prodigiousvisions · 1 year
EVERY MISSION THAT IS HANDED DOWN TO TSUJIMURA IS ONE THAT THE AGENT TAKES WITH THE UTMOST CARE AND SINCERITY. To be told that she was undergoing responsibility of keeping a watchful eye on yet another dangerous ability user was not something that would have necessarily been a walk in the park for her, but regardless, she aimed to put her all into keeping the civilians of Yokohama safe and fulfilling her duties properly. She has ample enough experience under her belt that the undertaking shouldn't have been too bad, right?
Unfortunately, experience alone could not have prepared her for the drastic tonal difference between monitoring Ayatsuji versus being dragged around the city with a certain Yumeno Kyusaku. While she is the athletic type, it goes without saying that children have a sort of unstoppable enthusiasm for life when able to run rampant and do what they like under reasonable limitations. She's out of breath, all but kneeled over as Yumeno takes the figurative leash around her neck and presses her onward to what ended up being akin to a babysitter's stroll out in the city.
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"Please, I'm begging you, give me a second to compose myself!" For the love of all that is holy, did the Port Mafia never let them out to experience at least one day of being a kid? They were more than capable enough to monitor them just as she was. Utterly winded, she sighs, straightening her posture and rising back to a proper stand. "Can't we sit down for a minute? I'm under an obligation to take you wherever you want today, so there's no need to rush."
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starter call ━━ ˟ ⊰ ♡ (POST CLOSED) | tsujimura - yumeno | @theircurse
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@somegremlin​ Has Asked:  ' Get that away from me ! ' ( Jaku,  it's probably a tongue depressor or something  silly )
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He sighed lightly, gently scooting his chair away. Slowly a smile appeared shaking his head.
“It’s wooden Yumeno. A tongue depressor. It allows me to check your throat. Chuuya said it was hurting and maybe it’s strep. I can’t tell if I look. I’m not doing anything to hurt you. Maybe collect a sample but even that is painless.”
He made a few notes before scooting closer once again. 
“I know you have a phobia. I know it’s hard to bypass. I’m the one doctor you can trust here. It will make everything go faster if you can trust me.”
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idxntities · 3 years
The sense of solitude was always one of Thain’s favorite parts about gathering new ingridents for the shop. After all there were hardly any magical components worth using or selling that you could easily pick up just walking down the road, so it was rare for him to run into anyone while he was out searching. That is, of course, besides his familiar, Minnaloushe, who was currently winding his way in and out of Thain’s legs in his best impression of a real cat. 
After a moment, Thain reached his hand out toward the unexpected companion that he had found. 
“I don’t usually see many people hanging out around here. Let alone someone so young. Are you a bit lost? I can help you get home, if you need. Do you know where your parents are?” 
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nycttophilic · 4 years
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@somegremlin​​ ♥︎’d~
Things were always... awkward with this kid. Atsushi, of course, didn’t trust them at first because they were part of the Port Mafia. And of course Yumeno wouldn’t trust him because of all that’s happened... even if Atsushi wasn’t the most aware of what happened in the past to make the child feel this way.
However, Atsushi would say that things were a bit less tense between them lately. The weretiger treated them like he would treat Kyouka—like a younger sibling, just as he promised he would. Whenever Yumeno could get out of the Port Mafia, Atsushi would take them around town and have fun with them. Like they were doing now.
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“Hey, Yumeno-kun, try this,” Atsushi offered, holding out some crepes that he had just bought. He knew they were Kyouka’s favorite, so maybe Yumeno would like them too.? It was worth a try, after all.
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frozcnlight · 4 years
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@somegremlin​ asked: “ Everything about this situation is wrong. ”
Random Starter Sentences #2
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She threw bread to the ducks, that swam on the surface of the park's pond. Air was filled with the many 'quacks' the animal made, one chased another one away from the crumbles and yet others didn't really bother themselves and simply swam away.
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“ What is wrong about this? “, Miran asked, when her gaze fell on the child upon heating their voice, “ I think that this is all normal, no? “.
