#πŸ’™; the handler's partner
fictionallyinparadise Β· 1 year
🧸; What sort of plushies do you think your f/o would like? Beanie Babies, Squishmallows, big or small ones, etc?
🎲; What's your favorite board game to play with your f/o(s)? Least favorite?
πŸ‘œ; Show a picture of your favorite outfit your f/o has worn and gush about it! Go absolutely ham too, keysmashes and heart emojis are encouraged!
~ rebeccaselfships
!!!FRIEND FRIEND HIHIHIHI!!!!!!! I'm gonna answer these with Diana ;>
🧸; What sort of plushies do you think your f/o would like? Beanie Babies, Squishmallows, big or small ones, etc?
She absolutely LOVES old Beanie Babies. I can't think of any she'd have atm but 47 and I have absolutely bought her one that shares a birthday with her!!! (I also don't know which one that is but when I figure it out I'll reblog this post HEHE). She also really likes the jumbo Squishmallows bc then she has something to cuddle whenever the three of us are apart,,,
🎲; What's your favorite board game to play with your f/o? Least favorite?
I fucking love playing Battleship IRL and with her!!! Like. It's so silly it's so fun the BANTER.....which makes it funny that the least favorite is Risk. She's just too good at it 😭. I don't last long in that game against her OR 47 LMAO-
πŸ‘œ; Show a picture of your favorite outfit your f/o has worn and gush about it! Go absolutely ham too, keysmashes and heart emojis are encouraged!
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She's just so fucking pretty like holy shit she's a goddess she's everything THAT'S MY WIFE!!!!!!!!! I just wanna slow dance with her in the moonlight and do the stupid dramatic leaving kisses from her hand all the way up her arm like in cartoons!!!!!!!! Like!!!!!!!!!
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fictionallyinparadise Β· 2 years
This woman,,,,,
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fictionallyinparadise Β· 2 years
B.being held. By Diana....need that rn........
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fictionallyinparadise Β· 2 years
I think. I should be able to curl up in Diana's lap while she's helping our boyfriend with a mission.
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fictionallyinparadise Β· 2 years
DIANA GUSH TIME!!!!!!!!!! BABEY!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Her voice omg she's. She's so. It's so beautiful. She's got such a sweet voice. It's so?? Calming?? AND HER PRAISE!!!!!!, HER JOKES?!!?!!!!!!!!! oh my GOODNESS. Instant love for me the second she spoke <33.
Her,,,,she's,,,pretty. She's so pretty. She,,,,,jsnskskskks. She's just got such a sweet face. So kissable!!!!!!!! So!!!!! Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's just gorgeous she's absolutely beautiful I cannot put this into words. AND HER DRESS????? OH!!!! OH,NNNNNNWKDKEKDK????? man do I love women! She's so gorgeous she's a goddess and I am just the mortal she chose to fall in love with and make a myth with <3333!!!!!!! That was such a stupid way to describe things.
Her!!! Brain!!!! She's so!!!! Smart!!!!!!!!! She's so smart she's. Oh my god. She's just. Smart woman smart woman smart woman!!!!! She make plan she do plan she is a smart cutie pie babeyNnnnnnsndkz.
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fictionallyinparadise Β· 2 years
Ajdkkaofis Diana's morning voice?? Would be so??? Oh my god????????
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fictionallyinparadise Β· 2 years
πŸ‘€ :]
Thanks for the ask!!! ;w;
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They're both so gorgeouswjdksodkke??? I wanna gently kiss them on their foreheads oh my goddddhdhhdhdhhdhs I love them. So much. Oh my god. I would endure so much cold weather just to see Diana in a sweater she's so gorgeous and to see 47 in a turtle neck ohhhh,,,,,
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fictionallyinparadise Β· 3 years
Screw it, I feel like absolutely garbage and I am full of comfort ideas. (For my migraines bc god are those suffering)
Under the cut bc it's gonna be a long one <33
Satine: Fuck everything we sleeping/laying in bed. I am falling asleep with my head on her chest listening to her heartbeat and she is petting my hair. We're both still in pretty nightgowns.
