#🕊 anon visits the coffin
coff-in · 4 days
nono, expand on the free-use pet thing (ФωФ) that sounds hot!! ( ^ω^)
- 🕊
notes from coff-in: thank you 🕊 anon... for letting me go wild and crazy... i've never actually partook in sex ever but i see cnc and free use posts on my dashboard all the time on tumblr while logged in here, so i have... so i just got an idea, it's not much sadly :3c
[gender neutral] reader-insert, NSFW, mentions of incest
i had just though of andrew and ashley keeping as like a sex pet. idk if they'd do that to their sibling (maybe they would actually) but they would have a safeword in place just in case. I REALLY JUST THOUGHT OF ANDREW AND ASHLEY PUTTING [READER] IN A MUZZLE... and a collar and just like... calling them a good puppy while they fuck them whenever...
like i'm just imagining [reader] being so obedient towards them, doing the killing and hiding the bodies and doing whatever they ask, and one of them (probs ashley) just makes a comment like "aren't you just the most obedient little puppy? andy could learn from you" and something just... like unlocks for them all at the same moment. once they move to someplace safe and are more open with themselves (this is a burial route thing), andrew or ashley takes [reader] "on walks" and it's just them going to the grocery store or smth with [reader] collared and on a leash. at home, they all have an agreement that the graves siblings can use/fuck [reader] whenever they want to. this leads to sex happening in the kitchen, living room, car, maybe even the garden too
like maybe andrew has to do something on the laptop or he's reading a book and goes "man i gotta stick my dick in something rn" (most believable andrew dialogue /joking) and picks up [reader] so they can cockwarm him and he's like "much better". maybe ashley can't get andrew to have sex because he's busy so she goes to [reader] and has them lap at her cunt so she can de-stress, "oh fuck! such a good puppy! you-- oh fu-- you really know how to use your tongue huh? hm?"
whenever [reader] gets horny they refer to it as their "heat" and they have a big messy threesome in bed. just a shit ton of wet plapping, hair pulling, spanking mayhaps?, degradation, praise, orgasm denial followed up by overstimulation--- just a whole cacophony of degeneracy and lust
(afterwards ashley forces andrew to get water and towels while her and [reader] stay in bed to cuddle and calm down because aftercare is very important)
i just wanna be used by them. please please please---
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coff-in · 17 hours
can i request ashley with a fem reader (either the same one, or a different one entirely) but with ashley's like... unhingedness and yandere(?) attitude cranked up to the max? like, reader can already hardly talk to anyone else as is but i feel like with that cranked up more than usual, she probably really tries to isolate reader from friends, potential love interests, and even family members to a certain extent. ( ^∀^)
i'd imagine jobs are super finicky too, reader can probably never hold down a job too well because of whatever ashley throws a fit, likely over reader leaving (reader tries to have the discussion that she needs job because job = money!! it probably works at first and then falls onto deaf ears later on ( ・ω・))
if reader tries to leave the situation? ashley probably blackmails her into staying with whatever she has for leverage or do the classic old "i'm the only person willing to be by you!!" type shtick that manipulative people tend to do ( 。゚Д゚。) if reader does leave successfully you bet there's going to be hell until ashley inevitably finds reader. i am running out of fuel though;; so insert potential dubcon/noncon situation here
i should've specified this earlier and you don't need to rewrite my one req bcs you didn't know but i just ask for no incest in my asks due to some personal reasons ( >Д<;) please don't feel bad, though, since you didn't know!! i'm pretty much open to anything but incest and all the grossout fetishes, though! ^^ again, i am so sorry for the inconvenience on that part!! ( ´д`、)
also ^^ just assume all my reqs will be fem or gen neutral reader ゚+.゚(´▽`人)゚+.゚
- 🕊
notes from coff-in: i'm sorry, i didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable about the incest (i think it might've been the petplay one? but lmk if i'm wrong if you want to). BUT thank you for telling me this! i'll try to keep it in mind in the future when responding to your asks :) and thank you for requesting! :D there's no smut in here, just some dialogue and me trying to get a hang of their dynamics is all. you can interpret this as the previous [reader] to your other asks if you want :3 lmk what you think
[fem] reader-insert
The phone rings once, twice, thrice. Then once, twice, and thrice again. You're hoping that he'll pick up. You don't know how long Ashley'll stay asleep. Your worry and frustration grows as you notice how cold you're getting, standing outside. The sky is blue but not sunny. It is very early in the morning. You made sure to come out at this time on purpose.
