#ship | spirit shapeshifter princess
astral-express-family · 7 months
One Year
Yasmina and Althena one-year anniversary fic! I haven't posted about them nearly enough, but here's sweet little fic I wrote. For the purposes of this fic Celine lives with her father and uncle :3
Taglist: @violetsareblue-selfships, @silver-heller (go here if you want to be added!)
A quiet alarm tone draws Celine into consciousness. It's barely loud enough to draw her attention. The barest hints of sun stream through the window, casting a faint light over the room as Celine reaches out with a clawed hand, and clumsily turns off the alarm. She doesn't want to get up, but she does anyways. It's a bit of an ordeal to extricate himself from the tangle of limbs that are Yasmina and Althena. Althena, in particular, has buried her face firmly in Celine's neck. Once free, she stretches, catlike, with a yawn. The calendar hanging on the wall has a day circled. The current day. The fifteenth of February, the day after Valentine's Day. In Celine's messy and excited handwriting it says "ONE YEAR GFS", with a ton of underlines. That fills her with excitement, and she sneaks over to her dresser.
In the top drawer is a dress, one Yasmina had picked out for him. He knew she'd picked out matching ones for herself and Althena, which are currently sitting right next to his. She throws on the dress and slips on a cloak that she'd picked out. Once again, her girlfriends have matching ones.
With that done, it's time to put her plan into action.
Pausing at the door, she looks at her girlfriends. Althena has slid against the bed, curling into Yasmina. Their face is buried into Yasmina's neck already, and Celine giggles fondly. He swings the door open, and slips into the hallway.
The apartment should be mostly empty at this time of the morning, especially with Dorian gone on a case. Mortimer might have returned, but Celine's not sure.
It flicks on the overhead light in the kitchen, before stretching and cracking its knuckles. Today's a special day, and Celine has plans. A letter sits on the kitchen island. It's from his uncle Mortimer, saying that he'd returned from his trip to Restville, but he'd stay out of Celine and its girlfriends' hair.
It throws on an apron and then picks its music player up from the counter, plugging in a pair of headphones and popping them in its ears. It selects its first song and slips the music player into a pocket of the dress.
With the music playing, the first order of business is to dance around the kitchen, getting eggs, flour, milk, butter, baking soda, and a few other things. She twirls around laughing quietly as she measures out the ingredients. A whisk is retrieved, and used as a microphone as she mixes the ingredients. As the songs play, Celine dances around and makes pancakes. The stack grows, pancake by pancake, until the batter is all gone.
Next on the list is eggs. He retrieves the eggs from the fridge again, and uses them to whip up omlettes for each young adult, plus an extra one for his uncle.
He's noticing the shift in energy, a magical pressure to change to his human form. He doesn't, expending the energy to remain in this more comfortable form. The claws get in the way a bit, but he doesn't mind. It's in the middle of belting out a lyric to a sappy love song when a voice cuts through it- "So... one year, huh?"
Celine jumps, whirling around. His uncle is standing in the hallway, wearing a hoodie with no mask or gloves. Uncle Mortimer nods, probably smiling, and Celine smiles back. Wistfully she replies, "Yeah, I still can't believe it. It's only been one year, it feels like so much longer."
Uncle Mortimer pauses for a moment, turning to look behind him. Celine uses this moment to finish up the food, and take off her apron.
"Sounds like the girls are getting up. I'll get out of your hair. Happy anniversary to my favorite niece," he says playfully. He ruffles her hair, and she squawks quietly and swats at the invisible hand, missing completely.
"Kitty-cat? What's going on out here?"
"Sweetheart, what smells so good?"
Althena and Yasmina stumble into the hallway, both looking tired. Both are wearing their dresses, cloaks being held in Yasmina's hands. Althena stretches, and approaches Celine. Yasmina is close behind them, and leans around her partner to kiss Celine on the cheek.
"Good morning, my loves! I made breakfast!"
Celine settles them around the kitchen island, then pours drinks to each of his partners. He then sits between them, and receives a kiss from each one. He blushes fiercely, but smiles. He looks from Yasmina, to Althena, and back again. Then it murmurs, still blushing, "Happy anniversary, loves."
Yasmina and Althena echo the sentiment as they dig into the means provided by their girlfriend.
The three of them have a beautiful morning, eating pancakes and eggs, and talking about anything yet nothing. They discuss what Althena has planned for the day, as well as what Yasmina has planned for dinner. The morning was Celine's part, and now it's time for her girlfriends to take charge of the day.
It's a beautiful one year anniversary, and Celine can't wait to see how the rest of it goes.
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sevenheven7011 · 2 years
hat in time rewrite
mafia town: after crash landing on mafia town hat kid must recover her ships missing fuel called the time pieces bow kid and mu two other kids who saw her ship crash agree to help her collect them (even though they don’t know what they are) but mu wants help with something in return a year ago a ship full of smelly men who call themselves the mafia came to the peaceful island  and they’ve completely trashed the place and the only people brave enough to stop them is mu and bow unfortunately they don’t seem to be enough but with hk’s help they’re sure to be able to defeat them 
Owl express: after gathering the last of the timepieces and unfortunetly mu’s latest plan to beat back the mafia failing the girls got into a heated argument over the time pieces and mu has split off to find and use them herself to defeat the goons bow kid now knowing the importance of the time pieces agrees to help hk find the rest and stop mu the girls must make their way to the kingdom Subcon but to do that they must board the owl express to get there on the way they will meet friends like the conductor and a popular celebrity named Dj grooves riding the train to Subcon for a show they also will meet foes like the caw agents and the enigmatic shapeshifter and soon they will find themselves tangled in a murder plot most fowl
Subcon kingdom: after solving the murder hat kid and bow kid arrive at the kingdom of Subcon which seems to be getting ready for the queen's 30th birthday while the joy seems to be neverending they do hear whispers here and there about a former runaway prince the consensus is that he was a cheater who ran away with a secret lover although others will quietly disagree claiming that something seems off another thing being whispered about is if the wicked spirit that has been plaguing the kingdom will make another reappearance after sneaking into the heavily guarded palace the girls find themselves in a joyful party that seems to be going well except for 2 things one the queen has one of the timepieces and 2 the mysterious spirit they heard about earlier crashes the party after fighting him back hk and bk are tasked to go after him to his lair in Subcon forest and finish the job ridding the kingdom of the terrifying snatcher in trade the queen will give them whatever they want once they arrive at the forest and face again against the snatcher they begin to learn that not all is as it seems
Moon: after the absolute disaster the show at subcon was dj grooves plans to head back to his home on the moon base and invites bk and hk to tag along thinking some of the timepieces are on the moon hk and bk agree
The dark side of the moon: heading to the dark side of the moon hat kid and bow kid find themselves in nyakuza metro and find themselves roped into the local cat mafia’s schemes can they escape the empress's clawed clutches with the timepieces and their lives
Time’s end: after nyakuza metro mu who has been tailing the girls finally manages to get the drop on them in the scuffle mu manages to break the time pieces and everything starts to go wrong as the trio learns time is not one you should mess with
ok so notes grooves still got the moon peguins as his bodyguards which during the murder investigation makes him hard to talk to as you got to find a way around them also bow and hk are framed by the shapeshifter and are placed on lock down til the train arrives in subcon by the caw agents conductor is helping cause he’s nice in this and believes you’re innocent snatcher is after the throne and kingdom believing vanessa has no right to rule after murdering him but to outsiders it looks like he’s the bad guy bow kid certainly thought so in the beginning cause she loves fairytales and like vanessa is a irl princess she’d never do anything bad right things like nyuakuza metro stay the same cause that level rocks storywise also either time’s end is going to be mu doing her judgement thing with some tweaks as to how she’s treated or i’m going to have the literal god of time who i’m making the cut character tim’s friend coming about to cause chaos cause mu accidentally broke the time pieces snatcher has also been haunting vanessa for 10 years so as much as she’s obsessed with him she kind of wants him gone at this point not only cause of guilt but also because he’s been egging the castle and she doesn’t want people to learn what she did
oh almost forgot yes the mafia will all be defeated in the end something that always confused me though is hk and mu technically already succeeded when they killed the mafia boss cause like the plan worked sad thing i’m doing is have mu and bow be former friends turned enemies bow is the more cautious one who didn’t want anyone to die which always frustrated mu while mu was more guns blazing the two’s friendship ended after bow believed hk shouldn’t have to give up her time pieces cause they belong to her and they didn’t have a right to use them while mu was like she can give one atleast and ran off before hk was able to explain that it was her fuel source bow learns that though which further helps her understand also hk is going to have trouble communicating cause her translator is broken
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apparently disney’s making broadway adaptations of jungle book and the bad 2010 alice in wonderland(????) so anyway disney i actually like some of ur stage shows, they’re way more creative than your live action remakes
so here’s some ah. suggestions
Tangled. I know it’s on your cruise ship but do an official, stage-ready one. if you don’t want to deal with a horse puppet, just replace Max with Cassandra from the show. Could probably even drag in “Waiting in the Wings” if you wanted. The hair might be a challenge but you managed to get Elsa’s ice dress transformation so you’ll be fine.
