#๐Ÿšช shikishima ๐Ÿ‘ ic
@young-botanical-genius / continued
America. The word, alongside the questioning tone of voice, caught Seymour's attention; a glimmer of clarity amongst the rest of the indecipherable messages from the other man. Eyes brightening and brows raising in recognition, he nodded.
"...Yes...Yes...! I am..." he trailed off briefly, wondering just how much the other man could understand English, if he could at all. He still wasn't quite sure if this intruder intended to hurt him or to steal any of what little possessions he owned, but if he did, maybe there was still a way to dissuade him from doing so. He just had to play it safe and follow along.
"...I am...I am American." Seymour spoke slowly, almost exaggeratedly; taking care to emphasize and enunciate every syllable that emerged from his lips. "...T-This is America. America." he gave another nod, gaze darting around as he searched the man's face for any sign of comprehension. He tried smiling a bit, but anxiety was still written all over his features. "...New York?"
Shikishima's eyes narrowed in thought. New York? That was one of the biggest cities. It was all over their movies, their exports, commercials, propaganda. Odo Island was nowhere near New York. It was in the Pacific Ocean, near Japan.
... He had been taught the most basic of basic English, given that was what their enemy in the war spoke. Mostly the wartime essentials -- hands up, come with us, drop your guns. Maybe he could try to communicate with this man, figure out what was going on? He reluctantly let go of Seymour's shirt, and looked him up and down. He wasn't dressed like any of the yankee soldiers... he had big glasses (was he smart?), and relatively shoddy clothing. Shikishima by comparison wore a bomber jacket and a standard issue set of clothing.
"We are in... America. New York," he said, speaking slowly, unsurely. "How did I get here? Who are you? American soldier? Am I your prisoner?"
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[Muse list changes:
Removed Kirie
Adding Shikishima and/or Noda from God.zilla Minus One (because they've been living rent free in my head the last month) and will update the pinned accordingly, hopefully this weekend.
Added a read-more to the pinned post โ€” might make a muses carrd or something instead so I don't clog up character tags; cant decide.]
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