Once, twice, thrice-- and then it picks up.
"Hello?" The voice on the other side is low and groggy. You obviously had just woken him up. Good, you think, he should be awake. I should be inconveniencing him.
"Andrew. It's [reader]." You don't try to make small talk, you want to get straight to the point with this, "Have you talked to Ashley recently?"
He groans, "Yeah... I talked to her yesterday. Why?" The cold air only adds to the apparent bitterness in your voice.
"Can you please tell her that I have to leave the house to work so I can make money?"
There's a tense pause... "What?"
You sigh, "Ashley won't let me leave to go to work. I am politely asking you to talk to her about letting me go to work." You look back at your apartment, where Ashley decided to sleep over for the night. You hope she's still asleep. "She usually listens to you." She used to listen to you, too.
It's Andrew's turn to sigh. "I can't make her do anything, [reader]--"
"At least fucking try! Please..." You add on that last part in order to not sound like an asshole. "I'm sure the last thing you want is her or me asking you for money. I'm trying to support her too, Andrew, but she's not making it easy. I'm asking you to help me." There are cars loudly passing by and you try to focus on them to calm yourself down. You feel... scared. Scared that this won't work. Scared about what Ashley would do if she caught you talking about her like this. You used to not be scared of her. "And I doubt your parents would fucking help me..."
"Bloody hell..." Andrew groaned and shuffled around on his end of the call, "I'll... I'll, uh, see what I can do." It sounded forced from him. Take your fucking time, you scowl at your phone.
"Thank you." You then promptly hang up the call and stuff your phone in your pocket. You stand outside in the cold for a little bit longer. The birds chirp their songs on the bare branches of trees and clear sky contrasts just nicely against the dark landscape of your apartment's parking lot. You like the blue hour.
But like every hour, it comes and goes, and so do you. You turn tail and climb the steps back to your apartment. Walking down the hallway as quietly as possible, you take out your keys and put them into the lock. However, before you can open the door, it opens for you and you're face-to-face with Ashley Graves.
"Where were you?" She's staring you down with a death glare, her face dark and pink eyes burning through your skin and soul. She's mad. She's mad and that's never a good thing. You try your best to steel yourself.
"I was downstairs."
"Why? How come you didn't wake me? What was so important that you had to get up and leave without me?!" She was raising her voice as she dragged you into the apartment, violently slamming the door behind you. You held back a frustrated sigh but couldn't stop a frown from appearing on your face.
"I had to call Andrew for help." The mention of his name made her pause for a bit. You took that window of opportunity to explain yourself, "I asked him to help me with my job. I'm-- we're a little tight on money, Ash. You preventing me from working isn't helping either."
"As if you'd be better working with a bunch of fucking floozies!" She yells with her hands balled into fists, "I'm doing you a fucking service by making you stay here! Those no good whore would probably flaunt all over you and make you do all the hard work by yourself!"
"Besides, you don't need to work anyways. Why not just ask you parents for money or something? Why not stay here with me?!"
"Ashley!" You yell at her, causing her to open her eyes and look at you. "I have to work! I have no one else to ask for help because of you! I don't talk to my parents, I have no friends to help, and I barely even talk to my coworkers. All! Because! Of you!" You stomp your foot on the floor childishly, but you can't help it. It's all too familiar. You're just going through the motions at this point. "I'm trying my best to be there for you, Leyley, but you make it so hard! I need you to back off! Give me some space to breathe, please!"
She looks at you bewildered, eyes wide and eyebrows bent downwards. She slowly looks down away from you. "You need some space, huh?"
Oh god dammit. "Ash..."
"I get it. No one wants me around them."
"I'm just the fuck up of the family, aren't I? But guess, what! So. Are. You. We have no friends, no family, not lovers-- we're stuck with each other." She stares at you with intensity, "You chose me. YOU CHOSE TO BE WITH ME!!! No one else is going to take you in! Only I can love you for the fuck up that you are! No one else can love you the way I do! No you whore mother, not fucking Andrew, NO ONE ELSE BUT ME!" She comes closer and tugs on your shirt, your noses practically touching each other. "You have no one else but me. Got it?"
