#🔧 greeter
littlemetalbiter · 3 months
While the rest of the MIFTers were needed elsewhere in the facility, Roger had been tasked, on top of his primary duty of watching over the office, with capturing a fly which had seemed to gotten itself in.
Roger didn't really believe in using fly swatters, though. Why go and smash something that's just trying to go about its day, like anyone else? Sure, flies could be a bit bothersome when they buzzed about monsters' heads all day, but he wasn't quite so sure that warranted a violent approach, exactly.
Instead he'd found a conveniently vacant jar, and knew what he had to do as he noticed the fly land atop his desk across the room.
Clutching the jar, sneaking low, Roger's remaining tentacles slithered along the floor, until he slowly rose up to peer over the edge of the desk.
"No hard feelings, little fly," he whispered, "but I've been given a job to do..."
Roger whipped the jar, mouth down, onto the desk, trapping the fly within it. Moving quickly so as to not accidentally set it free, with another tentacle, he slipped the lid of the jar on and screwed it tight. Promptly digging through a drawer, he then procured a loose screwdriver, with which he poked some holes through the jar's lid, providing the little fly with some air.
Then he began happily nibbling on the metal of the screwdriver as he basked in his accomplishment (albeit a small one, but Roger usually felt it was worth it to acknowledge one's wins, regardless of their size) and carefully set the jar down onto the desk (right-side-up this time), seating himself with the intent to continue with his office-watching duty.
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nclaces-moved · 6 years
@multedmuses started following.
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“ Shame we’ve all gotta work this week. ”
But is it really a surprise? Lacie herself has been up to her armpits in work--trying to build and fix up machines and rides and other contraptions for the mess that is Joey Drew Studio’s Bendy Land. Someone needs to get it done, though, and god knows where Bertie ran off to. ( Probably off fuming about Joey Drew like every other moron in this place. )
“ Would’ve liked the chance to get away from here for once or somethin’. ”
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littlemetalbiter · 2 months
“Rootooo~” Roger sang out, hoping to lure Duncan’s little pet out into the open with a friendly voice.
The little critter had a habit of just occasionally breaking out and exploring the facility. He wasn’t a particularly dangerous animal, to be fair, but Roger knew that poor Duncan wouldn’t relax until he was sure Roto was safe. And thus Roger had offered to do his part in helping to look for him.
“Where’ve ya gotten to, you sweet, adorable little rascal?”
He crept around the dim below ground hallways of the facility, peeking behind old canisters and boxes and into gaps between other objects or fixtures.
His focus was broken at the sudden familiar sounds of a chime and a low electronic hum that promptly followed. Following the sound down one hall, Roger soon turned into a room, and he froze, simply blinking in surprise for a moment.
What was that doing here?
Almost directly in the center of the room was not only, bizarrely, a lone door station in what appeared to be a long forgotten storage room
 but there was an activated door currently situated in it. This explained the sound, but very little else. Nothing else, in fact, made sense about this as far as Roger could gather.
“Hello? Is someone down here?” he called out, looking all around him. But his voice echoed hollowly against tall, dark walls littered here and there with dust or cobwebs. No response came back.
He looked back at the door, only becoming increasingly more curious. It almost looked as though it had been constructed from materials found in a jungle or other wild environment. A funny looking ‘Z’ was engraved in the center of the door, and though Roger quickly cycled through some word in his head that began with ‘Z’, none of them made any sense to him in this context.
Cautiously, a tentacle reached forth and grabbed the doorknob and began to turn it. But it was as if someone on the other side was trying to use the door as well at that moment, as the knob suddenly turned slightly faster than Roger knew he had been moving, and the door felt pushed open just as much as it was pulled by himself. Surprised by this, Roger suddenly released his hold on the door and stepped backward a few steps or so.
The stunning sight of an enormous, sprawling city on the other side of the door, rather than any ordinary children’s bedroom, didn’t get to hold Roger’s captivation for long as he happened to glance down to see a strange, furry animal (who, incidentally, was not Roto, and in fact clearly too large and too reddish and had too many parts and such to be anyway), very strangely, not only standing upright but wearing a full set of clothing. And he looked back up at Roger, seemingly with more intent than one would ever expect from a wild animal.
Of course, this all really only raised many more questions than were answered. And as much as Roger would have loved to pet and fawn over a cute animal wearing a fun little outfit, he did know better than to interact with strange animals, unprompted, in that way.
Lowering himself to try and more closely match the animal’s height, he slowly extended a tentacle in their direction for them to sniff or otherwise inspect.
"It's alright, fella," he said softly, "I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise..."
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littlemetalbiter · 3 months
On this day off work, Roger was enjoying himself with lunch at a local café. Jaws parted as he lifted the freshly prepared sandwich toward his mouth... but he paused as something caught his attention from the corners of his eyes.
A little rat, scurrying about the ground around the tables of the outdoor seating section.
Roger thought to himself, 'I bet he must be hungry!'
And so, as a self-professed lover of animals, he couldn't resist as he tore a small, roughly rat-appropriate-size portion of his sandwich and held it low to the ground.
"Herrrre ratty, ratty..." he beckoned in sing-song. Waggling the portion of sandwich a little, hoping this all might help tempt the rodent over to accept the monster's simple charity.
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nclaces-moved · 6 years
@hopeful-hugz​ started following.
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“ --Oh, Christ! ”
Call her superstitious or maybe even paranoid, but Lacie swears up and down that the god forsaken contraption that Bertrum’s been working on keeps MOVING when she isn’t looking. So tonight, she tries to leave the workshop while keeping her eyes trained on the mechanical demon--only to walk backwards right into someone else.
She jumps a little, before she realizes who it is and lets out a frustrated huff.
“ Don’t scare me like that! ”
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nclaces-moved · 6 years
@somegremlin​ started following.
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“ Alright, kiddo. ”
If anyone told her long before she even signed up to work in the studio’s amusement park that she’d come across several of the other staff members’ kids, she would’ve chocked the information up as MADE UP. Now, though, it’s believable. Plenty of her coworkers have taken to bringing their children simply because they are almost never at home during the day. Hell, she’s done the same before, too.
But this knowledge doesn’t help her much. She’s here to work, not to babysit. And yet, for some reason, some folks think that they don’t need to watch their own kids so long as another worker has an eye on them.
“ Y’ should know better’an to play on the rides without permission. ” Especially if they aren’t nowhere near to being finished.
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nclaces-moved · 6 years
@instrumentsofcyanide started following
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Of course, like everyone else in the studio, she’s buried in her work at the moment. So much so that she doesn’t even notice the other enter the small workshop, at least not at first. The only thing on her mind is the fact that she needs to get this done at that she should definitely not look at the TERRIBLE mechanical demon at the corner of the room.
But she does, however, glance up at the newcomer last.
“ D’ya need somethin’? Ain’t nothin’ here but me and that atrocity. ” Said with a half-hearted gesture with her head at the animatronic.
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