Moana, I have this image in my mind of like. GIANT blue sheets being waved to simulate the ripples of waves.
Encanto. I know it just dropped but you know we all want it. Every one of the movie songs slapped so you can make even more awesome songs. The only issue I can think of is it would be hard af to portray Camilo’s shapeshifting but again we can figure something out.
Enchanted. Everyone in Andalasia sings, when Giselle gets to NY she’s the only one singing. As she integrates herself into the world, more people start singing. Robert is the last person to sing (during “So Close”). Also I want to see “How You Know” on stage.
The Princess and the Frog. Frog transformation can just be into pretty-ass costumes. It’s another movie with a million songs that slap let’s just do it!!
The Rescuers. I want you to think about the idea of Penny saying her prayers, and telling Teddy they’ll be alright, and then singing “Someone’s Waiting For You” to him (but really to herself) and then she just starts crying
FULL Broadway Adaptation of the Finding Nemo musical. At least do a live recording for Disney+ or smth
I just realized y’all never did a stage version of your Cinderella? There’s about a million Cinderella musicals so I get it but I like the idea of reusing the cut songs
Frozen 2. please. “Show Yourself.” please
Aristocats. This may seem like an odd choice but I have SEVERAL good ideas. Jazz cat greek chorus. Interpretive outfits. Duchess feather boa tail. Call me
Oliver & Company. may be difficult with the animals but. stage version of “Why Should I Worry” would SLAP
Lion King 2. stage version of “My Lullaby.” I rest my case.
If you can make a musical out of the bad Alice in Wonderland, you can make one out of Raya and the Last Dragon, Luca, Great Mouse Detective or Wreck-It Ralph. Or Lilo & Stitch, that’s a surefire tearjerker. Brave could probably also slap.
ok you don’t own this one you only did the dub and distribution, but i just had the mental image of a Spirited Away musical and
and, most importantly,
NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS. WHERE IS IT. WHERE IS MY JULIE TAYMOR-DIRECTED WILDASS FEVER DREAM OF A NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS BROADWAY SHOW. I want sets that look like Beetlejuice threw them up. I want insane shit with the makeup. I want it to be almost entirely sung. I want a puppet of Zero. Where IS IT, DISNEY. WHERE IS IT
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tell me about 5 of your OCs!!
so it's logical for me to start with the first generation so let's do that!!
(they're all in the same world/planet and the genre is fantasy but fruity)
1. River!
river is a light elf who was born as princess of the life realm oniaria. she did now live very long as a princess however. my main antagonist, lunar stole her from her family at 10 because she was gifted enough to be trained as an asassian. a lot happens to this character throughout her story,,,,let's just say luck isn't exactly on her side. she is pale skinned with curly grey hair and she's quite shy!
2. Raven!
raven is a pirate/space elemental who grew up on a ship with her family in the realm of tranqulity - ejina islands. she's actually a childhood friend of river, they met when her ship stopped to deliver cargo when they were little. raven later escapes from her ship because she was bound to stay on forever and become captain, but she wanted more from life and becomes a vigilante! she is latina with vitiligo and has medium length straight brown hair and she's a lovable dumbass
3. Jasmine!
jamine is a wind spirit who grew up very poor with her siblings, who later joins raven and the others in fighting against lunar and her forces. she has a very peaceful aura and likes to keep the peace with her group. she has long thick blonde hair and she's plus size !
4. Lunar!
the main antagonist! lunar is a extremely talented blood vampire (vampire who controls the blood element) who is married to two other antagonists (poly rep!!) and her main goal is to use youth who show promising talent to train as assassins to target the enemy, and she also controls an army of shapeshifting nymphs! she is one of my black characters and has brown hair!
5. Zhavia
born as the princess of the realm of peace - valvulia. she's a salt water mermaid and has a huge ego and it takes a while for her to see some of her teammates as equals. she escapes the castle to become a warrior. she's also black and has long black hair that she usually ties up :D
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Encounters: Pilandok & Estrella
He clicks his tongue. Taps his foot impatiently. Scratches his head and fidgets with his fingers. There’s a glint in his eye - he’s assessing whether or not you’re worth swindling. “Well, up for a trade?”
He is offering…
A fighting cock with talons made of steel. It’s never lost a fight.
A kamote that, when sliced thinly, never runs out. It can feed a thousand men.
A mutya, harvested from a banana heart at midnight. It grants invisibility.
A fan stolen from one of Lihangin’s delivery stations. It can blow up a storm.
A duck that lays eggs made of gold. Subsists on a diet of river snails.
A silver conch shell, stolen from a sky-god. Its holder can shapeshift into any animal.
“Fair trade, fair trade…” he chitters.
In return, he is asking for…
The memory of your second-happiest day. “Just one day,” he pleads.
Your infant first-born. Surely you can have more children.
A year of work as his servant. “Nothing strenuous,” he assures you.
Your nail clippings. He wants to use them for a potion.
The sound of your sobs. “It’s to help my flowers grow,” he explains.
Your true name. He promises to tell you someone’s else’s - take your pick.
You’re brought to her ship bound in rope. She’s got a regal air to her, unlike other pirate captains. You don’t look her in the eye though. Her right hand’s a stump, but her left is holding a spear. “What exactly are you doing in my waters?”
She has good reason to be mad. You were...
Searching for the fabled Lusu pearl. The sultan is demanding it as dowry for his daughter.
Exploring the nearby waters. You grew tired of your sheltered life, and set out.
Fleeing from a war. It’s torn your village apart. You’ve lost so many friends.
Eloping with your lover. Their furious parents are currently hunting you down.
Traveling to a neighboring polity as part of an envoy. A trade agreement is in the works.
Rushing your dying chieftain to an island of healers. This was the quickest route.
Seeking her out intentionally. You want to join her crew.
Blown off-course by a freak storm. You must have angered a sea spirit.
On a quest to find Ikapati’s realm. Your village is suffering from a famine.
Testing your new enchanted outrigger. You overshot the distance.
These are NPC encounters for my Swellbloom Kids setting, inspired by Philippine mythology and folk tales. Feel free to use in your ttrpgs!
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entrapdaknation · 4 years
Season 5 of She-Ra: What I Disliked
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In a previous post, I listed the many things I loved about the series finale of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. The ending was satisfying and deeply moving, leaving me euphoric. However, a few flaws stand out. In this post, I’d like to list a few things about the fifth season that confused or disappointed me.
