#🖥️ . . . computer pals !
fluffyshipping · 1 year
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fluffy · she/they/pup + · 12-16yrs · Anne Boonchuy fictive from here, dog + cat therian · system
romantic f/o’s 💕
Marcy Wu 📖 (she/they) #📖 . . . my beloved !
crushes f/o’s 😳
no one yet . . .
platonic f/o’s 🪡
Sasha Waybright ⚔️ (she/he) #⚔️ . . . I am not that person anymore !
familial f/o’s 🏡
Sprig Plantar 🎋 (he/they) #🎋 . . . little brother !
Polly Plantar 🪣 (she/it) #🪣 . . . savage pollywog !
Hopediah Plantar 🥞 (he/him) #🥞 . . . family always finds eachother !
Moondrop 🌑 (he/they/moon) #🌑 . . . the nightcare attendant !
Hawks 🪶 (he/him) #🪶 . . . the wing hero !
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tinyfrom · 4 months
How to fix "the disk you attached was not readable by this computer"?
Got that "disk not readable" error on your Mac? No worries, here's a quick fix guide:
🔄 Check connections – swap ports or cables.
🔄 Give it a restart – sometimes a simple reboot does wonders.
💿 Use Disk Utility – select the troubled disk, and hit "First Aid" for repairs.
💻 Ensure the disk format is macOS-friendly like Mac OS Extended, APFS, or ExFAT.
🖥️ For disks from Windows, check for errors on a Windows machine.
🔄 Keep macOS updated – the latest version might have the fix.
🖥️ Test it on another computer – isolate the issue.
🔍 Consider third-party recovery tools if data is crucial.
💾 Reformat via Disk Utility if no vital data is at stake.
🛠️ Hardware woes? Reach out to the manufacturer or pros for help.
Backup before formatting! When in doubt, seek help from tech-savvy pals or professionals. #TechTroubles #MacHelp
Subscribe to us to get more useful information: https://www.tinyfrom.com/
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etes-secrecy-post · 3 years
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist. SO PLEASE DO NOT SHARE MY 2nd ACCOUNT TO EVERYONE, IT’S JUST YOU AND ME! AND IN CASE YOU WANT TO SHARE MY POST THEN DON’T REBLOG IT. INSTEAD JUST COPY MY LINK AND PASTE IT ON YOUR TUMBLR POST! JUST BE SURE THE IMAGE WILL BE REMOVED AND THE ONLY LEFT WAS THE TEXT.
Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Title: Noteson, Brown and Wilson
Here’s my secret art trade for my A-Pal @bryan360​, this month of April.🙂
I’m continuing making three way Bryan’s OCs artwork(s), but instead of my traditional with pencil, paper, color and scan, I decided to go digital with my graphics tablet and GIMP artwork (ver 2.10.24).📝🖍️✍️➡️🖋️🖥️
And although I used to be draw his OCs in traditional, there’s something that I want to talk about my Canon Lide 220 scanner...
• Last 1st day of April, while I’m finishing my April Fools comic art [CLICK ME!], I want to scan my old printed images with recent Canon scanner. Once I plug in through my computer... Well something happen... And it was un-respond. Something like this → [CLICK ME!].😟
• With that error message, I’m unable to use my canon scanner. Although I’m complete move to digital drawing tablet as my main art tool and I have no plans to return to my traditional art routes, I still need my canon scanner for scanning important document(s) and precious photoshoots from old decades.
• I tried to do troubleshooting by disassemble parts, wiping out the dust from inside and even re-install the scanner driver (from canon website), it didn’t solve my  problem...😟
• My mom said to me that probably the USB Mini Cable was the one causing problems of my scanner, and thought to myself... "Maybe”. So I took her advice by ordering a new USB mini cable from Lazada app (I’ll show ya very someday), and hope for the best. Once my order was arrived, I immediately open and test it anyway. So how was it? Well, nothing it’s the same error as before.😟
Damn, so much for that... Now will I gonna find a replacement part for my canon scanner? Or buy a new one with a different brand? Who knows, this could be a difficult choice; even in the face of pandemic days...😷😔
For now, my canon scanner is half dead. It could a big chance to revive from repair, so I can finally use it once again...
Well that’s all I want share, and without further ado, here are the three OC’s that I drew for his (secret) ‘art trade’ request.
• Noteson: A musical cat born in UK, who loves to perform with his trumpet as his music tool of choice.
• Brown: He’s a Cartoon Network ultra fanatic squirrel, than anything else. He always hang out with his favorite CN friends such as, Chowder, Steven Quartz, Blossom, Finn the Human (Finn Mertens), etc... Hope he’s still safe from exploring CN world, just saying.
• Wilson: He calls himself “Long Ears”, due to his extended dog ears that he can do pretty much anything (as evidence from his artwork [CLICK ME!]); aside from flying. Something that Dumbo couldn’t do, despite he only do his ears was... Well flying, duh.
BTW: I’ll be thinking, that I do a remake of my Bryan360′s three OCs artworks from 2019 to 2020. Though it takes time to do that, so I’ll be do some free time if I can (one by one).
Anyways, hope you like it, bud.
Noteson, Brown and Wilson are owned by @bryan360.
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