#🔥👑 the scarlet princess | yasmina taylor
astral-express-family · 4 months
My gfs!!!
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I don't have much art of them since they're OCs, and since our anniversary is coming up I figured I'd ought to change that lmao
[Yasmina (left) uses she/her, Althena (right) uses any pronouns!]
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astral-express-family · 4 months
One Year
Yasmina and Althena one-year anniversary fic! I haven't posted about them nearly enough, but here's sweet little fic I wrote. For the purposes of this fic Celine lives with her father and uncle :3
Taglist: @violetsareblue-selfships, @silver-heller (go here if you want to be added!)
A quiet alarm tone draws Celine into consciousness. It's barely loud enough to draw her attention. The barest hints of sun stream through the window, casting a faint light over the room as Celine reaches out with a clawed hand, and clumsily turns off the alarm. She doesn't want to get up, but she does anyways. It's a bit of an ordeal to extricate himself from the tangle of limbs that are Yasmina and Althena. Althena, in particular, has buried her face firmly in Celine's neck. Once free, she stretches, catlike, with a yawn. The calendar hanging on the wall has a day circled. The current day. The fifteenth of February, the day after Valentine's Day. In Celine's messy and excited handwriting it says "ONE YEAR GFS", with a ton of underlines. That fills her with excitement, and she sneaks over to her dresser.
In the top drawer is a dress, one Yasmina had picked out for him. He knew she'd picked out matching ones for herself and Althena, which are currently sitting right next to his. She throws on the dress and slips on a cloak that she'd picked out. Once again, her girlfriends have matching ones.
With that done, it's time to put her plan into action.
Pausing at the door, she looks at her girlfriends. Althena has slid against the bed, curling into Yasmina. Their face is buried into Yasmina's neck already, and Celine giggles fondly. He swings the door open, and slips into the hallway.
The apartment should be mostly empty at this time of the morning, especially with Dorian gone on a case. Mortimer might have returned, but Celine's not sure.
It flicks on the overhead light in the kitchen, before stretching and cracking its knuckles. Today's a special day, and Celine has plans. A letter sits on the kitchen island. It's from his uncle Mortimer, saying that he'd returned from his trip to Restville, but he'd stay out of Celine and its girlfriends' hair.
It throws on an apron and then picks its music player up from the counter, plugging in a pair of headphones and popping them in its ears. It selects its first song and slips the music player into a pocket of the dress.
With the music playing, the first order of business is to dance around the kitchen, getting eggs, flour, milk, butter, baking soda, and a few other things. She twirls around laughing quietly as she measures out the ingredients. A whisk is retrieved, and used as a microphone as she mixes the ingredients. As the songs play, Celine dances around and makes pancakes. The stack grows, pancake by pancake, until the batter is all gone.
Next on the list is eggs. He retrieves the eggs from the fridge again, and uses them to whip up omlettes for each young adult, plus an extra one for his uncle.
He's noticing the shift in energy, a magical pressure to change to his human form. He doesn't, expending the energy to remain in this more comfortable form. The claws get in the way a bit, but he doesn't mind. It's in the middle of belting out a lyric to a sappy love song when a voice cuts through it- "So... one year, huh?"
Celine jumps, whirling around. His uncle is standing in the hallway, wearing a hoodie with no mask or gloves. Uncle Mortimer nods, probably smiling, and Celine smiles back. Wistfully she replies, "Yeah, I still can't believe it. It's only been one year, it feels like so much longer."
Uncle Mortimer pauses for a moment, turning to look behind him. Celine uses this moment to finish up the food, and take off her apron.
"Sounds like the girls are getting up. I'll get out of your hair. Happy anniversary to my favorite niece," he says playfully. He ruffles her hair, and she squawks quietly and swats at the invisible hand, missing completely.
"Kitty-cat? What's going on out here?"
"Sweetheart, what smells so good?"
Althena and Yasmina stumble into the hallway, both looking tired. Both are wearing their dresses, cloaks being held in Yasmina's hands. Althena stretches, and approaches Celine. Yasmina is close behind them, and leans around her partner to kiss Celine on the cheek.
"Good morning, my loves! I made breakfast!"
Celine settles them around the kitchen island, then pours drinks to each of his partners. He then sits between them, and receives a kiss from each one. He blushes fiercely, but smiles. He looks from Yasmina, to Althena, and back again. Then it murmurs, still blushing, "Happy anniversary, loves."
