#👻 drabble.
dawnedon · 8 months
"Readings are definitely increasing in this direction. I think we may have a lead." The glowing screen of the device illuminated Oliver's face through the early morning fog. Fellow researchers soon looked up from their own handhelds. Some moved in his direction, confirming the spike in their own readings, and it wasn't long before they began murmuring amongst themselves.
The machinery was Oliver's invention - something that had catapulted him ahead in the scientific world. It was a device to pick up distortional anomalies, that which came from the Distortion World itself. All eyes were on him with this invention, and his blossoming reputation studying Sinnoh's creation legends.
The group had packed light, each bringing a backpack of various items - notebooks, plenty of pens and pencils, cameras, containers for samples - most of them weren't really sure what they were going to do should they make an encounter with the parallel realm; including Oliver. He had brought a camera of his own, which hung comfortably around his neck, finding that visual documentation would be most important to him.
Photographs of the Distortion World were something that didn't exist. Documentation on the subject overall was extremely rare, and only a handful of eyewitness accounts of anomalies existed as far back as record keeping began. Oliver being so close to one of his major goals had his heart racing, and with each step he took at the head of the group, the readings from the radar grew more and more intense.
"We should be upon it in about five meters," he informs, "stick together. The fog shouldn't interfere beyond making it harder to see." Cedar trees flanked either sides of them, the forest of trees holding an eerie silence. There was no wind, no sounds of pokemon - it was dead quiet in Sinnoh's wilderness.
Each step was agonizing its own way as they marched ahead towards the unknown. The temperature, while already cold, had grown even colder now. Somehow, the fog seemed even thicker than before, and the area grew darker and darker - what little light there was seemed to evaporate, almost.
They were upon it now. The device was so frantic, Oliver almost expected it to stop functioning altogether. Midnight eyes peered down at the screen for a moment. "Professor Hara-" the voice of one of his colleagues was all he heard, before a feeling of weightlessness took over. The sudden shift was nauseating, as was the rapidly shifting scene before him. Darkness clouded the edges of his vision, blurring colors, lights, and sounds overwhelming his senses momentarily.
And then, he would land with a hard thud on his back.
Oliver blinked once, then twice, clearing away any lingering blurriness in his vision. A swirling, purple sky was what greeted him first. Then, he'd see large floating platforms overhead, dotting the sky like clouds. Waterfalls flowed not just down, but upwards, sideways, and even diagonal.
He scrambled to sit up, eyes darting in all directions for another second longer, before refocusing on his colleagues. "Is everyone okay?" With various noises of affirmation from the rest of the group, it wasn't long before Oliver pushed himself into a standing position. He moved to help others up, all while taking in the Distortion World.
The gravity of the platform they were on was almost that of earth, if only a bit lighter. He found he could jump in place a little, and hang suspended in the air a fraction longer than normal. Other platforms caught his eye, with some hanging upside down, while others hung sideways. Did gravity function the same on those as well? Did they keep one righted constantly, despite the differing orientations?
He grabbed for his camera, wasting no time in snapping several pictures. Though expensive, he had made sure to purchase one of the largest SD cards on the market. Running out of storage space would have been beyond devastating for the young professor - the only thing worse would have been coming back empty handed overall.
The others were also marveling at the otherworldly sights of the realm. Some went on to take photos of their own, while a few had gone off to the side to take samplings of the plants. Spindly trees, and crystalline flowers that somehow survived in spite of the harsh conditions. There wasn't any sunlight, nor did it seem any precipitation was readily available - and yet, they still grew.
Crystals hung suspended in the air, and Oliver found himself taking photos of those as well. The crystals were something he had knowledge about, thanks to various texts he had pieced together. They were the key back to their own world, showcasing various images of earth. 'One way mirrors' was how he always described it. A way to see into earth from the Distortion World, though there was no way to see here from earth. How lonely had that been for this realms one inhabitant, Giratina, he had always wondered. To continually see the world on the other side, passing by without a care without her. To see how close freedom was, yet being shackled and bound to this world.
There was an undeniable buzz in the group as they continued to document this realm. They talked among themselves, hypotheses and theories already being born in conversation. Oliver continued to take photographs, contemplating descending further into the Distortion World. Before he did so, he would take a moment to look through the dozens of photos he took.
As his thumb moved over the arrows, the images on the screen made his heart sink. They... were blurry? That couldn't be right. Each and every one was blurry - not a single one appeared to be right. Oliver double checked his lens, making sure the dial was properly tuned. It definitely was; he had taken photos out in the field not long ago, and he hadn't touched or messed with anything on this lens. His brows knit together as he lowered the camera slightly, before lifting it to take another picture, this time of the group.
