#💉 hey babydoll
wolf-2099 ¡ 1 year
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a heem heem
18 notes ¡ View notes
pjisskullourful ¡ 3 years
✦•·················• 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 •·················•✦
💉Damiano X reader
part 3/3
catch up on the 1st & 2nd installments
NSFW! 🔥 smuttastic smutty filthy swearing mathmatical smut
° Damiano David & female reader insert
° Damiano shares his idea of wanting to pierce your nipple & you struggle with how much you trust your dom-boyfriend to perform this task.
word count: 6,352
° for @superchrystaldrug & their need for some piercing smut 💋 [my 1st request completed! I am open to any other requests, don't be shy with your filthy headcanons thotties]
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Your laughter ended in an audible gulp as you looked at the screen of your vibrating phone. You made a slashing motion across your neck, causing the other men in the room to become quiet as well. You hastily pulled the button-down shirt back onto your shoulders.
“Just act normal, he doesn’t know anything.” You said, your thumb hovering over the green accept button.
You were silently grateful that your boyfriend’s call had come through now - if Damiano had called later (even ten or fifteen minutes later), the secret reason for your visit to Luca’s workplace could have been revealed. It would be much easier to lie to him when you weren’t reeling from horrid pain.
You confirmed the FaceTime request and Damiano’s face filled the screen of your phone. Momentarily you forgot about Luca and his boyfriend, Cedro, watching you from the other side of the room. It had been more than a month since Damiano had left for the tour and every day you got less from these calls - they eased the ache of missing him less-and-less.
He was sitting somewhere sunny, a slight breeze sending strands of long hair across his face. He was smoking a cigarette and a lump developed in the back of your throat as you tried to not think about getting in your car to drive to him right now.
“Hey babydoll. Where are you? It looks kinda clinical…”
You tapped the screen, flipping your camera around so that he could see where Luca and Cedro were standing. “We’re doing a check-up. I thought I’d told you about this appointment…”
“Luca! I miss your musk, man.” Damiano said and you congratulated yourself on keeping anything suspicious out of the frame.
“Actually it’s Sauvage by Dior.” Cedro said.
“Who did your hair Ced’?” Damiano asked and Luca ran a hand through his boyfriend’s fluffy hair. “That green looks fuckin’ spectacular on you.”
Cedro shrugged. “Oh, I just mixed it myself with some crap I found in my bathroom.”
“Shut up. It’s so cute.”
Cedro flapped his wrist, acting bashful. “You shut up.”
“Hey baby…” You said, returning your camera to selfie mode. “Will you do me a favour and double-check Victoria’s address?”
He furrowed his brow as he inhaled more cigarette smoke. “Why do you need Vic’s address?”
“I found something online that I wanna buy for her and it’s just easier to send it straight to her place.” You said.
He scratched his face. “You got Vic a present? Do I get a present?”
You giggled, your eyes trailing over to the small tray where Luca had already laid out his instruments. “Well, I hadn’t really planned…”
Luca came over to sit beside you on the piercing table, jumping into the conversation straight away. “Her patience with you is enough of a gift to last a lifetime.”
Damiano rolled his eyes, sucking on the end of his cigarette. “Lame. Hey, how’s my piercing looking?”
“Your girlfriend’s boob still looks fantastic, man.” Luca said. “There’s no blowout, no signs of extra trauma, it’s clearly being treated with the aftercare correctly. She’s an excellent healer.”
“Sweet, you wanna take a pen out and write that down to add to your resume baby?” Damiano joked.
“Oh definitely.” You said. “Hey babe, can I call you back later? You’re not working tonight, right?”
“No. I think Vic and Thomas saw a thrift shop that they wanna raid later, but I can blow that off and just leave it to Ethan to supervise them so I can make a little time for you.” Damiano said with a sly wink.
“Awesome, it’s not that I don’t wanna see your face right now…” You said. “But we’re gonna grab lunch and I don’t wanna tie up too much of Luca’s day, he has a lot of people to stab, as you know.”
