcurncy · 4 years
[in modern verse ching steps back in middle school, realizing that abyo isn’t really responding to her advances. she feels embarrassed of how she used to treat him. they’re still friends, they still hang out, but it’s like there’s a huge gap between them now. an awkward space they don’t know what to do with. because she still loves him, and it’s only growing stronger the older they get. and they probably go to different schools bc ching goes to a special art high school. so that pining and that feeling of being too late at realizing you love someone. and just!!!!! PLEASE!!!]
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess​ asked world-building questions.
what are some of her small quirks? like, does she have an obsession with the number eight because its perfectly symmetrical, do all her books have to be in a certain order, does she pick her nails, tap her foot, ect?
ching fiddles with her fingers a lot. she’ll often take won from her head and ruffle with her feathers for something else to do with them. junior doesn’t like that, however, so it’s mostly fiddled finger, but only when she has nothing else to do with them. her art supplies have to be in just the right order before she can start. her paints and other mediums sorted out, brushes in order from smallest to largest brush, colors in rainbow order to the best of her ability. organizing it is part of her artistic process.
what's her favorite way to create: paintings, photographs, gardening, or other?
it truly depends! sometimes she’ll be obsessed with nothing but photography for weeks! other times she can’t stop experimenting with paints. she’ll spend months waiting to garden and it’s all she’ll want to do. she loves finding new ways to work all her crafts together, taking pictures of paintings she made of her flowers. she loves to edit photos on her phone, but there’s something about scrapbooks and the personality she can work into them she loves. if she had to pick one to do the rest of her life it might be gardening, just since she knows it’d be good for her in old age.
what's her biggest fear?
she is terrified of people leaving her. it’s one of the reasons she works so hard in all the things she does for people. part of her is convinced that if she does whatever it is well enough they’ll never want to leave her. she loves her projects and making things for people, but she’ll stress herself out to the point of breakdown if nothing is going right. she’ll convince herself that it’s a failure, she’s a failure and if she doesn’t get this right whoever it is will leave. with her dad, pucca, garu, and abyo this improves as she realizes none of them are leaving her any time soon. but new friends are gonna have to make some headway before she feels confident enough that they won’t.
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess​ asked world-building questions.
what does she talk with chang about? are there things she wON'T talk to him about?
she talks to her dad about everything when she’s a kid. she tells him everything she can think of that happens. he’s around for a lot of it, but she still expresses it in her little ‘ching-a-ling’ way. as she grows older she still tells him everything but there are some things dads just don’t want to know. she talks to him about her boy problems with abyo, about her increasing envious feeling about pucca (that she always talks out with pucca herself), about her worry for garu. she doesn’t talk to him about her sex life, because she can’t even talk to pucca about her sex life. it gets harder to bring up ‘girl talk’ kind of issues with him, and they both get red-faced and awkward about it, but they chug along through. ching loves her father with every beat of her heart and would go through hell and back for him. she tells him about all her art projects, unless she’s keeping it a surprise for him. she and her father share a precious bond that she’s so glad she gets to have despite what made it happen. ching is a “daddy’s girl” through and through.
does she freak out when pucca tries to set him up on dates (because of course she does)?
at first she’s hesitant. her mother has been gone for a long time and it’s just been her and chang. her father never pursued romantic relationships because he was focused on raising her and running the dojo with all her chaotic friends, so it never really came up when she was younger. she’s worried because the last time a woman was in their lives she just left without warning and ripped their family in three. chang is probably also heisitant and worried. but he’s willing to give it a shot if ching is okay with it. ching says she doesn’t want to meet them unless it’s going to be something, because she doesn’t want to get close to someone just for them to be ripped away. chang understands this and swears he’ll only bring home someone if they’re serious. so if chang is like “i want you to meet my daughter” then you know you’re at like......level five out of ten.
