Tag Post
🐢 2018
Leo - 🔵🐢
Ralph - 🔴🐢
Donnie - 🟣🐢
Mikey - 🟠🐢
Side characters
Splinter - 🐀🥷
April - 🧥📰
Sunita - 🪴🏵️
Cassandra - 🔥🍪
Jupiter Jim - 🪐🛸
Big Mama - 🕷️💍
Baron Draxum - 🐑👺
Ghostbear - 👻🐻‍❄️
Ghostpepper - 👻🌶️
Meat Sweats - 🐷🥩
Repo Mantis - 🪲🚋
Hypno - 🦛🪄
Warren Stone - 🪱🗞️
Sandro Bros - 🦀🦀
🐢 2012
The Amazing Digital Circus
TADC - 🎥🎪
Pomni - 🔺🔹
Ragatha - 🪡🥿
Jax - 🐰🟣
Zooble - 🛍️🎬
Gangle - 🎭🎀
Bubble - 🫧
Kinger - 👑♟️
Caine - 🦷🎩
Tag Post Part 2
Tag Post Part 3
Tag Post Part 4
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ironbonds · 2 years
On Forces - Blog Canon
This blog does not subscribe to the Rookie being the one to rescue Sonic. IMO Tails really did get the short end of the stick in that game, relegated again to a side kick while sonic goes on this fabulous adventure with someone he met literally 10 minutes ago. Tails has been working to find Sonic for 6 months, going so far as to follow Infinite at times in the hopes that he’ll get a lead on where his friend is. More than once he’s nearly not made it back from a confrontation with the other, but each time he is either deemed lesser enough that he is let go, wounded and left for dead, or made a clever distraction so he can record whatever information he acquired from this recent round of stalking, confrontation, what have you.
Omega is repaired fairly early in the 6 months that Sonic is captive, Tails not only sad to see an ally in such a bad state, but also needing someone to help him do a bit of heavy lifting and defense. But even if he was the one who repaired Omega, it is still up to the former Badnik if he wants to help Tails.
Along with this headcanon / blog canon, Tails does end up with a scar from one of his run ins with Infinite, though it is hidden beneath all of his fur and you would literally have to shave him to see it at all.
I am still open to RPing with Rookies, but please note that I will default to Tails being Sonic’s partner for the whole of Forces if not otherwise planned or plotted.
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adivamedicinewoman · 28 days
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Launches First-Of-Its-Kind GOTV Ad Campaign During Critical Election Year
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Launches First-Of-Its-Kind GOTV Ad Campaign During Critical Election Year https://finance.yahoo.com/news/delta-sigma-theta-sorority-inc-171000685.html
🗽 President: 2 Terms : $$$$
🏦 Treasure State : 3 Terms : $$
🏛️ Senator:3 Terms : $$
🏢 Congressperson: 4 Terms : $$$
⚖️ Judicial: 6 Terms : 13 Judges : $$$
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faeyuh · 8 days
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here take this! (throws ticking time bomb of a breakdown and runs away)
lil expansion angsty comic on my Relativity Falls - Bill AU (ooo wonder who hes talking toooo)
creds to @corgiisaloser for the idea/inspo (he loses his kids instead of his parents)
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truckman816 · 4 months
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Alexander 🔺🔹🔺
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samirafee · 7 months
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c0mpoundeyes · 11 months
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Finally watched across the spider verse and made an abstract spidersona 🕸️🕷️🔻🔹🟥🟦🔷🔴🔺🔹🔵🕸️🕷️
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peppermint-candy · 5 months
Tool in the 90s: I’m ANGRY and everyone sucksgkgidhfdj 🤬🤬🔥🔥❌🔥😡‼️‼️‼️
Tool in the 2000s: 🤓🫀♾️🔺🔻🔹🔷〰️➿➰🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🪐
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reality-detective · 11 months
🔸1 cup papaya
🔸1 cup grapes 🍇
🔸1cup spinach 🥬
🔸1 cup coconut water
🔹Blend them together to make juice
🔺Drink one glass of 8 oz in the morning at 8AM and in the evening at 7PM, walk 20 minutes everyday.
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beeple · 1 year
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shortpplfedup · 1 year
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 7
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Listen, I didn't know how badly I wanted Mew/Ray until there was a legit chance of Mew/Ray and now IT'S ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT. Another killer episode as all the shit gets laid bare, Nick and Sand cement their bond over being pathetic simps for men who do not love them, Top sits in the loser feeling and DOES NOT LIKE IT and...OH YEAH MEW AND RAY ARE DATING NOW I GUESS. Last week Top ran away with the audience poll as I learned the valuable lesson that y'all actually pay attention to the poll question and I should probably think about it a bit more...lol. Here's my rankings for this week
🔹1. Ray (1)
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It’s never too late, Mew. I love you no matter what. It’s all up to you whether you want to open your heart to me.
I almost gave it to Mew because FUCKING EPIC but Ray actually got everything he ever wanted by the end of this episode: Mew has decided to give him a chance, even if it's as a rebound. And y'all, I am INTO IT. They're never gonna have sex, obvi, because Mew high key isn't interested and Ray is #1 simp so dumb obsessed he'll never push it, but I'm still enjoying the flavour. Besides, when Ray gets horny or needs actual affection, he'll just call Sand anyway...OOP. So yeah, Ray wins the week.
🔺2. Mew (3)
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I stopped being a good guy. I got no shit from that. To deal with nasty people, I must be as nasty as them.