“Right right right, it’s all good. I’ll talk to you later.” He said and the couple yelled out their goodbyes.
You held the phone closer to your face. “Bye baby, I love you.”
“I love you too.” He said before bringing the camera entirely too close to his face, to the point where you could only see his lips - which were puckered as he made the loudest kissing noises possible.
You giggled and he pushed the camera back, allowing you to see the bright smile that had lit up his whole face. There was a twinge of disappointment in your heart but you smiled as you waved to him before closing the call.
“Poor dumb pretty boy, he had no clue what was really going on.” Cedro said.
“I know, thank God.” You said, pushing your boyfriend’s old shirt off of your shoulders again. “I’m ready, I promise that I don’t have to go to the bathroom again.”
“Alright then, lie down there hun.” Luca said, getting off of the bed to allow you enough space to get comfortable before the piercing began.
You were far better prepared this time around - booking this in three weeks ago. Everything was planned out perfectly and there hadn’t been an exhausting amount of questions for Luca to answer.
You had gotten the idea for your right nipple to be pierced after falling into an internet rabbit hole late at night. It had become a habit to browse through any online jewellery store that you could find, bookmarking nipple rings that caught your fancy - or that you thought could get a big reaction from Damiano.
An option that kept crossing your path and making you pause was more complex than a simple barbell or horseshoe. It was something you had never seen before - a nipple chain.
The two separate barbells had at least one delicate chain attached to run across the body. Some designs included multiple chains, with little silver charms for extra decoration. Others incorporated more than just the two piercings - including a chain that attached to the curved barbell of a pierced navel.
The possibilities seemed endless and it had your heart racing just to think about. Damiano was a fan of restraining you, it was one of the first baby steps that you had taken into BDSM activities. He had given you many chokers during your relationship, always leaning towards those with a more heavy-duty aesthetic.
A secret chain pierced through each nipple seemed like a logical evolution of his current interests and you had been thrilled when Luca confirmed he could help you achieve this goal. He helped you find the right jewellery, while also sending you screenshots of the tackiest finds from his searches.
He had worked to find something that would accommodate your healing piercings. Talking to suppliers and brainstorming ideas for a new design specifically to meet your needs.
As had been the case with the initial piercing, this was an exclusive bending of rules and typical protocols - which was only allowed to you because you were dating the piercer’s childhood partner in crime. Adding anything that dangled to a new piercing was practically inviting the jewellery to catch on something and be ripped out, or at the least, lead to complications that would never be solved.
But you were a good healer and a friend - so Luca sterilised then dismantled some of the nipple jewellery from his display stock. These were barbells decorated with small chains - they had a circumference of mere centimetres, but this was all that was needed to attach a longer chain. He had found a long chain that could cross your chest but was still lightweight enough that it shouldn’t inflict any damage to the healing piercings. Small hooks allowed it to be added to the barbells, with an extra closure that could sit at the back of your neck - because why shouldn’t it also be a necklace?
It was so many different accessories at once and it was sexy, you were already confident that this would become one of Damiano’s favourites.
“Okay, how are you feeling?” Luca asked and you could hear the snapping sound of his latex gloves going on. “Less scary the second time around, isn’t it?”
“Like anal.” Cedro said from the other side of the room, causing you to burst out laughing.
“I said you could be in here to give her moral support. How does that help her?”
Cedro came across the floor, his freckled face coming into view as he leant over you. “Can I offer you a hand to squeeze?”
You relaxed your hand after feeling your nails pressed into your palm long enough to cause discomfort. “Yeah, that’d be nice, thanks.”
“You’ll be fine.” Luca said as you lifted your arm up to where Cedro was standing by the head of the bed. “You’ve done this before hun. Just close your eyes and think of Damiano.”
“Would it help if I do my impression of him?” Cedro offered with a grin.
You looked up at this man, who you were meeting for the first time. But from what you knew of Luca and his sense of humour, you thought you might know what you would get from his boyfriend.