Yasmina and Althena echo the sentiment as they dig into the means provided by their girlfriend.
The three of them have a beautiful morning, eating pancakes and eggs, and talking about anything yet nothing. They discuss what Althena has planned for the day, as well as what Yasmina has planned for dinner. The morning was Celine's part, and now it's time for her girlfriends to take charge of the day.
It's a beautiful one year anniversary, and Celine can't wait to see how the rest of it goes.
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astral-express-family · 4 months
Oh hey I don't think I ever posted this here. Family flowchart moment.
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Familial day seemed like the perfect day to drop it <3
I can't believe I forgot to add Jasmine, my wonderful and lovely sibling-in-law Jasmine who I love to death <3
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astral-express-family · 4 months
💝🌠💭 with Yasmina! - @solitaireships
Ty for the ask!
💝 - what is your oc f/os love language (gift giving, acts of service, words of affirmation, etc)? what kind do they give and what kind do they like to receive?
Acts of service, mostly! She enjoys helping people due to a feeling of powerlessness earlier in her life, and giving gifts makes her feel like she has some semblance of control. In terms of receiving, she enjoys physical contact from me and Althena!
🌠 - what is your oc f/os zodiac sign(s)? do they follow the typical traits of their sign(s)?
Her sign is Gemini - her birthday is June 3rd. She's not really a stereotypical Gemini, being not super sociable though she is very curious. (I had to look up Gemini traits for this lmao)
💭- is your oc f/o a daydreamer? do they often get lost in their thoughts or are they more focused and aware of their surroundings?
She's not much of a daydreamer. She tends to be the most mentally present of the three of us, generally being the most aware of what's going on.
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astral-express-family · 7 months
🐘🐧🐌? @skipper-self-shipper
Skipper hiiii!!! I'll answer these for my fantasy polycule :3
🐘 - How big is your polycule?
Just the three of us! Myself, Yasmina, and Althena!
🐧 - If you went on a trip together, where would you go?
We'd probably go on some sort of road trip! No particular destination, just exploring the world and having fun. The only thing is, none of the three of us can actually drive, so...
🐌 - Who is more likely to fall asleep first? Who goes to sleep last?
We all have a lot of anxieties, and sleeping issues come with that. As it stands, I generally fall asleep first and Althena generally falls asleep last.
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astral-express-family · 7 months
🔥👑: "Good evening. We appreciate the questions, Althena and I shall answer them."
🪪💅: "C'mon Sunshine, I know you're excited! But anyways, thanks for the questions! We both love to talk about Celine~"
🎟 - Who confessed? What was it like?
🔥👑: "Well... ah..."
🪪💅: "She's embarrassed because it was her, hehe! It was a few years after we all met. She gathered us all to the hill where the whole story's biggest confrontation took place. And then-"
🔥👑: "I'm sure it's clear what happened after that, my dear! But yes, that is how it went. Celine said yes immediately, and said that it had basically been waiting for one of us to make the first move."
❗️ - Is S/I shy about affection? (kisses, hugs, etc)
🪪💅: " A little, but not as shy as our little princess~!"
🔥👑: "Althena, dear, please. But yes, I am far more shy than Celine. Althena is the most open out of all of us. Celine is okay overall, just shy when in public. She prefers not to give or receive kisses when in public, but hugs are alright in certain contexts. I prefer no affection in public, but even still have issues when in private."
🪪💅: "And we all respect each other's boundaries, and talk things out!"
🐶 - Do you two three have a pet? Do you want one?
🔥👑: "Well, you could say that Celine is our pet, aha."
🪪💅: "Careful, or he might scratch you for that! But yeah, we have no pets, haha. Although my little sibling really wants a cat."
🔥👑: "And Celine has expressed interest in getting either a rabbit or some kind of small lizard. We'll have to see what happens when we finally get to all move in together."
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astral-express-family · 11 months
The name's Fate!
Young Adult, he/it/she/they <3
I am a genderqueer polyamorous lesbian-
I have a taglist form if you're interested!
If you know me from my main, hi! Don't tell anyone please.
Dipping my toes into the self-ship community, might not post a whole lot. Not gonna share my main blog on here just yet. If you know me on my main/figure out my main (or any of my sides), please leave it over there. Fuck it. My main/fandom blog is @mb-blue-roses, and i interact from @arty-girl-asks. I'll probably focus more on my familial self-ships than my romantic ones, though I have some of both.