The photo of them was perfectly clear, but the surrounding background of the Distortion World was blurred. Immediately, Oliver made his way over to his colleagues. "This is strange," he has the photos up still to show them, "none of my pictures are coming through. Is there some kind of interference here?" One of the other professors with a camera also checked through their photos, looking as equally as puzzled as Oliver had.
"Mine look the same too," they confirmed, "before we had come out here, I checked my lens and all settings on my camera to make sure it was good. See - I had taken some test photos earlier that were perfect," they cycle back to their older photos, showcasing the cedar forest in the fog - a perfectly clear photograph.
Before Oliver could say anything else, a crashing sound from deep within the Distortion World reverberated upwards. The platform they stood on rumbled, shaking with aftershocks. There was a sudden chill within his heart, ice traveling through his veins. Inexplicably, cold beads of sweat formed on his forehead.
He lifted his hands slightly as they began to shake, and he would soon see that all the hands on his watch were rapidly advancing through the seconds, minutes, and hours. Oliver could feel his mind racing right with his heart. There was another crash - this one was closer. The skies above them, a lighter purple before, were now much, much darker. Calm waterfalls now became rushing torrents, the noise drowning out all other senses. The glowing pools were now dim, and the flowers steadily lost their petals. Mirrored blooms fell to the hard ground, the small tinkling noise nearly lost among the cacophony of the falls.
Giratina was here. And they were not welcome.
"We need to get out of here! Now!" Oliver shouted, eyes darting in panic. The crystals that hung in the air seemed farther than before. He knew they were much closer. Giratina, or the realm itself, was closing off their chances to escape. There was no time to waste as Oliver began to run. Another ear-grating crash erupted from behind them, screeching as one of the larger platforms exploded into a shower of rock and debris.
The roar from the ghostly dragon cut through all other noise in the Distortion World - she was here, and she was enraged.
Those that had pokemon on them were unable to send them out in time. Oliver looked over his shoulder in time to see pointed spikes turning two of his colleagues into nothing more than red mist. Their bags and devices fell to the ground, before the current of Giratina's movement sent them over the edge and to the depths below.
A group of seven, now down to five with such a simple movement.
One of the researchers pace slowed from a sprint, to a jog, then to a walk, and then... to nothing. Their legs simply stopped carrying them forward, eyes wide with fear. Death itself loomed over them soon, overshadowing them entirely. A deep red energy exploded from Giratina without her so much as lifting a tendril, and before anyone could react, the researcher was gone in the blink of an eye. The large platform they were under also disappeared instantaneously - the rest of the team was fortunate to dive to a neighboring landmass before they fell to their deaths.
The power of a goddess was unfathomable and incomprehensible, Oliver was quickly learning. Though his legs were shaking, he still managed to push himself up and scramble ahead. A fear so raw had never pervaded his mind in such a way. He, an ant, was up against infinity. His mouth was dry as screams echoed out behind him. Wet noises of blood and viscera peppering the ground reached his ears. Despite his best judgement telling him otherwise, he still cast a glance over his shoulder.
It was carnage. And now, it was just him left alone with Giratina.
The crystals- The crystals. They were his only way out. He made a frantic beeline to the nearest one he saw, ducking in time to avoid being decapitated by a large, gnarly spike. His desperation made him crawl, fingernails breaking on the ground through the effort he exerted.
It depicted a mountain peak on the other side, with deep blue skies. Somewhere in the wilderness, he assumed, but he should be able to call for help from there. A scream tore through his throat involuntarily as pain shot through his side - one of Giratina's spikes tore through his skin like paper, red beginning to bloom through his lab coat.
"Y̶͔̅ǫ̴̈ü̵͍'̵̰̇r̴͎͂ê̵̯ ̴͕͝n̷̞̾o̴̳͗ţ̵̊ ̴͈̕g̸̱̅o̴̱͋i̴̙̋ǹ̷̼g̵̩̍ ̸͇͝A̷̞̎N̵̤͘Y̵̯͗W̵̖̄H̷͓́Ȇ̵͙R̵̝̆Ë̵ͅ.̴͜͝"
His hand pressed over the wound, blood pooling through his fingers. A whimper of pain left his throat, but the insanity and desperation to leave overshadowed it all. After nearly tripping over his own feet pushing himself up one final time, he took a final leap through the crystal.
Oliver landed hard on the ground once he passed through, crushing his camera and knocking the wind out of himself. He coughed and spluttered, gasping for air as tears pricked the corners of his eyes. Finally, with Oliver regaining his bearings, he would slowly rise to his feet. His wound beat in time with his heart, and he moved his hand back over it to keep pressure applied. Though he was in the wilderness, he should be able to get help still - and he needed to get it fast.
