sapphicselfship · 2 years
Intro Post! (to be updated)
Dewey 💕 she/her 💕 18
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💌ROMANTIC F/Os (bolded main, comfortable with sharing unless explicitly stated otherwise)
💋Ragatha — #🧵🪡💕
💋Isabela Madrigal — #💐💕
💋Roxie Richter — #🗡️💕
💋Knives Chau— #⚔️💕
💋Weird Barbie — 🤸‍♀️💕
💋Stereotypical Barbie — #👱‍♀️💕
Crush F/Os (also cool with sharing!)
💋Kim Pine — #🥁💕
💋Sally Starlet — ☀️💕
💋Envy Adams — #💄🎤💕
Too many platonic F/Os to count tbh
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coincasual · 3 months
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more old compilations✨✨✨
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alicent-archive · 1 year
Rhaenicent this rhaenicent that let me see the children home I’ll return on dragonback the king and I would both like that (*proceeds to hold hands affectionately as if the worst family dinner in recent memory hadn’t just occured*).
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deadcutiezeline · 2 months
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@kitapgibisevilmek tysm for the tag ! 🫵🏽👚🩷🎀 your picrew is adorable ʚ♡ɞ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🧚🏻₊˚ʚ 🪷 ₊˚ 😊⏰🍓
tagging @surreptitiously-shady , @chonkycheeks lovely moots pls join if you want to <3. everyonelse too :3
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timothylawrence · 11 months
giggling and kicking my feet ☀️🗡️ this scene will live forever in my mind sorry 🫶
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
An Important Celebration
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Astria for the longest of centuries had gone through a mass amount of war between countries and the times were turbulent.
The underworld, heavens and limbo were consumed by souls. Gods of all kind and alike fused and overworked during this time of pain. Watching their people drop like flies unable to do anything unless it were to interfere with fate.
But then peace was brought. On the 5th of April a peace treaty was brought up and all countries agreed for war to end and peace to begin.
After that it was decided that this great point in history should be celebrated. It starting off as a dinner slowly after years turning into one big ball, with great food from every where, royals, magics, gods and humans alike together celebrating.
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Di and Ace are the first to get to the event. Ace squealing happily as he held Di's arm. They stepped in being greated by waiters, other magics and gods. Ace's eyes squealed as he saw his mum's, quickly waving at them before turning to Di. "You do your thing. I do mine. Okay?" He asked as Di nodded kissing his forehead before they walked their seperate ways.
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"Nanay! Mama!" He squealed as he ran to the two and hugged them tight. Mama Sofia squealed as she hugged her son close to her squeezing him. "Oh mi hijo [my son]! You look so beautiful! Look at you." She said as she pushed hair away from his face looking him over with so much love.
"Mamaaaa! Please my makeup!" Ace whined as he pouted while Nanay Princess chuckled lightly.
"Ya~ Bebe~ I think Ace would like to keep his makeup intact till the end of the event. Sofia pouted but nodded.
"I'm sorry, it's just been so long.~" She grinned. "Are we meeting anyone new tonight?~" Ace blushed and swatted at her with a whine.
"Shushhhh." He sighs lightly. "I wish the little ones were here."
Sofia nodded as they started to have their conversation. While Ace was with his mums Di walked up to Zeus. He cleared his throat while the big bearded man turned. His face soften instantly as he saw Di. "Theo." He said softly as Di just nodded at him.
"Old man." He said as he straighted his suit jacket.
"How have you been? It's been so long." Zeus said as he went to go hug him. Di put a hand up stopping him.
"We're not there yet." He muttered as Zeus nodded his head understandingly starting up small talk between the two.
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Jay and Set walked in arms linked as she sighed lightly rubbing her face. "I'm so glad we got here in one piece." She muttered while Set laughed.
"Come on it wasn't that bad.~"
"I almost fell into mud cause you decided to go chase a car-"
"In my defense it was asking for it." He said with a serious face while Jay looked unamused. "Come on~ We look good, family is here, free food~ Calm down everything is fine, you're overstressing yourself." Ari sighed but nodded her head as she looked at the three men.
"You three overgrown babies..." She looks at Anubis over before looking at Set and Loki. "You two overgrown babies have your canine and fang caps in?"
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Loki gasps dramatically. "One I am not an overgrown baby." He fixed the bow in his hair, fixing their long hair. "Second, yes~" She showed off her fangs as he smiled proudly.
"I do too!" Set said as he showed his, Anubis nodding but keeping his mask on. He was the responsible one, he didn't need to prove anything.
"Okay...good. You all know where I'm going to be. You all just...don't make a scene-" She said as the three nodded and she walked over to her Dad and Brothers. "Hello~ Did you miss me?~" She asked with a laugh as she saw her two older brothers head's pop up.
"BABY SIS!" Santiago squealed as he shoved his plate of food into Ha-Yoon's arms. He squeezed her in a hug lifting her up from the ground. "Hello~ We miss you." Yoon grumbled as he placed the plate down and smiled at her. He pushed his older brother away and went to hug her.
