#🖋⊂(•́ •̀⊂ allan crowell || the poet
bloody-trio · 9 months
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allan crowell, going to the ball w leroy smith! -> @manor-tea-time
"Love is like a Bird-bill dayflower, goregeous and bright as it blooms at dawn but like the beautiful blue of it's petals, love only lasts until midday before wilting."
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idv-askchaoticduo · 2 months
A knock could be heard behind Lawrence's door, opening the door a nervoud redhead appeared.
🖋⊂(•́ _ •̀⊂ "Ah, Hello! Sorry for appearing so suddenly, we don't know eachother formerly, my name is Allan Crowell, it's a pleasure."
The redhead extends his hand with a letter along it adressed to Law.
"A friend of mine sends this for you, he says he's sorry for not being able to be here right now, i'll be going, goodbye mister Cotas!"
With a quick bow, Allan dissapeard as soon as he appeared, leaving the gambler with the contents of the letter.
"Querido Law,
Tanto tiempo, no?
Espero que estes bien, disculpa por no poder estar presencialmente para saludarte como de debe, mi cuchurrumin :c
No es por dar excusas–pero la b̶o̶l̶u̶d̶a̶ de Anna no me deja salir, disculpame la vida.
Creeme que apenas pueda, o si quieres tu vienes a verme y te recibo como te lo mereces u3u~
Con amor y muchas disculpas,
Gabriel Alvaréz ♡"
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The Gambler perks up at the mention of the poet's name, remembering from few of his countless talks with Gabriel and one of his talks with his... brother.
"Nice to finally get to meet you Mr. Crowell, Pleasure is all mine."
He said with a warm smile before taking the letter, the other had scurried off so fast he didn't get the time to bid him his goodbye.
Lawrence closed the door of his shared room and sat on his bed to read the letter.
. . .
Something about the letter made him giggle like a school girl in love, holding the letter close to his chest before getting up and grabbing a piece of paper to write back...
"Mi Querido Gabi
He tenido dias mejores, pero tu preocupación hace que todos mis problemas se desvanezcan casi por completo, aunque preferiría haber escuchado eso de ti en vez de leerlo, solo imaginarlo hace que me sienta enamorado como si fuera la primera vez.
No te preocupes por no poder venir, ya me acostumbre a tu hermana prohibiendo dejarte salir...
Tengo tantas cartas por terminar de responder. Pero apenas las termine, iré a verte y arrastrarte lejos de tu trabajo, solo para que pueda comerte la cara a besos.
Con amor
Lawrence C. Cotas~"
"Sam be a dear and deliver this to--"
"This manor has a postman, and guess what? I'm not the postman so go ask him instead to do his job."
"You're so uncooperative when it's about my lovers-"
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bloody-trio · 10 months
Allan Crowell, the poet.
-Allan, like most children of hispanic parents, has a middle name and two last names, his full name is Allan Graham Crowell Ramírez.
-His father is English and his mother is Spanish, but being born and raised in Spain he is Spanish too.
-His Birthday is the 5th of January.
-He was a lonesome kid, not having many friends.
-Started writing poems at 10 years old, previously only writing short stories.
-Allan's a romatic, loves romanticism and romance histories.
-He has anxiety and has anxious attachment, leading him to seem clingy and overbearing, but really he's just scared that those who he loves will leave him.
-He loves red roses.
-Often falls asleep while working, a trait he shares with his best friend.
-He met Gabriel when he was 6, when he still went by his original name.
-He uses poems to express himself and his feelings, using them to vent.
-Allan fidgets a lot with his gloves when he's nervous, when he doesn't have them he picks at his fingernails, a bad habit from his childhood.
-He blushes very easily, not always because of romance but when he is embarrased, angry, cries, etc.
-He cares deeply for his loved ones, wanting to support them all he can.
John Doe, the hunted. TW! general gore warning, read w caution!
-Altough he's not the best at comforting, often just trying to reassure them if he doesn't end up crying with them.
-He's pan, don't know if I mentioned it before or i'm retconning something I said previously but, xD.
-He died in Madrid, Spain.
-He has 7 gun shots, but died from the one to the head.
-He was tortured for months before dying, his face was so bruised that authorities couldn't recognize him.
-When he was alive he used to straighhten his hair.
-He was engaged, he doesn't remember to who but does remember that "she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen."
-He loves music, the guitar beig his favorite, feeling as if he already knew how to play it.
-It's not really noticeable, but he has green eyes.
-He is a very bad hunter, often fumbling with his shotgun and opting to hit survivor with it instead of shooting them, he feels repulsed by the tought of pulling the trigger.
-He has a limp, due to his legs being so damaged it's difficult to stand straight.
-John's left arm is also not really stiff, not helping with the previous problem.
-His english isn't the best, greatly preffering to speak spanish, so when he does have to speak english he has an accent and is often very broken.
-He really appreciates those he calls friends, like Jane Doe and Giovanni, especially Giovanni.
-He's very sweet despite how he looks, wich leads to him being extremely insecure about his actual appearence,
-He loves tea and sweets, having a really sweet tooth.,
-He doesn't remember his birthday, so he decided for it to be in the date that's engraved in his engagement ring, 9th of April.