“If you start ripping your shirt open and yelling at the top of your lungs… I am leaving, I am leaving here so fast.” You said dramatically.
Cedro cleared his throat and shifted awkwardly on his feet. “Actually, nevermind, it’s not… It’s not that good of an impression. It’d probably just make you cringe instead of helping comfort or morally supporting you or whatever. Look, I’ll just hold your hand, look how nice.”
“Are you ready for the clamps?” Luca asked.
You shut your eyes and drew in a deep breath, taking a moment to gather your courage. There was a rattle of panic that moved through your body and you desperately clung to the knowledge that the pain would be done with quickly.
It would make you want to violently sob, but it would be over quicker than you could say fucking shit cunt on a cracker.
You gulped, intensifying your grip on Cedro’s hand. “Stab away.”
You had finally stopped fussing with your hair, gaining a distraction in a series of Snapchat notifications bearing Victoria’s name.
The bass player was already back at her house, getting started on her weeklong break from the tour. She had sent through a bunch of excited videos and as soon as you opened the first one, you had to turn down the volume.
“I am freaking out!” The blonde woman yelled, jumping into the frame of a mirror that her phone camera was facing. “I am obsessed with this jumpsuit. You’re gonna have to bury me in this, ‘cause I am never taking it off, I swear.”
You giggled as you watched your friend dancing around in the purple velvet garment you had bought for her. It was a perfect fit and the deep colour complimented her skin tone.
Your heart swelled at the look of pure joy on her face as she showed off her high kicks. Soon she was pairing her favourite shoes with the new outfit and you typed out your praise, forgetting all of your restless, dizzy excitement about Damiano’s imminent return.
You ditched your phone onto the couch in the instant that you heard a key scrape into the lock. You leapt up, already unable to contain your excitement. Your heart was racing and there was a slight tremble in your hands as you rushed to the entryway - every bit as keen as a puppy awaiting their master’s return at the end of a workday.
But that was the beauty of your relationship with Damiano - you never had to worry about hiding or faking your emotions. He loved every authentic moment of you, never ridiculing or minimising.
You played with the buttons of your shirt, wanting to pounce as soon as the door opened. But you kept yourself from it - knowing your luck, he wouldn’t be alone and it would be Thomas that you accidentally tackled to the ground.
The door opened and Damiano’s tall figure filled the archway - and there wasn’t a single other person in sight.
“That’s a sight for sore eyes.” He said.
You made your way to him, breathless before your bodies collided. His hair was longer and you knew that his phone’s camera had been betraying you, that he was far more handsome in person. He wrapped his arms around you and you felt ready to burst.
“I missed you so much.” You said, leaning back so that you could take some more time to look at him.
“God, I missed you too babydoll.” He covered your face in kisses, leaving you giggling. “Not being able to see this face every day, not being able to kiss these lips or touch this body, or just tell you every dumb joke or cuddle you at night - it was literal Hell.”
You nodded, caressing his cheeks. “I feel the same way Daddy, I’m so over just spooning with a pillow. I’m sorry, I’m totally blocking the doorway.” You forced your body off of his, giving him some space. “Come in and put your bags away and sit down and relax a bit, you must be exhausted. Do you want some tea?”
He smiled, leaving his suitcases by the door so that he could follow you into the apartment. “I’m fine baby, I just wanna spend some time with you.”
You took both of his hands in yours. “That sounds so perfect to me.”
“Actually, before we sit down and get way too relaxed - I got you a couple of things.” He said.
You smiled, hand going to the thin gold chain around your neck. “Aw, you got me gifts?”
“Of course I did.” He said. “They’re just some little things so don’t get too excited, it’s not, like, a kitten or anything. Let me just grab ‘em out-...”
You grabbed his arm when he started to turn away. “I wanna go first, ‘cause I got you a present too, a surprise.”
“A surprise? I love surprises.”
“I know.” You grinned. “Okay, shut your eyes.”