I don't mind people sharing f/os with me, romantic or platonic! (the only exception are my OCs, unless you ask permission first)
In fact, I love to interact w/ people who share my f/os! Whether it be in the same way or differently, we can share our love for them.
Nothing NSFW in the inbox though, I'm ace & don't want that. Also, proship DNI! Please don't call me "honey", it makes me deeply uncomfortable!
All original posts will be tagged #💛❤️💜 brought together by fate 💜❤️💛
All reblogs will be tagged as #💛❤️💜 fate's reblogs 💜❤️💛
I have a separate selfship blog dedicated to my ships from a game with more NSFW character designs, as I don't feel comfortable posting them on here (even though none of the characters with those designs are actually f/os)
If you want the link/blog name, send an ask (off-anon, so I can answer privately) or DM me!!
Note: I will NOT be giving the link to anyone under 18 years of age
Since I self-ship partially as a coping mechanism, I will probably post some more serious posts with them from time to time. I will make sure to tag all posts appropriately.
Tags I will use will be #serious post, #trigger tw (ex: #disordered eating tw), and sometimes (if I'm not sure exactly what tags to use) #ask to tag.
Self-insert info can be found here!
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Non-exhaustive list of some of my f/os (organized by relationship) (complete with pronouns - some are headcanon) under the cut!
Main F/Os
(i don't love them any more than any other f/os, i just think about them all the time)
- Phone Gal/Sunni (Five Nights at Freddy's) (❤️) (Wife)
Pronouns: she/he
Tag: 📞🌒 the voice on night watch | phone gal
Ship Name: Nighttime Loving
- Kai (Dark Parables) (🩵)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🌲📖 botanical warden | kai
Queerplatonic Ship Name: Botany and Baking
- Constantin D'Orsay (GreedFall) (Cousin)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🪙💰 the governor of new sérène | constantin d'orsay
- Bennett (Genshin Impact) (💜 - Youngest Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🔥⚔️ a blazing adventure | bennett
- Lynette (Genshin Impact) (❤️💞 - with Hina) (Fiancée)
Pronouns: any, she/her preferred
Tag: 🫖🎩 you're my cup of tea | lynette
Ship Name: Aslynette
- Hina (Genshin Impact) (❤️💞 - with Lynette) (Fiancée)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🐶🏳️‍⚧️ canine general of watatsumi | hina
Ship Name: A Canine and her Leporine
(Lynette x Hina Name: Hinette)
Joint Ship Name: I want something just like this (also called Ashinette but more rarely)
❤️ ~ Romantic ~ ❤️
(💞 = Polyamorous Ship)
- Yasmina Taylor (Detectives United OC) (💞 - with Althena Rivera) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🔥👑 the scarlet princess | yasmina taylor
Ship Name: Yasline
- Althena Rivera (Detectives United OC) (💞 - with Yasmina Taylor) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: any
Tag: 🪪💅 a shifting form | althena rivera
Ship Name: Celthena
(Yasmina x Althena Name: Almina)
Joint Ship Name: spirit shapeshifter princess
- Gerda (Dark Parables) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💛🪙 hair of gold heart of gold | gerda
Ship Name: 'cause i'm gonna make this place your home
- Síora (GreedFall) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌿💐 mundeinhanem | síora
Ship Name: De Síora
- Cassandra De Rolo (TLoVM) (Wife)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 👸🩸 the ruler of whitestone | cassandra de rolo
Ship Name: Casseas
- Mellori (Wizard101) (💞 - with Layle Dusklaw) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: they/she
Tag: 🍃🪄 daughter of the raven | mellori
Ship Name: Viclori
- Layle Dusklaw (Wizard101 OC) (💞 - with Mellori) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: 💀🪦 angel in the graveyard | layle dusklaw
Ship Name: Layloria
(Mellori x Layle Name: Melle)
Joint Ship Name: Is how I need you / And how you needed me too
- Cassie 'Clip' Lipman (Fortnite: Save the World) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/fae
Tag: 🔩🔧 gunsmithing wonder | cassie 'clip' lipman
Ship Name: Rose Clippings
- Amber (Genshin Impact) (💞 - with Eula) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🐰🪽 outrider of mondstat | amber
Ship Name: Amlia
- Eula Lawrence (Genshin Impact) (💞 - with Amber) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: 🏔💫 social etiquette training | eula lawrence
Ship Name: Eulia
(Amber x Eula Name: Eulamber)
Joint Ship Name: Eulamlia