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jcurncy · 4 years
@himbyo​ asked: “ 👫 hit me up “
if she isn’t with pucca you’ll find her with abyo. he was one of her first friends ever and she’s loved him one way another for as long as she can remember. you can find them training, or him modelling for a portrait or pictures, sometimes he helps her in the garden. he’s heavily featured on her instagram, not only because of all the art projects that involve him but because she just loves him so much.
when she first started “going after him” when they were kids she took a lot of cues from pucca on how to do it. she’s more reserved and has more impulse control, so she didn’t take advantage of every opportunity, but she did her best. this is because she’d never seen a functional romantic relationship. abyo’s mom is gone, pucca’s parents too, her mom bailed when she was five, and garu’s were never in the picture. she grew up around dad-types all her life. the closest to “mom-figures” could possibly be the maidens. she doesn’t understand her feelings for abyo as they’re changing, she just wants him as her boyfriend so badly because he’s her favorite person. ever.
abyo originally laughed at the idea of a pet chicken put after won flew out from behind ching and pecked him on the head repeatedly he admitted she could be a cool pet. which is good because they get four more in the future.
he has to kill the spiders whether he wants to or not because she hates bugs and no she’s not calling pucca over because they’re both scared of the daddy longleg in their closet.
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess asked: “ 👫👫 “
you asked for eight ur getting eight. <3
eventually ching is able to let pucca undo her braids when she does her hair. it takes even longer to explain her connection to her braids, but she assures pucca it’s never been a trust issue. when she tells pucca she’s doing her hair and ching starts crying while she sits on her bed. it’s a really big moment in their friendship and i really wanna rp it now thanks jackee i love you.
they have weekly sleepovers and alternate which house they stay at. the uncles always make ching’s favorite for dinner when she’s staying over. chang always orders goh rong when pucca stays over and she’ll bring it over on her way.
they spend they’re birthdays spoiling each other. abyo and garu are involved if they want to be, but ching dedicates her entire day to pucca and vice versa.
ching is everyone’s impulse control all the time. so if she’s letting go and letting pucca set the course you know she’s dead tired or ready to just enjoy the ride for once. it doesn’t happen often, and she’ll tug the leash a bit if pucca’s going a little overboard, but for the most part she’ll let pucca drive. pucca is fine letting ching be in charge of what they do, but sometimes ching doesn’t want to and is happy to hand the reins to pucca.
their spa days are notorious bc ching posts about them all over insta and pucca does the same w snapchat. there are dozens of comments from ching’s followers about how much they’d love to spend a spa day w them. abyo ptobably tags along sometimes.
pucca is the first person ching comes out to. she doesn’t make a big deal about it because to her it isn’t. just a simple, quiet, “i like girls too, pucca.” and that’s it. ching is happy w her boyfriend and that isn’t changing any time soon, but it was something she wanted to say out loud for once.
ching’s always down to help pucca with anything, even if it means helping her take artful nudes. they’re not just nudes when ching is done with them, they’re works of art.
if pucca says “spend more time with your dad” ching does it without question and even invites pucca along if she’d like. ching already spends a lot of time with chang and they’re very close. pucca knows this, so when she pushes ching to be with her dad, she knows pucca is thinking of her own father. pucca can ask ching to do nearly anything and she’ll barely hesitate, if she hesitates at all, (which is rare at best) but when it comes to her father ching doesn’t even need her to finish.
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jcurncy · 4 years
@honrr​ asked: “ 👫 “
abyo told ching about garu before the initial introduction. talking about how weird it was he didn’t talk and only communicated through barious mouth noises and hand signals. ching immediately figured he was mute and studied some basic sign language, just in case. she was glad she did when they were introduced shortly after because she felt more connected to garu since she was able to understand him better.
she found him meditating once and felt bad interrupting, but she was curious about what he was doing. he explained it to her and she asked if he was okay with her trying to meditate with him. they’ll meditate together sometimes, or she’ll just sit there with him while he does if she doesn’t feel the need to. she now only meditates when her head feels too cluttered and she wants to focus on one art project/other thing at a time.
telling garu about her mother leaving is the first time she’s talked about her at all in years and he doesn’t have to prompt her to either. she just feels comfortable talking to him about almost everything. she’s glad she opened up about it afterwards. both because she felt the need to talk about it, but also because she immediately felt closer to garu because of it.
she’s offered to be their designated driver many times so he can enjoy himself, but quickly realized he didn’t drink much (if any) at all. sometimes when they’re all out she’ll stay sober herself so he isn’t dragging around all three of their drunk asses. and so he has someone to converse with while the Chaos Twins are causing trouble.
