cyarskaren52 · 1 year
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He’s so narcissistic he thought he was going to get away with it
and he posted poorly aged tweets about how he thought he was going to get away with it
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Well at least he was right about this being the last tweet in this one tho I’ll give him that
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
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At this point, he gone piss the judge off & be in for a rude awakening. Take the l & move on. But hey, a hard head make soft ass or whatever my mama said. Lmaoo.
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
theneighborhoodtalk TNHT Staff: @therealmeche_
Neighbors, there are some important updates regarding the Tory Lanez trial that might determine how the judge will rule tomorrow during his ruling.
According to Twitter’s favorite law reporter Meghann Cunniff, Tory’s defense had a lot of arguments for the judge and the prosecution. They argued that the original defense by Tory’s first lawyer was “ineffective” in the case. They claim the angle that Tory, Megan Thee Stallion, and Kylie were in an argument before the shooting played into the verdict.
Another shocking thing that his defense team argued is the fact that Megan brought up Tory’s video “CAP”, which featured Tory chopping up horse legs, hurt his defense and was irrelevant to the overall trial. They say that the horse in the video wasn’t described as being a “stallion”, despite “HGS” (hot girl sh*t) being in the background of the video.
After everything was laid out during the hearing, the judge decided he would make his decision tomorrow whether to accept the appeal and have a new trial, or sentence Tory to his time. As he left, Tory begged the judge to have mercy on his life.
"Please don't ruin my life. I could be your son. I could be your brother," Lane told the judge, who is Black.
We shall see tomorrow. Thoughts Neighbors?
Tory: please don’t ruin my life, I could be your son, your brother
Well Megan could have been somebody’s mom, somebody’s daughter, somebody sister, somebody’s aunt, grandmother, cousin, siblings, woman in general but you didn’t care about that because for one you shot her and and two even though she didn’t want to turn you into the cops at first and was willing to let it all go you instead traumatized her and made her life hell for two whole years being a bully and a sociopath and convincing those punk arss bloggers and those biiiich made male rappers to bully her too so much that she was mentally and spiritually broken. You know as someone who was once bullied before (thankfully not to the extent of what that Keebler elf did) there’s many things that will make me highly upset and people who are bullied is one of them, and it’s worse than you’re not only being a bully but you’re also the one who causes the trauma and adds more emotional and psychological trauma to the person you caused physical pain to.
Your fans (who are just as bad and ignorant as you are) think that you’re the modern version of Emmett till cause you’re another black man who being screwed over by the American justice system (yeah cause never mind the thousands of innocent black lives who are screwed over by the corruptive system or the many innocent black men women and children who were killed or beaten by the police , all the lives that were cruelly taken, all of those who screamed out for their mothers as they were dying, those who killed for having skittles like Trayvon, or a toy gun like tamir, or two thousand pennies like George, or sleeping like Breonna, or running like Ahmaud, or so on and so on and so on, nope it’s your fave that’s being the one screwed over)
When in reality you’re no different than people like till murderer Carolyn Bryant when it comes to lying and not owning up to your own actions and playing victim,
Lori drew ( the woman who used her MySpace account to bully Megan Meier so much that she committed suicide) when it comes to using your platform on social media to be a bully and have others do the same thing,
and Charles Manson when it comes to influencing your fanbase and other musicians and bloggers to be bullies and manipulating them to think that you’re great as a musician and person when you are not even that close to good as a musician and you most definitely are no where near to a person who worthy of being called good.
And just like those people who I just mentioned you sir, are a sociopath who doesn’t care about anyone who gets hurt by your actions or words because it makes you feel good and it’s okay if your victims emotionally suffer even when they were kind to you
You’re not just another black man who is screwed over by the justice system, you’re a small minded man who is rightfully held accountable because you can’t handle the fact that a successful black woman is doing so much better than you and hate the fact that she said that your music was not that good . Your weren’t lynched, you just gave yourself enough rope to hang yourself and you have the nerve to plead to the judge not to have your life ruined? You ruined your own life the moment you shot Megan and then after she didn’t want to turn you into the cops you bullied her, fuck outta here😒😒
The audacity of him pulling this “but I was the victim too!” Card as if his victim isn’t a whole Black woman.. Gone be sick as hell when he’s sent to prison anyway..
He will never take any accountability for his actions. All of this is because of his own poor actions. Lmao. What a girl. Take your sentence like a real man who going to be turned into a girlfriend in prison
I’m hoping tomorrow Judge Herriford lays it all out for the leprechaun. Especially with all of the stunts & theatrics he has pulled. Playing on social injustices, bringing his child to court, no regard for the victim’s feelings, etc.