- What became of the Galactic Horde clones? The series ends before we see their fates. Horde Prime’s death would have sent an emotional shockwave through the clone army as each soldier’s connection to the hive mind was severed. How did the clones cope with this existential crisis? What did they do with themselves after losing their god-emperor? How did the Etherians and the other subjects of Horde Prime’s empire react to the clones’ crisis? Did anyone help them forge new lives?
- What became of all the former Etherian Horde soldiers, particularly those who were raised in the Horde? Did they successfully reintegrate into Etherian society? Are they living in marginal communities such as the Crimson Waste, as Kyle, Rogelio, and Lonnie are shown to be? We never learn their fates.
- What becomes of the former Etherian Horde leaders, Hordak and Catra? Do they atone in any way for their crimes? Do the Etherians accept them after years of warfare and their role in summoning Horde Prime? We’re led to assume that they get happy endings with the women they love, but the other Etherians won’t soon forget their actions.
- Does Imp ever reunite with Hordak? Imp is Hordak’s “son” and the only person he trusted before bonding with Entrapta, but Hordak seems strangely unconcerned about him. Does Hordak worry about where Imp could be? Does he ever go looking for the boy?  I realize that the writers wanted to focus on Hordak’s relationship with Entrapta, but I thought this was a glaring loose end.
- What became of Angella? Did she truly die after being trapped between dimensions in “The Portal”, or is she still floating around in hyperspace? The series never resolves her situation.
(2) Insufficient use of minor characters.
Season 5 focuses heavily on Adora, Catra, Glimmer, Bow, and Entrapta, with the other princesses and sorcerers playing supportive roles. I realize that the writers needed to conclude the main story arcs -- Adora rediscovering her She-Ra powers, Catra’s redemption, and Catradora -- but several fascinating characters were woefully underutilized.
Double Trouble’s shapeshifting abilities and love of chaos could have caused Horde Prime (or the Rebellion) endless headaches. Imp’s spying abilities, history with Hordak, and genetic connection to the Galactic Horde never come into play. Despite her knowledge of the First Ones’ war, awareness of past and present times streams, and attunement to Etheria, Razz appears for all of five seconds in the finale. Hordak should have received a lot more screen time, and I’m not just saying that as a shameless Hordak fan. For example, his reintegration into the Galactic Horde could have been a great opportunity to show viewers more of clone life.
All of these unique characters could have been used creatively in the story to great effect, but they were neglected or forgotten outright by the writers.
(3) Insufficient world-building.
I love She-Ra and the Princesses of Power dearly, but the show has always been light on world-building, and season 5 was no exception. I was hoping that season 5 would have given viewers more background on the First Ones, Horde Prime’s empire, and Hordak’s early years on Etheria, but it did not.
How did Hordak get the Etherian Horde off the ground with only a broken spaceship, desperation, and the charisma of a briar patch? What was the role of Scorpion royals in the early Horde? Where are the descendants of the First Ones now, including Adora’s biological family, and how did Light Hope know where to look for them? Does Hordak’s ancestral race still exist, and if so, what is their culture like? What is Horde Prime, and how did he form the Galactic Horde? What does Galactic Horde oppression look like on other planets? Is the She-Ra mantle a magical power, a benevolent Etherian spirit who possesses hosts, or something else entirely? I came away from the show with more questions than answers.
(4) Shadow Weaver’s fate.
Shadow Weaver’s self-sacrifice came with little character development preceding it to make it plausible. It felt like a cheap way of getting rid of a character who no longer served a purpose in the narrative.
As series endings go, I was grateful for everything the writers gave fans: emotionally satisfying resolutions to character arcs, canon ships left and right (especially Entrapdak), positive messages about second chances and the power of love, a hard-hitting allegory for religious fundamentalism, and groundbreaking LGBTQ representation. Series finales are rarely this generous to fans, and everyone in the audience came away with something they wanted. I just saw some flaws that bugged me, and I needed to get these observations out of my system,
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switch-in-time · 5 years
What would the kid's favorite Disney movies be
I'm gonna do animations in general, but gravitate towards Disney Pixar
Badge likes Spirited Away. They have a mask that looks like No Face tucked away somewhere.
Cookie likes Ratatouille. It's what sparked her interest in cooking.
Connie likes The Lone Ranger. Esp for the train chase scene
Empress likes The Lion King.
Grooves likes Sing! He really likes the Koala.
Mafia generally likes Monsters Inc.
Mafia Bab likes Tangled. Until Flynn stops being a cool thief, then he kinda gets annoyed.
MJ likes My Neighbor Totoro
Nessa really likes Brave.
Shapeshifter likes Ponyo. They like to look like her after watching it
Snatch likes Princess and the Frog because Facilier is super cool.
WC likes Treasure Planet, more for the literal space ships than the story.
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ariana-maryse · 4 years
back again! with rainbow cookies! (which are chocolate chip cookies with m&ms) priest is on netflix so i watched it & remembered how much i love black hat's dramatic ass 😂 got any good monster movie recs? i need some more monsters in my life. i definitely need some lady monsters too, if you don't mind helping a monster lover out
Omg YES. Those are one of my faves! It’s like you just knew. Black Hat is SO dramatic and Karl Urban is already hot, so adding in his wonderful performance makes for a villain that managed to outshine a priest - which, for me, is a big deal. I have a priest thing, like, hardcore. 
Absolutely! Yesss, lady monsters. I’m sorry if you’ve already seen everything I suggest but I’mma try my best. Also I’m going with all genres and throwing in some other media types as well because I must, apparently.  Also I’m sorry this is a novel, holy shit.
Vampire Movies: Dracula (the Bela Lugosi one. I’m not a fan of the Gary Oldman version,) all the Blade films, Lost Boys, Ultraviolet, Interview with the Vampire, Vampire in Brooklyn, Twilight (I know everyone shits on it but there’s so many babes in the films,) and Only Lovers Left Alive. Vampire Shows: Hemlock Grove (I didn’t finish it, but it has Bill Skarsgard, Famke Janssen, and Dougray Scott in it so even if the story isn’t that strong, there’s that,) What We Do in the Shadows, and Sirius the Jaeger if you fw anime.
Werewolves (besides those that are in any of the above): Red Riding Hood, An American Werewolf in London, Teen Wolf and Teen Wolf Too, and if you’re into vidya games you can make werewolves on the Sims.
Ghosts: I’m obviously a big fan of Thirteen Ghosts, Candyman, Beetlejuice (there’s also an animated series!) Crimson Peak, The Crow, Ghost Ship, and Sleepy Hollow.
Demons/Angels: Constantine, Jennifer’s Body, Hellraiser (just 1 and 2 - after that it gets so campy,) Legion, Dogma, Bedazzled, Little Nicky (100% for Rhys Ifans,) Insidious has some interesting lil friends, and if you fw anime: Blue Exorcist, Claymore, Demon Slayer, Fire Force, and Inuyasha all have actual demons. Some others have similar variations and I’ll mention those in “other,” 
Robots/Androids/Cyborgs (I’m going with they count): AI (peep Jude Law,) Avengers: Age of Ultron, Robots (you may not wanna smash any of them, but it’s a classic,) and Archer (hella cyborgs.)
Aliens: A fair amount of the Marvel films, but my personal faves are Venom and Thor: The Dark World - the elves are pretty damn hot, the Men in Black franchise has some good ones, The Faculty, Rocky Horror Picture Show, District 9, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The Chronicles of Riddick (Karl Urban is up in this bitch, too!) Star Wars obvi, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (Rihanna, always hot,) and Futurama is basically all aliens.
