#😔 i want to play dolls but idk with which dolls
encrucijada · 10 months
can someone tell my brain we aren't waiting for anything and we can sit down and write in peace
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11queensupreme11 · 2 months
- Is Beelzebub considered an Outer God or a Supreme God? 🧐 Personally, I think he’d be at a Supreme God level given his age, powers, being the literal universe incarnation of the Devil, and the father of demons. But, he could also be an Outer God cause no one really likes him, he’s weird even by immortal standards (which is saying a lot), and his very, very unethical experiments.
- Will Zerofuku appear in your story before Ragnorok? Percy would immediately adopt him cause he’s baby. It would also show the yanderes that she could take on a motherly role which would put their breeding kinks into overdrive 🥵. Then again, most people see her a baby so, it’s kinda gives the vibe of a toddler playing with their baby doll so idk. It would also make things more angsty when Zerofuku dies and Percy finds out that Beelzebub is the responsible.
Beelcy shippers are on a never ending emotional rollercoaster cause Beelzebub is angsty suicidal edgelord who needs better communication skills and therapy.
idk about canon, but in the funeral chapter i had odin specifically say "the culprit is either a supreme god or someone on the level of one" and that was basically me hinting that yes, beelie IS on the level of a supreme god (because i love him and he is supreme to me)
as for outer god.... technically yes???? but lowkey also no???? there's no specific explanation about outer gods on the wiki yet, but so far we know that they're basically unruly, uncontrollable gods that are headaches for the rest of divine society, and beelzebub's not really a headache??????? he's a loner who mostly keeps to himself and doesn't really cause any trouble. plus, hades likes him, he wouldn't want his bro being labeled as an 'outer god' 😂
AND I DID WANNA HAVE PERCY MEET ZEROFUKU SO BAD, BUT I MISSED MY CHANCE :( i'm already nearing the end of the act 1 so yeah.... 😔😔
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smilesrobotlover · 2 months
Love at Twilight. Got anything to say about it? Any behind the scenes things you’d be willing to share? Thoughts on Kori? His physiology? Any hints on upcoming plot or chapters? 👀
So the very first draft of this story was widely different than how it was now. Originally it was a story about a circus that tried to get Kori there, but I really didn’t know what to do with everyone else. The plot didn’t motivate me and the final chapter I wrote out was terrible. I couldn’t fit in the resistance and generally I didn’t like it.
Until I thought of a mutated shadow beast, and then I completely changed the plot. There was no more lame ring leaders or weird and uncomfy scenarios in the circus. Like lemme tell you, the story wrote itself when I changed the main villain. It rocks
But it’s interesting at how the two stories kinda parallel? Originally Link didn’t let Kori leave Ordon out of fear for his safety, but for his birthday, they go to castle town. Some old man freaks out at Kori when he gets distracted by cats and it’s this huge deal. They’re able to run away but the ring leader finds out about “a little devil” and wants to find him for his circus. So he tracks Kori down in Ordon and attacks Uli in the middle of the night to find him.
In the actual story, they go to Kakariko for Kori’s birthday, some lady freaks out about him, and while I couldn’t show this in the fic itself, I imagined a comic form of this part. When Link and Rusl are done investigating the missing Goron, there’s a hint that the Twili beast is watching them. So it follows them back to Ordon when the fam leaves and attacks Rusl.
So much fun stuff! Rip Uli and Rusl, one of y’all had to suffer in each story 😔
Idk what else to say about the old story but it’s fun to talk about because it changed SO much. Everything about it is different. The rest of the story won’t parallel the old one (the old one was barely written out anyways) but it’s cool to see similarities!
Originally I played with Edmund being a villain with Twili beast, and he probably would’ve kidnapped Colin for some reason, but I decided against it. It would’ve been too much to deal with and I find Edmund a more enjoyable character now than how he was before. I’ve noticed that tp Zelda always gets an abusive husband, and while I don’t hate that, I wanted to give her something different. They’re not super in love but some sparks were actually flying in chapter 7 so… 👀 (that’s actually why I asked if oc x canon was cringe cuz I kinda like them hdbsbsjsbsk). But yeah! I found Edmund being a villain extremely boring. It’s kinda fun not having any person as a villain, and instead it be some monster or something. Man vs nature you know?
And some hints ;) the Twili beast isn’t eating people, but it is “eating” something from people. I wonder if y’all can guess :3c and also for next chapter… it’s actively hunting someone down now. But I wonder who 🤔 or is it multiple people?? Guess you’ll find out at some point.