As he reached into his bag for his cellular device, thankful that his belongings survived the encounter, he found himself pausing as he beheld the sky. There... were three suns. Oliver whirled around, and behind them in the sky appeared to be a moon, with a smaller moon orbiting it.
The mountain ahead of him - of which he had only seen the peak of in the crystal - was so large it breached the atmosphere. The rocky crag that made up the range was a deep blue, almost black, color; unlike any mountain range on earth.
There was the tiniest laughs that left him, before he collapsed back onto the ground. Pinpricks of needles washed over his body as realization overcame him.
He had not made it back to earth.
The crystals didn't just show earth like he had assumed - they showed other places in the entire universe. The Distortion World wasn't just a mirror to earth, but to the universe as a whole. The Distortion World could exist without earth, but not without the universe. What a stunning, and shattering knowledge. If only he had realized it before this. If only he could share this discovery with his peers... and with his young daughter, too.
Dawn was always fascinated with his field of study, and the capacity she showed to learn - at least, when the subject interested her - never failed to put a smile on his face. Not just as a scientist, but as a father, too. Seeing how her personality and interests had developed as she grew older was his favorite part of being a parent.
Tears soon filled his eyes as another realization dawned on him. He wouldn't ever be returning home. He had lost his device in the panic earlier, and he was on an unknown planet, an unknown distance from earth. No one was coming for him. No one would know what happened to him. No one would be able to tell his daughter, and his wife, the truth.
Oliver wouldn't get to see Dawn grow up. He wouldn't get to see where her ambition led her, see her chase her dreams, share his research and his knowledge with her.
If he would have known this was the outcome, he would have just let Giratina kill him. It would have been a mercy compared to this - this planet was inhabitable given the presence of oxygen, but there were no signs of life.
He didn't move his hand to wipe the tears. Instead, he laid on his side. Tears dampened the ground beneath him, midnight eyes looking over the towering mountain ahead.
'Dawn... Ayako... What are you two doing right now? Is it morning there? Are you starting your days? Will... Will you notice when I don't come back?' He wondered to himself.
Blood continued to pool out of his wound, and Oliver slowly removed his hand from it. He felt tired - his eyes felt so, so heavy now.
'I'm sorry to you both. I hope these words can reach you, even if you're so far away.'
The three suns slowly set behind the mountain, hiding themselves away. The sky, soon alight and smoldering with all shades of color, was the last thing he would behold.
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ghosts-post · 1 year
How Colten looks at the judge at highland cow reader's pagent:
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ghoulishfrk · 1 year
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This is written by a 17 y/o! 15 and under dni! afab version
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I just know Hobie loves having you sit on his cock, fully taking him in and having your legs spread over his. Your top is pulled up enough to reveal your chest which he’s pinching and squeezing with one hand while the other is teasing your the tip of your dick. He suddenly strokes you faster, assaulting your body with pleasure. He keeps going till you squeal cum all over yourself. His hands slow a bit while he whispers soothing words and then picks up the same speed as before, wanting to make you squirt this time <3
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
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the official dirty drabbles round-up x fic rec list for gallavich kinktober 2022, written & compiled by me/bee/gallawitchxx & hosted by the iconic @gallavichthings 🖤
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click here to read all 31 dirty drabbles!
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+ 31 days of feral fic recs:
day 1: Nipple Pinching, Ass Eating, Etc, Etc by @wehangout day 2: Roleplaying by @ianandmickeygallavich day 3: Tumblr Archives: NSFW by @arrowflier day 4: Freak Peak by @whatthebodygraspsnot day 5: and i'm your warm receiver by @metalheadmickey day 6: mine by juunnyy day 7: Change Like Shifting Shadows by @thisdivorce day 8: Just the way he wanted by @you-show-me-love day 9: Gallavich Porn Gallery (ART) by @psychicskulldamage day 10: Leather and Love by keepgoing day 11: Birthday Bliss by @thehonorarybeaumont day 12: Black-Haired Ginger by @squidyyy23 day 13: Cinematic by @metalheadmickey & @heymrspatel & tasting your lips is my idea of luxury by @suchagallabitch day 14: hornygaythug.tumblr.com by papayawitch day 15: Gold Booty Shorts by @peppermintkatie day 16: a grip on his heart (and his hips) by redroads day 17: Watch me unravel by @energievie day 18: Every Time You Move (I Let a Little More Show) by princessmickey day 19: The Days You Choose by @thevioletjones day 20: Boy, I Wanna Taste You by anomalously day 21: M8TE by @gallawitchxx day 22: shut the door and let go by @tellmegoodbye day 23: Mickey Restraints Meta by @gallavictorious day 24: You're Under My Skirt, Man by @crossmydna day 25: really? again? by @doodlevich & @camnoelgallavich day 26: nothing to worry about by @smokey-mickey day 27: 5 Times They Try Something New +1 Time Vanilla Hits The Spot by calicojackofficial day 28: Today Was the Day by maybesheglows day 29: Brand Spanking New by @jackieq day 30: Paragraphs by @palepinkgoat day 31: You Can't Always Get What You Want by @chat-noir12 & Cooperative Gameplay by grayola
