#đź’Ž Thief Answers (Joker Asks)
universestreasures · 3 years
@tcthinecwnself​ Sent:
"I'm not really the artistic type, sunshine. Unless you count the art of thievery." Pause. "And my hair." He let out a small laugh. "But uh, I know you want me to paint with you, but I'm not really sure I'm going to be good at this." (Eugene @ Rapunzel)
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“There isn’t any good or bad in painting, Eugene! What matters is that you have fun with it!” Rapunzel insisted, her optimism and sunshine seeping through her smile as always. Eugene had done his best to try and introduce her to some of his hobbies, and so it was only natural she wanted to do the same for him. It was good for couples to try and do such things, according to her mother anyway.
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“Who knows? You might have a knack for it, and then you can start making portraits of yourself to hang all over your room! Plus, you can make sure you get your nose right unlike those wanted posters!” They never did get his rose right, and Raps knew that always bothered Eugene. She couldn’t blame him for that, though. Some of those got it so wrong!
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universestreasures · 3 years
@tcthinecwnself​​ Sent: A WandaVision Quote (Accepting!)
❝It doesn’t really speak to my skill set.❞ (Eugene @ Rapunzel)
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“Come on, Eugene! I promise it will be fun!” She is dragging him along through the palace halls, pushing past just about every staff and guard member without so much as a second thought. When Rapunzel was on a mission, there was little anyone could do to deter her. She had the determination and stubbornness to see things through to the end, no matter how things ended up.
That, of course, included today’s task she wanted to wrap Eugene into. She had woken him up early in the morning, proclaiming her idea in a sunshine cheer and then as soon as they were dressed, they were off towards the palace kitchen. For you see, today was Pascal’s birthday, and she wanted Eugene’s assistance in making a special cupcake for the occasion, even if he wasn’t a baker at all. She knew her best friend would just love a dessert made by two of his favorite people, and if she thought Pascal would love it, she’d do whatever she could to make it happen.
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“I know baking isn’t really your thing, but...” She starts as they finally reached the kitchen, it being all set up for the two of them thanks to Rapunzel letting the kitchen staff know in advance what her plan was. “I know it would mean the world to Pascal if you helped me make this for him. So please, please just try for him? I promise it’s not as hard as it looks, and who knows? You might discover you have a hidden baking talent, Eugene!”
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universestreasures · 4 years
@fragmentedimensions​ sent: Headcanon Please? for a Random Headcanon About A Muse! (Accepting!)
one for Gao and one for Joker :0
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Despite putting on a brave face and putting on a positive attitude, Gao still deals with the loss of both his brother Yota. Sometimes he has dreams about them or his mind wanders to him when he is alone at night in his room, and cries softly to himself in order to sleep. It’s something his family only really is aware of, but understands it is part of how he processes loss. 
It is also why Gao tries his best to embody the qualities of the Mighty Sun Fighter so strongly, tries his best to be strong, and does his best to live every day to the fullest. It is what Yota always wanted for him. He wants to make his brother proud. 
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Joker is a very lazy individual most of the time, loving to sit around his Sky Joker and eat junk food and watch TV or play video games. This also translates to how he does his treasure hunting. If he can get someone else to do some of the work for him, or use someone’s work to his advantage, you bet he will do it. Whatever he’s gotta do to get what he wants in the easiest way possible is what you will see him do. No wonder Spade and him fight so much. 
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universestreasures · 4 years
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