And Kori is my baby I love him <3 since he’s half Twili, he’ll stop sleeping so much as he gets older. He’ll still need sleep, but not as much as before. Which is nice cuz he struggles to sleep with the light anyways (he’ll also begin to struggle with sleep for a lot of different reasons 😬)
And this was a complete accident, but sometimes characters write themselves haha. Kori loves fashion and clothes! I worded this weirdly in the chapter, but Kori hates the men’s skirts of ordon, and is interested in other types of clothing. I want him to be a tailor or something when he’s older cuz he finds clothes so fascinating! I mean, I did have him interested in the dress up dolls! That’s something he’d absolutely love to do :))
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*I drive towards you on a too-small scooter, wobbling*
My turn again!
What do your characters do purely for fun?
How fast would they kill each other on a space ship?
Do any of your characters like the taste of blood? (I figured the question might fit better with yours than mine)
Do your characters have symbolisms/metaphors n stuff? If yes, explain them.
Creepiest object one of them owns
What would they do if given a kazoo?
One character you’d want to kiss and one you would slap
How do they interact with technology?
Who’s the most afraid of being left behind?
Is there a fundamental question to your characters? (Like idk, what is fear to humans or smth like that)
*I, still wobbling and hunched over, drive into the sunset and fall over*
*I walk after you on very big stilts, help you up and eat your scooter*
Avery, Ozan and Jamie go hunting sometimes, which is cool because Avery is fast when she hunts already and Jamie can turn into, like, a big wolf or something like that and carry Ozan on her back. Tara and Mikaela do music together, Camilla likes to exist in nature without moving for a while, Arthur and Toby cook and Daniel likes to read.
Pretty darn fast, especially if Jackson's not around. If he was, they'd probably work together to get him to safety and then immediately turn on each other.
Yeah, you're probably right. Avery, Ozan and Tara always do, Jamie sometimes.
I don't think so, actually. They're mostly just silly little guys... Maybe it's symbolism that Esther weaves since she has other spider-like tendencies?
Arthur has a very old doll that never seems to be quite where you left it. He refuses to get rid of it. Camilla once threw it into the garden and the next morning it was back on the shelf.
Mikaela: Plays the final countdown impressively well for the fact that it's a kazoo. / Tara: Makes a sound so loud and horrible that it kills you instantly. / Mary: Annoys the hell out of Daniel. / Granny: Eats it. / Jackson: Actually plays it like a normal person.
I like my characters, but I don't think I'd want to kiss them... I'll give George a parental kiss on his fucked up little baby head. I also?? Don't want to slap any of them??? I'm sorry for ruining your question lmao 😔
Camilla only uses it to cook. Esther and Granny tend not to use it much, but they do send stuff in the group chat sometimes. Tara and Mikaela refuse to get any technology on their ship except stuff that their crew needs, like hearing aids or noise cancelling headphones. Toby can spend hours on wikipedia, researching random facts or perfecting articles. The rest use them pretty normally, tough use may vary.
Oh, shoot... Avery and Daniel, I'd say. Both have had issues with it in the past (Avery with her family, Daniel with Mary). It's part of why they get along so well- They understand each other and trust that the other won't leave them behind.
What is fear to humans is a very good question that indeed makes me want to apply it to them. However if you asked me what the question to them is I'd probably say something like "how many fucked up little freaks (affectionate) can I fit into one family?"
Do you wanna use my stilts to get back home?
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doubleca5t · 2 years
Bored tumblr radfem here to take the bait- What kind of gender feelings were you having? Magical ineffable girly feelings about wanting to wear spinny dresses and play with dolls? You know what gender feelings I was having as a young woman- Feeling afraid of the men sexually assaulting me. Wanting to be seen as a whole human being with interests and ambitions. Alienation as a gnc lesbian which made me want to chop my tits off. Those are the gender feelings I had. Very curious to hear about yours
Ok to answer your question, the gender feelings I was getting from since I was a little kid were along the lines of:
"I wish I could have been born a girl, I don't really like being a boy that much"
"women's clothes are so much better than than men's clothes, I wish I was a girl so I could wear them"
"My female friends kind of act like I'm 'one of the girls' but my male friends never treat me like I'm 'one of the guys'. I like this arrangement. I don't want to fit in with the boys."
"I wish my face was more androgynous and I wasn't as tall, that way I could dress up as a girl and everyone would be totally convinced"
"I can't stand romance stories. Unless it's a romance between two girls. Those rule. Really wish there were more of them 😔"
"I love women but I don't really relate to how cishet men talk about women. For some reason I *really* relate to how lesbians and bisexual women talk about women though."
I think you get the idea.
With that out of the way, there's kind of a second question underlying your initial question which is "what the fuck do you think is so fun about being a woman? being a woman is fucking terrible." And I think that question is worth answering as well since it's probably something a lot of people are legitimately curious about.
The short answer is that, in my experience, "womanhood" as a concept is broad and varried enough that different people are going to get different things out of it, and while all women are oppressed and traumatized by patriarchy, the way they process that trauma is VERY far from uniform.