Wasn't it fascinating that when it was time to break bad Mew a) looked to Ray for style inspo, b) decided to let Ray sniff it one time and c) is leaning into the Ray Life? I wanna dissect Mew like a lab specimen. He's like 'I'm gonna be shitty too' and then just...becomes Ray. Then he Boston-style mansplains manipulates manwhores his way into possessing Boston's sex tape. And THEN in what has to be a 100% Mew move (because neither Ray nor Boston would EVER) threatens to out Boston to his dad, but then Uno reverses it like OF COURSE I WOULD NEVER DO THAT BECAUSE I'M BETTER THAN YOU. And he looked like he REALLY fucking enjoyed that vantage point from the moral high ground. He really looks down on those friends of his huh. And his destiny for always having to 'win' his friendships and relationships is being betrayed and cheated on...don't @ me it's canon. I WANT TO STUDY MEW SO BAD, because from one angle he looks righteous and from another he looks like the living fucking worst. Amy Elliot-Dunne, here's looking at you kid.
🔺3. Boston (6)
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Okay. I’m here to get yelled at. Yell at me all you want. Get it over with. Come on. I don’t expect it to be over. I just want you to vent. Fine. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. It was unintentional. It was so nice of me to introduce Mew to something new. I just borrowed him for a bit. What’s a big deal? Let’s be honest here. Without my help, there was no way Mew got his hands on a top-tier like that.
Boston sashaying into the hostel totally unrepentant is a top 5 Only Friends MOMENT and I LIVED for it. He decided the 'brazen' part of 'brazen slut' was the part to lean into and honestly, as one of the few people this ep actually owning their shit I respected the hell out of that. YEAH I FUCKED HIM, I FUCKED HIM BEFORE YOU DID, AND I FUCKED HIM AGAIN AND SO WHAT? In Boston's mind, everybody wins here: Ray wins, because Mew is single again, Mew wins because he knows Top's an untrustworthy cheater, and he wins because he wanted to fuck Top and he fucked Top. Everybody wins, let's just move on. I love the simplicity of Boston's worldview, and how internally consistent and oddly pure it is. He has the morals of an alley cat, but he never LIES. He'll manipulate, but he never actually deceives. In some ways you can trust him absolutely, he's unwavering. Fascinating.
🔹4. Nick (4)
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I love him. He doesn’t have to care about me. I don’t have to be his number one. But he must not hate me. Do you get it?
Man, Nick and Sand were almost tied because equally pathetic this week, but at least Nick got a teensy bit of a kick in by telling Mew about the sex tape. Also interesting how he didn't rat Sand out to Boston despite Sand clearly not thinking or really caring about how sharing the audio clip would blow back on Nick. Nick's a creep, but he has a little bit of a code. Do I feel sorry for him, no I don't, but maybe a teeny tiny bit.
🔻5. Sand (2)
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I’m your emergency staff anyway. I’ve always been since the first day we met.
I cannot believe that in episode 7 of Only Friends we got a scene where Sand and Nick hug each other and cry together over how pathetically they simp for shitty men who will never love them. WHOMST is doing it like Jojo n'em, I ask you? THAT MAN CALLED YOU A WHORE IN FRONT OF PEOPLE and then did it again while flinging you to the ground and in return you rescued him from a car crash, fed, bathed and shaved him. Sand has a degradation kink, that's the only thing that makes sense here I swear, because how can one human be down THIS atrocious? I wanna see how low he can go, and I also wanna see if we're getting that baseball bat and WHOM FOR. All the things I wished for Nick before the show aired, I now wish for Sand. Boil that bunny baby.
🔺6. Top (7)
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I will make you fall in love with me again.
Top really stunned that he's lost. Look, I know my read on Top isn't the consensus read on Top, and yeah maybe I'm wrong, but to me this is only incidentally about Mew, because for Top Mew is a means of self-actualization. Getting Mew to be his boyfriend was awesome, because it means TOP is awesome. Losing Mew over a rookie fucking mistake is a tragedy because it means Top is a loser. Getting Mew back would reaffirm Top's awesomeness to himself. TOP LOVES THE IDEA OF MEW, NOT MEW. I wish I could show you guys the parade of Tops that my peeps and I have met in life so you could understand why I cannot stand this man and want to see him in ruins. But yeah, he's on the rise, because Mew is totally gonna take him back after his disaster run with Ray.
🔺7. Gap (8)
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That look you gave. Was it intended to lure me to come after you?
Drake is back yet again, my favourite guest star. They totally cheated by not letting Gap and Mew actually touch lips, although that's probably character accurate. But Mew gets somebody else to look down on and feel morally superior to, and that's his version of an orgasm so Gap totally got SPIRITUALLY laid.
🔻8. Cheum (5)
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I was rooting for Top. I thought he was a good guy.
At least she's keeping the group project afloat so they don't fail this damn class, but literally NOBODY ELSE thought Top was a good guy, NOT EVEN MEW. Jesus fix it girl.
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korbydaze · 9 months
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Waking dream 🎭✨🔹🔸🔺
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ironbonds · 2 years
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“ No one sees this post... “
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“ ‘s a shame though... could be the start of somethin’ new! “
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“ Or something supremely distracting... “
🔺 🔸 🔹
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hp-up · 10 months
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geinkotsu · 10 months
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🔺☁️Head Stuck in the Clouds☁️🔹
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truckman816 · 7 months
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TV series 1959-1964 🔺🔹🔺
Creator: Rod Serling 🔻🔹🔻
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