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jcurncy · 4 years
the last thing chen did for ching was give her a bath, braid her hair, and put her to bed with her favorite story. the next morning her mother was gone.
chang, coincidentally, can only do dual braids.
braids are a comfort for ching, and she will braid her hair after a shower/bath if it’s been an especially stressful day. her hair is rarely in a different style unless it’s a lazy day (where she’ll only pull it back into a ponytail, or up in a messy bun), or if a special occasion pops up where she wants to do something a little fancier. she can do various styles of braid, but her hair is usually in dual dutch braids. her go-to nicer hairstyle is a single fishtail braid that falls over one shoulder.
she doesn’t take care of her hair as religiously as pucca, but she does take very good care of her hair, especially since there’s usually one chicken or another sitting on top of her head.
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jcurncy · 4 years
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This or That [Muse Edition]
coffee or tea
early bird or night owl
chocolate or vanilla
spring or autumn
silver or gold
pop or alternative
freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks
mountains or fields
thunderstorm or lightning
Egyptian or Greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macarons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet
London or Paris
Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet
denim or leather
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaids or sirens
masquerade ball or cocktail party  
tagged by: @honrr​ tagged all her friends tagging: jazzy also tagged all my friends.
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess​ asked “ 📱”
-ching is p conformist and uses verizon and has an iphone.
-she knows nothing about phones aside from the usual stuff about using it.
-except for editing her photos. she’s pro status at editing her phone photos. it almost looks like she took them with her real camera.
-she answers everyone that calls unless the phone tells her it’s spam.
-she has abunch of cute cases and changes them depending on her mood. (or outfit.)
-pucca’s name in her phone is: Pucca 💝(bc garu has the regular red heart)
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess asked: a lot of questions i’m gonna break down 1 by 1.
p.s i loooooveeee jackee w my whole-ass heart.
under the cut bc it’s LONG
does ching remember her mother, or just things she heard from her dad?
ching has very distant memories of her mother. her face, her perfume, her voice. if she tries to remember her mom she can very distinctly remember these things, and they make her feel very small and vulnerable. chang doesn’t talk much about her unless ching asks, and ching stopped asking around the time pucca’s parents went missing. ching will always have a piece of her heart missing that her mother took with her, but it becomes much smaller the older she gets and the closer she grows to her friends.
how does she deal with won's death?
not very well at first. she knew it was coming because won was getting old. she got fairly sick and ching just knew it was over. she fought for won as hard as she could with vet visits and medicines and anything she could do. won was her closest confidant and best friend after her mother left and before she was very close with abyo and pucca. her five stages look like this:
denial: lasts all the way through the first vet visit. when the vet announces that yes there’s nothing much they can do for won, she breaks down in the room right there, holding won close to her chest and crying. abyo or pucca went with her, and whoever it was just sits next to her and let’s her cry.pucca hates seeing ching cry, so she’d probably try to cheer her up, but it’s not very successful. abyo would also try and cheer her up, but he’d ultimately fail, too. garu would probably just let her cry, and when she was okay and ready to leave he’d make sure she got home okay.
anger: she’s in the dojo attacking anything for a week. if she’s not spending time with won during her last few weeks, she’s trying to kill something.any of their typical enemies attack? ching slices through them like nothing. her best friend is dying there’s nothing she can do to fix it so get the fuck out of her way. tobe probably picks up on it pretty quickly and avoids attacking when either of the girls are around.
bargaining: it doesn’t last long. she pleads with everyone she can think of that could save him, but even master soo can’t meddle in death.
depression: it’s so bad she can’t get out of bed. she and won just stay in bed for days. won is sick but trying to comfort ching until the end. it’s only when ching realizes this that she is able to pick herself up out of bed every day. she may not do much more than get up and get dressed and other usual hygiene things, but she gets. out. of. bed. and sometimes that’s all you can ask for.
acceptance: she thinks she’s accepted it before won finally passes, but she doesn’t actually seem to accept it until won’s tiny casket has been buried behind the dojo. there’s a small ceremony, with all they’re family. ching says a few words about how much won had always meant to her, and how she’s sad to see her go, but is glad she’s no longer in pain. she has the other chickens by now, and they knew won too, so their all grieving. garu doesn’t break his vow of silence very often but i can see this being one of the exceptions.(@honrr) having her other chickens does help her move on. having other creatures to live for, things to accomplish, goals to meet, helps her feel better. she spends more time tending to her flower garden, painting and photographing and enjoying her more artistic hobbies. she grows, she copes, and she never forgets. she has a plaque made that hangs in the living room. “In Honor of Won, The Greatest Chicken Best Friend a Girl Could Have.” The other chickens can’t read so they can’t be offended.