Clowns: It (all the films,) Clown, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, and Terrifier. Also Archer has a few episodes where there’s a whole clown gang.
Other: Sinister has Bughuul, Dead Silence (if you’re into puppets. If not, it’s still a cool film,) The Brothers Grimm offers a lot, Ferngully has Hexxus, League of Extraordinary Gentleman, The Mummy (Imhotep and Anck Su’Namun are fine,) absolutely anything made by Guillermo del Toro, The Babadook can shapeshift and I wasn’t sure if he qualified as a ghost or not, American Horror Story has everything: ghosts, demons, withces, vampires, clowns, etc., Black Phillip’s human form in The Witch, Coraline (the other parents,) Pagemaster has this Jekyll and Hyde scene that’s nice and spicy, Courage the Cowardly Dog has Queen of the Black Puddle and some other great ones, the hormone monsters in Big Mouth are pretty legit. I’mma get into anime and video games now so if you’re not feeling that, I totally get it if you stop reading. Or if you did like a million words ago.
Anime: Ajin, Devilman Crybaby has all the demons, Bleach has kinda ghosts and the Hollows/Arrancar (plus fillers featuring vampires and sword spirits that are all beasty,) Swordgai isn’t that strong of a show but they basically all get possessed, D. Gray-Man has demonish creatures and some vamps, some of the Shinigami in Death Note aren’t bad, some of the evolutions in Digimon are pretty hot ngl, and there’s probably more that I can’t think of rn.
Vidya Games: In Skyrim (and TES in general) you get vampries, werewolves, elves, orcs, lizard folks, and then all the Daedric Princes. The Legend of Zelda series offers some good shit; Prince Sidon in BotW, Twilight Princess comes through with Ganon, Zant, the darknuts, and Death Sword. All the games have some good shit. Same with Final Fantasy - in 12 alone there’s the Espers and Vayne post transformation. The Jak and Daxter series, the tyrants in Resident Evil, and in The Arcana some of the card.. spirits? Idk what they’re called but they’re lowkey hot.
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
Pinehead Headcanons: Oscar’s Love For His Rose
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While I understand that Ruby is down in Mantle dealing with the evacuation, a part of me would still love for her to somehow wind up back up in Atlas in time for Oscar’s inevitable brawl with the Fake Rose. I want it for the obvious soap opera moment with the “evil twin”.
Y’know how those soap operas would always toss in some drama involving an evil doppelganger of one of the main characters targeting their love interest out of spite and revenge?
 Somehow I just can’t shake the image of Fake Rose Neo kissing Oscar or trying to kiss Oscar long enough for him to let his guard down for Neo to sneakily snatch the Relic away from him; just as Ruby rounds the corner and catches them in the act.
This will most likely not happen in the actual canon but, it’s funny to think about. Especially when I imagine the aftermath of Ruby low-key being salty and possibly just a smidge bit jealous that someone else got to kiss Oscar; especially when it was another girl using her face.
Plus the main reason I want Ruby to be present for Oscar’s clash with the Fake Rose is to see whether or not my Pinehead assumptions of Oscar unlocking his semblance to protect and/or save Ruby would come true. Not to mention that I would love to see a moment where Oscar is caught between his true Rose and the Fake Rose; forced to figure out which is which.
Or perhaps…it’s a case where Oscar is fighting Neo on his own but she uses Ruby’s form for the entire fight to mess with Oscar and for some reason Oscar finds it difficult to fight his opponent when she’s wearing the face of the girl he cares about. But eventually, Oscar is able to steel himself up---probably with Oz’s encouragement from within his mind urging him to look inside himself and know who stands before him---and see through Neo’s disguise. He knows she’s not Ruby. She may wear her face and look back at him with the same beautiful silver eyes that caught his gaze the first time he met her, but Neo wasn’t Ruby. She wasn’t Oscar’s true Rose and once he realized that, let’s say…this is the point where Oscar unlocks his semblance and shatters Neo’s Illusions.
This justifies why I really want Oscar’s semblance to be Nullification or some kind of ability that cancels out the effects of another’s semblance.
I also want to toy with the concept of Oscar’s semblance enabling him to permanently stop someone from using their semblance; at least while they are standing within range of him; for the nod to Princess Ozma from the Wizard of Oz series who was able to cast a de-aging spell that kept the People of Oz from aging unless they left Oz.
I’m just imagining Neo trying to use her semblance again on Oscar only to realize in horror that her powers no longer work. At least they no longer work so long as she is within range of Oscar whose semblance cancels hers out, rendering her powerless against him.
This is why I want this to be Oscar’s hidden power. Not only for the reference to his fairy-tale inspiration but also because this is the type of power I can expect others to be envious of, as Ruby commented. Having someone on your team who cancels out other people’s semblances and prevents them from using them while in range of that person---that’s an amazing ability to have. Then again, this is only my views on that.
Unlike the Little Prince who didn’t get to reunite with his beloved rose in the end, I like the idea of Oscar reuniting with Ruby following his fight with Neo and the People of Mantle are safe up in Atlas and the two share another moment where Oscar either flashes Ruby another one of his classic soft looks that’s only reserved for her or…in a move that he’s never done before, Oscar embraces Ruby, catching her off guard in a welcoming hug while whispering happily in her ear how genuinely happy he was to see her again meaning that he was just relieved to be back with his Rose and not some kind of imposter. Y’know what I mean?
It’d be interesting if his fight with Neo helps Oscar to see how much Ruby means to him.
Ironically, in Japanese mythology, fox spirits are known for being tricksters and shapeshifters. Neo is able to change her form due to her illusions semblance similar to fox spirits. So funnily enough, Neo sort of represents the Fox in Oscar’s Little Prince story but not in the way I pegged it.
In the Little Prince story, it was through the Fox and its teachings that the Prince was finally able to understand his feelings toward his Rose. The Fox helped the Prince to realize the value of his Rose to him and his responsibility to her. I think I owe an apology to @ezroar​. Once upon a time, you asked me if Neo could’ve been the Fox in Oscar’s Little Prince story and at the time, I told you I disagreed with that theory since I more felt that Nora embodied the Fox’s personality and message than Neo.
But now, given what was teased in the last episode, Neo might end up playing the role of both the Fake Rose and the Fox to Oscar; at least by my assumptions. It’d be interesting if following his clash with Neo, much like the Prince, Oscar’s takeaway from the fight is the full realization of how much he values Ruby; how truly important she is to him and from this, Oscar gains a newfound motivation to do everything in his power to always support Ruby because not only does he believe in her but he also genuinely loves her; flaws and all. Thus, it changes the way Oscar looks to Ruby moving forward.
If romance is in the cards for the Rosegardening Rosebuds, it’d d be pretty sweet if that’s what Ruby ends up falling love with Oscar for---because of how much he is able to understand her and support her because of it.
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Like it’s a scenario where Oscar sees Ruby’s faults and while he may challenge her on her stances from time to time, he doesn’t make it his goal to belittle her for feeling the way she feels or her mistakes. And even in moments where he is forced to show a little ‘tough love’ with her; particularly when he senses she’s not being completely truthful, it’s done in a way to get her to be honest with herself about how she feels.
I’m just going to be upfront about my stance on this---part of my reason for supporting the Rosegarden ship, both as a close friendship and a potential romance is because I believe Oscar would be a great partner to Ruby. While they don’t share any history from the Beacon days as Ruby does with her other friends, to me Oscar’s connection to Ruby is unique. Their rapport with one another and the way he engages with her and shows support of her; particularly in moments of conflict feels different from the support she receives from her other friends. Basically what I’m saying that the Rosegarden bond is special in its own way; whether platonic or something much stronger.
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 I just want to see Oscar realize his love for Ruby but his understanding of his feelings for her is handled with the same level of maturity as we’ve already seen from Oscar. 