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until next year! xx
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cchallucination · 9 months
@justanartistiguess @spinthetags
Heres my secret santa <3 The prompt I chose to go with: The main boys building a snowman or doing anything else winter themed (it would be nice to not see them rip on each other for once LMAO) 
Cartman, Kyle, Stan, and Kenny were all at Cartmans house, sitting in his room with bored looks on their faces. “Why’d you invite us over if we weren’t going to do anything, Cartman?” Kyle asked from his spot in a beanbag chair, the annoyance in his tone evident. Stan and Kenny grumbled with agreement, the two of them sitting in the floor nearby Kyle. Cartman rolled his eyes, standing up from where he had been laying on his bed. “Because I wanted something to do!” He complained in his over-the-top dramatic tone. “I thought you guys would find something to do, but clearly I overestimated all of you!” Kyle wasn’t paying much attention to Cartman as he spoke, his eyes moving to the window. It was almost always snowing in Colorado, but the snow seemed a bit heavier today. “Hey, I think I have an idea!” Kyle suddenly spoke, a smile forming on his face. Three pairs of eyes quickly landed on him, curiosity in their gazes. “What is it?” Stan questioned quickly, perking up at the idea of the group not sitting around any longer. “We should build a snowman!” He suggested with a smile, and everyone quickly agreed, Cartman, surprisingly, not complaining about the idea. The four boys quickly headed outside, playfully arguing over who was better at making a snowman. After this argument they decided to make two, Cartman and Kenny making one, while Stan and Kyle made the other. Stan and Kyle started to make the bottom piece of the snowman together, snickering as they talked about how much better theirs would be. As they laughed with each other they got distracted and failed to notice a rock in front of them as they rolled the bottom of the snowman forward, falling straight into it and ruining their progress. “Oh dude what the fuck!” Stan laughed loudly as he pulled himself out of the snow, reaching to help Kyle up as well. Kyle laughed too, wiping the snow that covered his face off. “Cmon Stan let's remake it or Cartman and Kenny will finish before us!” Meanwhile, Kenny and Cartman were just finishing their bottom piece to the snowman, having made multiple jokes as they worked on it. When they saw Kyle and Stan fall they both laughed so hard they almost fell and messed up their work too. “Dude, look how red their faces are!” Cartman giggled, Kenny snickered even more at the comment. “Wait Cartman, we should give the Snowman a dick!” Kennys suggested with a snicker, his voice muffled from his parka. Cartman grinned, “Fuck yeah Kenny!” The four boys continued working on their snowmen, with occasional banter as they debated which of the two would be better. When they finished they decided it was a tie, and just as they went to head back inside, Cartman kicked Stan and Kyles snowman down, snickering as he did so. “Dude what was that for?!” Stan yelled, running over to the ruined snowman with annoyance. Kyle then promptly ruined Kenny and Cartmans snowman, causing outrage from the both of them. Then Kyle was met with a snowball to the face, escalating to all four boys flinging snowballs through the air at each other, their laughs filling the air.
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hippolotamus · 11 months
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OMG they're so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, so a special response for you. I greatly appreciate you letting me borrow Cal for this (he does have the best ideas after all!) If anyone has no idea what this is in reference to, then you need to go read Spotty's fic Good Knight Sweet Prince
come trick or treat!!
“Hey, Eds, look at this.”
Buck shoves his phone at Eddie presumably to show him whatever recent meme he found interesting.
Eddie takes it from him, minutely adjusting the distance he’s holding it from his face. Only because the light is dim and not because he ‘probably needs bifocals’ thank you very much. On the screen is something called a great eared nightjar. A bird that supposedly looks like a small dragon. And it does for the most part.
“Have you shown me this before?” Buck scrunches his nose like he’s trying to work something out. And forgive Eddie, he finds it adorable as hell because, well, everything his boyfriend does is adorable as hell.
“Uh, no? Not that I remember anyway.”
“Huh.” Buck takes the phone back and chews on his bottom lip.
“They just look so… familiar. Like I’ve seen something like it before.”
He shakes his head and continues scrolling mindlessly through instagram. “Probably just a weird dream I had or something.”
A few days pass, and there’s no more talk about strange birds that look like mythical creatures. Naturally, Eddie doesn’t think about it anymore. At least not until Buck wakes up, hyperventilating in the darkness of their bedroom, desperately trying to inhale.