"Ahh~ All is right with the world now that you're back with us." He mused before the three of them laughed. Their dad, Kim Dak-Ho, smiled at the three of them. Ari let go of her brothers before turning to her dad. He held his arms open for her and she laughed rushing into them.
"My beautiful princess is back home." Ari snorted as she squeezed him.
"More like with my three old bodyguards." She mused while he gasped dramatically.
"I'm not old~ I can still move it as if I was 19 again~" Her brothers cringed at him while Jay laughed her ass off at him, she missed this. They fell into natural conversation all stress leaving her as she enjoyed her time with her family.
Set and Anubis wave at Ari's family from afar as they walk to their own parents. Instantly Nephthys clinged to her two sons. "My boys! Oh, how handsome you two look." She fawned over the two as Set whined lightly and Anubis just snorted lightly.
Osiris laughed lightly as he held Nephthys arm. "My world, I think they're tired of getting fonded over. They aren't children anymore." She frowned lightly as she looked at the two.
"I know you're right but they grew up too fast." Her eyes watered as Set quickly went to hug her and Anubis rubbed her back lightly.
"We're still your babies mama." Set said softly as Anubis nodded silently whispering into her ear.
"Especially Set." That caused their mum to let out a watery laugh as Set narrowed his eyes at his older brother.
On the other side of the room Loki waltz over to Laufey, lightly tapping her shoulder. She turned around confused before letting out a loud gasp. "Oh my little baby of chaos!" She squealed as she hugged them close to her. "Oh how are you love? Everything okay? Works going alright?" Loki chuckled as she nodded her head at their mom.
"Yes ma, everything's alright.~" He looked around for a minute his mum frowning a bit knowing what he was looking for.
"H-He's busy...you know how your father is. He got-" Loki raised a hand, stopping her from making another excuse for his father. He gave her a strained smile.
"It's alright." He kissed her forehead stepping back. "I'm going to go bother Thor now. I'll be back before they start serving food." Their mum nodded sadly as she watched him stepped away.
As Loki walked over to Thor, Cupid and Eros walked in. "I can't believe you made me wear this stupid pink outfit-" He muttered softly as he looked himself over.
"Hey. Be glad I let you come shirtless-" Cupid muttered as he tucked his wings back before smiling big.
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They both walked over to Aphrodite, Cupid lightly hip bumping her. "Hey sis~ How are you?~"
"A lot better before you came." She muttered as she drank from a champange flute. Cupid pouted as Eros laughed. "I'm not happy to see you either." Eros instantly deadpanned as she said that.
"Is this about the stain I left on your white designer dress..." Cupid asked with a raised eyebrow. Aphrodite scoffed and stomped her foot lightly.
"No! It's for leaving me with a pile of work! But that's also contributed to it!" The three of them started to bicker as Ares and Apollo made their entrance.
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Apollo shined the whole room as he walked in holding onto Ares's arm. Literally he shined. "Um my light...you should tone it down a little." Ares said with a chuckle while Apollo pouted.
"Sorry..." He looked at Ares over with a slight whine. "Did you have to go with the velvet suit?"
"Hey! It's a time to celebrate, this is my favorite suit. Dad gave it to me~" Apollo nodded with a small smile as he smoothed out Ares's jacket.
"Alright, I'm heading to Artemis. You're going to talk to her?" Ares nodded his head as Apollo gave him a reassuring smile. "It'll go alright." He gave him a kiss to the hand before they went their own ways. Ares walked up to Hera cautiously as he cleared his throat.
"Hey mum." He said as the woman turned around. She instantly brightened up at seeing her son. She cupped her hands over his cheeks and smiled before speaking her own accent shining through.
"Oh my baby..." She said softly before looking over his outfit. She gave him a watery smile. "You're wearing it." He nodded as she sniffled and ran her hands over the suit. "Your dad would be so proud of you." She kissed his cheek as he sniffled lightly hugging her close to him.
"I wish he was here."
"I do too." She said softly as she rubbed his back lightly. Apollo looked at the two with a sad smile before walking to his sister.
"Hey my favorite twin~"
"I'm your only twin." She said with a riased brow while he whined.
"Listen, your my favorite either way!" He said with a pout while she rolled her eyes but smiled bringing him in for a hug. "Yeah. Yeah. You bonehead."
"You're so mean!" Artemes laughed as she kept teasing Apollo him whining.
Jooheon, Leo and Emilia all walk in together. Leo is holding Emilia's arm while Jooheon fixes his suit jacket. "Thanks for the ride Joo, owe you one." Jooheon smiled and nodded as Leo bounced lightly.
"You guys know where to meet me when we have to leave, right?" The two nodded as they all went their separate ways.
