#πŸ‘οΈβ€πŸ—¨οΈ | a rabbit ran over my grave :: ooc |
bothfeetinthegrave Β· 5 months
| Cleaning ! |
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Hello, it's been a bit and I've missed you! This blog is currently a mess, and the state of the notes, etc, is stressing me out and making want to avoid it or throw a bunch of things out. This happens to me a lot actually, especially in spring, so I'm just going to treat this as spring cleaning a few months early.
Things that are New
All of my OP verse stuff for Eden I'm going to move to @malpractising - if this applies to you and you haven't yet, please go follow me over there. The verse I use here is just going to become a pre-timeline verse there prior to whatever shared timeline the crew sets up.
I'm probably going to keep my activity here a little lower because my sideblogs are just more busy - at least for a little longer. What really should probably happen is setting up Cora as the main blog and making this a sideblog, but I'm not ready to do that in my heart. OTL
I'm going to set up a thread tracker, for my sanity.
I'm going to unfollow people I don't interact with, that don't follow me back, or that haven't been active in around a thousand years or so
Things that I'm still going to Do
Stuff that's already in the inbox
Things that have been recently started for me by others ( or move them - inb4)
A starter or inbox call, once I've cleared out everything and can tell what's what
Things that I'm not going to Do
Keep current threads on this blog ( unless you ask me to! This is absolutely okay, and you should if you want to - I just don't know for sure what people are super attached to and am trying to clear out what I can. Cora's blog will not be dropping anything, at least not at this time.)
Dig things like tag games out of my notes between the time I last disappeared and now. Thank you a whole bunch for including me, but I think a clean slate with activity is what I need here.
This will be subject to edits as I think of more relevant things. Thank you all for your continued patience, and thank you for sticking with me!
β™‘ Rory
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bothfeetinthegrave Β· 6 months
I think I've got enough of this done to feel okay with sharing it. I was originally going to keep everything for Eden's part for Lala's fully OC Pirate Crew here, but I think it's estranged enough from his base content at this point to warrant its own space to keep everything together.
So, the verse for that is now going on a sideblog - you can follow weird ship's doctor Eden on malpractising.
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bothfeetinthegrave Β· 5 months
𝐆𝐄𝐓 π“πŽ πŠππŽπ– 𝐓𝐇𝐄 πŒπ”π
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β€”β€”β€” Β BASICS!
NAME:Β Rabbit / Rory / Ro
PRONOUNS: he/him
ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius
β€”β€”β€” Β THREE Β FACTS!
I collect curios and antique medical equipment - my home looks like an oddities museum
I'm scared of horses
My favourite food is any kind of curry because I can usually smell and taste it, spicier the better.
β€”β€”β€” Β EXPERIENCE!
PLATFORMS USED: discord and tumblr
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: i'm comfortable with all three, though long-term plotting tends to be easier for me with people I know well. Send me memes and wing it with me for a bit to get started!
GENDER: my current blogs are male leaning
MULTI OR SINGLE: currently prefer having a bunch of single character sideblogs
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S): I don't really use them
β€”β€”β€” Β FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT
FLUFF: always weak for soft things, but I know some people find them to be dull or same-y. I don't mind - I just like thinking about people being kind to each other!
ANGST:Β i like this too, but sometimes drafting things like this take me a little longer because compassion fatigue is a thing. If I'm already sad I tend to let these sit a little longer. OTL
SMUT :Β  not usually a thing I do, but not against it if characters vibe and muns vibe and the overall idea doesn't make me uncomfy. There could be a whole separate post about that I think, some other time.
tagged by: @chronocide tagging: steal from me and @ me pls !
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bothfeetinthegrave Β· 7 months
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name β€” Rabbit is a nickname I've had for around a thousand years. My real name is Rory, or Ro if you prefer that over nicknames. I'm not choosy.
pronouns β€” he / him
preferred comms β€” discord works for me around %80 of the time, which is much more reliable than IMs here. My info's in my pinned if you'd like to add me - just let me know who you are!
name of muse β€” This is Eden Muir's blog, he's an OC / my favourite dead guy. My other writing blog @belovedcorvid, where I will probably reblog this, is for Donquixote Rocinante.
experience in RP β€” I've been writing on this site for around 11-12 years, across a few different URLs.
best experiences β€” I don't really have a specific best experience, it's hard to compare interactions because they're so different. I do want to mention though that I have never been included in as friendly and immediately accepting of a writing community as I have with OP, both here and on Cora's blog.
pet peeves / dealbreakers β€” I don't have a lot - I'm a pretty chill guy and the people I interact with are really considerate. I guess if I had to pick something, it's when another person continues an ask without moving it to a new thread? And even that feels really silly to sit down and write out like this.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) β€” No smut here, at least not so far - not really my thing. Between the other two, no real preference. Why not both? We can have hurt/comfort as a treat. I'd actually like to write some more shippy things, but I'm slow and not good at recognising when that's possible.
