#πŸ’Ž Vice Answers (Mokuba Asks)
universestreasures Β· 1 month
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You'll Be In My Heart From Tarzan [Seto POV, Orpahange Days]
Do You Wanna Build A Snowman? From Frozen [Mokuba POV, Living Under Gozaboru]
Life's Too Short From Frozen [Both Brothers, Death-T]
Waiting In The Wings (Reprise), From Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure [Mokuba POV, Death-T]
Nothing Is Lost (You Give Me Strength) From Avatar: The Way Of Water [Seto POV, Duelist Kingdom]
What I've Been Looking For (Reprise) From High School Musical [Both Brothers, Duelist Kingdom Reunion]
The Boys Are Back From High School Musical 3 [Both Brothers, Battle City]
I'd Give Anything From Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure [Mokuba POV, During Our Confrontation Thread When They Are Apart]
Bet On It From High School Musical 2 [Seto POV, During Our Confrontation Thread When They Are Apart]
Strong Than Ever Before From Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure [Both Brothers, Post Our Confrontation Thread]
The Next Right Thing From Frozen 2 [Mokuba POV, Post DSOD]
Home From Frozen 2 (Mokuba POV, Post Seto's Return After DSOD)
With You By My Side From Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure [Both Brothers, When Mokuba is about to gain his CEO of Kaiba Land Position)
For @shachou <3 (Only the tagged blog may reblog!)
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universestreasures Β· 4 months
@adversitybloomed Sent: A 𝑭𝑢𝑹𝑻𝒀 𝑹𝑨𝑡𝑫𝑢𝑴 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑢𝑡 (Accepting!)
❛ Β has no one ever given you a compliment before?Β  ❜ ( for Mokuba )
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Seems his shock at her kind words had gotten noticed, Mokuba not meaning to get the older women concerned about him. He was an emotional kid, one who was unlike his brother in that he could not hide his emotions well. Yes, the younger of the two Kaiba Brothers wore his heart on his sleeve, a trait that, much like the face of coldness his brother wore, had positive and negative effects.
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"It's not that it hasn't happened, Miss Mulan. It's just...it doesn't happen very often, especially for anyone who isn't my big brother or my friends." Mokuba rubs his arm then, avoiding her gaze. "I...I don't get noticed much a lot of the time by anyone who isn't my brother, Yugi Muto and his friends, and my friends from Aibo Academy. Seto is the one everyone has an eye on, after all. It's...It's been that way for as long as I can remember."
Not that Mokuba didn't think his brother didn't deserve the attention, of course. Seto was an incredible person, and if anyone was his biggest fan, it was the young boy. Still...that admiration he has for his brother and the fact his brother was the one people paid attention to most of the time might feed into his own insecurities he's had since he was young: that he was worthless and unwanted.
"B-But i really appreciate you giving me a compliment! It...felt nice."
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universestreasures Β· 1 month
@gildinbainas (Continued From Here )
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Atem's reaction was...not what he expected, purple hues blinking in honest surprise. He would have expected the former king to be, you know...happy and excited to be reunited with Mokuba after almost three whole years of not seeing each other. Not that the teen intended on holding off to see him. He just had no idea where he was until today, after all. But all the same, he has never, not in his whole time knowing the gamer, seen him look so...down in the dumps, if he were to label it.
The way he was talking...His body language...all screamed to him that something was up. And while he had no idea what that was, he was determined to find out. Mokuba owed Atem a debt, multiple ones actually, due to his actions in the past that included saving Mokuba's very own life multiple times such as from Pegasus. If there was anything, anything at all, he could do to try and 'help' with whatever was going on, he'd do it. Even if such a thing was something his brother would disapprove of, like his presence here was, as the former king pointed out.
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"Well...there's alotta things Seto doesn't like me doing that I do anyway." Nothing extreme, of course, but there's been a handful of occasions Mokuba's disobeyed his brother or did things he knows he wouldn't approve of. This situation was one of them. Suppose one might call it part of his 'teenage rebellion' phase. "And while I respect his opinion, I'm not some little kid anymore, Atem. I'm fifteen now! I can choose what to do, what to wear, and who to see, on my own."
And Mokuba certainly had been doing that as the years went on, gaining more and more independence as time went on. While he still lived at home and still relied on his brother (especially for emotional support and boosts of confidence), he very much was developing into his own 'individual,' stepping out of the comforting shadow of his brother and out into the big, scary world with his own two feet. It wasn't easy, but he's been able to make those steps with the support of those around him, especially his friends at school. Seems like Atem and Yugi's 'power of unity' really rubbed off on him, much to his brother's dismay.