-He tries very hard to remember who he was, but it seems the harder he digs the more confusing it becomes, afterall he was shot in the head.
"Gabriel Álvarez", the informant.
-He smokes, not frequently but he does when he's stressed.
-Anna-Maria is his twin, she's older by a few minutes.
-He's lived and visited many countries, he was raised in Spain before moving back to Argentina where he was born.
-His mother's German while his father is Argentinian.
-Gabriel's is one of the many name's he's gone by.
-Gabriel's hair is dyed, being naturally blonde.
-He bruises very easily and get's beat up regularly in matches or by his sister.
-He's very cocky, loves to tease people and be and asshole but is also really pleasant to be around most if the time.
-He loves very deeply but feels as if he shouldn't, often distancing himself from those he cares about.
-But like Allan he's also really clingy when he can, a little possesive too.
-He can work himself around guns pretty well, knowing how to manage most of them.
-He doesn't really need glasses, mostly uses them because he thinks he looks hot.
-Gabriel cares a lot about his appearence, his tired, messy look often reserved to his closest peers.
-Is really good at drawing, loves to sketch buildings and people.
-Is very anxious and kind of paranoic, plays it off as just nerves from not sleeping well.
-Despite all the bickering, he really loves and cares for Anna, she's his sister above all things.
-His birthday is the 30th of August.
-He loves coffee, but he loves sugar more, puts life 10 spoonfulls in his coffee because he refuses to taste it in it's prime.
-Gabriel despite not being the tallest out there is actually quite strong, having to carry uhm, human sized bags.
-He's not of a much a romantic like Allan but he doesn enjoy courting his s/o, thinks it's necessary before the dating dating.
-He's bi, open to anyone who cares enough to make it past his persona.
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bloody-trio · 1 year
A faint knock is heard at the Poet’s door. Outside of it, LeRoy stands inspecting the name engraved outside of the door curiously. In one of his hands he seems to be holding a small envelope, decorated with a red wax seal with a rose on it. -🗝️>(⊗▼⊗´)•ζ
((@manor-tea-time The sillies!! 😼😼
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A few indicernable noises could be heard from the other side of the room along with shuffled steps heading closer and closer, the redhead opened the door, being met with LeRoy's face left him cold. The other man could see a familiar rose as a boutonnière as the poet stared at him dumbfoundedly, opening and closing his mouth as a gaping fish as he tried to make out even a single word.
🖋⊂(•́ // •̀⊂ "—!!!—"
[@manor-tea-time hehehehheh!!!! the guys!!!!!]
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bloody-trio · 3 months
The hunter huffed as they stalked the halls. Honestly, he wasn’t sure if he should take it as an insult or a compliment that LeRoy was able to use the basic survival skills he’d taught him so well.
The hunter needed some sort of bait to lure the man out of hiding it seemed, but what? His eyes fell onto the door of the bleeding-heart of a poet. He grinned, that would do perfectly.
A faint knock is heard as a voice comes from the hall. “Hello, dear poet. My friend seems to be in a bit of trouble, could you help me?”
-ζຽ|◍ ゝ◍|ຽ <🌿
((@manor-tea-time DBBDBDBDH Sorry Allan but you gotta deal with plant man now </3
The redhead had just finished writing a new piece when he heard the unfamiliar voice outside his door, curiosity peaking at what the stranger said he put down his fountain pen and rushed to open the door, becoming a tad bit nervous as he saw the hunter standing before him, clearly intimidated by the appeareance of the hunter before him, did something so serious happen that he needed the poor poets help? Nevertheless he craned his neck up to answer the hunter.
🖋⊂(•́ _ •̀⊂ G-Good evening, mister...you said you needed help with your friend, right? How may I be of help?
He gave a slight smile, shifting where he stood, the foresty look of the man in his doorway reminding him of his beloved in a way, his mind wandered.
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bloody-trio · 6 months
gutairisttttt don't you know that silly informant and poet guy? You should go say hi! x3
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[|| ●▽●⁾⁾ Ah, I don't know this uhm, "informant"? But I already met the poet! Allan, I think, such a great guy!
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I saw he was carrying a bunch of books and was on the verge of collapsing so I offered him some help and he accepted! I found out he's a poet from Spain, I really liked him, he said that he was in "debt with me" but I told him I didn't need anything from him and he felt bad so I let him be in debt with me.
Victim #6 does not know how to speak english for now, so he gets translations ^o^
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bloody-trio · 6 months
An Allan Crowell short story.
The soft clicks of the type writer were loud, a tad too loud for the redhead's liking.
There sat Allan Crowell, the Poet, eyes focused on the brand new typewriter his friend Nicolas had gifted him for his birthday and, even tough it had been a few days since he was gifted such an expensive and useful machine, he just couldn't bring himself to liking it.