plot or memes β€” I find plotting to be easier with people I've interacted with a bit already, so I guess I would say memes.
long or short replies β€” Too long replies I get wordy. OTL I always want to do dialogue only or short replies because I wish I was faster, but they never stay that way. You never have to match me, and if you ever want me to focus in / make something easier to reply to, let me know!
best time to write β€” My schedule's wild, so right now the stars have to align in the following way: evenings on days where I haven't been on triage team all day, and don't have tabletop. This usually means mid-week and sundays.
are you like your muse β€” There's a fair bit of me in Eden, just because I think that's the nature of character creation for many people.
I am like Cora because I too am barely keeping my shit together and would like a cigarette.
tagged by: @isutoburu β™‘ tagging: @byanyan @intothewildsea @vanishinq @rubctosis @cmdrace @taiixuan and @ anyone else that would like to fill this out, just say I tagged you! I have no idea anymore who's done this one and who hasn't so if I've tagged you and You've already done it I'm sorry. OTL
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bothfeetinthegrave Β· 8 months
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... Is an interest tracker something that people would find helpful / useful?
I've seen a handful that are form or survey based and the UX person in me loves that shit, but I also fear being an inconvenience. Either way, curious rabbits want to know: if it'd be helpful I'll make one after tabletop.
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bothfeetinthegrave Β· 7 months
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My plan today is to do my last couple drafts and memes here, then attack Cora's inbox. we'll see!
But I've got new friends here too, hello! New or not, if you like this I will send you some things when I catch up!
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bothfeetinthegrave Β· 7 months
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I have the brain worms for recently risen Eden, specifically. He's a little extra awkward and grim and prickly, and is not very used to being undead yet, but I still think he's neat.
Like this for a starter or inbox thing from a tiny shambling ghoul.
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bothfeetinthegrave Β· 5 months
I don't talk about them overmuch on here because Eden goes well out of his way to avoid bringing his family up / entertaining the possibility of ever seeing them again, but sometimes I want to put Eden's bby sister here as an occasional NPC because I love her so many.
She's like 11 and sees ghosts and has so many Breyer plastic horses.
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bothfeetinthegrave Β· 6 months
Rabbit: I have an embarrassing number of drafts outstanding I probably ought to do those immediately after I wrap everything.
Also Rabbit: Or I can rewatch Lost again and draw Eden's design for Lala's OC Pirate Crew.
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bothfeetinthegrave Β· 6 months
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Extra sleep today was greatly appreciated - always best birthday present to myself. Going to try and work through drafts here today!
Let me know if you're waiting on something wildly late from me, particularly on Cora's blog because I think I'm actually near caught up there so I definitely lost it. Or, give us a shout if you'd like to start something new.
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bothfeetinthegrave Β· 7 months
I have drafts to do here once I fix Cora's verses, so that's probably what I will do if I don't paint this evening. If you follow both Eden and Cora I'm sorry just in general, but also specifically because these posts are similar.
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But, this is an Inbox Call! Like this for a few things - feel free to specify who you'd like them to be for if you pilot more than one character. Not doing that is also fine - then I will just attack you (affectionately).
I also have an [ Interest Tracker ] - it looks a little weird / ambiguous because it's for both of my blogs, but it can be filled out for just Eden.
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bothfeetinthegrave Β· 9 months
Crawling up Out of the Ground
::// I'm thinking I will have to start over in terms of threads, but in some ways that's a nice, clean new start. I'm curious how many times I will be able to bring Eden back from the dead.
Like this for a thing! I will come visit you to either plot or send an inbox thing
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bothfeetinthegrave Β· 7 months
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I've wanted to make a OP verse for Eden for ages, and since I've started some things I now actively need it so I'm going to work on that today.
I will be hiding / planning, but go ahead and like this if you'd like to plan a thing!
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bothfeetinthegrave Β· 1 year
[[ Sorry I have been dead! Work's been wild and I have been creating. OTL This is my strange, glowing son]]
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bothfeetinthegrave Β· 8 months
| Interest Tracker |
Game ran late, but I made a thing.
Not required by any stretch of the imagination, I just think they're neat. It's technically for Cora's blog too - might reblog this over there as well. Sorry if you follow both of them, I get perhaps unreasonably self-conscious about stuff like that.
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bothfeetinthegrave Β· 8 months
| Rabbit went Outdoors and touched a plant and is now having an Allergyβ„’ - I hope to be around a little more later, depending on how this goes.
Also I've got new mutuals! Hello! Whether you're new or not, let me know if you'd like to start a thing by liking this! I will visit you to plan or will make you something random. |
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