"If I wanna, on my own, visit an old friend and bring him a little homemade housewarming gift..." He slowly then moves the vase towards the other, a gesture signaling for him to take it from him. "...then I can and will. So, come on, Atem! Let's catch up for old-time's sake! I have so much to tell you about, like my friends at my new school or how I've gotten so much better at Capmon since we last played! Tell me that you are not the least bit curious how I've been the last few years?"
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universestreasures Β· 1 month
@nevertem Sent: A Various things spoken in an adventuring party Pt.2 Prompt (Accepting!)
"Where did your purchase your audacity from?" With raised eyebrows and an affectionate tone.
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"Hmm...I don't know, your majesty. How about the same place I purchased this?!" Mokuba declares as he moves one of his creature capsules, a weak level 2 electric dragon, to the evolution square on the board. With that, it evolves a few levels, transforming from a one-headed beast to a three-headed beast, not too dissimilar to his 'Thunder Dragon Titan' Duel Monsters card that was one of the ace monsters in his deck. Guess the tables had turned in this game.
With a snap of his fingers, his beast fires a widespread electric attack, damaging and finishing off the rest of Atem's creatures all in one blow. The result causes the virtual images on the table to vanish as the system starts winding down. Seems like he redeemed himself from their previous game when he was a child who thought cheating was an acceptable way to win games.
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"Check and mate. I guess you need to brush up on your Capmon skills, Atem. You're a bit rusty!" Guess he's been focusing so much on dueling that his skills in other games were not as heightened. Still, he was a worthy opponent for the teen, just as he was for his big bro. "Then again, you were up against the recently crowned Capsule Monsters Chess national champion. It was an outcome only to be expected, but..."
He then offers the king a handshake, a showcase of good sportsmanship that his brother would never offer to an opponent, not even Atem. It just showed that while his brother and he shared that boasting of their skills, there was still a clear difference between them and how they were in games. Mokuba really did come into his own as he matured, stepping out of his brother's shadow and really embracing his own individual identity, and he hopes today's game was a showcase of that for both one of his brother's rivals and himself.
"Thanks for playing me. It was nice to fight you fair and square this time and show you how much I've improved! Beating you just proves I got what it takes to become the Capsule King at the next world championship! "
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universestreasures Β· 3 months
@shacchou Sent: A Heart For The Positivity Meme (Accepting)
πŸ’ž (for Mokuba) My muse will say something nice about your muse
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"Just one thing? Man, I can say a lot of nice things about you, Bro!" He really could. The list in his mind was rather endless, but Mokuba settles on one thing in particular that stuck out right now.
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"I...I always like how you've supported me, in your own way. Like...I know you don't really get the whole 'friendship thing' I have with my Buddyfighter friends, but...you always let me go and see them when I want and even let me have them over sometimes. Or whenever I've pitched an idea or wanted to help in a project at Kaiba Corp, you always do your best to try and hear me out at least! You've always got my back, just like I always got yours! We're a team, Seto. Now...and forever!"
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universestreasures Β· 5 months
@shacchou Sent: A Protective Sentence Starter (Accepting)
β€œBe more careful next time. I don’t want to bandage you up again.” (for Mokuba)
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Okay, maybe he had been a bit too careless and reckless today. He had been working hard to finally get strong enough to do the monkey bars by himself, going there after school every day in order to perfect the feat he saw the other kids do so easily that he struggled with. Why would he be working so hard at something so random? Simple. He wanted Seto to be proud of him.
Seto was naturally gifted at everything he did without even trying from his brother's pov. Some would say he was a prodigy, a one-of-a-kind kid who any parent would want to swoop up. Mokuba wasn't like him at all, and if it wasn't for the fact the two brothers were so insistent on staying together, he knows Seto would have been long adopted by now.
And Mokuba always supported Seto in his accomplishments, whether it be good grades or winning at games. He...He wanted that same kind of praise, that same kind of approval, from the person who thought was the coolest in the world. He wanted someone to recognize him for his own accomplishments for a change, for how small they may be, to remind him that he wasn't as worthless as he sometimes thinks he is.
Sadly, his plan fell short and he fell straight onto the ground after losing his grip on the last bar. The resulting fall caused a small bruise on the young boy's knee due to it making the most direct contact with the grassy terrain underneath them, the very bruise his elder brother had patched up perfectly like he was a seasoned medical professional. Was there nothing he couldn't do, his brother thought.
