#📩 ;;; not an ask
god-u · 2 months
For sure they both liked each other fast still find it funny people are like "Where did the kiss come from" lmao Do you know any Limoreau blogs to follow I'm new to the show just started it and thinking of rewatching it I can't get enough of them. Should I also watch The Boys? Don't know if it's good all I know about that series is the fans think Homelander is the hero they have no media literacy not sure who to root for in that show.
for real. i feel like it was just the opposite of a slow burn. both of them were clearly enamored with one another from the get go even if it wasn’t blatantly obvious to some. honestly a lot of gen v blogs aren’t super active right now but i’ll share some mutuals that love limoreau/edit them often that i highly recommend!
also since i forgot to respond about watching the boys. here’s my reply to that: LINK
multifandom but also gif/post/reblog limoreau + gen v content:
@ayoedebiris | @heyeddie | @svperhero | @furiousfinnstan | @literaryspinster | @juicyjuicymango | @upatnight | @mercutio-the-velaryon | @pearlbond | @medusas-daughter | @londyboobs | (my main/personal) @tchia
limoreau & gen v focused:
@jordanlihive | @letciatxs | @mariejordans | @genvincorrectquotes | @limogifs | @itslimoreau
limoreau & gen v fic writers:
@spatialwave @paperdoll201 @simiinthemirror
other gen v accounts i follow:
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𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ 𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟, 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘦𝘦?
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𝘉𝘢𝘣𝘺, 𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦.
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Hello everyone! My name is Pucca, I'm 27 years old and I go by she/her. I've had 7+ years of roleplay experience, and have already tried rping as Hamilton a few times before. I am from Turkey.
Everything will be tagged accordingly, from anons to threads to asks to NSFW. NSFW will be present on this blog, so though I can't keep minors away, do have the caution.
I will have two verses for hamilton. Before the war and after the war. So, young Alex and middle aged alex. They will both be tagged, which means his age will differ between RP to RP.
I will do my best to do him justice and be as historically accurate as possible, as far as my knowledge goes. I'm not so keep on history, but I do my researches, and I'm studying Alex's character to make sure I don't say anything out of pocket or something that doesn't fit him. If you see me post anything that you feel like doesn't fit his character, please tell me. I encourage it! I would love help on this, since again, I'm not even American nor do I love history all that much. So feel free to correct me!
Rest are basic roleplay rules, y'know, don't spam, respect, don't pester me, all that good stuff. I hope we have fun!
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screampied · 5 months
popstar!gojo would be so embarrassing bc i swear this man does not have a filter over his big mouth 😔
oooooo he totally is, sometimes he doesn’t even know what he’s saying plus his pickup lines are soooo cheesy. popstar gojo def the guy to be like “are u from tennessee” then forgets the other part of the joke 💔
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
okay but.
robin making jokes and remarks and dry comments and then there's one that makes nancy laugh. she doesn't even remember what she said, because everything else melts away, and it's just them, only them in the world. nancy's nose is scrunched up and her eye bags almost disappear and the weariness does disappear and she finally looks like the eighteen years she actually is.
god, she takes robin's breath away.
nancy sees her staring, and her smile barely lessens, still grinning widely as she asks: "what?"
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STOP IT SKHDKGHJKG THIS IS SO😭😭😭😭 i am screaming this is so cute. it's what they DESERVE.
oooo i know robin wants to kiss nancy's lil scrunchy face. she knows that that is the moment where she realizes that she's head over heels in love with nancy wheeler
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schumiatspa · 1 year
Seb probably made his wife listen to Charles’s song with him
AS HE SHOULD!! If Charles can't have the WDC, at least he'll have the iTunes records
Next step is Seb making his kids listen to it before bed as some kind of lullaby
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diremoone · 1 month
Waahhh new url!! Hi Frellie 🤍🤍 I hope you’re feeling better and that your days have been brighter. How are you enjoying the Knave? I got her on a whim when she released haha her trial was super fun and I immediately thought yep she’s going on my team
Same! I’m never taking her off my team! I got her like, five days before her banner was up, I think?? I’ll have to check lmao. I’ve been in love ever since. She’s so powerful (Wish I would’ve remembered to wish on her weapon banner more often, I totally forgot). And her aesthetic too!
I love the sound her heels make especially, it’s so cool :3 They help with Windtrace rn too since they’re a dead giveaway for her when you’re hiding from the Hunter 🤣
And yess! New url in honor of our beloved Knave and getting her I’ve been in desperate need for a 5 star Pyro 😌 Though I did have to shorten it a bit, I think it does the job 🤭
And my days have been better! Thank you! ❤️❤️ Still stressful, but less stressful for sure. Things seem to be getting out of the rough patch, thank goodness ☺️
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nanamimizz · 3 months
(tw for themes of SA/CA, pregnancy, spoilers for rdr2/rdr1)
@sukunasstarlight @yinyuedijun -> u where in my replies so i hope its okay to tag u here
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my self insert comes from the recently established state of california and was taken in by a family that established itself off the californian gold rush and later through cattle + sheep farming to work as a maid/nanny. she is mexican as her family lived in “california” when it used to be a part of mexico and stayed when it was purchased by the united states.