I know lots of cis women who've been through similar things to what this anon has described, but they haven't come out of it with nearly the same perspective. They recognize that just because *they* can never be comfortable with the role that society prescribed to them, that doesn't mean that no one else can or should be comfortable with that role. They recognize that you can take joy in the aesthetics and performance of a lot of things that are stereotypically feminine while still asserting your value as a person and refusing to put up with patriarchal bullshit. And perhaps most importantly, they recognize that the notion that someone can choose their gender is not contradictory to the idea that people should not be forced into a rigidly defined gender role. There are a lot of trans men who want to look like femboys or dress like flamboyant glam-rockers. There are a lot of trans women who don't give a shit about fashion or makeup and just want to be comfortable, or aspire to look like a capital d Dyke.
And like.... Idk isn't there something freeing about that? The idea that you can be whatever gender you want in whatever way you want, patriarchy be damned. That seems like the kind of world I want to live in.
So yeah anon, I understand why you view womanhood the way you do. For someone with your experiences, it makes a lot of sense. But I don't think your perspective has to be mutually exclusive to mine. I want to live in a world where women aren't forced to present a certain way from birth, don't live in constant fear of abuse and assault by men, and aren't belittled and marginalized at every turn. I just happen to also think that the idea of biologically determined gender is just as much bullshit as the idea of systemically enforced gender roles.
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m3dardas · 3 years
sevika x fem!reader
warnings: vague nsfw, language, cute sevika thangs
author’s note: every time i look at this woman i’m immediately impregnated by her. just thought i’d mention that. this came out much more lovey than i thought 😔
to start... sevi is a sweetheart when she wants to be and i just know it
yes, i just called her sevi. we’re on nickname bases
i bet everything on her main love language is acts of service and touch
she prefers to come off as hardcore 24/7 and rarely wants to compromise that
when it comes to her baby (you)
she demands that people know that
she doesn’t see loving an SO as a weakness, and if other people do... she’ll gladly remind them
she’d always want to have a hand in you
whether it’s the small of your back, the side of your hip, or even playing loosely w your fingers
when it comes to acts of service
if she works long hours, and doesn’t feel like she’s home w you enough
she resorts to buying and sending you things.
even bringing thing home to assert her gratitude for you
she’s really big on showing how grateful she is to be your partner
yoooo this is what i mean by her being really sweet
sevika is really loyal to those she cares about
which just so happen to be you. so best believe you will be getting the best treatment in the whole wide world
and she’ll make sure of it.
she isn’t a lazy lover
she’s persistent in how she loves you
like don’t you dare doubt her... that’ll be a wild mistake
that could potentially lead to an argument if i’m being real
her internal blame would just leak out as frustration towards you — even if she didn’t mean it
bro.. sevika loves you fr
like i’m mad just thinking about your unbelief 😡
on a much funnier note
she’s a total cry baby
and it’s funny because she swears to the gods above that she isn’t one
right, she’s “hard 💯” outside of the house
but inside
sevika: 😪😪 or even, depending on the situation 😭😭
and god forbid you actually get upset with her
“please, bb. i’m wearin’ that new cape you got me — bb, please, talk to me.”
and if she finds out it was all some sort of joke
oh she’s not a happy camper ❗️❗️
that’s when she becomes the saucy menace we all know her to be
sexually that is
the fanfics are legit
she’s a slut and she’s into it all
a mommy manipulator if you will (one of my favorites)
but even in her moments of 🥵domination🥵
her true feelings and emotions would pour out into how delicate her lips grace your body
like she could never hurt you — like really hurt you.
i feel like your couple niche would be horror movies
like she would be the type to have her own chucky doll...
just sitting in the dresser
you’ve had to tell her multiple times to put him in the closet
“i did put him in the closet... he just keeps coming out idk”
“you think you’re so fucking funny, huh”
and she definitely does
for some reason chucky is the equivalent to those little xmas house elves
omg wait...
