#💀 » v. 002 / living.
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@actiongrrl could do it, we believe in her.
"if i had a week i couldn't list all the reasons that wouldn't work."
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ã…¤"Okay, first of all, don't cut yourself short because we both know you could list at least half of them in a single frustrated sentence right now if you tried," he pointed out, which was not helpful and he knew it even before it said it, but it was delivered with a soft, easy smile and tilt of his head, fond as all hell despite the fact that she was very adamantly telling him he was wrong and probably kind of dumb. "But, second, everyone's talking and showing up at a party isn't the worst way to spend a Friday night. It might kill some of the novelty factor about us if we're actually, you know, seen in public."
ã…¤Was it possible that it would be a catastrophe? Sure. For as social as he'd been all his life, he'd been strangely opposed to being in groups of people he'd considered friends before, even if they weren't close. It was a weird mindset, watching them all be carefree and stupid, playing jokes and horsing around, getting drunk and getting laid - it was all shit that he'd done and enjoyed, thought he'd still enjoy, and yet something about it chafed. Maybe it was time to rip the bandage off and put on a good show of it, like his mother said. Be seen, maybe have some fun in the process. "What if I promise to leave right away with you, take you right home, if you're having a shit time? I'll play bodyguard, nobody gets to say anything you don't like, it'll be your own personal secret service. You might have fun with it."
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deadbrawn · 2 months
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deadmoved · 2 months
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okeylokiyuh · 2 years
001. who is your bias and bias wrecker?
biases maybe jake idk i talk a lot about that man and biaswreckers probably be the rest
002. fav duo/trio?
02z, ramyeonz and even pocketz!
003. funniest member?
sunghoon, our residential unintentional jokester
004. fav episode of en o'clock, dance jam live and vlive?
v-live would be riki’s bday live (i think?) where he just gave up on properly decorating his cake and just slathered it on his gloves and tried sticking it on T-T. for en o'clock, it would be the one where jay was sleeping (plot twist: that’s half the en o’clock eps) jkjk but it was the one where they went camping (?) that ep was real cute. and for dance jam lives, it’s prolly the recent one with jakehoon (because that’s the only one i remember watching ToT)
005. best laugh?
jake! his laugh just puts a smile on my face
006. who would stay up chatting all night with you?
i feel like jay? bc we are opposites, and i feel like we’d have a lot to talk about — i have a feeling it’d just start by us forcing the other to get some sleep and then just giving up and conversing instead
007. if you had to design a unit, who would you pick and what kind of song would it be?
wonki !!! bc hellaur have you seen the talent those maknaes have ??? riki’s low-tone rapping + jungwon’s unique vocals = a pretty damb good unit me thinks. as for the song, idk prolly smth upbeat like all i wanna do or like some song which highlights the vocals at some point but also heavy on the dancing?
008. if you were stranded on an island with one member for 3 days, who'd you pick?
picking sunghoon bc we’d fight within the first ten minutes of being stranded 💀😭 but that’s exactly what we need bc survival yk? we are likely to survive fighting to no end rather than giving up life without hope (ok that sounds deep)
009. member who would be most liked by your parents/grandparents?
maternal grandma would love them all, tbh. paternal grandma has a thing for troublemakers, so maybe jake + riki? i’ve never met my maternal granddad so i have no idea about his tastes, and i don’t remember much of paternal granddad, but i think he’d love heejay
tagged by : @koishua (thanks bae <3)
tagging : @ethereal-engene @nanasdream @sunoo-bby @liliansun + anyone who sees this or wants to do this, just say i tagged you <3 (feel free to ignore, i'm sorry for the unnecessary tags)
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