(movie) 47: Its just gentle arguments of "why didn't you tell me you feel bad I would have dropped everything for you" from 47 and "we have work to do damnit and we can't stay in one place for days on end I'm fine" from me. I'm a stubborn bastard. But I'm also feeling shitty so I don't argue for long and give in and we cuddle in some car we totally legally own. 47 can drive us to safe places.
(video game) 47: Yeah I'm doing him and Diana separate before doing them together. Do not take that out of context. Anyway. If I feel up to it? A nice bath!! A warm one too. With bubbles. He washes my hair and tells me random facts he knows. Then we cuddle somewhere quiet!!!
Diana: She drops everything and instantly gives so much vocal comforts πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­. "You'll be okay darling, I've got you", "my poor dear, come here", "I'll be with you till you feel better, alright?",,, GAHHH. Then just,,,,,, laying in bed,,,white noise plays in the background,,,
47 and Diana: Hehe power couple time. They take turns comforting,,,but it ends up with me being middle spoon hehe,,,they simply want to hold and protect from anything that can make me feel worse!!!!
Not doing Cinderella and Charming bc Idk how our dynamic works entirely
Erik: Yes all poly ships get individual then together results. Anyway. He gets a fuck ton of water and any small silly thing I ask for?? Like?? "Man I want a mint". He comes in with big ass bag of mints.
Charles: Cuddling and quietly infodumping?? Yes. Yes I do think. He simply just murmurs on about anything he wants and I shall listen and feel some joy in my moments of agony.
Charles and Erik: cuddle pile cuDDLE PILe. Either I lay on top of these lads or they lay (gently!!!) on me. Either way. I am held. I am warm. I am safe!
Arthur (Morgan): He takes me away from camp bc god that place is LOUD and we get a quiet little safe place. And we simply. Exist. He makes us food, gets us water, sets up camp,,,stays up all night making sure absolutely nothing bothers me or so help him gOD he will go feral as silently as possible. Doesn't matter how long I need we will simply be out in nature.
Javier: He takes me fishing,,,or just to any body of water to camp at. That's it. Sometimes his boyfriend(s) will tag along. Sometimes his boyfriends' girlfriends will also tag along.
Dutch (and Hosea bc I'm too lazy to do them separately): Hosea reads to me,,, Dutch. Idk. He reassurances me about the future. How great it'll be. Because it will. Because everything is fine. Shut up /lh, nm.
Lucifer: Fuck family drama, fuck crime, fuck everything. Close down Lux. Awkward hugs are absolutely required. I will simply koala hug him. He will just carry me around. No one is allowed to ask questions.
Geralt: He just goes "fuck" and that alone makes all my misery go away /j. Nah but he's awkward as heck. What the hell does he do his shape shifting girlfriend is in absolutely misery?? What do?? He probably does some awkward "I know you feel like shit" talk, hand on the shoulder, gives That Fucking Smileβ„’,,,
Jaskier: Second he can tell that noise makes head hurty he shuts up. Nearly breaks his lute. Just. Hugs and kisses. He shows me songs he's still writing. It's silent. Anything that makes noise gets a "shUT UP" hissed out. All is well.
Geralt and Jaskier. OH,,,oh Jask would make Geralt stop and get a room at an inn. Despite both of us protesting. Immediately simply gives little face kisses. Fuckin drags Geralt to the room. If headache allows he sings quietly. If not then we sit in silence till someone falls the hell asleep.
Scully: Work sucks but she calls every hour to check in. And if I don't answer twice she doesn't call after. She just gets someone to check up on me....and if she is home then we cuddling on the couch. Some cheesy show is on. I have my face buried in her neck. Life is okay.
Dean: Kid feels bad call off all hunts. Hot chocolate and some old, cheesy ass TV show gets put on. Either that or he takes me driving to clear my head. Get some fresh air.
Cas: No angel mumbo jumbo happening here bc I would refuse. He uses he wings to block light and noise. That's it.