- Lumine (Genshin Impact) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/it
Tag: 🗺🌟 love across the stars | lumine
Ship Name: Aslumine
- Chevreuse (Genshin Impact) (💞 - with Chiori) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: they/she
Tag: 💥🍟 musket-wielding dame | chevreuse
Ship Name: Shot through the heart and you're to blame
- Chiori (Genshin Impact) (💞 - with Chevreuse) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🪡🧵 boutique angel | chiori
Ship Name: But I see your true colors shining through
(Chevreuse x Chiori Name: Cheviori)
Joint Ship Name: Muskets clothes and sweets
- La Signora (Genshin Impact) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🦋🔥 fair lady of flames | rosalyne/la signora
Ship Name: It's win or it's lose and i don't want to lose you
- Asta (Honkai: Star Rail) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🛰️🌠 every star is a miracle | asta
Ship Name: the stars will always remember us
- Charlie (Don't Starve) (Wife)
Pronouns: she/it
Tag: 🌹🪄 no damsel in distress don't need to save me | charlie
Ship Name: Lies the seed that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose
- Rory Williams (Doctor Who) (💞 - with Amy) (Partner)
Pronouns: he/she
Tag: ⚔️🩺 centurion nurse | rory williams
Ship Name: Jory
- Amy Pond (Doctor Who) (💞 - with Rory) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌐💒 more important than the universe | amy pond
Ship Name: Jomy
(Rory x Amy Name: Roramy)
Joint Ship Name: the feather-pond-williams family
- Peppermint Vandelay (Hi-Fi Rush) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🍬📱 brains and beauty | peppermint vandelay
Ship Name: If only you saw what I can see you'll understand why I want you so desperately
- Lucille (A Monster in Paris) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🪽🎵 a musical angel | lucille
Ship Name: just a little kiss from you
- Breanna Casey (Leverage: Redemption)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💻🏳️‍🌈 lesbian in stem | breanna casey
Ship Name: the maker and the baker
- Amira Rashid (Monster Prom) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🔥❤️‍🔥 burning in my heart | amira rashid
Ship Name: Highschool Sweethearts
- Sunny (Fortnite: Battle Royale) (💞 - with Stryder) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 👽🎸 we'll get out of here | sunny
Ship Name: Alien and her lover
- Stryder (Fortnite: Battle Royale) (💞 - with Sunny) (Partner)
Pronouns: she/he
Tag: ✌️💻 peace syndicate queen | stryder
Ship Name: Space Strider
(Sunny x Stryder Name: Sun Strider)
Joint Ship Name: Alien Sun Strider
- Holly (Monster Rancher) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🏡🦖 together raise monsters | holly
Ship Name: The Holly and The Ivy
- Gangle (The Amazing Digital Circus) (Girlfriend)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: 🎭🎀 take off your mask with me | gangle
Ship Name: Ribbon Rabbit
❣️ ~ Crushes ~ ❣️
(Characters I love but am too anxious/uncertain to officially add) (* = Comes from a media I already ship with)
Pronouns: it/she
Tag: ⚙️📓 (unless I decide to officially add it)
Pronouns: she/they
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🥊🏆 (unless I decide to officially add her)
Pronouns: she/her
Tashigi - polyam w/ below
Pronouns: she/her
Reiju - polyam w/ above
Pronouns: she/her
🐟🪖 - polyam w/ below
Pronouns: she/her
🦎⚗️ - polyam w/ above
Pronouns: she/her
💜 ~ Fankids ~ 💜
- Aspen and Luna (with Lynette)
- Varian (with Hina)
- Julius de Rolo (with Cassandra de Rolo)
- Dewy (with Amber)
🩵 ~ Queerplatonic ~ 🩵
- Elwin (OC - multiple versions - Dark Parables & Honkai: Star Rail)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: TBA
Queerplatonic Ship Names: TBA (Dark Parables), A Brand New Memory (Honkai: Star Rail)
- Page Jimmy (Wizard101) (💛/🩵 - undecided) (putting him here until i fully decide)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Tighnari (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/they/she
Tag: 🌳🍄 one with the forest | tighnari
Queerplatonic Ship Name: Aslari
- Oz (Monster Prom)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 🖤🌠 not afraid with you | oz
Queerplatonic Ship Name: Highschool Darlings
💜 ~ Familial ~ 💜
- Ollie (Poppy Playtime) (Son)
Pronouns: it/he
Tag: 📼🧸 beloved toy beloved boy | ollie
- Nicky Roth (Hello Neighbor) (Son)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🥽🏀 hello my son | nicky roth