He gazed at you for a second longer, before doing as instructed - even going an extra step to put a hand over his eyes. You started undoing your shirt buttons, finally arriving at the moment of truth after weeks of planning and some little white lies. It was your first time hooking the chain up on your body after getting the piercing only eight days ago. You had put it on correctly and now it all came down to how he reacted.
You threw your shirt off to the side and tried to stand up a little straighter. “Okay, open up. Surprise.”
He wore an intrigued smile as he took his hand off of his face. His eyes fluttered open and instantly moved down your body to take in all of this newly-exposed flesh. He followed the path of the chain down from your neck, to across your sternum. Here, his brow furrowed and his head tilted as he took in the sight of your right nipple.
He paused, his eyes looking from one breast to the other and back again, as you waited, hands on hips. He slowly lowered himself down to a crouch, still engrossed in your new accessory.
“What is…?” He trailed off, his mouth remaining open.
“Do you like it?”
“Well yeah, the way that you look right now: it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.” He said. “When did you get this… ‘cause that’s pierced, right?”
“Yeah and I did it for you. 'cause I kept seeing these chains online and I kept wanting you to see me in one and I wanted to give you a really good welcome home. So, welcome home Daddy.”
He was smiling, the confusion cleared from his face. “You come here to me, you come here to me right now.”
You took a few steps over to stand in front of where he remained perched. He looked up at you, something that looked a lot like awe was painted across his face. He ran his hands up the backs of your legs, bringing them to rest on your rear. You happily played with his hair while he peppered your stomach with kisses.
Then he altered his position, wrapping his arms around your legs and seeming to lock them in place at your knees. Before you could properly react, you felt your feet leaving the ground. He started to stand up and you quickly reached down to his shoulders, hoping to stay steady as he started to walk, without any clear intention to return you to the ground.
“What are you doing?” You asked, half-laughing.
“Oh, I thought that was obvious.” He said and looking back over your shoulder, you could see the bedroom doorway getting closer. “There’s a lot of playtime we have to catch up on and I have spent many hours thinking of all the things I wanna do to my toy.”
He gave your ass a quick slap and you felt heat pooling in your most intimate areas. You ducked your head down to avoid the door jamb. As soon as he was close enough to do so safely, he launched you at the bed.
You landed on the mattress, which bounced a couple of times beneath you. You sat up, hungrily taking in the sight of him as he started to shed the layers of clothing. You licked your lips as you watched him undo his belt.
“You look positively sinful in that chain.” He said, his eyes exploring where his hands really should be.
You smiled, sliding your panties down. “Really? That’s fitting, ‘cause all I can think about right now are the many ways I wanna sin.” You tossed the underwear aside, now entirely naked. “Many, many, many…” You paused, taking in a theatrically loud breath. “...many, many.”
He had finally dropped his jeans and underwear. “Come here, naughty little toy.” You got up on your knees to make your way to the foot of the bed. “I’ll show you how to sin.”
He was smiling as he carefully wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you in his body heat. Your lips met and you let out a dreamy sigh, so relieved to be back in his arms. Happiness sparked inside of you, just like the most impressive fireworks.
Before you could get totally lost in his kisses, you leant back, licking your lips. You started to move your lips down, trailing kisses along his neck. He ran his fingers up-and-down your arms, lightly enough to prompt goosebumps to raise there.
The feeling of hunger rose up within you and you set your teeth into the skin of his pectorals. You nudged his nipple ring with your nose then used your tongue to toy with the horseshoe-shaped jewellery. You were thrilled to have the taste of his skin gliding over your taste-buds as you raked your tongue over his nipple. He edged closer to you, hardness immediately present and enticing.
You continued to move your lips over his torso, getting reacquainted with all of the features you had been deprived of these lonely weeks. You trailed your hand down his back, applying your nails in a couple of places, feeling his muscles twitch in response. You sucked some of his skin into your mouth, not satisfied by just experiencing him with kisses - it wasn’t because you wanted to leave marks of your lust on him, it was because your desire for him was so strong that you felt you had to consume him.