Something about it was a little too mechanical, too souless for him, a man who would nothing less but his whole sould into his medium of art so he stayed still, looking at it's perfect letters and how it would -ding!- when finishing a sentence, analyzing every detail of the typewriter. It's not like he'd never seen one, his father kept one in his study, altough he was never allowed to touch it, let alone write so he mantained his distance so now having one himself just made him feel like his father, distant and cold and that was the least he wanted for his poems, to feel machine generated, too generic for what he was conveying, it just made him think of hid poems like writing something commercial, to sign and use as a contract with art and not bond with it.
Yet he couldn't help but keep it, surely he could just give it back but he would feel terrible, specially knowing that getting tjings like this was a massive luxury in the manor, he tought of gifting it but Gabriel finding out would break the blonde man's heart so he discarded the idea almost inmediately, with a sigh, Allan stood up from the hard wood chair provided for him by the manor and fell into his bed, running his usually gloved hands through his hair, messing up any attempt he did earlier to look more presentable throughout the day. He just layed there staring up at his ceiling as he slowly sat up on his bed, looking at the selfish machine, oh so eager go taje his job and he gave in. Walking over to the typewriter and beggining to press it's soft key caps.
After a couple hours of scrapped ideas, feelings and words, he finally left the table, a single piece of paper now infront of him as he read for noone but himself.
Cuántas veces, amor, te amé sin conocerte y tal vez sin quererte,
sin reconocer tu mirada, sin mirarte, centaura, en regiones contrarias, en un mediodía quemante:
eras sólo el aroma de los amores que amo, el mensaje aberrante de aquella paloma fue en vano
De ti estoy enamorado"
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bloody-trio · 6 months
allan im in your walls [romantically]
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🖋⊂(•́ _ •̀⊂ O-Oh, anon.... I can't help but to feel flattered, yoy know that if you wished ti talk to me or be closer you could just, k-knock on my door, darling..? No need to go inside the-- the walls... ToT
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bloody-trio · 1 year
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"Please, Nico. I've already been here for a while, is it really necessary to introduce myself...?
AGE : 25
HEIGHT : 1, 70 CM
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bloody-trio · 8 months
me when im a cutie patootie
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bloody-trio · 10 months
What are your guy’s favourite pastries?
[⑇⑇ ●⌒●⁾⁾ "I...I- yo no eh comido ningún postre que yo recuerde...ósea, debí de haber comido en algún momento pero no lo recuerdo...Lo siento.."
(I...I- I haven't eaten any pastries that I remember...I mean, I must have eaten one but I don't remember...Sorry..)
³3⊡‿⊡³ "I love alfajores, they're like cookies squished between milk candy. My mom used to buy them for me when I was a teen, i've been craving them for a while but they're really hard to find around here... Maybe i'll have to try my hand at cooking once I finish my paperwork."
🖋⊂(•́ _ •̀⊂ "Uhm, I really enjoy apple tart, they're my favourite to eat while writing, their sweetness feeds into the romanticism in my works..."
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bloody-trio · 10 months
everyone thank klai for feeding us w this events🙏🙏🙏
GABRIEL ÁLVAREZ 💐 going w 👤lawrence cotas
ALLAN CROWELL 💐 going w 👤leroy smith
JOHN DOE 💐 going w 🧟‍♀️ jane doe JWVWYAJSJSJ💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
@idv-ask-the-showman for more wedding ball information!
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bloody-trio · 1 year
Do you dream? If you do, what is it like?
Gabriel's usual smile falters a little, he runs a hand through his hair as he explains.
"I don't dream, a man like me cannot give himself the pleasure of having peace, even in my sleep I can´t let myself rest. It's the least I deserve for all the things i've done, anyways!- Enough about me, shall we go for a cup of coofee?"
John Doe tilts his head as he squints his eyes, trying to remember and dig through what remains if his brain for answers.
"Uuh, dreams...? I don't...know if I could call them that, I like to think they're memories...even if they're not good ones. They're about me, at least he looks like me..and he- me gets-" The hunted gulps "I get, hurt in various ways..and they match with these." He says, gesturing at the various wounds around his body. "Ma...Mat.....Fernandéz..."
Allan puts a hand to his chin, thinking before snapping his fingers and smiling at the anon. "Ahh, dreams! An essential part for me as a poet, they help me get a more clear vision of my feelings wich help me put them into the words I can't speak..."
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bloody-trio · 1 year
Leroy sure is pretty, hmmmmmm ~?
³3⊡‿⊡³ "Yeah, I know. I've been hearing about the guy for 3 weeks now, about how cute, handsome and such a good guy he is, I swear if someone doesn't shut him up about him i'll kill someone for my migraines sake—"
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bloody-trio · 1 year
Como haces para ser tan lindo? 😇
The poet was too stunned to speak.
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🖋⊂(•́ _ •̀⊂ "M-Mi amor...bebito fiufiu?"
Allan get redder by the second as he processed the words thrown at him, he excused himself, turning around so his back faced the anon.
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"m-my love...(thing im not translating)?"
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bloody-trio · 1 year
🖋⊂(•́ _ •̀⊂ "I'm fine... Just a little annoyed at a certain blonde, you guys call him Gabriel right? But apart from that i've been doing really well, so many things to write about, it's so inspiring.."
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