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coff-in · 5 days
UGH!! /pos i LIVE for ashley praising the reader and complimenting her appearance!! \(^_^)/ i have a weird think for any sort of praise (in smut writings, of course but i always gravitated towards praise in my everyday life and grovel easily because of it (〃´▽`))
the smut was yummy as well!! ^^ i can't help but see ashley as a switch, rather rough dom and bratty bottom, yk? though if reader had to dom i can see her struggling to do so... i mean, she's likely never had so much control in her life!! she's probably so overwhelmed by suddenly having that sort of control! Σ(*゚Д゚*)
idk what your stance on futanari is but i don't entirely see it as too unrealistic(?) can probably be a temporary or perma thing as a result from some sort of demonic offering. i won't go too much into that if you're uncomfortable with that topic though, since i know futa isn't for everyone! i mainly use it due to a (well, fictional) breeding kink and since my preference is women, you can see how that one spawns (;^_^A
ahh at this point i'm just rambling more now!! (´Д` ) though i did write this ask with the intent to ramble i did not expect to ramble that much! watch me regret this one in the morning, lol 。・(つд`。)・。
- 🕊
notes from coff-in: you're alright 🕊 anon, i'm fine with futanari. i'm not too familiar with how it works though (my understanding of it after looking it up is that it's a woman who was born with a penis). i'm glad you enjoyed my last response! :D
[fem] reader-insert, [afab] reader-insert, NSFW, some genital switching shenanigans, pet play??? (i refer to [reader] as a puppy and mention 'pet' again later), mentioned free use kink
speaking of demon summoning :3 do you think ashley would be into roleplay? i could definitely see her acting out as a succubus being summoned by a devote cultist ([reader]) and maybe putting [reader] in her place for, idk, tampering with the dark arts. such a fucking loser, having to summon a succubus to actually get laid. she's so lucky that ashley finds her to be cute!
is ashley had a penis she'd be pretty rough fucking [reader]. i think she's like positions that have her looking at [reader] face-to-face, keeping that eye contact. her rhythm is off a bit but she makes up for it with her equal mix of praise and degradation and her scratches. if [reader] had a penis ashley would praise it so much! "aww, what a cute cock you have! look at it, blushing and drooling for me. and so hard, too! i bet it's happy to see me huh?" she'd suck [reader] off sloppily (so so sloppily) and fondle her balls. giggling at the fucked out face [reader] makes, along with the whimpers and moans she lets out.
it'd be funny if [reader] or ashley were bigger than andrew. idk but i just chuckle at the thought of andrew being jealous at [reader] for not only (sort of kind of) dating his sister but also being bigger than him (or thicker, idk)
live love ashley, i suddenly got a thought of her calling [reader] puppy in the bedroom once. i mean--- she's not wrong, no? [reader]'s an obedient little puppy, wagging her tail whenever ashley talks to her, humping her pillow or just fucking breeding into ashley when they're horny AUUGH 😩 they're such a couple together i love that for them
this makes me think of andrew and ashley having [reader] around as a little free use pet to have sex with whenever but that's an idea for later you know? you know, you know
it's such a wonderful day whenever you come visit my inbox and grace us with your presence, 🕊️ anon. your brain just blesses us with it's divine visions, thank you thank you!! i hope you enjoyed this as much as i did :)
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coff-in · 6 days
hello hello!! ヽ(^○^)ノcould i possibly req smut of ashley x the fem reader? maybe reader is trying to get ready for a job but ashley wants to spend more time with her and reader, of course, can't resist her best friend-girlfriend-confusing relationship!! (>∀<)
- 🕊
notes from coff-in: welcome back, 🕊 anon! i'm so happy to see you again, i hope you're doing well! this is written in second person just like my last answered request. i noticed that it's a little easier for me to write like this... idk why ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i also couldn't do my bullet points or proper format writing for this either, so i did my little ramblefic writing instead. apologies about that 🕊, my dear :/ i hope you enjoy this nonetheless!! (edit: i'm sorry this took long, i feel so bad whenever i don't answer an ask the day it comes to me... i tried my best though!!)