You had been wandering, without resources, through the desert for more than a month. And his body was the oasis you had been praying for. There wasn’t any energy wasted on logical decision-making - all you knew was that you needed to jump into that water.
You reached down the front of his body and secured his tempting erection in one hand. You lifted your lips off of his stomach so that you could study his expression. His eyes were already half-masked by heavy-lids, but they were focused purely on you. He gave your cheek an encouraging stroke and nodded his head.
You scooted back on the bed a little, giving yourself enough space to lean forward, your chest inches from resting on the bed. You lowered your head down, your eyelevel lining up with his cock.
You put a hand around him again, this time giving the length a couple of strokes, testing where his sensitivity level was currently sitting. His reaction was instant, his hand disappearing into your hair and you could feel the tension this arm carried - you didn’t have to be told how much he wanted to control you right now.
Waiting to tease him out any more didn’t make any sense to you - the foreplay had begun with your second piercing, continuing through all of the explicit Snapchats you had been sharing. You were ready to go, fiveplay held none of your interest. You wanted his taste, longed to have him in your mouth.
You started with a kiss on his tip and he gripped the side of your head. You opened your mouth, pushing your lips up his shaft and eagerly pulled him into your mouth. You could feel his quivers of anticipation and you wanted to drive him wild, wanted to feel that hot cum spilling down the back of your throat.
You braced yourself and put both of your hands on his hips. You flicked your tongue up as you drew backward, sliding it along the underside of his dick. You let him fall out of your mouth, drips left behind on your lower lip.
Before he could be left feeling too abandoned, you took him between your lips again. Rocking forward as quickly as you could, he disappeared into you once more. This time you had him deep enough that you felt him hit the back of your throat.
You withdrew ever so slightly, then hollowed your cheeks, employing a determined suck to his dick. You could feel your chin growing stickier and wetter as his hands locked into place on either side of your head. He rocked into you a little, not quite bucking - but, judging by the sounds falling from his mouth, you didn’t think you would be waiting much longer for that action to begin.
Without warning he yanked you back, emptying your mouth. He tugged you by the hair, forcing you to look up at him. Before you could wipe at your face, you noticed a large droplet of saliva coming from his lips. You opened your mouth, lolling your tongue expectantly out as he produced even more spit. As he smiled at you, the drop left his mouth, flying down to land into yours, giving you even more of him to taste.
“Thank you Daddy.” You said obediently.
“This is really hot…”
You smiled through the mess painted on your face. “For me too.”
“But…” He took your hand in his before it could begin fondling his cock again. “This angle isn’t right at all, I can’t see your sexy body chain at all.”
“Oh.” You said. “Well, I can fix that…”
You twirled around, lying your back upon the mattress. You shimmied down a bit, extending your neck as far as you could. He watched all of this with an amused smile and laughed a little when you pointed to your unoccupied mouth.
But he took advantage of this new position anyway. He moved forward, tip within the reach of your tongue again.
You swallowed him up eagerly and he moaned happily, stuttering a bit closer. Your tongue explored all over his cock, wanting to taste every glorious inch.
“That’s better, babydoll.” He said and you hummed out your approval. “God, look at that body. When you’re healed up, I wanna get something- fuck-... Something thicker to hook up on your body and something that could- something to- fuck…”
He had started to rock into you and you were tasting more-and-more of his precum. But he was still determined to make his point.
“Something that is part of a collar and then I could really own that fuckin’ body.” He said, his hips spasming when you started sucking on him again. “Would you like that, little toy? You want a harness that your- unf, oh fuck- that I could tug on whenever I wanna fuckin’ use you.”
You moaned in response, far too preoccupied by his cock to care about coming up with an answer. You reached up to his balls and started to massage them, gently, lazily, hearing him growl encouragingly.
“Fuckin’ Hell… You- oh, God.” He groaned. “Why are you so amazing at this?” He started to bend forward over you. “God, you do that like it’s a fuckin’ job.”