- Tabby (HOUSE) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Melody (HOUSE) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Fran Bow (Fran Bow) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Dorian Brown (Mystery Trackers/Detectives United) (Father)
Pronouns: he/it
Tag: 🫥🕵‍♂️ the invisible detective | dorian brown
- Mortimer Brown (Mystery Trackers/Detectives United) (Uncle)
Pronouns: he/they/she
Tag: 🫥🥀 blue rose in bloom | mortimer brown
- James Blackthorne (Haunted Hotel/Detectives United) (Uncle)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 👻🏨 the man who talks to ghosts | james blackthorne
- Anna Gray (Grim Tales/Detectives United) (Aunt)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: 🕰🪞 step into a memory | anna gray
- Dorian Gray (Grim Tales) (Uncle)
Pronouns: he/ae
Tag: 🖼🎨 painting of the self | dorian gray
Richard Gray (Grim Tales/Detectives United) (Grandfather)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 💀⌛️ a spirit tethered to earth | richard gray
- Alice Gray (Grim Tales) (Cousin)
Pronouns: she/he
Tag: ⌚️🏞 another time another place | alice gray
- Amber Edevane (Mystery Trackers) (Aunt)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🐶🕵‍♀️ full time detective part time dog mom | amber edevane
- Shade (Mystery Trackers/Detectives United) (Aunt)
Pronouns: she/it/they
Tag: 📜📞 limitless information | shade
- Jasmine Rivera (Detectives United OC) (Sibling-in-Law)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: 🪪🫰 this mortal form | jasmine rivera
- Noah (Dark Parables) (Father-in-Law(ish))
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🪓🪵 woodcutting guide | noah
- Hansel (Dark Parables) (Unspecified Elder-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🌕✨️ golden moon | hansel
- Red Riding Hood Sisters - Ruth, Jessica, & Briar Rose (Dark Parables) (Elder Sister Figures)
Pronouns: she/her (all)
Collective Sisters Tag: 🏕🐺 woodland family | red riding hood sisters
- Mev (GreedFall) (Sister-in-Law)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🪻🌟 sisters in battle | mev
- Petrus (GreedFall) (Uncle Figure)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🌟🌫 believer in enlightenment | petrus
- Percy De Rolo (TLoVM) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: 🔫✴️ the gunsling king | percy de rolo
- Bat (Wizard101) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: they/he
Tag: 🦇🌒 son of the spider | the bat
- Arthur Wethersfield (Wizard101) (Father)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 🎩☕️ well balanced guidance | arthur wethersfield
- Flint Anvilbreaker (Wizard101 OC) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/wiz
Tag: 🔮🐉 friend turned brother | flint anvilbreaker
- Megan Bluebreeze (Wizard101 OC) (Sister)
Pronouns: she/hir
Tag: 🪶🌩 maiden of the storm | megan bluebreeze
- Bentley Daysong (Wizard101) (Younger Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🔥🪔 tender inferno | bentley daysong
- Sophie Dusklaw (Wizard101 OC) (Sister-in-Law)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🍾🧿 queen of three | sophie dusklaw
- Oliver Dusklaw (Wizard101 OC) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🪴💚 garden's heartbeat | oliver dusklaw
- Dennis (Fortnite: Save the World) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/she
Tag: 🍔🫡 hamburger helper | dennis
- Ray (Fortnite: Save the World) (Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🔋📷 mission control | ray vinderman
- Sarah (Fortnite: Save the World) (Sister-in-Law)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: [emojis TBA] sister's leap of faith | sarah
Dennis Jr. (Fortnite: Save the World) (Nephew)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag : 🧸🕗 time after time | dennis jr
Lok (Fortnite: Save the World) (Nephew)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 📨📲 learning ai | lok
- Bianca (Genshin Impact OC) (Younger Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🍀🌑 a lucky adventure | bianca
- Kaeya Alberich (Genshin Impact) (Older Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: ❄️🌨 frosty family | kaeya alberich
- Diluc Ragnvindr (Genshin Impact) (Oldest Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🍷🌋 family keeps you warm | diluc ragnvindr
- Aether (Genshin Impact) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/it
Tag: 🧭🌟 family across the stars | aether
- Jean Gunnhildr (Genshin Impact) (Older Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌬🏵 dandelion girl | jean gunnhildr