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aotoreiki · 4 years
starter for @somegremlin
The best way, without a doubt, to spend a bit of free time--was to go for a walk along the city’s shop-lined streets, and find a nice café, or cake shop, and buy some sweet treat to enjoy.
That said, Ice was restricted to the least busy streets and hours when traffic was lowest. Too many people in the area meant the air became a suffocating mess of tangled feelings. Being in constant awareness of the emotional state of everyone within a 50-metre radius of you was not fun nor convenient in the slightest!
Right now, he was stood in front of a corner shop with a colourful array of pastries and confectionary visible in the window. One hand was in his coat pocket, and the other on his chin as he considered what he felt like treating himself to today.
...He’d been standing there for a few minutes. The selection was just too appealing to quickly choose one thing.
With his focus on that all-important matter, his compulsory awareness of his surroundings was temporarily dulled. Not so much so, though, that he missed when someone else came to examine the same window-display as him. His head turned to look and his eyes settled on a child; with a most eye-catching appearance, hair of two opposing shades split not-quite-perfectly down the middle.
It wasn’t polite to stare, but that’s what he found himself doing. With his own bright blue mop, he was somewhat accustomed to less-standard hair colours, but this was unusual, even to him.
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cxnarius · 4 years
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“fifty-five, fifty-six, fifty-seven-...” 
The barely audible numbers echoed off the hallway walls, accompanied only by the cold, impersonal sounds of footsteps. It takes sixty six steps before they reach the door, and as always she’s put inside alone. The faint glimpse of a labcoat disappearing out the same door is the only sign the researcher had accompanied her here to begin with. 
It’s the same four walls. Blank, white and sterile. On one wall there’s a mirror, undoubtedly with scientists of all kind waiting behind it. Watching her and scribbling their notes. There’s a metal examination table in front of her. It’s the same room as always.
But wasn’t it eighty-seven steps the day before? Or maybe it was ninety-three? Is there a difference between all these blank white rooms? Were they all the same? No matter how far she walked along the winding empty hallways, would the door always open to this place? 
The sound of the door opening once more brought her blue gaze towards it, breaking her out of her contemplation. Her head cocked slightly to the side, fixing the newcomer with a blank stare. 
“Oh. It’s you today?” 
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musedysfunctixn-m · 4 years
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@somegremlin said: ' You’ve got blood on your shirt. ' the child frowns; eyes set on the executive. The sight of course; terrifies them. But of course, such a fear does not show upon their face. Instead, they just stare at her with that same, curious look. ' Is it your own or did you kill someone on the way here ? ' ( To Murasaki ! I hope this is ok ! )
Unprompted Asks ♕ Accepting @somegremlin​ ♕
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It wasn’t often that the female executive settled disputes via bloodshed, such a thing was indeed a rarity. The thing was - It hadn’t been her intention in the slightest, but push came to shove and it had forced her hand, quite literally. Everyone knew that her ability was incredibly lethal, the ability to decay a victim with a single touch. Little blood typically came of it. Small occasions did happen every now and again with getting some small blood spots on her clothing every now and again.
Murasaki was busy pulling one of her gloves back on when she was approached by the child. For a small moment, she drew her attention to the small patches of blood scattered on the nice blouse she was wearing. A gloved hand grabbed the fabric to get a better look at it. Softly sighing, she let it go, at least it wasn’t entirely too noticeable and it’s not like she didn’t have a jacket to throw over it. Which she did, tossing her wine colored hair over the back of the jacket once it was on. “It’s not mine. Unfortunately, I had to settle a dispute before I got here, which isn’t something I do often.” She informed them. After finishing up, she cocked her head at them, she couldn’t say that she had encountered them often out of all her years in the Port Mafia.
“I’m sorry, I can’t say that we’ve met before. What’s your name? I’m Murasaki Shikibu, one of the executives, I don’t bite, promise.” Finally after a few moments, she extended a gloved hand to them.
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dcfygraviity · 4 years
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In light of Stormbringer, Chuuya's background has gotten a few changes (as plotted with @errantscriptor​):
He's raised by both Rimbaud and Verlaine after being rescued from the facility; Verlaine managed to convince Rimbaud that Chuuya deserved a chancw at a normal life that he didn't have, and the two of them destroyed the lab to cover their tracks, erase evidence of the experiments and fake their own death.