You would have laughed, had your mouth not been full. You couldn’t see what he was doing, you had to feel his movements and try to guess what was happening above you.
Then you felt his warm, long tongue diving between your folds. You gasped, head falling back as he swiped over your clitoris.
You hadn’t noticed how wet you were - your focus had been purely upon his pleasure. All that you cared about was his orgasm, prepared to gain your satisfaction from that.
But now your attention fell to your pussy, which had been yearning for him. And he was playing with it, ready to lap up all of your arousal.
Although your mind was clouded, you did your best to concentrate on his cock again. You wrapped your lips around him, letting him plunge back into your mouth. You rolled your tongue all over his shaft, massaging him to the fullest.
The two of you worked, pushing one another to your glorious climax and eating up every sensation. It became something of a competition, to keep up with each other - the more that he ravaged your clit, the harder you sucked on him.
It became difficult for you to lie still, you wanted to delve into the rhythm and ride his tongue to perfection. This urge got stronger when he put his fingers to your cunt. You writhed into his hand, gratefully welcoming two of his fingers into your wetness.
As he started to rub along your inner walls, you sought to deliver to him the same euphoric stimulation. You returned your hand to his balls, dancing your fingers over each of them in turn. This prompted another moan from him, which vibrated into your clitoris.
You didn’t have the time to set into any kind of technique because you could feel your orgasm quickly approaching and it was ready to ruin you. You were bucking up into him, shuddering and coming close to being overwhelmed. You fell back, his dick falling out of your mouth as you tried to catch your breath.
Your body was being overtaken by intoxicating tingles, which were all commanded by his fingers pumping into you and the sublime pressure of his tongue on your clitoris.
“You’re gonna come, aren’t you?” His voice seemed to come from far away.
“Yes Daddy, yes, yes.”
The heat from his body above you had disappeared and you didn’t know what you could grab hold of.
But you didn’t need to know anything - he started to curl his fingers and the over-stimulation reached its peak.
You greeted your orgasm with a scream, riding it out on his masterful fingers. You disappeared into your pleasure, a quivering mess at his command.
You were relieved when you felt his lips upon your cheek. Without opening your eyes, you sought to put your mouth to his. You needed to feel him in this moment of your afterglow, you needed him to feel what you were feeling.
“How did I survive without you for so long?” He said, pulling you into his embrace.
You opened your eyes, coming back to consciousness and taking in all of his gorgeous features. You could feel that he still had your heart fluttering as you played with his hair, pushing it off of his sweaty face. “I don’t know, it was absolute torture.”
He kissed you deeply, moving to place his body directly on top of you, making you feel like he could melt into you at any second. He pulled back, looking at you with a wide smile. “You taste like cock.”
You bumped your nose against his, smelling his breath. “You taste like pussy.”
His eyes moved across your face and you felt like a dish being considered before being devoured in the most thorough way possible. “Good, I missed tasting that pussy, missed playing with that pussy…” He tickled his fingers beneath your belly button. “And fuck, I really, really missed being inside your pussy, missed it so bad.”
You nodded, bottom lip trembling. “Fuck me Daddy.”
You felt his tip teasing your cunt, wanting to push into your slit. He grinned, running his tongue across his teeth - clearly delighting in all of your responses.
“You haven’t had enough yet?” He asked.
You smiled, running your hands up the expanse of his back. “No, I’ll never have enough.” You kissed him, briefly sucking on his lip. “Fuck me Daddy, please fuck me, own my body.”
His lips captured yours and he drew in closer to you. Automatically your legs parted and you felt him closer to you entrance, he was so close to completing you. You grasped his shoulders, fingernails digging in a little as you needed the remaining space between the two of you to disappear right now.
He shuddered against your skin as he moved to fill your pussy. Your walls swallowed his engorged member, welcoming him into the deepest part of your wet warmth.
He moved into you, resting his forehead against yours. This made you feel the connection even deeper, his eyes staring into your soul as the waves of pleasure grew stronger.