“Hey! Buck! Look at me!” Eddie grabs him by the shoulders, meeting his gaze so he can get Buck to follow his breaths.
Eddie tries to put up a calm front, to guide Buck through the practiced inhale and exhale they’ve both had to use more than Eddie would like to admit.
“There you are.” Eddie cradles Buck’s face in his palms, noting his breathing has become less ragged but the sparkling blue in his eyes is still dark and full of something like terror. “Shhhh. Buck, I’m here. It’s okay, baby.”
“E-Eddie. I remember. All of it.”
“Remember what, sweetheart?” Eddie asks cautiously. He honestly has no idea where this is going or what could have prompted it.
“The other day, I was showing you that nightjar-”
“The tiny dragon bird thing?”
“Yeah! Exactly. And I said it looked familiar?”
Eddie nods slowly, still not sure what to make of it.
“I was dreaming — at least I thought I was — and it all came back. Eddie, I wasn’t dreaming. They were memories. The reason it looked so familiar is because the little brownish one? It looks like Cal.”
Cal??? Who the fuck is that? Eddie racks his brain but can’t for the life of him think of anyone named Cal. Especially one that resembles a dragon.
“Cal? I’m not- I’m not quite sure I follow you, Buck.”
“Right. Because you don’t remember. Yet.” As if that should make perfect sense.
Buck’s hands are gesticulating wildly while he starts to tell Eddie about — and I know this sounds crazy, Eds but you gotta believe me — the two of them in another life. That information alone is insane enough before Buck gets going about how he was a prince and Eddie was a knight and there was a whole ass dragon named Calenth. Who could talk. At least to those who could understand.
The whole thing should be positively absurd. And it is, it definitely is. What’s even more absurd is the sudden sense of familiarity tickling at the edges of Eddie’s memory. Like there’s something he should remember but can’t.
“You don’t remember any of it?” And, christ, Buck’s voice warbles ever so slightly, breaking Eddie's heart.
It doesn’t seem fair to pretend that Eddie does recall any details, so he keeps the niggling sensation to himself.
“I’m sorry, Buck. I wish I did — if there’s really anything to remember — but I don’t.”
“If there’s really-” Buck cuts himself off and Eddie realizes his mistake. Buck thinks Eddie doesn’t believe him. “Yeah, I can see where that’s all a little out there, but-” Buck licks his lips and throws off the covers. “I, uh, I think I’m gonna go to my loft tonight.”
“Can’t we talk about this?” Eddie pleads as Buck gets dressed, grabs his work duffel and retreats to the front door. "It's 3 am!"
“Eds, we’re fine. Promise. I just need to sort all this out, y’know? It’s- a lot.”
“Yeah, I get it. Text me when you get there?” Because what else is he supposed to say?
“I will. Love you.” Buck leans in for a gentle kiss.
“Love you, too,” Eddie murmurs against his lips, like it isn’t killing him to watch Buck leave in the middle of the night over something Eddie can’t begin to comprehend.
Buck is thankful for having the next two days off work. It gives him time to adjust to the influx of memories that continue to flood in. Eddie arriving, Buck hating him – and then falling in love with him – Eddie leaving again, the tournaments and stolen kisses, Buck’s birthday.
How is it that he remembers but not Eddie? It’s all clear as day in his mind, like it just happened.
During their time off he still texts with Eddie, reassures him they’re okay. He even makes reservations at their favorite restaurant and arranges for Carla to watch Christopher on Tuesday night.
There’s one more thing weighing on him before their next shift. How to prove to Eddie that it’s all real. That Buck hasn’t lost his mind. He falls asleep fully dressed, with an open browser window full of endless entries on helping someone restore their memories.
Near the end of an exhausting twenty-four, Eddie can only assume Buck is trying to make him remember without actually saying that’s what he’s doing. First is the blue ribbon. Then a dragon figurine. And the knight figurine. A photoshopped picture of Eddie with a beard. All casually left in Eddie’s locker or at his seat at the table in the loft. It takes everything in him to bite his tongue and tell Buck it’s not working. And he’s just preparing himself to have that conversation when Buck catches him by the gym.
“Here!” Buck smiles, bright and bubbly while he hands a plastic play sword to Eddie.
Eddie takes it, letting out a weary, exasperated sigh. “Buck.”
“I know, I know. Just- try? Please?”
How is Eddie supposed to refuse? And that’s how, in the place where they had their first ever blow up, they end up surrounded by Hen, Chim, Bobby and few others from A shift while they have a sparring session. With toy weapons.