I’ll elaborate on him showing no regard for the victim’s (Meg) feelings. Even if in his delusional mind he believes he did nothing wrong. Not once during these court appearances has shown any remorse. Just “me! me!”... There’s nothing indicating he has any care for others.(and considering his history of being violent and trying to blame everyone but himself he has never cared about anyone else)
All of that is literally the perfect way to send his ass off. & Also, just to put an emphasis on his character as a human being.
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ripempezardexerox · 21 days
Believe me when I tell you:
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super-hero-confessions · 9 months
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Butchlander fandom. Grow the fuck up.
Watching "mostly" straight women with a fetish clique up and try to alienate and borderline excommunicate actual queer people in fandom over differing opinions in real time is not only disturbing, it's disgusting.
You're not in highschool anymore, not that this sort of behavior is ever acceptable, but I'm pretty sure at least half of you are 40 and over. This mean girl shit and insidious subversive talk is not only beyond childish coming from grown ass adults.
It is moronic. You are morons.
You aren't special or cute trying to manipulate people to be like minded by "other-ing" the "other" side as if there fucking is one you hive drones.
No one cares how insecure you are over your own kinks and opinions that you would forcibly pick unnecessary fights behind someone's back if not set out bait to start drama, just to somehow solidify your opinions as if they were some sort of hard canon confirmed fact.
They are not.
Opinions. Are not facts. Period.
If someone is cluttering "your" precious Butchlander tag with "bratty bossy bottom Billy Butcher", oh fucking well. Cry harder, bitch. You don't own the fucking tag. You think you're the only one who sees shit you don't like? Boo fucking hoo, you're not. You never were. You are not the only type of Butchlander shipper in the world nor are you the only type of valid one.
Eat your heart out if you're gonna be a fucking fascist about fictional bullshit and completely miss every single thing The Boys bothers teaching. No wonder so many of you proudly proclaim to hate the comics, you can't stand something that challenges your worldview and forces you to think beyond your own hands in front of your face.
And then you accuse the queer person of being a narcissist? For... what exactly? Being loud and proud? Existing? Because I didn't see any attacks or attempts at policing opinions. Maybe a little obnoxious, sure. But nothing that any of you weren't doing. Besides the loving bottom Billy bit.
Projection 101.
Oh, I get it. It's much easier to pick on someone when they're mostly alone and "different". Fuck off with that shit.
But yeah, thanks for STRAIGHTSPLAINING a GAY ship that isn't even canon in any way and never will be to QUEER PEOPLE.
Babygirl Billy Butcher >>>>> Babygirl Homelander.
And that's a goddamn fact.
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itchy-9884 · 1 year
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We live in a country run by greed and racism. Always has been and always will be period 🖕🏿🖕🏟🖕🏜🖕🏌🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕
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eliza-rivers · 3 months
it’s giving inclusive 🖕🖕🏻🖕🏌🖕🏜🖕🏟🖕🏿
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emojitournament · 2 years
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oldmandoomer · 2 years
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Anti-fascist all the way, anti-nazi everyday.
Don’t like it? You know what button to push.
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shut the fuck up bluejays i dont like you 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🏻🖕🏌🖕🏜🖕🏟🖕🏿🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
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Facing up to 22 years and 8 months in prison. The brazenness of Defendant’s conduct is alarming but the conscious disregard for the well-being and safety of all those around him signifies a high degree of indifference for human life,” according to the five-page motion.
Tory Lanez might not get out of jail until he’s 50 unless he dies first
Oh well. He should have never shot at a woman and then dehumanized her
But look on the bright side sir at least you’ll make new friends in prison
 who will turn you into a girlfriend in the showers because nobody likes an abuser and people who are violent towards women
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
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Now THATS how you CLEAR A BITCH! He better pray that he gets 9 years and not 22 years cause I be praying for the 22 not 9
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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Here are the key dates for Lanez’s sentencing.
May 23 - prosecutors’ position on aggravating factors for Lanez’s convictions (great bodily harm) due
May 24 - prosecutors’ sentencing memo due
June 6 - defense sentencing memo due
June 13 - sentencing hearing
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epuiseeparmedia · 2 months
Oh look
French B team beat Argentina B team. Am I that petty? Yes, yes I am.
🖕🖕🏻🖕🏌🖕🏜🖕🏟🖕🏿Sing about us one more time, jerks! Go home and take your carpet Infantino with you. I don’t even care if we lose after, Teddy got his gold, it ain’t my problem no more.
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exutoiredepenser · 3 months
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