#young botanical genius
miss-polly · 8 months
@young-botanical-genius ;
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Despite her nature, Polly had started looking forward to her trips to the florist. Flowers and plants decorated her shop, and she got a new bouquet for the front counter every other week. Today, she was thinking about something purple, or maybe blue, but it was all a matter of what Seymour thought best.
She entered hesitantly, as if she still wasn't sure she was allowed to be here, but smiled brightly at the sight of her friend. "Hiya, I'm back again. Anything exciting happen since I was last hear?"
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@young-botanical-genius / continued
America. The word, alongside the questioning tone of voice, caught Seymour's attention; a glimmer of clarity amongst the rest of the indecipherable messages from the other man. Eyes brightening and brows raising in recognition, he nodded.
"...Yes...Yes...! I am..." he trailed off briefly, wondering just how much the other man could understand English, if he could at all. He still wasn't quite sure if this intruder intended to hurt him or to steal any of what little possessions he owned, but if he did, maybe there was still a way to dissuade him from doing so. He just had to play it safe and follow along.
"...I am...I am American." Seymour spoke slowly, almost exaggeratedly; taking care to emphasize and enunciate every syllable that emerged from his lips. "...T-This is America. America." he gave another nod, gaze darting around as he searched the man's face for any sign of comprehension. He tried smiling a bit, but anxiety was still written all over his features. "...New York?"
Shikishima's eyes narrowed in thought. New York? That was one of the biggest cities. It was all over their movies, their exports, commercials, propaganda. Odo Island was nowhere near New York. It was in the Pacific Ocean, near Japan.
... He had been taught the most basic of basic English, given that was what their enemy in the war spoke. Mostly the wartime essentials -- hands up, come with us, drop your guns. Maybe he could try to communicate with this man, figure out what was going on? He reluctantly let go of Seymour's shirt, and looked him up and down. He wasn't dressed like any of the yankee soldiers... he had big glasses (was he smart?), and relatively shoddy clothing. Shikishima by comparison wore a bomber jacket and a standard issue set of clothing.
"We are in... America. New York," he said, speaking slowly, unsurely. "How did I get here? Who are you? American soldier? Am I your prisoner?"
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Audrey stirred as morning light began to filter through the cotton curtains that hung in the bedroom window of the little green house on a little green street in a little green town. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled as her gaze landed on a red cardinal perched on the window box, singing in welcome to the morning sun. She watched the bird for a while, her head resting on Seymour’s chest, his arm still around her. In typical Audrey fashion, she had completely forgotten what today was: the 14th of February. Of course, she’d gotten Seymour a little something sweet earlier that week and then tucked it into a hiding spot in the closet, she just had forgotten that today was the day. Equally, she had learned not to expect anything from Valentine’s Day, and didn’t want to get her hopes up and then be disappointed – despite the endless love Seymour had showered her with thus far. In the meantime, she let her mind wander as she waited for Seymour to also wake up. She didn’t want to get up just yet, both because she didn’t want to disturb him and because she was enjoying the quiet morning. Waking up next to Seymour and snuggling up until they grew hungry for breakfast was her favorite part of the day. It seemed the epitome of the simple life she had imagined: they didn’t have anything to fret about and could easily hide away under the covers from the lingering worries of their past.
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pit-of-maggots · 7 months
STARTER FOR @young-botanical-genius 🌼🐛
It was the dead of night... two cloaked figures walked the streets of Skid Row until they reached the closed front entrance to the botanic shop they've been observing a while.
"I'm not positive I agree with using my children as guinea pigs, Beatrice." The High Priest hissed under his breath as the woman gently placed the basket, it's contents neatly hidden by the fluffy pink blanket inside it, in front of the door of the little shop.
The idea of one of his children potentially being killed, or worse, being poorly looked after- infuriated the fly-man. And he wasn't fond of treating his spawns as if they were disposable objects.
"It is not a guinea pig, so you better watch your tongue before you question my actions, Concetto." The woman spat back with indignance in her voice, although it was quiet whispering- her words were still piercing. The man remained quiet, he and the woman had a staring contest for what felt like an eternity as if they were fighting eachother via who could give a more accusatory stare at the other.
Finally, Beata Maria spoke again: "I have kept my eye on the boy that... resides here. He will care for the youngin like he cares for the plants."
"And if he doesn't?"
With that insinuation that she was wrong, she remained silent, once again staring daggers at her co-leader. She inched close to the man until they were face to face, furiously staring at one another as they (quietly) fought verbally about who was righteous.
" Vedremo. ( ' We'll see. ' ) " She simply said, before one of her arms stretched out, adapting the form of a long, black tentacle and proceeding to... 'knock' on the door of the shop, calling it knocking was putting it lightly- the tentacle practically slammed against the door twice so hard it probably scared awake nearby homes, it was a miracle the door didn't break down. Concetto quickly went to hug the little basket, giving one last good bye, before he and his companion vanished into the shadows.
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houseflyy · 5 months
@young-botanical-genius ; cont.
Melody didn’t mind the human who came close and watched her now. She didn’t fret over what else could get near when a human had their eye on her—a looming hand, rolled-up papers, or one of those dreadful sticks with all the holes in the flat end. Instead, she kept on playing and even began showing off a little. See how far she could dive down! Watch how quick she could dart back up!
It was too bad he was much too big to play with her this way. Otherwise, she would have come up and asked him. She would have to think of a different game to present to him… But not before one last round of this one.
She’d really impress him this time. Melody rose once more into the air, higher than she had yet been, so much that it would take a mere couple hundred wingbeats to reach the ceiling. She looped around several times to make sure she had his full attention and called out, “Look at me! Look at me!” Then she let her wings go still and dived.
