#πŸ’œ β€” 14dwy headcanons.
14dayswithyou Β· 2 years
πŸ’Œ || i think what people disregard or don't realize about ren/[REDACTED] is that he still be unintentionally harmful towards the mc, affecting them somehow if they actually caught him basically lying to them the entire time by being someone he's not - and plus a lot of fucked up shit he has done to others since he sees them as a potential threat and he doesn't want anyone else getting too close to them or hurting them. he's possessive, overprotective and even impulsive at times, not even caring the severity of his actions. what matters to him is that he gets to be with mc for the rest of his life, and especially them not knowing how much of a obsessive dangerous individual he truly is.
but if that somehow backfires.. mc wants no contact with ren/[REDACTED] whatsoever, they finally learn that he's not what he seems, if anything he's definitely no good to be around. he's unstable and doesn't seem to care much about almost everyone else besides them. he can't imagine a future without them or their future without him.. he can't let go. he has to be with them, or he just doesn't see himself with a partner. he sees no purpose in life if he doesn't get to be in their picture.
and mc now knows that, knows that he had harmed many people for his selfish infatuation towards them. knows that he doesn't feel comfortable being his actual self since he was raised in a unstable household - not really understanding how healthy love works and if he could ever be loved if he wasn't pretending and changing up his interests just for mc. and so therefore they confront him, straightforwardly telling him that they know he isn't the person he seems to be and his horrid, awful actions. they don't want to talk to him anymore, or even come near him. they think he's disgusting and should be sent in prison, being served a death penalty for the lives he stolen.
but no, no no! he can't let them go.. he can't just be simply separated from them for good. he needs them and they need him. so he tries to convince mc that isn't the case and he hasn't done anything wrong, that he doesn't know what they're talking about. oh but they're not letting it go whatsoever - they know more than enough already and they're certain they shouldn't be around him anymore. they're not that gullible.
and it leads to a messy argument, mc yelling at ren/[REDACTED] as wet tears began to stream down their cheeks. they had realized how emotional they were getting but they just did not care anymore.. they learned they were dealing with a murderous, obsessed stalker. all what was going on now was them shouting insults and saying they don't want anything to do with him - and him still denying those claims. that is until mc just gives up bothering to argue with him and gets their stuff to leave. they know he can't keep up with the lies any longer, after all he's gonna be sent to jail and he won't hurt anyone else anymore right? ... right??
wrong.. so wrong.
he won't let them leave, he can't afford to.. and he resorts to kidnapping them, grabbing them and restraining them so they can't struggle out of his firm grasp. mc screams and kicks, trying to get him off of them and their eyes lingering towards the front door. determined on escaping his grip and reporting him to the police. they can't give up.. they have to leave.. they aren't safe around him, no one is..
ren/[REDACTED] mutters out so many apologies, telling them he can't let them go and that it's for the best. he didn't want this to end this way but it's the last resort.. he hopes someday mc finds it in their heart to forgive him and soon understand he did all of this for them.
but only time will tell.
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14dayswithyou Β· 2 years
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What is Ren's real name? Try and guess it!
Are Ren and [REDACTED] the same person? Yes, they are the same person. "[REDACTED]" is his real self and "Ren" is a persona he created specifically for Angel.
Will we get to see/learn more about [REDACTED]? You'll learn more about [REDACTED] in Day 7, but getting Ren to remain as his real self will all depend on the choices you make in the game.
How old is Ren? Ren is one year younger than you, but at least 18! However if you are 18, then he’d be one month/day/hour younger than you instead.
What is Ren's ___? Ren is non-binary (AMAB + prefers masculine and gender-neutral titles), uses he/they pronouns, born on February 14th, around ~6'5", half Japanese and American, and pan/demisexual.
Does Ren have a Spotify playlist? Yes! Here's a playlist full of songs that make me think of him, and here's a playlist full of songs that I personally think he'd listen to. Please look at my Spotify profile for the rest of the cast.
What are the cast's sexualities? Pronouns? etc. Here are their birthdays, here are their sexualities, and here are their pronouns.
What does the β€œcanon” / β€œblog canon” / etc. tag mean? Posts tagged with "canon" means it complies with the official 14DWY universe set for the game, "blog canon" means it only applies to the universe set for this blog, "AU canon" means it's set in an entirely separate universe with its own lore, and "non canon" means the post is just for fun and shouldn't be taken seriously.
When will Day ___ come out? Whenever I feel like it. Please understand that I am a full-time university student who also works a part-time job, so it's difficult for me to make time to work on 14DWY.
Where is the best place to find updates? The 14DWY Discord would be the best place to receive game/development updates (as well as interacting with the community), though I do crosspost major updates on Tumblr and Twitter after a week or so.
Will there be a mobile version? No. My main priority is releasing builds for PC/Mac for now.
How many love interests are there? Just Ren. And although you can get a romantic ending with some of the other cast members, they won't have a dedicated "route" like Ren.
Do you have a Patreon / KoFi / Kickstarter / etc? I have a Ko-Fi now (purely for art commissions), but please continue to keep your money! Just knowing that you enjoy 14DWY is more than enough support for me!
Do you have an F.A.Q tag? Yes! Here's a masterlist of other frequently asked questions, and here's the general #FAQ tag for even more questions I get asked on a regular basis. Please check them out before asking something!
Is there anything you won't write about? I don't write about scat/piss, incest, noncon, self harm/suicide, major character death (Angel, Ren, Violet, etc. to avoid spoilers), pedophilia, or anything else of that nature.
Why haven't you answered my question yet? It probably made me uncomfortable, you didn't put your age in your bio, you didn't read this entire post properly, or I've answered it before.
How do I ask a question? To ensure you've read the rules: please include any of the following secret phrases in your message. Otherwise, I won't answer it.
Meowdy Saint! ^^
Say hi to renren for me
The 14DWY brainrot is real... >_<
This angel has another question! \o
I'm here to Redeem my kiss from [14DWY character] for reading the pinned post.
hehe >:3... hehesmirk, even 😼
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