Volga: He doesn't know what to do!! Tiny husband doesn't feel good?? What?? How fix?? Who needs wacked with the spear. Unfortunately he cannot bonk my agony away. I use his cape as shelter from the sun. Or his wings. Either works. Sometimes I don't need everything dumped to take care of me sometimes I just need to know someone cares...
Dean and Cas: Some combination of the two. Yeah.
Deadpool: VIDEO GAMES if I can handle it. Other than that he'd get comfort foods then fuck off to another room and check in every so often.
Gordon: Hsnckosod. Okay. He gets water, blankets, pillows, etc. If I want him there I will grab him and make grabby hands. Which I do like almost everytime. He gives words of encouragement,,,,like,,,"you're so strong sweetheart", "it'll be over soon, just rest",,,Aohdoskckks.
Heisenberg: Specifically I imagine falling asleep somewhere random and he just. Drapes coat over me. Carries me to a gentle surface. And just shuts shit down and let's me rest. I wake up and find him and fall asleep in his lap. Everything is okay.
I'd do Jon and Martin but I think of this more with Nove than me so it's more specific to them so...
Sully: Bold of you to assume he isn't off doing something else. I KID I KID. We watch cheesy movies (either on silent or with sound it doesn't matter) and banter. That's it. That's all.
Alice: Honestly I don't know. We cuddle? Maybe? Perhaps?
Jason: We live in a cabin together so it's quiet. He has a room with windows boarded up just for when head hurty. He's a gentle giant. Water? We got that. Food? We got that. Blankets? We got that. Cuddles? Yes.
Simon: He is main "I do not feel good" comfort f/o. We have a whole ass routine planned out. If I can, bathe. If I cannot but still want to get one, he'll do the trick of like. Running the shower but I don't fully get in. Just to wash hair. Then, food and water. And meds ofc. Then rest. He has an entire case of water and snacks in our bedroom as well. Oh and he loans me his clothes. Oh and he makes sure I want his company before staying.
Dwight: He gets those like. Stress reliving oils that go in a humidifier for me? After making sure the scents are okay bc sometimes scents make migraines worse.
I don't have any clue for Ghostface.
I can't do The Curious cuz the self insert is so specific
Brahams: He's absolutely shit at taking care of himself. But he does his best. He'll read to me! Give me kissy. Hehe.
Narrator (Dude, Stop): He makes some stupid jokes to get me distracted and talks about video games with me hehe.
Narrator (TSP): "Sorry Stanley, my partner doesn't feel good so you'll have to do without me for a while.". Okay but for real he finds whatever form will bring the most comfortable and change to that then will comfort. Oh have I mentioned that I hc that he doesn't have a body he can manifest one when he wants and it can be anything?
Slenderman: He can make white noise /j. Nah but Idk he's basically a forest god. He makes everything quiet and guards over me. Fuck the dumb ass teenagers tryna summon him they can suffer later. Tiny joyfriend needs him.
Arthur (Hastings): I know he's in a rush to move the fuck on. but. But. It is rest time. Drink the Joy free water. Eat some food. Idk what the food is but he provides. Oh no there's only one bed,,,HA jokes on you we're gay. We are cuddling. Hehe.
Warren: We both need a fucking day off oh my god. Anyway. "You feel crappy? Me too. Uh anyway. You need anything?". That's all I can think of.
Idk about Magnus. Though fuzzy cuddles
Daisy: She would simply hold me close and do that comforting little back rub thing. She smells like cinnamon. I have decided that is canon.
Luigi: He tells me bout his adventures!! Ghost doggie lays on the bed with us. I am laying my head on his shoulder. We have glow in the dark stars.
Daisy and Luigi. A combination of those two,,,,She holds me but I'm also still resting my head on Luigi's shoulder. We still have glow in the dark stars. Everything is good.......oh how I wanna be here.....
I refuse to write for the Sharktopus f/os πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘οΈ.
Thomas: Hmm. I uh. Dunno. He drags my stubborn ass to bed. Maybe reads to me a bit.