Despite how ridiculous the whole thing is, Eddie can’t help but notice how right the sword feels in his hand. The more they swing at each other, the moves becoming more intricate, it’s as if his body leads him in a dance of thrusting and parrying and dodging. He gets lost in the motion and swears he can smell dirt and grass. That he can feel the sun beating overhead, beads of sweat trailing down the back of his neck, even though it’s well past sunset.
Finally he sees it. A weakness in Buck’s stance. He doesn’t know how he knows that, but he does. Eddie lunges forward, causing Buck to overcompensate and fall to the mats where Eddie instinctively aims his sword at Buck’s throat.
Buck simply grins up at him, not seeming to care that he lost.
“You remembered.”
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ghost-1-y · 10 months
just thought i'd share that i had a ✨dream✨ about gyomei last night...so y'all might see a little something inspired by that coming up soon lolol
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Happy Halloween!
Getting in just under the wire with this little holiday drabble, enjoy! 👻
Please excuse any errors I wrote this while caring for a newborn 🙃
Luke and Julie sit in their living room. Hocus Pocus plays on the tv, a bowl of candy sits between them. This years trick or treaters have long since headed home for the evening.
Luke unwraps a mini Kit Kat bar and holds it out for Julie. She adjusts the sleeping infant in her arms to free a hand and takes the candy from him.
She takes a bite and chews slowly, watching as the Sanderson sisters stir their cauldron on the tv screen before speaking, “A hotdog, Luke? You want to dress our child as the one food item that almost successfully killed you 8 years ago?”
He looks incredibly unbothered by the memory of tainted hot dogs and a 5 day hospital stay as he exclaims, “It’s better than Reggie’s idea of a barbecued rack of ribs! I mean, where would you even find a costume for that??”
Julie rolls her eyes as he hands her another unwrapped candy, “How about we don’t dress her up as any food items. Why not something cute? Like a teddy bear? Or a princess?”
“Something cute, eh? Well I’ve got just the thing,” Luke’s grin turns mischievous as he looks down at their daughter and then back up at Julie, “We’re going to need a teeny-tiny beanie and to cut the arms off a onesie. Do you think they make electric guitars in her size?”
Julie scoffs, feigning offence, “Luke! I thought you were going to say we should dress her up as me!”
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foggylikemyvision · 1 year
lil snippet from a new heathers angst fic im starting
Heather scoffs, spits at her feet.
Like cattle, chewing on cud.
Heather cackles, grips her by the jaw.
"Did you really think we actually liked you?" She spits, and it burns brighter than the bomb that blew Jason Dean sky high.
Heather grins, a wide thing, and Veronica can't tell if it's all just a cruel joke.
Heather likes cruel jokes, right?
Heather drops the girl and walks away steadily, with Duke and Mac trailing not far behind her. There are splitting grins on their faces.
Veronica feels her heart shatter.
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owatazumi · 11 months
special special💫
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hello lovelyz !! i was wondering, since both halloween and my birthday are on its way if you guys want a special for both of those days? the other works are in process but please be patient with me since i want your requests to be perfect before i post the final work :))
so here we go, leave requests and ideas for the halloween and birthday special now !!
until then, have a good day~
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dawnedon · 8 months
"Are you leaving so soon? Dinner is just about ready."
The voice of Barry's mother cuts through Dawn like a knife. Gentle, caring, concerned. It was unlike how Dawn's own mother sounded - Ayako's was much more cold and pointed, stabbing straight into Dawn's heart every time.
Guilt constricted the young girl's heart. Dawn been hoping to leave quietly and without a fuss, already having told Barry that she had to go. 'But why?' He had protest, 'I thought you wanted to play more Wii Sports later!'
Dawn methodically turned to the older woman, offering a polite bow of her head. "I'm sorry. I've been having some stomach pain - I don't think it's a good idea to eat." It was terrifying, to her, just how good she was getting with lying. How comfortable she was with doing so, even to those that cared.
"Oh honey, do you need some medicine? We still have some around here somewhere from Barry's last bout!"
It felt like ice prickled along Dawn's veins, the guilt (and the shame) making it feel hard for her to breathe. She had to get out of here - they were always so nice to her. Too nice, sometimes. It was bad enough she was another mouth for them to feed. Dawn was also another person for his mom to worry about, as if she didn't have her hands full enough worrying about her son and her husband.
"Oh - it's okay. Thank you for the offer; it's not like home is too far. My mom is probably worrying about me anyways." Another bold-faced lie that slipped from Dawn's lips without a thought. Ayako never worried about her. All she worried about was how to control her, to mold her into the ideal daughter. She didn't care about Dawn as a person - she cared what she could turn Dawn into.