As members of the Port Mafia, Rimbaud and Verlaine were involved in the Dragon Head Conflict, where they fell victim of Shibusawa Tatsuhiko's Ability (which prompted Chuuya to charge into the conflict to save his fathers and kill Shibusawa when he was informed of their death), but Rimbaud managed to use his Ability to turn them into Singularities.
Chuuya reunites with Rimbaud and Verlaine a few weeks after the Dragon Head Conflict after escaping from the Port Mafia headquarters with @somegremlin​'s Yumeno in tow; the four of them collect everything they can and move to the countryside outside Yokohama, hopefully outside of Port Mafia's radar.
Two years later, at age 18, during one of his daily trips to the city to get supplies, Chuuya gets involved in one of the Armed Detective Agency's investigations, and is later offered a position in the Agency; while initially reluctant, he decides to accept the offer.
Chuuya's official entrance exam somehow involved him being made to believe his fathers and adoptive brother were in danger; although he ended up passing and gaining an official position within the Agency, he was so pissed off he gave everyone the silent treatment for days.
Unless plotted otherwise, the only people within the Agency who know about Corruption are Fukuzawa and Yosano (the latter because Chuuya would need her healing abilities to survive in case he had to use Corruption).
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a-frozcnlight · 4 years
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@somegremlin​ asked: ' CABBAGE GOD ! '
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multiipl · 3 years
*; @somegremlin​ @theircurse​ » liked the OC Exclusive Starter Call!
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─── ❝ Why do I have to babysit..? ❞ Seriously, if it wasn’t for the Port Mafia boss himself assigning this task to her, she would have outright declined. Isn’t this the henchmen’s job? Were they running out of people to look after this cursed child? ❝ What happened to the last guy they send to look after you? You didn’t kill them, did you? ❞
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astralglam · 4 years
          ☆ @somegremlin​ LIKED FOR A STARTER !
     ❝ OOH -- !  YOU have eyes like mine ! ❞
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     AND JUST to be sure, she pries her eyelids open wide, an unwavering cerulean blue on the left and a starless-sky black on the right.  Heterochromia wasn’t something she so typically observed in Earthenoids -- Eartheans -- humans, she keeps forgetting they’re called -- and she often wondered how much suspicion was drawn to her because of her mismatched irises.  It doesn’t matter now, really, because this is evidence enough she is nothing but the epitome of normalcy.  ❝ Haha, except, ❞ she snorts, releasing her eyelids to hide her tepid little giggle behind her hand, ❝ except I think your eyes are even weirder. ❞   
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@somegremlin​ Has Asked:  Kicks Mori in the shin and runs
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Oh the child had better start running or they are going to die.....
Elise may already be giving chase.
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fcrgetme--aa · 4 years
@somegremlin​ // starter call   ♫ Eve - Shinkai
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“I want to swim in an imaginary world.”
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cosmicdreamt · 4 years
“So.....wanna make some konpeito jars with me?”
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malumarca · 3 years
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@somegremlin​ said: “ It looks a lot worse than it is. ” ( Naomi )
Lost Meme || No Longer Accepting
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                                even if they seemed confident in their reassurances, naomi couldn’t help the look of concern as she fretted over yumeno. hands hovered carefully, almost comically moving around without touching before they finally decided on a position... they took hold of q’s hands, pale fingers grasping lightly as light eyes surveyed the damages. 
“ you don’t have to keep a brave face you know? if it hurts more... you can tell me. “ she knew they were accustomed to pain, it was something that still left her uneasy, the idea causing her stomach to twist in displeasure and unease... their ability had been something she hadn’t liked in the past... but more so now as she had gotten to know and care for the child. 
“ can i take care of it? wrap and clean them? you wouldn’t want to get an infection... did something happen? “ she could already hear junichiro complaining about her being so close, but even he had begun to realize that where yumeno was involved now, well naomi would readily take a bullet from them too. “ who did this? “ 
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