It didn’t take long for his rocking to pick up speed, driving into you with incredible enthusiasm. He grasped your hips and you moaned, feeling your already-sensitive cunt spasming wildly around him.
He gained a more efficient angle by lifting his chest away from yours. This gave him greater control, spreading your thighs further apart. You writhed against him, unable to catch your breath as you found yourself ready to be overcome all over again.
It was one quick thrust after another, but he was unable to find a consistent rhythm to maintain - he was primed for his undoing, just as you were.
You gasped, watching all of his pleasures play out - an orchestra of twitches, clenching muscles, fluttering eyelids, unrestrained moans, sweaty skin and laboured breaths.
You didn’t need to hear the profanities coming from his mouth to know that he was coming, finally driven to his orgasm. It was obvious from the way he shuddered violently, losing all of his self-control and composure.
You were brought closer to your own climax, just by watching him unravel on top of you. The sensations radiating out from your pussy had reached their peak - it was watching him get off that had your heart absolutely racing.
His shoulders slumped while your body arched, your body becoming rigid. Lifting your hips, it only took a few long, purposeful thrusts to grant you the ultimate release.
It felt like a pure white light shooting through your body and it was strong enough to lift you straight into Heaven. The only thing that kept you from floating away were his hands, his body and his lips.
You came down, eyes opening to a bedroom filled with colours that seemed brighter than before. You were smiling as he placed tender kisses to your mouth.
He was curled up on the bed alongside you and you reached out to take his hand - feeling blissfully complete after so many weeks of longing.
“Well I guess it’s true what they say…” He said.
“Huh, ‘bout what?” You lifted your head to look at your immediate surroundings, hoping to find something within reach that could be used to wipe your face.
“That absence makes the heart grow fonder…”
“...and it gets the pussy wetter.” He said with a smirk, very amused by himself.
“That is not the expression and you know it.” You shook your head, laughing a little.
“Maybe not.” He said, sitting up. “But that doesn’t make my addition any less true.”
He got up and left the room without another word. You took a moment to mentally check over your tired body. You were still full of relief and you looked down to see nothing had changed in your piercings. There wasn’t any pain to be felt, but you didn’t intend to tempt bad luck - unhooking the chain and pulling it away from your body. It had performed perfectly, all of your own and Luca’s concerns had not come to fruition.
When Damiano returned, he was carrying a cup of water and a dampened washcloth. He was still naked and you couldn’t resist a smile, thrilled to think of how much time you could spend looking at him now that he was back home.
“You okay babydoll, I didn’t hurt your fresh wound, did I?” He asked, sitting down next to you. “I wasn’t paying that much attention to not-...”
You put your hand up, silencing him. “I’m fine.” You took the drink from him. “I don’t think you bumped it, not even once.”
He had started to clean your face, the coolness of the cloth was wonderful on your sweaty forehead. “So, Luca did it, was that on the day when you went in for a check up?”
You awkwardly showed him your teeth. “Yeah, but, in my defense, he did check the left one that day, so, like, it wasn’t an outright lie.”
“I know and that’s not the reason why you have to take it out and it’s not ‘cause I don’t like how-...”
“Hang on.” You pushed his hand away from your face. “I have to take it out?”
“The right one, avoja.” He said, casual in his tone and you could tell that he wasn’t anticipating any opposition. “You got the fun that you wanted out of it and now it’s got to go.”
You crossed an arm over your chest, feeling a sense of defensiveness swell up inside of you. “Why?”
“Aw, sweet little toy, this isn’t the kind of thing that you have done without first getting Daddy’s permission.” He said and you nodded along silently (even though a bunch of valid counter-arguments seemed to bubble on your tongue). “And I know that you didn’t do it to be bad, but I thought we were on the same page about the fact that I own your body. So even though it’s sexy, you were being disobedient.