- Barbara Pegg (Genshin Impact) (Younger Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌊🎶 an idol's song | barbara pegg
- Chongyun (Genshin Impact) (Younger Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🍧🧊 popsicle boy | chongyun
- Ga Ming (Genshin Impact) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🦁🎇 lion guard | ga ming
- Kaedehara Kazuha (Genshin Impact) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🍁☁️ one with which to wander | kaedehara kazuha
- Diona Kätzlein (Genshin Impact) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🐱🏹 the young hunter | diona kätzlein
- Chouji (Genshin Impact) (Son)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🦴⛏️ three thousand miles | chouji
- Sayu (Genshin Impact) (Daughter) (Daughter)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 😴🌱 the sleepiest ninja | sayu
- Beidou (Genshin Impact) (Mother)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: ⚓️♟️ my family lies over the ocean | beidou
- Ningguang (Genshin Impact) (Mother)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💸♟️ rags to riches story | ningguang
- Zhongli (Genshin Impact) (Uncle)
Pronouns: he/it
Tag: ☄️⏳️ an unspoken contract | zhongli
- Lyney (Genshin Impact) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🔥🎩 master of the stage | lyney
- Freminet (Genshin Impact) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: they/he
Tag: ⛲️🫧 life beneath the waves | freminet
- Arlecchino (Genshin Impact) (Mother-in-Law)
Pronouns: she/he, she preferred
Tag: 🏠✨️ home is where the hearth is | arlecchino
- Branch Master Cyrus (Genshin Impact) (Father)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🧭🌍 a branch of adventure | branch master cyrus
- Marjorie (Genshin Impact) (Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💵💎 with wind comes glory | marjorie
- Adventure Guild Dads (Genshin Impact) (Fathers) (catch-all)
Pronouns: he/him (all)
Tag: 🧭🫂 the adventure that is family | adventure guild dads
- March 7th (Honkai: Star Rail) (Sister)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 📸🌨 say cheese! | march 7th
- Dan Heng (Honkai: Star Rail) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🕚🌬 gazing toward the future | dan heng
- Stelle (Honkai: Star Rail) (Sister)
Pronouns: ze/she
Tab: 🗑️🔗 birds of a feather | stelle
- Caelus (Honkai: Star Rail) (Brother)
Pronouns: it/they/he
Tag: 💠🔗 birds of a feather | caelus
- Himeko (Honkai: Star Rail) (Mother)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌹💄 elegant rose of flame | himeko
- Welt Yang (Honkai: Star Rail) (Father)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🖋🎞 our dear elder | welt yang
- Pom-Pom (Honkai: Star Rail) (Undefined Familial)
Pronouns: any, they/them preferred
Tag: 🐇⭐️ our loyal conductor | pom-pom
Collective AEC Tag: 🌌🚅 a trailblazing family | astral express crew
- Arlan (Honkai: Star Rail) (Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: ⚡🩹 lightning in the dark | arlan
- Misha (Honkai: Star Rail) (Little Brother)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🗝️🧳 reverie of the stars | misha
- Gallagher (Honkai: Star Rail) (Father)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- The Cultist (Enter the Gungeon) (Child)
Pronouns: they/them)
Tag: TBA
- Alec Hardison (Leverage) (Brother-in-Law)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Trespasser Defector/Tav (Fortnite: Battle Royale) (Undefined but definitely familial)
Pronouns: he/she/they
Tag: 🌌🌏 space above and earth below | trespasser defector
- Wilson P. Higgsbury (Don't Starve) (Brother-ish)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🧪🥼 the gentleman scientist | wilson p higgsbury
💛 ~ Platonic ~ 💛
- Arthur Hastings (We Happy Few)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Gwyn (Dark Parables)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🏹🦅 his frosty highness | gwyn
- Pinocchio (Dark Parables)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 🤎🫶 be you wood or flesh | pinocchio
- Vasco (GreedFall)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🌊⚓️ sailing the mighty seas | vasco
- Kurt (GreedFall)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: ⚔️🛡 guarding my back | kurt
- Aphra (GreedFall)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 💣🔬 science & guns & bombs | aphra
- Fiona Mythsinger
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🧿🌏 forbidden mythos | fiona mythsinger
- Carpe Diem Society (Kestrel Blackstorm, Taylor Froghead, Declan Wyrmdust, Carson Spritethief, & Quinn Legendbreaker) (Wizard101)