The older woman seemed to study Dawn for a moment. If she could see through her facade, she didn't make it known at all. "Well... alright dear. If you need anything, give us a ring! We're here for you and your mother - oh, and please tell Ayako I said hello."
Dawn's chest felt tight. All she could do was nod in response, fingers numbly pulling her shoes on. "Goodbye," Dawn said calmly, standing up and opening the door, "see you."
Her pace through Twinleaf's lush grasses was quick, and she felt thankful that not a lot of people were out at the moment. There was a twisting feeling in her stomach, before a loud, audible rumble cut through the quiet evening air. Thank the gods that hadn't happened earlier - somehow, she was able to hold it together.
The cedar treeline was where Dawn would settle, in the furthest corner of the quaint town. It was her own little place she found herself coming back to whenever she couldn't stand the guilt.
'You're always welcome here, Dawn.' Barry's mother had always said.
She didn't believe it for a second. Whether or not she knew of Dawn's home life, she had no idea. She... was just saying that to be nice. The weird girl who's father mysteriously vanished without a trace, who had strange happenings of ghosts and spirits plaguing her - of course Barry's mom would extend such an offer. Dawn's fingers wove through the grass, gripping on as if holding the earth for dear life. Anything to keep her grounded.
A long breath left the girl, releasing her hold upon the ground to move further into her alcove. The smell of the cedars and quiet rustling of wild pokemon helped calm her more. Slowly, the feeling of guilt would recede. It always came and went like the tides, rising and threatening to drown her, before receding and allowing her to finally breathe again.
The skies were already considerably dark when she had left Barry's house, but now any remaining glow from the setting sun was totally gone. The night sky breathed quietly as stars twinkled on one by one. Even with the approach of summer, the air was still crisp and cool once night fell.
Dawn could see her own home from where she was. All the lights were on, save for her own room of course. Maybe if she waited out here long enough, her mom would go to bed. The lights would go out, and she could go back home without worry. No dressing up, no lessons on poffin making, no forcing Dawn to try out coordination moves with Hime... No getting yelled at and berated for every little thing. No stinging slaps. Peace, and quiet.
She leaned her back against her favorite cedar tree, another loud growl tearing through her stomach. A slight wind quietly rustled the leaves of the foliage around her, the chill making her curl in on herself a bit more. Soon, Dawn let her eyes slip closed, the image of her brightly lit home still burned into her midnight eyes.
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ghosts-post · 11 months
Colten fans waiting for more fics (me):
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I promise there will be more Colton soon! I have a bunch of requests for him so you will be fed!! I just have to get to finishing some
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Akagami no Shirayukihime, Shirayuki and Kiki and Obi, cooking
Her stomach rumbles, but food has not even begun to cook by the time Kiki arrives in the kitchen. Odd. They rarely ran behind. Although she supposes if she wants to eat, an extra set of hands might be helpful.
The garlic disappears before Kiki’s eyes.
“Sorry Princess.” Obi smirks over his shoulder. “These are for my lady.”
“But why?“
“Oh.” Obi places a clove on the chopping board right in front of Shirayuki. Shirayuki, strangely quiet, takes her knife and crushes it with more force that Kiki thought she was capable of. “No reason.”
“Failed experiment?”
“2nd reviewer.”
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the-pale-goddess · 2 years
Tiffany’s Halloween plans after a very exhausting October:
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
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please indulge in some wedding night hubbies as a palette cleanser after some raucous days of face-sitting lol. also also also, check out this sweet s3 sleepover fic by @tellmegoodbye which beautifully encapsulates today's theme!
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day 22: innocence for kinktober 2022 by @gallavichthings
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Ian’s threads his left hand into Mickey’s, and it feels as solid as the metal of their rings.
Mickey looks up at him with the same soft gaze he had at the altar. No doubts, no pain, just years of togetherness, stretching in both directions.
Ian sinks into his husband, and it feels like the first time.
God, he remembers when they finally fucked face to face, all blushing cheeks and slow kisses, after years of sweat and fast and kiss me and I’ll cut your fucking tongue out.
Their lips meet, and it feels like forever.
At fucking last.
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kinkandkreep · 2 years
To The Last Sip
A/N: Hey hey y’all!👋🏿 Yes, yes, I K N O W.  I haven’t written up and posted anything here in an inordinate amount of time and for that I am truly sorry.😭 I’m not even gone get into the long drawn out story, but just know…it’s been a trip y’all. 🙃
As a lil’ apology and sum special for y’all, I decided to do a Yandere Halloween prompt! The prompt is listed down below, as is a link to the post/blog from which I pulled it. 
She's a shorty but a goodie, and please leave any more Halloween related prompt ideas below!
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“I can never get enough of you. I’ll drink you down to the last sip.”