His love for his rose doesn’t really change his behaviour and treatment towards Ruby. Oscar doesn’t become a bumbling awkward butt around Ruby. But rather Oscar becomes more motivated to be more responsible for looking out for her well-being; much like the Little Prince.
“People have forgotten this truth. But you mustn’t forget it. You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed. You’re responsible for your rose.”
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More Pinehead Headcanons
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~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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astral-express-family · 10 months
🐘🐧🐌? @skipper-self-shipper
Skipper hiiii!!! I'll answer these for my fantasy polycule :3
🐘 - How big is your polycule?
Just the three of us! Myself, Yasmina, and Althena!
🐧 - If you went on a trip together, where would you go?
We'd probably go on some sort of road trip! No particular destination, just exploring the world and having fun. The only thing is, none of the three of us can actually drive, so...
🐌 - Who is more likely to fall asleep first? Who goes to sleep last?
We all have a lot of anxieties, and sleeping issues come with that. As it stands, I generally fall asleep first and Althena generally falls asleep last.
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illicreatxm · 5 years
a list of total (current) verses offered on this blog! this is kinda long so read under the cut.
note: if you would like to know more about these verses, either check out the verses page or message me!!!
verses breakdown:
canon - {v: canon} - main, standard verse for all characters, follows what's written in the bio. most muses open to shipping here, and can form canon-divergent verses here too. all characters present in this verse.
pjo - {v: descendants of the gods} - percy jackson themed verse, where all of my muses are either demigods or legacies (only one is a mortal). set in the percy jackson universe, more info on specific muses in bios. all characters present in this verse.
harry potter - {v: just a little magic} - harry potter themed verse, where all of my muses attend hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry or ilvermony school of witchcraft and wizardry, each of them sorted into a house depending on their personalities and desires. which has a tendency to make them clash every once in a while. set in harry potter universe, post-deathly hallows. all characters present in this verse. (verse still under construction)
superpowers - {v: powered beings} - superhero-themed verse where most (all but one) muses have powers and use them to save others or hide them. can be mixed with marvel/dc universes, as well as any other superhero-themed fandoms. all characters present in this verse.
shifter - {v: more than just magic} - a shapeshifter-based universe, where individuals either do or don’t have the magical ability to shapeshift into their spirit animals. as such, they are required (by law) to register their status as a shifter... though not all are willing to do such a thing. 11/14 muses active in this verse, 3 to be added.
royalty - {v: we could be royals} - in a land where the royals rule their kingdoms, all of my muses have different parts to play in the royal and village life - from farming to waiting on princes and princesses, these muses have a variety of jobs that may or may not be tailored to their talents. all characters present in this verse.
siblings - {v: when we were young} - a semi-open verse where our characters are either related or childhood friends, set in the childhood of my characters. all characters present in this verse, subject to plotting and discussion.
actors - {v: the world’s a stage} - a semi-open verse where our characters are actually just characters... and the lives stated in canon/plotlines we come up with are just episodes of a tv show/part of a movie series. of course, this opens up to different depictions of muses, so please contact for plotting. [please note: i am not comfortable rping with “real life” people, e.g. rp version of chris evans, chris hemsworth...] (verse still under construction)
famous - {v: living in the spotlight} - fame is not so easy to obtain, but when you fight your way to the top you’ll eventually get there. a verse where my muses have reached the top in their various chosen skills and careers, leading to them living lives of relative luxury. characters in this verse tba. (verse still under construction)
band - {v: we’re actually famous} - being in a band isn’t the easiest thing; it comes with fame and fortune, as well as unwanted criticism and a permanent spotlight on you. a verse where some of my muses are in bands and are trying to reach fame in their own ways. 11/14 muses active in this verse. (verse still under construction)
supernatural - {v: that’s more than just natural} - set in a world where the supernatural exists, but not everyone knows about it. in fact, those that know are either supernatural themselves, or close to someone who is. and they need to keep the supernatural hidden from the public eye. characters in this verse tba. (verse still under construction)
the simple life - {v: the simple life} - verse created with @a-simple-rper, but open for threading. canon divergent verse where muses have moved to new york and now live there, due to befriending and becoming close to a particularly stoic bar owner and his overly playful doorman. 6/14 muses active in this verse.
family is what you make it - {v: we are family} - verse created with @mochafortissimo, but open for threading. canon divergent verse where allie does not move to new york with jake, but instead stays in boston after befriending sochi and falling for oliver, a man who eventually becomes her husband. 8/14 muses active in this verse, 2 to be decided/added.
to be a phillips - {v: to be a phillips} - verse created with @breaking-point-rp, but open for threading. verse where muses actually live in weston, near manchester, instead of near london, where a bunch of events lead to my muses becoming close to those they went to school with. 8/14 muses active in this verse, 3 to be decided/added
roadtrip - {v: we’re going on a trip} - a semi-open verse where our characters get to know each other and end up going on a roadtrip together around europe! a mix of personalities in a minibus is bound to be fun. set pre-brexit, and alongside the characters of @breaking-point-rp, so please contact for plotting. 4/14 muses active in this verse
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isolctions · 5 years
mostly bc i need to lay it all out in front of me, here’s the plan in terms of muses for this blog (hopefully). i don’t care if y’all read it or not, but considering i’m Dramatic and serious about this revamp, y’all probably should. :~)
keeping my kehlani fc (kidada white), but working thru the kinks in her backstory and possibly changing her occupation/development around a bit.
getting over my fear of being too creepy while writing ilyssa (second tinashe fc) & exposing her for the literal demonic entity that she is. so if scary shit and horror themes are your secret go-to, i’m here.
keeping my zazie beetz fc (teyani nara), continuing with her canon pregnancy/child but fingers crossed that i can actually fulfill that established plotline instead of relying on an npc. plus she’s a cutie with a love for coding and an ability to see spirits. that’s fun.
REALLY hoping to write with and keep developing the vaughn siblings, as much as i hate all the work i put into the single muse blog going to waste. with that being said, expect to see more of the vaughn’s — katya (rihanna fc), damon (asap ferg fc), bakari (tory lanez fc — subject to change), and maybe even finally including and writing the youngest sibling ni’kyah (shameik moore fc)
so at this point, i’m highly dissuaded from keeping zephyr (doja cat fc) available for romantic ships. so unless y’all can really wow ya girl with some beautiful plot or some shit, her current ship with @blackplanct is her only ship. HOWEVER! i’m in desperate need for more platonic and familial teas in general, so pleaaaaaase slide some of that good shit my way.
i have two resident vampires: sam’raa ebadi (leigh anne pinnock fc) & jaira black — the problem with jaira however is that i’m still in between faceclaims with her out of respect for not really wanting to use lauren london after all that’s happened, y’know? so for right now, jaira’s faceclaim will be rosario dawson until i can find something more suitable.
also write with these vampires. one is a private investigator with black jessica jones teas, the other is literal royalty who’s a bloodthirsty ruthless heir to the throne by day, adorably soft pastel princess with a desire to learn more abt humans by night. nothing like a good ol’ double cross!
i’d like to be using the pierce twins a whole lot more than i currently am/was (vanessa morgan fcs, rionne & monroe) considering their backstory is extremely unique even if supernatural writing isn’t your thing. rionne is a literal Mess masked with responsibilities and strained relationships — especially romantic and familial kinds, so please keep that in mind, and monroe is mentally a child trying to figure out how to work an adult body and do adult things. they’re really cool, so expect a repost of starters from them.
now for the potentially new muses!
expect an actual megan thee stallion fc on my roster. not sure what direction i’m going with her yet, but expect her.
i really want a fae muse for some reason, even if i wind up playing myself by putting my time and muse into her and she gets backburned. so also expect a fae — very much still up in the air in terms of faceclaims, but i’m leaning towards indya moore bc i love them and we deserve to see more of them.
who would i be if i didn’t include lizzo? whom??????
and i really miss my little love witch emerald azuna, so i may revise her and bring her back to the roster with a different faceclaim. super hard maybe, though.
i also want a shapeshifter, a blank-slate muse used solely for cute ass soulmate plots, more evil aligned muses and things of that nature. it’ll be slow cause i hate rolling in new muses all at once until i know they’re received properly, so there’s that.
alright, my brain’s kinda tired & i have to work until close tonight anyway, so i more than likely will only be dropping a starter or two here and there while remaining in the shadows. again, i’m not expecting anybody to read this thoroughly (unless ur tryna hit me up to fulfill some of these plots, then we can get real acquainted in my IMs rn!!!) cause i’m a whole fucking mess, but i find myself to be a lot more committed to things if i know i’ve written it somewhere — and so that if i forget anything, y’all can call me out on my shit. anyways, here’s to me being back on my bullshit!!!!