Pronouns: she/her (K), she/they (T), he/him (D), he/they (C), & it/she (Q)
Collective Tag: 🫂☀️ seize the day | carpe diem society
- Dyvim Whitehart (Wizard101)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: 🗡🐀 for bastion!! | dyvim whitehart
- A.C. (Fortnite: Save the World)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: TBA
- Willow (Fortnite: Save the World)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Larry Butz (Ace Attorney)
Pronouns: he/they(/sometimes she)
Tag: 🖌🫀 a woman's kinda man | larry butz
- Paimon (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: ✨️🥘 an otherworldly guide | paimon
- Sangonomiya Kokomi
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🪼🪸 together we are stronger | sangonomiya kokomi
- Razor (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: they/them
Tag: TBA
- Fischl (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/they
Tag: TBA
- Venti (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/they/it
Tag: 🎼🕊 feathers on the wind | venti
- Mika Schmidt (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🏔🗺 icy reconnaissance | mika schmidt
- Lisa Minci (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 📖⚡️ lightning librarian | lisa minci
- Albedo (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: Any, no preference
Tag: 🗻🖌 chalk amongst the snow | albedo
- Klee (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🧨🔥 explosive little spark | klee
- Sucrose (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🍬🧫 sweet shy scientist | sucrose
- Noelle (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🧹🛡 miss maid-knight | noelle
Collective KoF tag: 🪽🗡 let the wind lead | knights of favonius
- Xingqiu (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/she
Tag: 📚🗡 bookworm swordsman | xingqiu
- Navia (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🌹💎 the spina's demoiselle | navia
- Tartaglia/Childe (Genshin Impact)
Pronouns: he/they
Tag: 🐋🛷 monoceros caeli | tartaglia
- Chai (Hi-Fi RUSH)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🎸🎧 the powers of rock and friendship | chai
- 808 (Hi-Fi RUSH)
Pronouns: any
Tag: 🐈‍⬛🤖 emotional support feline | 808
- Macaron (Hi-Fi RUSH)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Korsica (Hi-Fi RUSH)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Francœur (A Monster in Paris)
Pronouns: any
Tag: TBA
- Raoul (A Monster in Paris)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Emile (A Monster in Paris)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Maud (A Monster in Paris)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Parker (Leverage)
Pronouns: they/she
Tag: TBA
- Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Sophie Devereaux (Leverage)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Harry Wilson (Leverage: Redemption)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Vicky Schmidt (Monster Prom)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: 🔩⚡️ frankenstein was the monster | vicky schmidt
- Brian Yu (Monster Prom)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: 🧟‍♂️🧠 undead friend | brian yu
- Vera Oberlin (Monster Prom)
Pronouns: she/her
Tag: TBA
- Order Remnant/Ira (Fortnite: Battle Royale)
Pronouns: it/he/no pronouns
Tag: 🪖💭 remaining thread of imagination | order remnant
- SHADOW Enforcer/Shale (Fortnite: Battle Royale)
Pronouns: he/fae/they
Tag: 🕶🐈‍⬛ shadow in the light | shadow enforcer
- GHOST Enforcer/Gavin (Fortnite: Battle Royale)
Pronouns: he/him
Tag: TBA
- Svenja (Fortnite: Battle Royale)
Pronouns: she/he
Tag: TBA
Joint Hench Quintet Tag: TBA
- The Survivors (Don't Starve Together) (Specifics TBA - there are 16 of them)
Pronouns: TBA
Collective Tag: TBA
🐾 ~ Pets ~ 🐾
- Simon (HOUSE)
Tag: TBA
- Chocolate Chip the Mist Wolf (Dark Parables)
Tag: TBA
- Peppy (Honkai: Star Rail)
Tag: 🐾🌟 space station puppy | peppy
I'm pretty sure I have more than that, I'll add them to the list as I post abt them
Fictional Enemies
(I'm tucking them down here, but just know that it's on sight)
- Prince d'Orsay (GreedFall) <- (Main Enemy)
- Royce (Genshin Impact) <- (Main Enemy)
- Draff (Genshin Impact)
- Albert (Genshin Impact)
- Yae Miko (Genshin Impact)
- Herta (Honkai: Star Rail)
- Blade (Honkai: Star Rail)
- Jax (The Amazing Digital Circus)
- Grandmother Raven (Wizard101) (it's on sight but she's also family to me - it's very complicated)
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