#🕮┆“IN CHARACTER”╞ ᵖʳᶦⁿᶜᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵏⁿᵒʷˡᵉᵈᵍᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ᶠᵃᵗᵉ ᵃˢ ᶦᵗ ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ ʰᵃˢ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ
stolememory · 1 year
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“&– - I see a minimalistic choice was decided, especially on the number of my limbs and eyes. However, the visage of my aspect is there-- - and thus I will accept the offering and allowance for me to freely observe and extract your info.” // A drawing dropped in the Secret Art Box
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stolememory · 1 year
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“&– - I know what you're doing here. So come on, tell me what you want to know. He said he loved you, but he had somewhere to go-- - didn't he?” // @phantcsms liked for a lyrical starter
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stolememory · 1 year
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“&– - Nothing I do is unfair. The simplicity of my desires should put many at ease- if I'm given what I want then I supply what is fair in return.”
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stolememory · 1 year
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  “&– - Creatures at the beck and whims of the flora deemed God down to their very DNA, they can be melded and changed to be...optimal against the more rudimentary advances of those of my kin; if their Hist deems is necessary as so. Thus the failure on Mehrunes Dagon's end in regards to attempted assault upon the land. I, however, do not 'struggle' with them. Those that are unnecessary will be disposed of, and there are those that are of use I welcome within my realm. I do not have interest in trying to claim their land much like any other area of the Mortal Plane. And I see them as any other mortal species.” // @paddyfuck requested answers from the Prince of Knowledge
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stolememory · 1 year
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“&– - Even as I claim their lives, I am the pure-- - the innocent are not Divine. And I plan to take what is rightfully mine.” // @dovaeh liked for a lyrical starter
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stolememory · 1 year
`A TRAP SET AND THE TEETH HAD SNARRED INTO THE WAYWARD LIMB. Upon approximation of present // IN THIS POCKET THE EYE PRIES // he had allotted tradition in place of technique (A BLACK BOOK // THE TOME OF WHISPERS SCRAPPING AT THE EDGES OF SKULLS). What was set had been sprung, mortal grasp upon ancient covers but it was not human of interest to the One Who Knows. A mere pawn // DEVICE // COG IN A GREATER MACHINE. (LEATHER SNARES BETWEEN SKIN OF DIGITS // THE VERMILLION DRANK AND OBSCURED BY TONES // THE LEATHER AND FLESH MELT AND DANCE). Atramentous limbs boneless wrapped around the squirming and sputtering, feeling the muscles and sinew stress and TREMBLE beneath tendrils curl.
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`HERMAEUS MORA WAS INTERESTED IN THAT WHICH WAS DISCOVERED A THIN LINK BETWEEN THIS CARCASS THAT STILL HAD A PULSE. The buzz and hum of technology mere murmur within the DRONING the Prince of Knowledge presence suffocated the small space in (WAS THE MONITOR LIGHT REFLECTING IN HIS EYE // OR WAS HIS OPTIC THE SOURCE OF ILLUMINATION?) Drowned was the echoing snap of a limb within way of the creatures restricting-- - ichor dripping ever so intently on a phone screen laying open and bare on floor below. The scryer was opening the ink-- - TO ENTICE THE ENTITY OF INTRIGUE TO OBSERVE THE DETAILS.   “&– - The fragility of the mortal vestige is disappointing at best, is it not?” The voice of Old Antecedent an invite // AN OFFER AT PRESENCE TO BE KNOWN. // @gateway31 liked for a horror starter
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stolememory · 1 year
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“&– - With no promise and no dream, won't it save you if you see like them?” // @wolfvirago liked for a lyrical starter
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stolememory · 1 year
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“&– - It is completely within my realm of abilities to talk faster-- - it is not because it would 'break the mortal mind to do so' or anything of that sort. It's simply by choice that I carry the cadence and pace I do. Because it is amusing to watch some of you fester and squirm.”
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stolememory · 1 year
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“&– - Even with your time, with your blood, the holy or inane with fall downwards and rust.” // @divinehr liked for a lyrical starter
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stolememory · 1 year
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The Great Eye chose observation and silence despite direct linkage to focus- a rare action from it.
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stolememory · 1 year
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“&– - You dream nightmares when you sleep, and may begin to regret the things you think.” // @selfpres liked for a lyrical starter
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stolememory · 1 year
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“&– - .....I choose to believe against my own... better judgement you made this with the intent to try, if improperly, to display my adoration of knowledge.” // A drawing dropped in the Secret Art Box
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stolememory · 1 year
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“&– - Time has been spent to capture the essence of my great many eyes-- - time well spent, mortal. This one pleases me.” // A drawing dropped in the Secret Art Box
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stolememory · 1 year
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“&– - You have seen that which others are not privy to-- - and it seems it wore upon you until you deemed necessary to share. Such a shame others will not know of it's reasonings.” // A drawing dropped in the Secret Art Box
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stolememory · 1 year
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  “&– - A term of preference for mortals, but perhaps I have found some... interest of continuing it usage. After all, that which is deemed 'forbidden' can be all the more enticing.” A chuckle curls upon itself like the oceans tides.   “&– - I hold the knowledge forbidden by some, the esoteric and the dangerous that others fear and would prefer hidden or perhaps even destroyed. There is information within Apocrypha that would drive mortals or immortal mad, or kill them, but even contained within more secured areas of my Library I do not ban the prospect and search for them to the willing and able. Or for them to offer a price to me for such things, trades and barters that entice. There is no knowledge I truly classify as forbidden beyond adaptation of mortal terminology, and that is why I am the true keeper of it.” // @pneumic requested answers from the Prince of Knowledge
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stolememory · 1 year
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“&– - When you're bursting at the seams, and nothing feels like how it seems-- - do the fires feel bright than your future?” // @saintsdawn liked for a lyrical starter
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