her father died in an accident in the stables he worked at and then her mother died by wasting away after entering a huge depression when her husband died. somewhere in this time her older brother went missing. she was sent to a loosely established and assembled orphanage when this formerly mentioned rich family took her and made her a maid to work for them and to play nanny to the rich family’s daughter.
this life was very hard as this was a white family essentially uprooting a 12 grieving mexican girl and putting her in this position where the man of the house creeped on her (watched her bathe/watched her dress/etc) and as did other members of the staff (this undeveloped) and the lady of the manor did what she could to defend my self insert but it even that becomes incredibly toxic and twisted.
these years are very complicated but this is where my self insert learns many skills as she tries her best to stay out of the house where the abuse happens the most - she learns how to make hunting traps and forage (This Is A Mouseka Tool That Will Help Us Later.) she also has a childhood best friend named romeo who later on develops feelings for her and also becomes a painter of admired skill.
it’s important that i tell you that this self insert is a very kind and timid young lady - learning to keep herself hidden from other’s eyes BUT she is also incredibly vindictive (This Is Another Mouseka Tool That Will Help Us Later) and she has a sense of morality that is a little skewed, “take from me i take from you” is the name of her game so when she meets fang’s self insert they quickly plot to rob the family she serves BLIND.
remember how she learned how to forage? basically she excels at plant based knowledge and due to the library she has access to due to being a maid she would read and memorize a lot of poisonous plants/spores and begins to concoct numerous poisons. it is her main way of fighting (she coats her knifes with it, she laces people’s food/cosmetics/drinks with it) my self insert does not fight fair and fights only to win.
both her and fang’s self insert slowly but surely begin to rob the family of money, antiques and even gold bit by bit until the family heads to blackwater in 1899 (my self insert is 21 by this point) around the time the vander lin gang is there (coincidence?….I THINK NOT)
the reason why this family went from being in california to being in blackwater is because of how the daughter my self insert played nanny for is getting engaged to a rich family in the state of connecticut (where the man of the rich family is originally from) AND this is where my self insert and fang’s plan to steal the last bit of money the family has which is the daughter’s dowry.
this is pulled of successfully though due to fang’s own criminal shenanigans the do get SOME of the pinkerton’s attention which sets us off to go into the mountains inadvertently following the trail of the vander lin gang and coming into an alliance with them.
somewhere along the time she is spends working for this family she gets her horse -> a kiger mustang named artorius
javierlamb is essentially love at first for both of them and they both fit into what it is they have been missing for the longest time. for javier it’s finding a sense of belonging in the world and for my self insert is finding a sense of safety in the world that for the most part has robbed her of identity and agency. their relationship is mostly smooth until chapter 6 where there are
TWO ENDINGS as by chapter 6 my self insert is pregnant and by the epilogue has a son. javier can either return to her side and they become a family -> this is the good ending.
OR javier abandons her completely following the collapse of the gang in chapter six and flees to mexico to follow the events of rdr1 -> this is the bad ending.
as pure as the driven snow -> off the a balland of songbirds and snakes soundtrack
and i loved her -> by kurt cobain
abrázame muy furete -> juan gabriel
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rggie · 9 months
Hows it feel comin back from the dead man
i’m rereading my own works IT FEELS LIKE A FEVER DREAM also i have so many drafts.. i have my work cut out for me…
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lcs-scar · 2 months
Have you ever wanted to draw something but you fought due to your skill level at the time you decide not to do it
It surely happened to me a few times before, but I think it's always important to at least sketch out the idea somewhere for whenever you feel more comfortable drawing it. My advice would be to look up references or resources to help with what you struggle; using a 3D model for a pose, looking up photographs to understand a form, downloading brushes to get the texture you need, using a screenshot from google maps to get a scenery right- There is a lot of things to help you out, no need to be the best at drawing to be able to share the idea of a setting or the emotion you want to evoke. Drawing is also about the process; have fun, that's what matters most.
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theloyalpin · 5 months
if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog !
thanks vanessa 🫶🏾 today has been a long day but gonna respond to messages and hopefully that’ll give me some energy to finish packing despite feeling like pure shit right now 😭
1. i was a teacher for a little right after graduating and getting my bachelor’s. i might go back only if i finally move abroad since i’m certified to teach abroad
2. i speak a lot of languages but i’m only semi-fluent/conversational in most of them because i don’t get to speak them often (frankly losing confidence but trying to continue practicing on my own anyway)
3. i’m genuinely a loner. partially because of my autism, partially because i’m a traveling scientist, but yea it’s been a little tiring. all my friends live abroad or in other states so i only see them maybe once a year if i’m lucky and working in their area. i’m trying to make an effort to be more social irl but it’s still pretty challenging for me
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god-u · 6 months
8,9 and 10!!!!
8. do they like look at the other while sleeping?
- without a doubt. we’ve already seen jordan do it
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9. when was the first time they felt sexually attracted to the other?