He was insane. You knew that from the start, hence why you did your best to avoid him.
He was fond of following you- as he called it, “keeping watch.” 
You called it stalking, as would any even relatively sane person. 
Day in and day out, you would catch glimpses of him in your peripheral. Each time, his eyes would inevitably be trained on you. 
You, admittedly unfazed by his odd behavior, went about your daily business, paying little mind to the freak trailing you. 
Eventually, for a moment anyway, you felt a pang of pity for the strange boy. It couldn’t have been easy making friends or any worthwhile connections being so…unusual. 
And if you knew anything, you knew that in this world, it was unfortunately all about who you knew, not so much what. 
Looking back though, you wonder if maybe you underestimated your friendly personal creep. 
You highly doubt he could have orchestrated something like this without the help of someone else. Your creep didn’t appear to be particularly well built, at least not to the point that he could render someone unconscious and carry them an indeterminate distance all by himself. 
But then again, underestimating him initially is what got you in this situation. 
Waking up in an unfamiliar bedroom was decidedly new for you, but so cliche that if your head wasn’t pounding like someone had taken a jackhammer on the highest power setting to it, you would roll your eyes. 
You surprisingly weren’t bound, so you were free to move about the room as you pleased. 
It was spacious and well furnished, with plush carpeting and a large television sitting atop the dresser across from the bed. 
Unsurprisingly though, the door to exit the room was locked. You groaned internally at this, but immediately turned to try the single window, the only other potential entry and, most importantly, exit point. 
It too was locked. And strangely enough from the outside, as there were no locking mechanisms to be found on the inner frame. 
Irritated, you flopped back onto the bed, wary of falling back asleep, but needing to at least shut your eyes until the remaining headache ebbed away. 
It was probably about 5 minutes before you heard the telltale ‘click’ of the lock on the door turn. 
You shot up, pushing yourself as far away from the door, and the man entering through it, as possible. 
Upon seeing you conscious, the man’s eyes brightened almost comically. 
“My Desire, you’re awake.” 
He accelerated toward you, stopping abruptly once he recognized the apprehensive expression on your face morph into an icy fury. 
“Look, I don’t know and frankly don’t care what kind of freaky, Wattpad style fantasy you’re trying to live out here, but I want absolutely no part of it. You need to let me go.”
Your voice was firm and unwavering, your gaze much the same. 
Sure, there was a possibility that this maniac could hurt you or worse, but you’d never been one to cower in the face of challenge. 
This asshole had no right to manhandle you, uproot you from your life and lock you away like some treasure to be coveted. The whole premise was very shallow and selfish, and it infuriated you to no end. 
Your kidnapper stood in silence for some moments, before a sick chuckle began to bubble up from his chest. It lasted for some seconds, before it eventually became loud, raucous guffaws that shook his body and your eardrums. 
You, however, were very unamused. 
“Why are you laughing, bastard? What’s so fucking funny?” By now you were becoming tired, and the sooner this freak left you be, the sooner you could get some rest and more completely plan your next course of action. 
“It’s just so funny,” he began, kneeling down and sliding forward on the silk bed sheets towards you. 
“Do you have any idea how I’ve longed to have you here with me? How desperately I’ve desired to experience the feeling of going about my business within this house, and pausing, only to remember that you- my perfect, darling Desire- are upstairs, waiting to welcome me with open arms?”
“That will never happen.” You narrowed your eyes, cutting the maniac with a severe glare. 
“Perhaps not any time soon, but eventually you’ll grow to love me as I’ve grown to love you.”
“I highly doubt that. That’s not how love works.” 
The man shrugged, once again standing to his full height. 
“Not to you. Maybe not even to others. But all that matters is that it “works” for me.”
He turned, making his way toward the previously shut door, and you had half a mind to tackle him down while he wasn’t looking. 
That could prove quite idiotic however, and so you remained in your corner, studying him and anticipating his next moves and words. 
Once his hand sat perched on the doorknob, and his foot sat poised to guide him out of the room, he turned to speak over his shoulder. His words, spoken in a raspy, reverent but nevertheless chilling tone, sent a shock of pure ice down your spine.
“You are mine. From this day forward, you belong solely to me. And if I were you, I’d get with the program sooner rather than later. I am the single most dedicated, persistent person you’ll ever meet, and I will never give up on the future we could, that we will have together. I could never get enough of you, my love.”
He fully stepped out of the doorframe, and pulled the door towards him until naught but his lips and a single wide eye could be seen. 
“I’d recommend you get comfortable. Because if you remain uncooperative for too long, I’ll be forced to drain you dry.”
The door fully shut, and that telltale click sounded once more, as did his now muffled voice. 
“Beware Y/N, I will drink you down to the last sip.”
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