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Jooheon walked to his parents with a smile, as the two smiled big and proud at him. "There's our big overworked and successful son.~" His mum teased as she hugged him tight. Joo yelped as he hugged his mum back with a small laugh.
"Mum's still got her strength I see." He joked while his dad laughed. He went to hug hum as his dad kissed his forhead.
"It's why I love her so much. A strong, independent and powerful woman.~" Haw just rolled her eyes as her husband, Kwan wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss.
"Yah~ We're in public you two~" He teased as the three of them laughed lightly.
Leo happily skipped over to his cousin as he ruffled her hair. "Ciao, mi bella, Bella~" He snorted as she gasped fixing her hair.
"How dare you! You're the worst cousin ever!" Gab, who had a mouth full of food snorted. Leo looked at him before shaking his head. He looked around before looking at Bella.
"Where's Nana?" He asked while she looked around herself.
"Oh shit- She better not be near the drinks!" She said as she rushed to look for her, Gab laughing and choking on his food while Leo rubbed his face with a deep sigh. This was going to be a long night.
Emilia's cousin ran up to her squealing and holding her tight as her uncle smiled at the two. "Hello to you too~" She said as she hugged her back before going to hug her uncle tightly.
"It's nice to see my girl all dressed up. We've missed you." She smiled softly at them.
"I've missed you both too. So much." She said softly as they fell into soft conversation.
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The last to arrive at the part were Hades, Hel and Hecate. They all came together, being important guests as they were the rulers of the Underworld. People bowed at them as they walked in, Hel giggling and greeting everyone while Hecate kept her veil on, shyly waving at people. Hades had a straight facce as he just nodded at everyone who passed by.
"Alright, I'll be talking to the King and Council. You two alright by yourselves." Hel nodded her head happily as Hecate just shyly nodded. "Okay, you know where to call me if you need me." He held onto Maria's leash, the hellhound happily trotting along as she looked at the new enviornment.
As Hades walked off Hecate and Hel went to Pluto. "Hey Pluto! How you doing~" Hel said as Hecate stood next to her waving at the man with a small smile.
"Awe! If it isn't my two favorite girls!" He cooed as he hugged them and they fell into casual conversation.
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This was a night to remember!
Good food, drinks and family and friends together.
Enjoy your visit.~
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possible new residents: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕] @faywithlove @theinvitation-bot @badbf-cb @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 && 🌻❤️] ​  @clubwnderland  @supernaturalcb  @domxbot​  @fantasyaespa​ [💚🐈 && 💎☀️] @thepatchedpaw​ @dawnswonderland-entertainment @k-pop-shelter  @chooseyourboycb [🔪❤️‍🩹]  @beastfights-starting  @divineblood-cb​  @urtwice @welcometosector1​​ @9ateez-multiau-bot  @mxthxbot​ @lunaaofthemoon​ @littleboywooyoungie @musiclovermino  [🎶💛]  @k-venturetime [🍓❣️] @multi-joong [🌧️🧡] @reve-rv @k-half-blood @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @kingtaythecute​ [🥧💗] @cheerxcaptainxhongjoong​@kardpackcb​ ​ @3rachabot​ @kingdom-of-dicentra​ @starhunters-reign​ @elemental-dream​ @namiras-rose-tattoos​ @glamrockpop-cb​ @storybook-nct​ @dreampodcast​ @beaconhillsxbot​ @fantasycafexbot​ @thenine-cb @screamcb​ @hoteldelluna-rp [DM + / -]
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the-magic-school-bus · 6 months
OOO this ones cool too!!!
yeah this is the new theme im gonna stick with lol
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eunzul · 1 year
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modern au where V is a semiotic professor and an underground cultist leader and K is his favorite hitman, and their fav music genre is pagan black metal and brutal death metal
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sapphicselfship · 10 months
Roxie Richter is literally my pookie bear
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silk-bullet · 8 months
drop this sunflower🌻into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! lets spread a little sunshine ☀️
Aaaaa thank you Cae!! 💕💕^^
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kaeddehara · 1 year
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my wifeys birthday art !! — happy birthday jean <3
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 11 months
🍬 - Favorite candy?
nerds/pop rocks but i can’t have them anymore
Vegobears (they just literally taste better than normal cruchey people gummy bears) currently all i want to eat are gluten/dairy free oreos, which are not candy but they are on my mind 24/7
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the-magic-school-bus · 8 months
*crashes a spaceship on your lawn and hands you chickens*
hi!! drink some water have some food get some sun, i love you!
im actually planning on going on a walk today, just woke up and have my water wi5h me! (ill get some food in like an hour)
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eunzul · 2 years
Today i : ☺️📱🙂📱🤨🐊+🗡️😳🗡️!?😱🗡️!!!😍🗡️♥️❤️♥️😭🗡️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️💕 💕💕💕♥️♥️♥️♥️❤️💕💕❤️💕💕♥️♥️❤️
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actual footage of my reaction :
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batllethinker · 1 year
Anon tags
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