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guardiancherisher · 6 years
Netflix’s Hilda Fanfiction Time! (outlined ideas only) (free use) (Please give credit)
David AUs
Secretly the son the bug queen
Turns out he’s a changeling
Queen’s child
Amnesia Hilda AU
AU rewrites first meeting of the great raven
Hilda loses memories while climbing mountains
Would have died if the raven didn’t save her
The raven tries to help her regain memories
Meanwhile her friends and family are looking for her
Hours turn to days turn to months
Finds scarf but not Hilda
The raven grows protective of Hilda
Amnesia Hilda has started living with the raven in his nest
She wants to do something for him to say thanks and goes out on her own to do so.
This ends with a troll or giant kidnapping or coming after her.
The raven saves her just in time, but she is injured.
He doesn’t understand human wounds and she ends up getting a fever on top of things
He’s so worried and doesn’t know what to do
That’s when he goes to find a healer
Random healing spirit?
Who is Hilda’s father?
Rick Sanchez
Blue hair
Stanford Pines
In the first episode, she is basically sketching a mythical creature like Ford has done.
Perfect personality mashup between Ford and Mum
Flaw: doesn’t explain blue hair
Maybe it makes her a prophecy?
Died as a kid and bringing back from dead is blue hair side effect?
She was going to die, but by looking for a mythical creature they were able to save her.
But at what cost?
As a baby, played with one of Ford’s dimensional thingies and now has blue hair forever
Mum: “Ford clean up your inventions! I don’t want them lying around where the baby can get at them.”
Ford: “Don’t worry. There’s no possible way she’ll be able make them work with the safeties on.”
Baby Hilda:
1. –too smart for safety-
2. –puts science in mouth- -sparks-
Mum: “FORD! –panics-”
1. –panics-
2. HOW!?!
Random blue haired/bearded guy
Looks like a woodmen?
Business men?
Bad father faceless father montage
Refer to Treasure Planet
Spy? Adventurer?
Reason he’s no there
Lost at sea?
Turned to gold while exploring an old temple
Indian Jones type?
Random traits
Mum escaped to the woods because of him?
Abandons Hilda and Mum
Ghost dad
Mum is a teenage pregnancy
Dad is magical creature
A spirit of some kind
Humanoid of some kind or can transform from human to beast
Blue dragon
Blue beast wolf thing
Typical beast
Male Snow White
Prince of the forest
King ruler person
Mum has memories erased of husband
Because he had to go away and it was easier cause he knew Mum was stubborn
Does Woodmen see Hilda as a kind of daughter?
Did he lose his real daughter? Family?
Cursed into woodmen form?
Woodmen finds Hilda as a baby and raises her
rude Hilda?
Wild Child AU
Aka Wild Hilda AU
Hilda raised by the creatures of the wilderness
Like Tarzan, but every creature pitches in
father figure
Mum dead or worse
Mum ghost?
Hilda Has Powers AUs
Hilda has superpowers
Communicates with the animals
Empathic powers
Can shapeshift into mythical creatures
Like Ben 10 or something
Alien powers?
Blessed by mythical creature?
Hilda has magic
Hilda the witch
Twig familiar
Elf summoning (Witch norm: Usually Elves are used as slaves)
The librarian is her teacher
Hilda with cape  
Twig AUs
Hilda’s cursed brother or half-sibling (because magical forest dad?)
Twig talks AU
Twig familiar AU
Has a secondary dangerous form
Protector AU
Hilda long lost princess idea?
Blue hair
Father comes to take her back home
Or like Princess Diaries were she is last of royal family
Royal drama!
Princess of Earth’s creatures
She may be immortal now    
Alfur AUs
Hilda’s cursed brother
Elf Slave AU
Hilda to the rescue!
Plot: make elves free!  
Crossover Needs
KND Hilda (#89)
89 is number form translates to “Hi” :3
make her Earth in another galaxy 
space KND 
Danny Phantom Crossover 
Dimensional crossover
Hilda and Danny team up
Dimension Ghost villain 
Hilda solves everything
Danny gets board 
The Great Raven doesn’t like Danny very much
Danny can’t stop braking into accent 
Danny: “It just slips out!”
Hilda: “Rude”
Hilda Falls AU
Hilda literally falls through rift into Gravity Falls 
needs help coming home
Young Ford?
need that father figure Ford fuel 
Hilda really misses her mom
Before Weirdmageddon
Mabel and Hilda hit it off right away
mostly because of Mabel being Mabel
Dipper shipping
Hilda working in the Shack and being a natural 
gives Stan ideas for exhibits 
Runs into Bill moment 
Maybe instead of Gravity Falls the rift just sends her to portal Ford and they go on adventures that way while still trying to get her home.
After Weirdmageddon
falls into icy sea
Stan twins rescue her 
amnesia Hilda again? 
Hilda Universe AU
Hilda and Steven universe fusion
Silda? Heven? Stelda? Hiven?
Hilda is a gem that Steven finds
Hilda is a gem/human hybrid
Her Mum is also a gem
Either Mum’s friend was a gem that turned into Hilda
Father left 
Or Mum is human
Father was a gem, but he was flawed (hence being masculine)
Must be blue gem list
Lapis Lazuli
Badass much?
Eh more like Alfur if I’m honest
Blue Topaz
Blue diamond
Blue Pearl
So cute!
Gem placement
Chest center
Over heart
In place of one ear
Disability if half human?
Gem shape
Star shape
Father flawed gem
Thunderbird shape
Weird shape
Shipping Hilda
Dipper Pines
They would work off each other rather well I think
Dipper could be lost in the multiverse or Hilda’s world could be isolated like Atlantis?
Dipper and Mabel dimensional travelers and documenters?
Dipper totally freaks when Hilda starts talking to him
He word vomits, trying to be discreet
Hilda shows him around
They go on a life threatening adventure
They fall for each other
Oh can they totally geek out when it comes to all the creatures together
In Hilda’s world
Eh kind of think he works better with Frida, but whatever
Ew, but cute if he matures I guess? Maybe he turns himself into a werewolf or something because he’s stupid and Hilda has to save him?
Nightingale syndrome?
Human transformed raven?
Beauty and the Beast much?
Alfur? (pronounced ‘Alpha’)
–squee- little elf Hilda AU! In a little elf school! With a little nervous elf crushing Alfur!
Mythical boys
Witch/magic boy
Siren (honestly because Ford dated one once)
Alien star child
Forest spirit
Superhero kid
Like Danny Phantom or kid flash powers
transforms into human…
cute little trickster that doesn’t really understand what feeling so he lashes out or makes fun
Detective kid
Rogue kid
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everrealmdweller · 6 years
“The Return of El Capitán” Episode Review
I really loved this episode! Action-packed, funny, charming: this episode has it all. It also dealt with the relationship between Elena and her abuelo Franciso, something we have not seen thoroughly explored before. Plus it’s a Día de los Muertos episode, so you can bet it’s full of emotional moments and heart!