- might sound crazy for this but gonna have to say it was when they all went out after curfew together. they really fit the classic “i hate you and we’re enemies but actually i’m in love with/attracted to you” trope lol. marie is always on their mind like even when they had sex with someone else they were talking about her 😭
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but for marie i think it was a little later.. like she liked them but didn’t realize the extent of it (actually wanting them) till it slapped her in the face (obsessed with this gif btw like you can literally see her surprise before she turns away.. godddd 😫💗)
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she’s new to feeling this way about anyone which is why she doesn’t openly admit it till emma literally shakes it out of her lol
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10. do they like surprising each other with dates/presents?
- i think marie likes to do the surprises more than jordan at first. jordan has a type A personality and would probably overdo the planning which might lessen the efficiency of said “surprise” 😂 eventually they just end up stressing theirself out without realizing it lmaooo
but marie’s surprise dates and presents are always on point and jordan starts lessening their planning overtime. this leads to smaller surprises that are just as sweet. they don’t feel overwhelmed or stressed out as a result and marie loves the spontaneous dates and carefully picked presents she receives ♥️
send me a number & i’ll give an answer for my limoreau headcanon (ship ask game)
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Hamilton we never finished our conversation!
"that is because you quite literally, shooed me away. And although I was fully on board with having a full blown conversation with you about how disgusting and infuriating you are, My general advised me that sometimes I need to tune out specific things in order to avoid conflict. Because apperantly I conflict too much. So I decided to tune you out as if you're an annoying bird chipping in an early morning after a full night of writing."
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snowangeldotmp3 · 7 months
Would Winter Soldier Robin but Nancy's POV be on the table? >.<
absolutely yes it is!!! i am so glad you sent this ask bc i hadn't really thought of winter soldier robin from nancy's pov, so this ask DEFINITELY opened up a new road for me in terms of how i want the fic to go, so thank you!! <3 a snippet for you:
The thing is, Nancy didn’t really know Robin. She’d seen her here and there, and knew of her, but they weren’t exactly best friends. (Widows didn’t have friends. Only allies, she reminds herself.) And after Starcourt there hadn’t been a reason to become friends, since you know, she was presumed dead. Robin Buckley ceased to exist. There’s no time like the present, right? Which is why Nancy is currently up to her nose in manila file folders about Robin and the Winter Soldier program. God, she thinks, sipping on her now lukewarm coffee, what have they done to her?
make me write <3
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emomanswhore · 11 months
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IM ACTUALLY IN TEARS MAN I CANNOT EVEN BREATHE 😭😭 “you tryna send me a lil sum or what?” HES SUCH A BUM WHERE DO YOU EVEN GET THIS SHIT, DAWG 😭😭. TOJI IS SO UNPROFESSIONAL. tryna get some nudes on the job I CANT BREATHE. you did not just say tojiussy HELLO! 🤹🏽‍♀️i’m actually crying bricks because ??? THE WAY YOU KEPT SPITTING IN THE TAGS, MAN. stealing your memes again, it’s nothing personal right, gang? 😁🤞🏽 RAAAAAR, WOLF OUT!!
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d-dont get no weed from the gas station or final sale on shein💧🚬🐟 cuz then you’ll end like me 🦶🏻👃🏽💨
JEYGJISH TOJI BEING AN ASSISTANT MANAGER AT MCDONALDS IS A FLUKE ANYWAY 😟☝🏽 he took megumi’s resume which had 2 years customer service experience at white castle. then managed to finesse the game, and work his way up to asm (he may or may have not took the store manager 2 pound town in the freezer, while she was showing him where the hash browns are)— 🤷🏽‍♀️
YES i said tojiussy. it STINKS… nice n good. cause i’m a munch, and i’m always here to save the day when it comes to homeless, criminal bussy 🦸🏽‍♀️ AROOOO🅰️🅱️🅾️
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call-me-copycat · 9 months
Here iis what I was referring to :D
This is the OG one I'm pretty sure
I got it! Thank you so much for your patience ‪(˶> <˶)♡
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I love his personality! The way he acts towards others and how he tries to lighten up the mood is rather charismatic ( ˆ︶ˆ)
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I find it funny how he's scared of bugs, it was the last thing I expected of him ( ⑉¯ ꇴ ¯⑉ )ツンツン
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I like to believe that he knows sign language since it was said he was born with a quirk, so he could've possibly caused his parents to experience some sort of hearing loss (=゚Д゚=)
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
My favorite is a bit cliche, but I love how he interacts with Aizawa and Midnight, it's classic but always good (´>∀<`)ゝ
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But if you're looking for someone else, then I'd have to say that I also find it interesting how he interacts with the students and just general people, I find it shows a bit more of his character through these interactions ( ゚ᵕ゚)
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He's a funny guy ʕ ◦`꒳´◦ʔ
Thank you for the request! Feel free to send in more in the future if you want (although if it's an ask game then I recommend you link it to me >⁠.⁠<)
I hope you have a fantastic week! (⸝⸝> ༥ <⸝⸝)オネガイ♡
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nanamimizz · 1 month
oh lamb….how about hozier lyrics for me and diluc pretty please? ʕ◞ ⸝⸝ ◟ ྀི ʔ💕
“honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips // we should just kiss like real people do”
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