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"Thanks, Seto. I promise I'll try to be more careful." He says, grabbing Seto's hand as a means of support as he stands up next to him. "I was so close, though! Next time...Next time I'll do it for sure! Just you wait, Big Brother! I'm going to do it all on my own a-and even faster than all the other kids can! I'll be the king of the monkey bars!"
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universestreasures Β· 3 months
@shacchou Sent: Actions Speak Louder Than Words (Accepting)
care, sender takes care of receiver when they're sick. (for Mokuba)
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Everything happened so suddenly that he honestly couldn't realize it before it was too late. Mokuba had woken up that morning not feeling too well, his forehead feeling a bit warm and his throat slightly dry, but it wasn't enough for him to really register he was 'sick'. It was only after he got to school that the symptoms started to get worse, the fourteen-year-old overheating and couching rapidly before eventually passing out on the floor beside his desk.
He was then brought to the nurse's office with help from his schoolmate Akatsuki and his buddy monster Byakuya. The human happened to be walking in the hallway towards the restroom at the time of the incident and quickly rushed in to help his friend upon hearing the commotion, the ninja monster manifesting in a flash from his card to help carry the youngest Kaiba brother as well. Such good friends both of them were. Mokuba would owe them one later.
It was after the nurse began her examination that the son of the Cho-Tokyo police commissioner managed to snag Mokuba's cell phone from his locker. How did he unlock it? Well, that was a ninja secret for Akatsuki to know and for his big brother to never find out he used.
Regardless, he knew he was in the right by using it in a situation like this. The ninja was well aware that those associated with his friend were hard to contact through means other than directly through a secure line like that phone, and they certainly should be informed of what was going on in a timely manner. So, he took it upon himself to do the school's job of contacting both Seto Kaiba and Isano about the situation, his voice laced with urgency as he retold what had happened to the best of his ability.
Not too long after making his call, the suited bodyguard arrived inside the nurse's office. He had been temporarily reassigned as Mokuba's chaperone by the Kaiba Corp CEO after pulling a reckless act (as Seto would call it) one day following a Buddyfight at Castle. So, naturally, he had stationed himself outside the school grounds since they did not permit him entry during most times of the day. His presence there wasn't surprising. What was surprising was who came barging in not too long after the suited man's arrival.
For Seto Kaiba, the most powerful man in the entire city, appeared in the flesh before them all, the sight almost causing the poor nurse, and probably the rest of the school's staff, a heart attack of panic. Isano, knowing his boss's preferences well when it came to matters pertaining to the younger Kaiba in situations like this, prompted everyone else, including the nurse, to leave the room. That left the two brothers alone, with one of them unconscious and having a fever that was astronomically high.
What ended up awakening Mokuba not too long after his brother's arrival wasn't the commotion that said arrival had caused. It was instead the fact that his body felt suddenly a bit cooler because of a wet rag that Seto had placed on his forehead, a technique Mokuba can faintly remember their father using when he was little. Purple hues slowly begin to open as his consciousness returns, with this blurry vision slowly focusing on the sight of his brother who was looking over him.
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"Big...Big brother...? Is that...you...?" Mokuba's voice was weak and strained, as if scissors had been applied to his throat. A few coughs escape him next, his body warming up and his heart rate starting to increase as a result. "Wha...What happened...? Last thing I remember was...being in math class..."
His head tilts up to examine his surroundings, not quite recognizing the room. This was the first time he's had to visit here, which was a good thing. He, along with pretty much everyone else around the boy like the staff, Mochi, or his brother, were usually better at catching when he was starting to get sick like this. Though, considering how busy things had been as of late for everyone, it made sense his subtle symptoms earlier had managed to sneak under everyone's noses. What was important was he was getting help now before things got even worse.
"Wait...Am I...still at school? And...how did you...how did you know I was-" He is stopped by his own coughing again, his voice echoing throughout the small room with an intensity unlike any other sickness he's ever had.
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universestreasures Β· 5 days
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Ryutaro Isono / Roland Ingram, from Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, has been added as a Plotting-Dependent muse. Heavily headcanon based due to us not having much on him, but Kaiba Corp's MVP is here for both manga and anime storylines! His full backstory can be found here!
(Once again I was indirectly enabled and I'm fine with it. Time to write the goat of Kaiba Corp LOL)
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universestreasures Β· 8 days
@shachou Sent: 𝑨 𝑻𝑾𝑢 𝑾𝑢𝑹𝑫 𝑺𝑬𝑡𝑻𝑬𝑡π‘ͺ𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹 (Accepting!)
❛ it's nothing. ❜ (for Mokuba)
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At last, they were alone. Meetings like this between the two boys have been rare occurrences ever since they moved inside this house months back, only allowed during certain circumstances such as the current one. They were both getting ready to attend a party alongside their stepfather, one that would officially introduce them to the world of high society. It was a big deal, as their stepfather was sure to remind them. The last thing he'd want is for his two new children to embarrass him in front of his colleagues and work partners.
As Seto helped Mokuba pin on his bow tie since the boy was having trouble with it, purple hues honed in on his brother's face and the features that lay on it. Subtle bags under his eyes. Eyes that looked spent. It all screamed exhaustion when looked at from up close, despite apparent attempts at his brother to try and hide it. He knows his brother didn't like appearing weak in front of anyone, for it could be fatal, a point that had been drilled into Mokuba since they first arrived at the orphanage.
Still, the kid couldn't just not say anything. Mokuba may be the younger sibling and only the age of six, but he still wanted to try and help his brother out when he could. So, he looks up at his brother as he asks a simple question.
"Nii-sama...Are you...Are you tired?" The boy asked, his voice soft and filled with concern.
"It's nothing."
"But..." It was clear his brother was trying to stop the subject, a habit his brother had done in the past. He never wanted to worry the younger of the two, always trying to be strong for them both. Even so, it was an answer Mokuba couldn't accept, not today. His hand moves to grab his brother's sleeve, as if to prevent him from moving out of the room just yet.
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"I know you've been studying really hard all the time! Studying tires me out, so it must tire you out even more!" However, what Mokuba experienced was nowhere near the intensity of what Seto goes through, neither in difficulty nor duration. "Maybe I should go ask our stepfather if after the party you can take a break from studying for a while and relax, kinda like a vacation. Since you are working so hard, and if I ask really nicely, maybe he'll say yes. And if he does, then..."
His childish excitement takes him over, emotions that had been long gone since coming here repppaering as he wiggles his brother's arm. But his idea, unrealistic as it was, gave him true joy, an infectious sort that proved this place had yet to break the boy's spirit. At least...not yet.
"Then we can play together again, just like we used to! It's been so long since we played chess, Nii-sama! And maybe this time, I'll win! I've been practicing!"
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universestreasures Β· 5 months
@devildukem / @shacchou Sent: A Themed Headcanon Prompt (Accepting!)
hc + πŸ‘— for a clothes-themed headcanon for Mokuba hc + πŸ’― for an achievement-themed headcanon (for Mokuba!)
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Clothing-Themed Headcanon
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Mokuba's change in clothing in DSOD was done as a way to show everyone just how seriously he takes his position as Kaiba Corp's VP, a sign of maturity if you will. Everyone was shocked the moment he walked into the building with it on, some even wanting to take pictures with him cause he was 'so cute'.
The type of clothing was a bit more restrictive than he had been used to wearing before (AKA the outfits he had in DK and BC), but he got used to it after a while. In addition, he still wears his locket which is just under his shirt (he wanted to really look professional), and is something he brings out into the open after Seto leaves at the end of the film, a way to remind him of hs brother.
Achievement-Themed Headcanon
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Mokuba likes to often visit local arcades to play games and get out of the stuffiness of the Kaiba Corp offices if he's feeling stressed out. While he's there, he always does his best to be at the top of the leaderboards on any game he plays, and he is at the top for pretty much all of them. Whenever he gets the number one spot in a game, he takes a picture of it to show his big brother so he can be proud of his achievement.
The same goes for any high scores on any exams at school. He's the type of kid who wants all his achievements to be pinned on the fridge for all to see at home, and I can see him even bragging it about them to other Kaiba Corp employees (when he's younger, I think he'd mature up about it by DSOD/Post Canon era and just keep to sharing them with his brother).
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universestreasures Β· 4 months
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"Big Z is the best, and I'll always have his back!"
Akatsuki Kisaragi from Future Card Buddyfight has been added as a Somewhat Active Muse! Canon Based and Headcanon Expanded, with a verse for Yu-Gi-Oh! DM to be added soon! This means he will become another connection/member of the friend squad for my Mokuba, just like Tasuku, Gao, and Suzuha have been!
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universestreasures Β· 5 months
@ofhardknoxxx Sent: A Themed Headcanon Prompt (Accepting!)
hc + πŸ‘» for a headcanon about supernatural occurrences / mokuba
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Considering what this boy has been through, most supernatural occurrences (or even like joking there is one around), freak him out. Like Halloween has become a terrible holiday for him now after having experienced such intense supernatural occurrences. It reminds him too much of those bad experiences, especially anyone dressed up like a scary monster (Death-T Flashabacks in the Manga Verse for certain).