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The episode begins with Elena giving Marzel a brief rundown on what Día de los Muertos is: the day they honor their loved ones who have passed away. Seeing the music and decorations, Marzel asks in surprise: “By throwing a party?” To which Elena resonds “not exactly” XD and proceeds to explain how they create alters and remember their loved ones.
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It’s so adorable how Elena gets so worried about her abuelo when he’s carrying a heavy chest. He’s pretty sure he can handle it, but Elena is having none of his nonsense. I thought it’s interesting to see this new dynamic. We’ve seen Elena being protective of Isabel numerous times, but I don’t remember seeing her act this way toward her grandfather before. Ironically, it’s usually him trying to protect Elena. Watch out, Abuelo, you’re about to get a taste of your own medicine.
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So we find out Francisco was part of a band of crime-fighters in disguise along with his two good friends: El Místico and El Guerrero. On their last mission to lock up a magical shield to keep it from the Macoco, their ship mysteriously sank and Francisco’s friends both died. Francisco clearly feels a lot of guilt for this and misses them and those days terribly. It’s really sweet to see Elena comforting him and then his excitement when he finds out the ghosts of his friends are there and that Elena can see them. Shout out to the musical number “The Legend of Los Tres.” That was some excellent choreography and one catchy song!
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Together again Los Tres decide to complete that unfinished mission they started so many years ago. Elena tries her best to convince her abuelo not to go at first, but Francisco will not be dissuaded from this opportunity to right past wrongs and honor his friends. Elena is never one to pass up on a chance to protect the kingdom or a little adventure, but she makes Francisco promise her he’ll be careful. They set sail to find the shield. 
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Los Tres plus Elena arrive at the site of the shipwreck with a map leading to the shield. Francisco is about to dive down there and grab it himself, but Elena begs him to let her do it instead. Francisco assures her that he’ll be fine. Apparently he held his breath for twenty minutes while wrestling a shark in a typhoon once XD. Elena turns around to grab her Milagras, and abuelo dives in behind her back. It’s definitely something I could see Elena doing. Like daughter like grandfather, I guess.
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“Why did you come down there?” “I was afraid you might run out of breath!” Kind of on Elena’s side for this one. Sorry, Francisco, no one can hold their breath for 20 minutes, and I can’t blame Elena for swimming down to rescue him. Unfortunately, in the process she unknowingly awakened the Macoco. Poor Elena always seems to be accidentally awakening ancient monsters XD.
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At last they find the shield. Elena’s just glad the mission’s over and her abuelo will stop taking unnecessary risks. It’s a beautiful moment of conclusion for Francisco as he accomplished with his friends what he set out to do so long ago. That is for the approximate ten seconds that victory lasts. They encounter the Macoco right outside the cave. Unprepared, Elena and Francisco are easily tossed aside, the Macoco seizing the shield.
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Down in spirits after the defeat, Francisco finally agrees with Elena: he is not El Capitán anymore. His friends protest this, but Elena readily accepts it. Interestingly, Francisco puts it on Elena to go after the Macoco. Previously in the series I think he would have tried to protect her, but I guess now he has seen how powerful she is with her scepter. With her characteristic determination and willingness to take on everything herself, Elena agrees to go after the Macoco alone. Can you guess how well that goes?
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Not so well, as per usual. The Macoco blocks Elena’s blaze with the shield and manages to knock Elena off a cliff into the ocean, where to my horror she passes out and starts drowning again for the second time in the past three episodes. Elena, please be more careful!!
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Lucky for Elena, Francisco realized soon after she left that he had made a mistake in giving up and that Elena would need his help. He does some insane moves, kicking the shield out of the Macoco’s hands, diving straight off a cliff! If this is what he’s like as a older man, what was he capable of in his younger days?! 
Anyways, Francisco carries Elena to the surface of the water, where my favorite moment in the episode occurs: Seeing his dear granddaughter unconscious, he almost whispers, “Elena?” Elena wakes up and asks, “Abuelo?” To which he responds tenderly, “I’ve got you, mijita.” Awwww!!!! And the weak little smile she gives him says it all. He’s the best abuelo a reckless teenage princess could ask for.
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Together Elena and Francisco take back the shield and defeat the Macoco. Back aboard the ship, Elena apologizes to Francisco for not believing in him, which he graciously accepts. I like this moment because it shows how the real problem was not that Elena was worried for her abuelo, that’s only natural and in this case I would say the concern is warranted, but that she tried to hold him back from doing what he loves and what is important. Proud of his grandaughter, Francisco, with the help of his friends, gives her the code name La Mágica. He later tells Elena they are now Los Cuatro. 
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The episode concludes with Fransisco and Elena sheepishly arriving late to send out the alters to Elena’s parents armed only with the lame excuse of bringing more marigolds. Luisa gives them nothing more than a stern look, though XD. The family pushes the floating alters out to sea and as they watch them float away, Elena leans into her abuelo, who reciprocates with a gentle hug. In the final shot the whole family joins hands in a moment of beauty, hope, sadness, and reflection.
To summarize, I really love how this episode developed the relationship between Elena and Francisco. I didn’t realize how alike these two are until now! Two daring, occasionally reckless souls determined to make Avalor a better place for all. I also think the episode showcases Francisco’s growth of confidence in Elena. Remember when he didn’t want her to go out in “First Day of Rule”? Or how he voted to keep her locked in the palace in “Shapeshifters”? I would say he has come to trust Elena much more and believe in her ability not only to rule but defend all Avalor.
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Here’s a little drabble I wrote to continue Cain and Daphne’s meeting story. I wasn’t satisfied with his behavior in the last one, so I explored it a little here.
The next morning, Qayin woke with a start. His head spun, and he had to stand up slowly or risk taking a fall. He vaguely remembered the evening before, and the beautiful shapeshifting woman.
He stopped at the door, listening. Her faint singing came from further in the cave, and another candle sat by his bed.
A pleasant numbness hung over him like the darkness of the sea- not like anything he’d felt before. He glanced at the sweet-smelling candle, picking it up and holding it close as he listened to the song.
Then it hit him like a brick.
Blowing out the flame and taking deep breaths, he covered his ears and flung the door open. His barings quickly returned to him. She was not in view, making him all the more determined to find her.
The floors were wet beneath his bare feet, salty sea water dripping on his head every other moment. Unable to follow her sound, he instead tracked her by the damp trail she’d left.
At last, in what appeared to be a grand kitchen, there she stood. She stopped singing and smiled upon seeing him. The night before it had been a dreamy smile. Now it just looked hazy and glazed.
“Who are you?” he demanded.
“Aw, don’t you remember? I told you last night.”
“I do remember what you said. I don’t recall a reason to believe it was the truth.”
Her face finally changed, her jaw setting and eyes darkening.
“I am who I said I am. Perhaps I should ask what you are- you’re too… mechanical, to be human.”
He gestured under his hair. “I have a human brain, skin, eyes- my senses are all natural. I am human. And you’re some kind of Daemon?”
She covered her cheeks, revealing six eyes when she removed her hands. “Faerie.”
“Why’d you trick me? What did you do to me last night?”
She pursed her lips, with a slight curl to them that suggested distaste. “I didn’t touch you. I was terrified that you’d do something worse to me.”
“Why would I? Being here is an accident. I have no quarrel with you.”
She looked honestly surprised at this. “Oh. Um,” she stammered a bit. “Well, how do you know my language?” she continued to accuse.
“I studied scrolls back home. Among many others. I have a gift of memory granted to me by my, well, technology.”