[fem] reader-insert, [afab] reader-insert, NSFW
hm... i wonder when this would take place. probably before the quarantine happened, yeah? they've graduated from high school a couple of months ago and [reader] got a simple job working as a general manager somewhere-- like a store or something. maybe an office job? something that requires [reader] to change into professional/work friendly attire. her and ashley found a cheap apartment to move into together (ashley constantly complained about her parents and, um, "suggested" to [reader] that they find a place to move out to)
its normal for ashley to stay at home. i think she could get a job but chooses not to, you know? [reader] isn't mind being the breadwinner, and i think gives ashley money to get her own stuff if she wants to. i saw a post somewhere (i think i reblogged it, abt how andrew is hornier than ashley) that ashley usually shows her love via words of affirmation and acts of service so she does most of the cleaning and laundry around the house n such.
two bedroom apartments are expensive though right? and andrew has a college dorm, so he doesn't need a room in their new apartment. ashley and [reader] could just share a room, like she and andy did. in fact, they could even share a bed! (they compromised on sharing a room since sharing a bed is... very intimate in [reader]'s head). this doesn't stop ashley from coming over to [reader]'s bed some nights because "me and andy did it when we were younger, so it's fine if we do it! we're friends right? it's alright."
and of course they also share a closet and get changed in the same space because they're both girls. whatever [reader] has is nothing that ashley hasn't seen before... and she's certainly not judging either :) they even wear each other's clothes sometimes since they're such best friends! (if [reader] has friends outside of ashley (or maybe coworkers, i guess) they always wonder whether she and ashley are dating or not because they're so close to each other)
this ultimately leads to... sex? i mean, is it really sex if it's with your best friend who you may or may not be attracted to? this is [reader] coping btw. sex doesn't happen often, i think. ashley initiated it first to keep [reader] at home. [reader] doesn't need to go to work today, one break wouldn't hurt her, right? ashley hugs [reader] while she's changing her shirt, coaxing her back to bed with her voice
she can just call in sick right? it's no big deal.
this is both of their first times, so it's very awkward at first. ashley takes the reins and acts as the domme in the situation. kissing [reader] and cupping her cheeks, smiling at her and UUUGH I LOVE HER!! idk if they'd have a strap or a dildo (maybe [reader] would have a dildo now that i think about it). ashley slowly stripping her down, reassuring her that she doesn't need to hide anything "you're so pretty! why would you need to hide away? i'm not going to judge you, and honestly it's nothing new to me ;)"
all the teasing and kissing has made it so that [reader] is all slick, making it so easy for ashley to slip her fingers inside of her. [reader] has to tell ashley to do one at a time slowly since as to not hurt her. while she fingers [reader], ashley whispers teases in her hair "see? isn't this so much better than going to work today? way better getting fingerbanged by your best friend that sitting in that fucking office all day, huh? you like it, too, i can tell. you're so loud and whiny. i bet nothing and no one else has made you feel this good before, huh? and nothing ever will."
ashley brings [reader]'s hands to her boobs while they scissor each other, telling [reader] to squeeze them and rub her nipples. omg... omg omg omg ashley would definitely force [reader] to keep eye contact with her whenever they have sex. she tells [reader] to keep her eyes on her or else she'll stop thrusting the dildo in and out of her. UUUGGGHH!!! LOVE HER LOVE HER!!!
let's go lesbians
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coff-in · 10 days
heyhey!! (* ̄∇ ̄)ノ 🕊 anon is back ^^
if reqs are still open, how do you feel about a platonic leyley + child reader request? (*´・∀・`*)
feel free to consider it some extension of my previous request! some cute, sugar-inducing child interactions would be great!! (ゝω・´★)
notes from coff-in: AAAH welcome back 🕊 anon! i hope your day/evening/night is going well :3 thank you so much for requesting again!! i hope you like this, i'm actually writing this late at night lol
[fem] reader-insert
"leyley, that's not how you draw a cat."
"shut up!! it's my drawing and my cat can look like however i want it to look like!" leyley yelled as she gripped a black crayon in her small hand. on the paper before here was a crudely drawn cat that was laying on a crudely drawn leyley.
[reader] looked at her. "i didn't know that you had a cat."
"i don't," leyley looked up at [reader], "but when i grow up i may get one! i'd call it mayhem and it would sleep on our bed at night."
"our bed?" [reader] asked. leyley nodded her head and continued to scribble on the paper. "are we going to live together? what about andrew?"
"he would live with us, too!"
[reader] looked up at the clock and the words that were on the tip of her tongue feel down her throat. "aw crap!" she exclaimed and got up from her seat. leyley looked up at her exclamation. "i have a student council meeting today! i totally forgot!" she quickly grabbed her book bag and slung it over her shoulders, "sorry, leyley, i have to go."
