#🕷️ Dash Games - Arackniss 🕸️
Gayness level
Arackniss is 69% gay.
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"Anthony made this, didn't he?"
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Arackniss has appeared! What to do?
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Kiss on the lips
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Muse drinks!
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Arackniss  is 10% adorable. Very tiny, but still counts.
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“Excuse you?”
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I sold you to a pet store!
How much do you sell for?
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“Do I look like I like people?”
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What Flower Are You?
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The camellia is symbolic for excellence, and really, would you accept anything less from your flower? You are a natural leader—you are energetic, ambitious, and passionate.
It is no wonder, then, that you are also confident, industrious, and successful. Power comes to you naturally, and you are deeply committed to always achieving, in a word, excellence.
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The legend goes that when an ancient king found himself trapped between a river and the enemy, he cleverly used irises growing in the river as a guide to safety across the shallowest part of the river. Perhaps this is why the iris is now considered to be an emblem of wisdom.
You are a rational and observant person, and therefore are an excellent problem-solver. You enjoy learning about how things work and often prefer to work alone. Independent, analytical, and a lover of learning, you stand out for your competence and intelligence.
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How evil are you (from 0 to 100 percent)
Arackniss is 71 percent evil.
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"There's a scale now?"
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How are you ruined?
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you cannot get over the past. you are constantly remembering, never forgetting. you cant live in the moment because the moment is not what brought you here. you are birthed, raised, and killed in the past. you will never get over what was done to you, be it big or be it small. you cannot escape what you refuse to confront.
Tagged by: @axcat​ (thank you! <3)
Tagging: You if you wanna do the thing. 
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“Pops’ll be so proud.”
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What Does Your Soul Smell Like?
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Freshly Baked Bread!
KeyWords: Warm, Inviting, Kindness.
You are the definition of cooking as a love language, and are at your strongest when creating something. Others find you soothing to be around and feel at ease due to your genuine warmth and nurturing nature. You can be a mix of gentle and passionate but it is that intensity that lives in the center of your spirit that draws people to you most.
Compatible with: Candle Smoke, Coffee and Rosewater
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