“Oh.” That was all she said, before giggling. That, Qayin thought, was a genuinely cute sound. Any hostility seemed to have passed. “Well, I guess I oughta feed you. Do humans eat fish?”
“All the time. Isn’t that something like cannibalism for you?” He seemed almost embarrassed to ask it.
“Is it cannibalism for you to eat pigs just because they share your air?” She snipped in response, putting a hand on her hip. He shook his head sheepishly. “Exactly.”
She went to reach for a pot too high up on a wall, but he reached it for her easily. “I didn’t need your help. I could’ve had the water do that,” she snarked.
“Excuse me, princess,” his voice dripped with teasing sarcasm.
A slight smile crossed her face, and she seemed lost for a moment before her gaze returned to the present and she giggled once more.
“I’ll be a little while. You could work on your ship in the meantime or something.”
Qayin felt his heart drop slightly. “Do you want me to leave? Not just your kitchen, I mean.”
“You wrecked. I thought I should at least save you, even if it made me nervous. But surely there are other humans that need you.”
He rolled his eyes. “Not really. My perfect brother and bastard father will be just fine without me,” he growled out.
She scoffed. “I know how you feel. Why do you think I live alone?”
He smiled coldly. It was nice to know there were kindred spirits to be found, even in the most unlikely places.
I never said they were good people to start out with-
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Manga the Week of 4/28/21
SEAN: The end of April and there’s still so much going on.
Airship has two digital-early debuts. I Have a Secret (Kakushigoto) is the latest one-shot by the author of I Want to Eat Your Pancreas, and is not related to the manga and anime series Kakushigoto. It’s all about unspoken feelings in high school.
MICHELLE: Ooh. This sounds my speed.
ASH: I’ve enjoyed the manga adaptations of this author’s works; I really need to make a point to read some of the originals.
SEAN: The Strange Adventure of a Broke Mercenary (Kuitsume Youhei no Gensou Kitan) is a fantasy series about a man, the sole survivor of a battle that killed off all those important to him, who hires himself out as a merc. Sadly, most people just want to use him. Can he find an ally? This is a long-running LN series in Japan, with 15 volumes to date.
We also get the last of the deluge of Alice in the Country of digital editions, the light novel Alice in the Country of Diamonds: Bet On My Heart. Lastly, there’s a 3rd volume of Roll Over and Die out early digitally.
Denpa Books’ website says they have the debut of Shino Can’t Say Her Name (Shino-chan wa Jibun no Namae ga Ienai), a one-shot from the creator of Flowers of Evil, Happiness, etc. that promises to be a bit lighter in tone than those titles. It ran in Ohta Shuppan’s Pocopoco, and is about a girl with severe social anxiety. This seems to take a less comedic take than Komi Can’t Communicate.
MICHELLE: I will likely check this one out.
ASH: Same!
SEAN: Ghost Ship has Destiny Lovers 6, Parallel Paradise 5, World’s End Harem 10, and Yokai Girls 13.
J-Novel Club has a quartet of titles, as we get Invaders of the Rokujouma!? 36, Record of Wortenia War 10, Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles 14, and Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: The Reckless Journey 3 (manga).
Debuting in print for Kodansha is Chasing After Aoi Koshiba (Kyou, Koshiba Aoi ni Aetara), a yuri manga from Ichijinsha’s Comic REX. It’s got the writer of Masamune-kun’s Revenge (ehh…) and the artist of Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki (yay!). A girl hopes to meet up with her first love at a reunion. (Yes. Yes, I know. It got bumped at the last minute.)
ASH: I thought that sounded familiar!
SEAN: They’ve also got the 8th Bakemonogatari manga and the 8th Kino’s Journey manga, which is also the final volume in the adaptation.
The digital debut is And Yet, You Are So Sweet (Na no ni, Chigira-kun ga Amasugiru), a Dessert title about a girl who just got rejected and the popular guy who hears about this and offers to help with her problem. But will she fall for him?
MICHELLE: Sounds a bit like Say I Love You., but I’m totally down for it.
ANNA: Me too, if only it wasn’t a digital only title because I will likely forget that it exists.
SEAN: We also get The Dawn of the Witch 2, DAYS 23, Harem Marriage 4, Those Snow White Notes 3, What I Love About You 5, and When We’re in Love 7.
MICHELLE: Yay for more DAYS! Also, how am I this far behind on Those Snow White Notes already?!
ASH: It does seem to be on a quick release schedule!
SEAN: One Peace Books has The Rising of the Shield Hero 19.
Seven Seas’ debut is Dai Dark, the latest series from the creator of Dorohedoro. It runs in Shogakukan’s Monthly Shonen Sunday, and should appeal to all fans of her previous work, and likely will be just as violent as her previous work.
ASH: I am so looking forward to this one!
SEAN: Also out: Alice & Zoroku 8, The Ancient Magus’ Bride 14, The Demon Girl Next Door 2, The Legend of Dororo and Hyakkimaru 3, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid: Kanna’s Daily Life 8, My Room Is a Dungeon Rest Stop 4, and Syrup: A Yuri Anthology 3.
MICHELLE: I look forward to getting caught up on The Ancient Magus’ Bride!
ASH: I’ve some catching up to do, too, but I really do enjoy the series.
SEAN: Square Enix has the 6th Hi Score Girl.
Yen On’s debut next week is a two-fer light novel adaptation of a Makoto Shinkai work: 5 Centimeters per Second + Children Who Chase Lost Voices. Now you can be depressed but also moved in prose!
ASH: I somehow missed that there were two 5 Centimeters per Second novels – Vertical released another one a couple years ago, too.
SEAN: Also out: Accel World 24, The Alchemist Who Survived Now Dreams of a Quiet City Life 6, Baccano! 16, The Eminence in Shadow 3, The Genius Prince’s Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt (Hey, How About Treason?) 6, High School DxD 3, The Irregular at Magic High School 16, King of the Labyrinth 2, Torture Princess 7, Wolf and Parchment: New Theory Spice & Wolf 5, Woof Woof Story 6, The World’s Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat 2, and You Call That Service? 3. Some long awaited titles there: Irregular at Magic High School and You Call That Service haven’t had a volume out in over a year.
Four Yen Press debuts. After School Hanako-kun (Houkago Shounen Hanako-kun) is a comedy spinoff of Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun. It runs in PFantasy, which I can only assume is like a spinoff of Shonen Panpan? No, that just sounds like a dirty Japanese schoolboy. Anyway, it’s probably an online spinoff of the main magazine.
ASH: I like the main series, so will likely give this one a try, too.
SEAN: I Was a Bottom-Tier Bureaucrat for 1,500 Years, and the Demon King Made Me a Minister (Hira Yakunin Yatte 1500-nen, Maou no Chikara de Daijin ni Sare Chaimashita) is the manga adaptation of the light novel we saw last month. It ran in Gangan Online.
I’m the Catlords’ Manservant (Boku wa Oneko-sama no Geboku desu) is about, as many manga are, a child having to pay off their parents’ massive debt. This one does so by serving shapeshifting cats. This runs in GFantasy, which means it’ll interest Melinda, probably.
ANNA: I am just amused by the description of this manga.
ASH: New cat manga!
SEAN: Your Turn to Die: Majority Vote Death Game (Kimi ga Shine -Tasuuketsu Death Game-) reminds us that death game manga are still apparently a thing. It’s based on a game, runs in Shonen Ace, and… well, it’s a death game manga. Come on.
Also coming out next week: Golden Japanesque: A Splendid Yokohama Romance 2.
ANNA: I was slightly underwhelmed by the first volume but maybe the second volume will sell me on the series.
SEAN: That ended up being quite a bit. Anything you’re picking up?
By: Sean Gaffney
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