“You don’t have to take it out, I promise. You can draw a boundary line and say hellfire and that’s the decision made and you never hear another complaint from me.” He said and you looked down at the gold barbell stabbed through your right nipple.
You could have said no, knowing he would respect your choice, leaving it forever unchallenged. But you had to consider which decision suited you best - which side would make you feel the most empowered, which one could you stand behind with the most pride, which side guaranteed the most satisfying conclusion for you.
“Or, you take it out, we give it a few months and then we can do it the correct way.”
You quickly looked up, trying to figure out his expression. “The correct way?”
“Well I would want to repierce it myself.” He said and you felt your jaw drop. “'cause it looks fuckin’ great, but I would feel better about it if it was my gift to my good girl.”
“But you’d be piercing through scar tissue.” You burst out, you hadn’t been prepared for your voice to be so loud. “That’s gonna make it even more painful, like, triple the pain.”
He nodded and he was smiling a little, enjoying this passionate response. “Yep, that’s actually a very appealing factor of it for me. It would be quite a punishment and hopefully it would be enough to teach you to never be disobedient again.”
You opened your mouth to retort, but no words left your lips - even though you had so many things to say. Maybe that was the issue, you were overwhelmed by all of the logical points you wanted to make and it was impossible to know where to start.
You shut your mouth and stared at him silently - he wasn’t backing down and you weren’t either.
It was tempting to react quickly, your fear choosing the words for you. You could dismiss him as cruel. You could push back until this discussion was gone forever.
But you found yourself thinking back to how he had acted in the piercing room - how he had treated you, how he had looked at you.
You remembered his words of gratitude, seemingly in awe of how much you trusted him. You allowed this memory to soften your current thoughts and you realised that’s all he was looking for in this instance as well. He wanted a physical testament to the trust you had built together, that was the reminder he wanted to see, to compliment your left nipple.
The surprise had served its purpose. And you consoled yourself that it was just a piercing, it wasn’t the same as if he were asking to alter one of your tattoos.
“Hellfire?” He asked.
You sighed and looked down, unscrewing the end of the barbell. “Nope, not yet.” You grit your teeth, hissing as your tender right nipple felt every second of the metal bar being extracted.
“Thank you.” He said as you put the useless jewellery on the palm of his hand.
You played at an overly-dramatic pout, crossing your arms. “Yeah, whatever, can I get my gifts now?”
Thank you to this amazing post for letting me integrate some Italian slang (& google)
If you like my writing, feel free to tip me. I am open to both commissions & requests, commissions get priority & the most input
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wolf-2099 ¡ 2 years
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Clingy vampire
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wolf-2099 ¡ 2 years
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He didn’t think he’d say yes
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wolf-2099 ¡ 1 year
what about a kiss from carver, i'm sure he wouldn't pass up the opportunity... he would kiss you on the neck and on the jaw first before kissing you for real. maybe drag his teeth across your skin in between the kisses.
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Ah. Perhaps I could allow that.
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wolf-2099 ¡ 2 years
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hello wifey i miss u
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wolf-2099 ¡ 2 years
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holds him in my hand and squishes him like playdoh
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wolf-2099 ¡ 2 years
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wolf-2099 ¡ 2 years
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I’m gonna pick him up and squish him like a stress ball.
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wolf-2099 ¡ 2 years
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babygirl i am so normal abt you (lie)
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wolf-2099 ¡ 2 years
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LOVE that even Taliesin is like “yeah this guy fucking sucks”
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wolf-2099 ¡ 2 years
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its 4 am and i am losing my fucking mind over this stop that stop doing that im going to lose my shit and mind
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wolf-2099 ¡ 2 years
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sorry to be deranged every day but he is so smug and cocky and rude and also cool and handsome and it makes me lose my mind
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wolf-2099 ¡ 2 years
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i can no longer be normal i need to kiss this vampire
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wolf-2099 ¡ 2 years
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hello wifey hello pick me up like a cat i promise i wont cover your face in kisses again i promise i wont-
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wolf-2099 ¡ 2 years
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