"wait! what the hell?! you're just going to leave me like that?" leyley yelled at [reader], her eyebrows furrowed in anger and her pink eyes pierced through [reader]'s heart. regret shot through her, almost making her jump. "i thought we were supposed to hang out together until andy came to pick me up today? you promised!"
fuck. she did promise leyley, didn't she? she didn't want to break her promise, that's the last thing she'd ever want to do. fuck, fuck, fuck! [reader] looked at the ground for a quick moment to think of some sort of solution until it came to her. "you can come with me!"
"UUUGH! but that sounds so fucking boring!" leyley groaned, leaning back on the school seat she was in. "why can't you just skip the meeting today?"
"i can't just--"
"please??? it'll just be one time, [reader]! what do they need you for anyway? it's not like you do much there anyway."
[reader] frowned at leyley's harsh words. they weren't exactly lies-- she mostly just recorded what was said at the meetings to help keep accountability-- but it hurt her all the same.
"stay with me, [reader]. please?" leyley looked at [reader] with her big pink eyes. [reader] scrunched her face up, trying to steel herself against leyley's adorable pouty face before sighing. her shoulders fell down and she slowly started to remove her book bag.
"fine... just until andy comes to pick you up."
leyley giggled and got up from her seat to embrace [reader] in a tight hug. "thank you! thank you, thank you, thank you, [reader]!! you're the absolute best!" [reader] smiled and hugged leyley back. it was just one meeting... it wouldn't be such a big deal, right?
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coff-in · 2 days
yeesh! ((((;゜Д゜))) yeah tcoaal fandom can be really mean abt self inserts and ocs despite making it clear you respect anyone (lolicons and shotacons are on very thin ice though)
i got called a slur for shipping ashley with a fem oc and was told she wouldn't date women like actually... who tf are you, nemlei? girl doesn't even have a confirmed sexuality!! (ノ`Д´)ノ
some people are so weird with oc x canon or reader inserts bc what in the world happened with the i do me and you do you mentality and blocking content you don't like? (o;д;)o
- 🕊
that sounds awful!!! there's honestly no need for throwing slurs over a fictional couple or character, THEY'RE NOT REAL, YOU CAN'T HURT THEIR FEELINGS!!! i'm sorry you had to go through that, 🕊 anon. i know that if that were me i would've definitely shrunk back into my shell of isolation :( i'm happy that you still ship your oc with ashley :)
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coff-in · 10 days
yesyes!! that was super cute (^o^)/~~
i love degeneracy as much as the next person, but some diabetes-inducing cute content is very nice too, to balance it all out! ( ^ω^)
- 🕊
aw that's good, i'm happy you liked it :) i've been reading tcoaal analyses lately so i could try to get a better grasp on the characters (mostly andrew and ashley) and figure out why they think the way they do, you know?
your ask was very cute, though. i liked writing something fluffy and (for the most part) lighthearted. sometimes i forget that tcoaal isn't all murder and arguments :,) thank you for requesting, 🕊 anon ♡
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coff-in · 1 day
did i make you uncomfortable with my ask/request? if so, i'm really sorry!! ・゚・(●´Д`●)・゚・
- 🕊
ah no no no! it's fine! if you're talking about your yandere ashley one, if still writing it! it just takes me a while to write things. if you meant the one about your experience in the fandom, i wasn't uncomfortable about that either! i was just mad that you had to go through that. i'm sorry that i confused you, 🕊 anon :(
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coff-in · 13 days
-anon that requested the recent ashley x reader
i'm glad i have cooked well (* ̄∇ ̄)ノ i was a bit nervous about the reception but i'm glad you liked it! i need ashley x fem reader content is so rare ( ;∀;) two dumbass sapphics in a toxic relationship? toxic yuri? it's great! (*^▽^)/★*☆♪
you may refer to me as 🕊 or 🦢 anon if you so wish (whichever you prefer!!) i may come out of anon shell soon but for now, i shall stay hidden for the sake of my anxiety (*´・∀・`*)
regards!! (ゝω・´★)
EEEK!!! ANOTHER ANON!!! i'm so so so happy to have you here!! you shall now be dubbed as 🕊 anon!!!
also, i don't mind writing readers of any gender! male, female, neutral, etc etc is all welcomed here!!
anyway, welcome to the coffin 🕊 anon! :D enjoy your stay
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