who does ching hate more, tobe, dada, or ring ring, and why?
ching will always tell you she doesn’t feel hate, but it’s not true. she hates bugs. but she doesn’t truly hate any of these people. she hates parts of their personalities, but she sees the potential for goodness in all of them. she knows tobe is capable of love, and ring ring and dada too, for that matter. ching believes that if someone is capable of loving their capable of growing.
she hates that tobe can’t just leave garu alone. she doesn’t know what their feud is over, but she finds it so annoying that it’s so constant.
she hates the way dada treats pucca. how pucca is always so kind and forgiving of him, but he stabs her in the back and helps kidnap her uncles! so right now dada is in first place for most hated.
she hates who ring ring has become. how manipulative and mean she is. part of her can’t believe they were ever friends with her, and another part wonders where they all went wrong. ching sees a lot of her own insecurities in ring ring, and she genuinely pities her. ring ring is a reminder to her that she can’t bottle up and hide all the things she doesn’t like about herself. she has to be open about them. it’s not always easy, but she tries hard every day to take the steps necessary to not feel spiteful to her best friend in the world.
so it’s probably dada. she sees true potential for good in tobe, and just pities ring eing, but dada has seriously traumatized pucca, and that does not fly with ching.
what is ching's favorite movie?
she honestly rly likes old kung fu movies that abyo makes her watch, they’re her guilty pleasure. she’ll put up a fight on movie night but it’s all for show. her favorite is the original karate kid. ching doesn’t have one all-time favorite. she has certain movies that are top-tier, and karate kid is always hovering in the top five.she;s also a sucker for cheesy chick flicks from the late ‘90′s early 2000′s
when does she first realize she has feelings for abyo?
oh man. that’s.
so at first it’s like. “this is a dude i’ve known my whole life, i think he’s cute, we’re kids”. that kinda crush. where you like them bc you’ve known each other forever and everyone thinks you’ll get together anyways. ching glides along with this no problem. she doesn’t realize it goes deeper until abyo starts getting rly flirty (in-show) and she realizes that the anger it makes her feel is really jealousy. she’s 11 so she doesn’t think on it too hard. just continues with the “he’s my boyfriend” and getting frustrated at him for flirting so much. she also takes a lot of cues from pucca because she’s never seen a functional relationship. she knew pucca’s parents, but they were just her best friends parents, they never felt like an example of a relationship to her. so pucca’s constant pursuit spurs ching’s. ching is not as outgoing with her affection as pucca is and she has impulse control. so when it hits her like “wow these are real feelings.’ would be like high school age. u know. when ur figuring all that shit out in the first place. she takes a good long think about her feelings more in general, and she notices how often abyo made her feel this or that, more than pucca or garu or won or anyone. abyo is always right there. and that’s when it kinda clicks for her that abyo’s like her person. he��s an idiot. but he’s loyal and lovable and kind. he cares about her.
is she ever jealous of pucca?
it’s not super often, but it does pop up. pucca is sooga village’s “it” girl. she’s cute and sweet and popluar (for good and obvious reasons). and ching is nothing but happy and supportive of her best friend. but there are definitely times when she finds herself envying her. even just slightly. like how everyone is automatically drawn to her, how she barely speaks loud enough to hear and captures everyone’s attention. how pucca is so powerful and strong and perfect that it only makes ching all the more aware of her own insecurities. she doesn’t want to hold it against pucca. she knows she isn’t perfect and that she has her own traumas to face. also that time pucca accidentally kissed abyo she was momentarily like “girl what are u doing” until pucca threw an acorn at him.
is there a villain she respects or feels pity for?
she has respect and pity for the vagabonds. she respects that they’re willing to do what they need to to stay alive and feed themselves. she pities them that it means a life of crime. she pities all of them to an extent, but it’s more like compassion than pity. except ring ring, she truly pities ring ring. like she’ll momentarily pity any villain that’s in pucca’s way, but it wears off once they’re dealt with. dada isn’t technically a villain but she pities him too. after her incident with doga’s sock she wonders if that’s why doga is actually evil, and not because she wants to be. she really doesn’t like tobe, but literally only because he’s always bugging her friends. if he’d leave them alone she’d probably find a way to get along with him.
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