#👨‍💻muse: hackerx
midnight-mama · 2 years
𝖃||𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖏𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖃
TW: Mentions of Illegal Hacking and Revenge points.
Tumblr media
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Name: X
Age: 32-34 years old
DOB: May 11th
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
POB: ???
Height: 5'8
Occupation: Retail Worker. Hacker.
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X is a pretty sweet guy all things considered. He honestly tries his best to help others and do the right thing. Sometimes, he can be pretty misguided but he never does things from a place of hate or cruelty.
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The Character’s Abilities
Powers/Abilities: X doesn't really have any super human abilities. But it appears that his intelligence is to a higher degree than most people.
Fighting Style: X doesn't know how to fight whatsoever. He tends to want to handle his issues in a more calm and peaceful manner. If he can't, he will defend him by creating distance.
Preferred Weapon(s): None.
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Shipping notes:
X doesn't really have any experience with dating and romance, so Shipping with him might be a little tippy. That being said, he tends to be very interested in energetic and bouncy personalities.
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X is definitely not his real name
X was adopted by a mixed-race family when he was very young.
They are the only people who know what his actual name is
During the day he works at a convenience store that's owned by his adoptive Father
Uber sensitive. It's pretty easy to hurt the boy's feelings.
Went to college but ended up dropping out due to some rumors being spread about him
He is very close to his little sister.
He picked up hacking because of his sister. Naked Pictures of her were spread around their school by an Ex. He learned how to hack to even the playing field
Has a pet dog named Sparks
Makes most of his money from doing online jobs for people.
Project X is actually an old gamer tag he just kept
X is mute.
To communicate, he will write notes or use sign language.
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