Harvey: Okay let's pretend that ghosts can have migraines. Or that he didn't die. Either works. Anyway. Absolutely awkward energy. "Do you. Uh. Need anything, luv?". Gets whatever is requested. Does finger guns with a "come grab me if you need anything". Yeah.
Jack: He's a good dad okay he's got a routine down for these cases. Get water (do they have water. Idk), get blankets, get candy. Tell me stories about past Halloweens! Or have Zero watch over me if I can't handle noise.
Agoti: OH LOVE OH DARling. Anyway. He gives me one of his sweatshirts and offers headpats. Maybe some forehead kissy too. Perhaps even a hug or two.
Matthew: He's a good boy. He asks me what I want!
Lucio: His existence makes my life better. Okay but for real? He's kinda like Volga but more in a "I can't do anything to help and that makes me upset bc I hate to see you in pain" way. He just gives absolutely luxury. I need sleep? Take this big ass fluffy bed with lots of blankets and pillows. I need water? Only the best and cleanest and best tasting. I need food? Best chef on the job. Whatever I want. I need cuddles? Dog pile time. He also tells stories about himself. Or of us but in his pov.
Sally: Sing to sleep?? She sings to sleep. Or just makes sure I'm comfy. Also that cute little headpat that kids are given?? Yeah.
Jack and Sally: Cute headpats, Zero watchin' over, some type of beverage and candy <33. Oh maybe Jack'll make some silly spooky faces to make me laugh :D
Can't do Revan because I don't know our dynamic yet
Nihilus: The hungry void can cuddle me if he wants to. He's probably got the same Volga and Lucio thing but with more curse words strung with it. Uhh. Fuck it it's my comfort f/o I get to make the headcanons. He has a really soothing singing voice despite the mask. He sings like an angel.
Cookie Run (because Istg I'm just adopting more kids left and right with this game): Mama doesn't feel good? No adventuring we gotta make sure Mama gets some jelly and handmade get well soon cards! Idk they're just kids man,,,sobs.
Sal: Secret agent shit goes oof- nah but he'd tell jokes. Silly little jokes. Get me to laugh. He'd just take my little mind off the big pain.
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fictionallyinparadise Β· 3 years
Me when Diana
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fictionallyinparadise Β· 3 years
A good update!!!
After playing Hitman for a while (it's a comfort game lmao), I've resparked the connection with Diana and 47!!!!! I'll be adding them back to the f/o list!! I'll still be keeping movie!47 since he's different than the one in the game!!!!!!!
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fictionallyinparadise Β· 3 years
Send asks about 47, Diana, and/or Rowan I have brainrot,,,,πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
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fictionallyinparadise Β· 3 years
I should be working on finishing OCs but instead I play Hitman like the silly little bitch I am.
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fictionallyinparadise Β· 3 years
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fictionallyinparadise Β· 3 years
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fictionallyinparadise Β· 3 years
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He jus,,,looks like he'd give good hug,,,plus,,,PLUS,,,big shirt to sleep in,,,,,,,he look,,,so hambsome,,,
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She's so p r e tt Y oh my. Oh my god. I'm cryign,,,her hair,zzlooks so soft,,,I want to gib kiss,,,I want to steal jacket,,,hggmkhkh.
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fictionallyinparadise Β· 3 years
Hey there could I ask πŸ—£πŸŽ‰πŸ˜³ for 47 or Diana for the scavenger hunt asks, whichever you feel like (or a mix!) :) - sweettoothselfships
πŸ—£ Post a screenshot of your f/o in profile/side view!
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These are the only ones I have that are side view (that aren't fanart!!) akdjakdj Diana with short hair my beloved,,,
πŸŽ‰ Post a screenshot of your f/o where they’re smiling/laughing/having a good time.
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,,,this is a gif BUT it's the only one I can find of 47 ;w; it's sLIGHT butβ„’.
😳 Post a screenshot of your f/o that flusters you.
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Jus,,, turtleneck,,,short hair,,,ahhh,,, I'm,,, asdfgjkl
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