sevi is a classic rock lover
she belts aerosmith majority of the time
and if we’re talking modern... she wouldn’t mind a little bit of heavy metal
she isn’t really corny so i can’t make fun of her as much as i did for vi but
sevi is just a sweetie pie and i want her in my life NOW 🤬
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surpriserose · 3 years
Chris can u please please fancast part 8 I need to know how bad it would be
God.......these keep making me realize idk like any of the big actors now or at least the ones under fucking 40 now who the fuck are any of the 25 year olds playing high schoolers now and why do they have rabid fanbases the second they come out of the factory
Anyways major jojolion spoilers ahead 🥰🥰🥰
Josuke is dylan sprouse because they wanted to cast cole sprouse to get the jughead vibes but they fucked up. It works way better though because dylan is extremely confused the whole time because people wont stop calling him cole and referencing riverdale and it transfers to his acting <3
Yasuho is hunter Schafer because i can and will make trans yasuho canon idc also i get closer to googling euphoria cast more and more each time i do these and im sure she would do a good job playing yasuho because yasuho is gonna be an angsty manic pixie dream girl now :)
Rai is adam driver which is bad casting because adam driver has no ass and hes gonna play rai as very serious but like a broody sexy serious way so its even more inaccurate........reylos become railos
Joshu is ben platt who still thinks hes playing evan hansen if only because he can also pull off the lmm shitting his pants pose. Joshu becomes a misunderstood soft boy UwU 🥺
Norisuke is willem dabestie and he is losing it every scene especially compared to all the bland actors hes surrounded with like just imagine what would happen if he guest starred on riverdale and also had to be one of the 50 dilfs
Daiya is OBVIOUSLY katherine langford from 13 reason why because shes your new favorite actress from your new favorite show :)
Hato is scarlett Johansson because it would make me cry hato is gorgeous and im sorry scarlett Johansson is one of the ugliest women Hollywood tries to sell to me shes nothing
Jobin....who is the least dilfy actor...hmmm...david harbour the fucker from stranger things sorry he was a dilf in season 1 but 2 and 3 were very 🤨🤨🤨 i dont like the way youre interacting with your love interest mister and thats exactly what happens with jobin he is no longer peak wifeguy
Mitsuba is like...so im trying to get someone to capture the vibes of leonardo DiCaprio ditching his girlfriends once theyre like 26 but with jobin and mitsuba so im thinking like omg lili Reinhart the bestie the icon betty from riverdale herself <3 im actually not being sarcastic for once i think lili reinhart is really good but mitsuba is going to be a total ditzy trophy wife so like riverdale lili Reinhart is stuck making the best out of a role she's too good for idc
Omg i almost forgot kaato im so sorry kaato i want real milf hours so sigourney weaver idc shes hot as shit kaatos hot as shit listen i think we deserve ONE good casting and this is it
Tsurugi is like okay i know hes 9 but theyve got like a cgi reneesme baby thing going on and you can clearly see the actors just holding a doll in half the scenes
Kei is taissa farmiga you know the lady from like American horror story season one/three and like nothing else? The one whos like peak go girl give us nothing most of the time? Yeah shes kei because kei was also given nothing 😔😔😔
Kira is im sorry for going for low hanging fruit again but its timothee chalamet they have the same swoopy hair thats enough for me and i think he can probably pull of total asshole bad boy but women love him anyways because who fucking knows and kira is no longer just some weirdo hes a heartthrob 😔😔😔 i think for the flashbacks they make kira the popular bad boy and josefumi the nerdy nice boy fighting over karera
Josefumi is holy shit does anyone remember ansel elgort he used to be so big he was the hot young marketable man for a while despite his last name sounding like off brand gogurt but anyways hes mr the fault in our stars so you know hes got the right vibes of ya love interest for fanon josefumi
Karera is like fuck it shes Jennifer Lawrence she started acting again just in time UwU and they strip karera of all her actual weird girl tendencies and make her an omg so relatable quirky woman who somehow still has no personality
Tooru is the reigning king of fluffy hair andrew Garfield because everyone loves him but he doesnt get to have his cinnamon roll hair thats TOO fluffy and theyre not gonna pay makeup and hair ppl jack shit. I think mx. Garfield is totally down to play tooru and he can definitely do it like just do whatever he did in the social network i guess but the director is like no....be a nerdy awkward uwu man until the big twist that youre a villain 😮😮😮 and it doesnt work at all so tooru becomes a jumbled mess </3
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Yasugap canon....but at what cost...
Tooru x josuke is the reigning mlm ship and rai x yasuho becomes the reigning woman ends up with a man she detests ship because omg she can fix him even tho rais like fine and also every interaction they have is an argument
Kaato now only committed a little bit of accidental murder because we cant have women with flaws and actually doing awful shit also she and norisuke get back together
Daiya doesnt like prog rock now shes on stan twitter instead and thats half her personality just like it is for meeeee <3
I think the writers are really torn between making joshu purely a misunderstood nice guy or making him the incel that he is and making jokes about that so they do both and it ends up really gross but its not treated like that
I probably should have casted holly but im like 95 sure this becomes a total romcom with the main struggle being like josuke being torn between yasuho and karera since hes now the perfect man for her since kira and josefumi died and combined dvshjsjs meanwhile yasuho is torn between josuke and tooru
Kei is now a closeted lesbian with a crush on hato who is cishet 😔 and thats her conflict honestly wouldnt be surprised if they completely erase her being kiras sister
.....dance party ending
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