I think the only main supernatural stuff he is not scared by right away is Atem or if Duel Monsters started to speak to him (like Seto's Blue Eyes White Dragons like I explained in this HC post). He is also a lot better at handling stuff if he is with Seto or probably Post DSOD/Post Canon after he's matured and has gotten used to everything (to an extent)
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universestreasures Β· 4 months
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Kisara from Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters has been added (FINALLY) as a Somewhat Active Muse! Canon compliment and headcanon expanded! Anime, Manga, and Modern Verses are available! Duel Monster AU coming soon!
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universestreasures Β· 4 months
@adversitybloomed Sent: π‘ƒπ‘™π‘Žπ‘‘π‘œπ‘›π‘–π‘-πΉπ‘Ÿπ‘–π‘’π‘›π‘‘π‘™π‘¦ π‘‰π‘Žπ‘™π‘’π‘›π‘‘π‘–π‘›π‘’'𝑠 π‘†π‘‘π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘  (Accepting)
"Want to just go to a fast food place? Pretty sure they won't be busy." ( for Mokuba )
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"That's a great idea, Miss Mulan! Best one you've had all day!"
Royal purple hues lit up at the suggestion. It was no secret that despite his status as Kaiba Corp Vice President, Mokuba was still very much a little kid. So, the idea of going out to a fast food place, one that usually had meals that came with a toy, was all the rage to him. Plus, considering the holiday, he knew there were some special things going on at a ton of places around town, already having a list all ready bookmarked on his phone just for this occasion.
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"Plus, I know all the best Valentine's secret menu items! I hear the Dueldonalds has special chicken nuggets for today in the shape of hearts, as well as a chocolate parfait, my favorite!" He quickly grabs his bag and takes hold of her hand, beginning to try and guide her out of his own personal office. "I'll call Isano to get a car for us downstairs. We're going to get lunch in style, today! Plus, maybe if we have time before lunch is over we can go look around a few stores. I wanna see if there is anything cool I can add to my gift box for Seto."
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universestreasures Β· 5 days
@puzzledmemories Sent: Mun talks about the Muse (Accepting)
πŸ“ Favorite headcanon for your muse?Β  for Mokuba!!
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Oh gosh my favorite? I have so many I love! Well, if you don't count anything with Mokuba's friend squad (cause tech is more my own lore than anything), I think it is the HC I have that Mokuba is an avid arts and crafts maker.
We see this in canon through both him making the lockets in the manga verse and him making Seto the Blue-Eyes proxy in the anime, but I think it expands beyond that. I think he's the type to make many kinds of crafts, for both passion and as a way of expressing his love or friendship to someone (AKA Gift Giving is one of his love languages). Some examples of what he likes to make that I've thought of (including ones I have incorporated into threads such as with @shachou ) are picture frames and scrapbooks, mugs, hand-written cards, paintings (like vases or other objects but sometimes he draws his own art), jewelry, deck boxes, magnets, and even baked goods. Not all of them turn out 100% picture-perfect, but it's the thought that counts above all else.
Seto is the number one receiver of his arts and crafts gifts, and no doubt has a whole closet full of them by now, and if he displays them on his desks at work or at home, it makes Mokuba very happy.
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universestreasures Β· 8 days
@relevc Sent: 𝑨 𝑻𝑾𝑢 𝑾𝑢𝑹𝑫 𝑺𝑬𝑡𝑻𝑬𝑡π‘ͺ𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹 (Accepting!)
❛ Β your turn.οΏ½οΏ½ ❜ ( for mokie c’: )
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A smirk crosses his face as she steps off the DDR machine. Mokuba must admit Anzu did pretty well up there. He knew she was training to be a dancer, so her doing well at a dance game wasn't too surprising. However, he wasn't about to let himself get outmatched by someone else, especially in his favorite arcade, where had got the highest scores on almost every game. After all, his brother wasn't the only one who had a love or affinity for these types of games.
He walks up to the console and starts setting up the game, making sure to pick the highest difficulty level and speed the game has. The crowd that had formed around the two while Anzu played all gasped in shock, a reaction that made him just more fired up. He had an audience he needed to impress now.
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"Alright, Anzu. Time to show you why I'm the king of this arcade!" He confidently declares just as the game starts to load, his hands moving towards the railing at the back of the console. It was there to prevent players from falling, but he was going to use it for his own purposes.
With himself in position, his feet get to work. They rapidly move from panel to panel, as quick as lightning. His movements were so fast the crowd could barely keep up. What they could see was he was hitting every single point perfectly, raking up a score that increased higher and higher with every second that passed.
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