It was a drop too far and quick, made worse because she missed the mark.
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“—Ah!” Melody bounced right off the edge of a stray rose petal and tumbled down onto a leaf, then another, then onto the soil at the bottom, out of view.
Right on her head was how she landed, a good thing, as her cap helped prevent bad falls. But it couldn’t stop the wooziness or the smidge of disappointment she felt now, having messed up that way. Messing up wasn’t impressive. How could that have happened? Melody sat within her cap and rubbed her eyes and face to clear her head.
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Viral Video (S.R.)
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Summary: Someone recognizes Spencer and Reader from a viral video. Request: Spencer and Bau!Reader are secretly dating and while they’re hanging out with the team someone recognizes them from a photo posted on some Insta/TikTok of them being all lovely dovey in public. Like dancing or holding hands or something Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader Category: Fluff Content Warning: None! Word Count: 1.1k
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There is something idyllic about a cafe in the early morning. Even with the busy, bustling people, it’s calm compared to the BAU bullpen. That was why, at least once a week, a few of you would sneak out to grab a quiet(er) cup of coffee.
On this day, however, work begins to bleed into the reprieve. Although she isn’t a profiler, Penelope’s attention is fully captured by someone seated behind you. You almost think to ask her what’s going on, although you assume, like usual, she is simply distracted by a beautiful man.
But, as you quickly learn, it’s somewhat of the opposite.
“Why is that teenage girl staring at you two?”
Curious, you glance over your shoulder before you answer. You spot the young woman easily, in part because she tried to hide her ogling the moment you’d turned around.
Using basic logical deduction, you shrug.
“She’s probably staring at Spencer,” you say.
“Why would she be staring at me?” he asks.
On another day, you would mock him for such a stupid question. But you were feeling merciful, so you offer him a simple reassurance.
“You’re very attractive.”
“What?” he balks, “Who thinks that?”
He wouldn’t get his answer.
“No, she’s definitely looking at both of you,” Penelope corrects kindly.
Anxiety begins to blossom throughout your chest as the pressure mounts. You clutch your coffee mug tighter to try to fight the urge to bolt.
The small idiosyncrasy is enough to pique Emily’s interest.
“I don’t think so,” you answer late and with a notable urgency.
You can feel Emily’s eyes on you, burning through your defenses at an alarming rate. You’re almost relieved when you notice her attention shift.
But the panic quickly returns when she speaks.
“Looks like we’re about to find out.”
Slowly, you turn to reveal exactly what you’d expected to find. The young woman stood awkwardly, complete with a nervous smile and her phone held tightly against her chest.
“Sorry, this is super awkward, but are you two the couple from that video in the botanical gardens?” she asks.
You glance at Spencer, who mostly seems perplexed by the question. You are hoping he provides the right answer.
He doesn’t. Instead, he just says, “What?”
“No, sorry,” you shout over him at the same time Penelope asks the question you were dreading.
“What video?”
The girl is thankfully too caught up in your defensive response to answer.
“Oh, I just figured because you’re wearing the same dress and he—,”
From the corner of your eye, you see Emily’s mouth open with an amused shock.
Much louder this time, you squeak, “You have the wrong people, sorry!”
But the others are too intrigued. Over your protests and across the table, Emily shouts, “No, wait, I want to see the video!”
“No, we don’t,” you insist to no avail, “No, we can let the teenage girl go back to her teenage girl life.”
“Sure,” Penelope agrees.
You are almost hopeful until she continues.
“She’s free as a bird… after she shows us the video.”
You can’t blame the girl. She doesn’t realize what she’s doing when she hands the phone to the tech genius and staunch romantic Penelope Garcia. She knows naught of the terror she is inflicting on the pitiful couple she so clearly adores.
You wonder whether you could factor the cost of a teenage girl’s phone into your budget. You decide that you can’t.
As soon as the screen lights hit her eyes, Penelope gasps.
Even without seeing it, you know what it shows. That day is so burned into your brain that it is replaying before you can even think to stop it.
You can almost feel the light summer breeze on your skin. Briefly, your mind is tricked into smelling the hundreds of blooming flowers. You give into the memory, allowing yourself to escape to that magical place—the little garden with its unavoidable romance where the two of you stole a moment.
It was just a dance, a kiss, a silent exchange of sweet nothings. It was something beautiful enough to make up for all the horrors that plagued every other day in your lives.
It was meant to be a secret. Neither of you had realized that there had been at least one person in the audience (and now, unbeknownst to you, millions more).
Still, as you bask in the warmth of a precious memory, you admit to yourself that you wouldn’t have changed it even if you could.
Soon after, you are transported back to the cafe with a chorus of “Awwwe.”
“Oh, how sweet is that?” Emily whispers through a smirk.
You are trying to turn your glare into daggers but it’s difficult when you can’t unpuff stubborn, frustrated cheeks.
“I need this air dropped to my phone like, five minutes ago,” Penelope urges while frantically tapping the poor screen.
Beside the chaos, you swear you see Spencer smile.
“I need to save this and preserve it for a million years,” Penelope practically yells, “Thank you for this. Thank you!”
“You’re welcome?” the young girl laughs. Then, to be clear, she turns to you once more and asks, “So, it is you two, right?”
You sigh.
“Yes. Yes, it is.”
“Oh my god! That’s so cool!” she squeals. “I have like, a million questions.”
“I do, too,” Emily chimes in coolly, “Like, when’s the wedding?”
“Can I be a bridesmaid?” Penelope follows up.
Finally, the girl realizes her error.
“Did they not know?” she gasps.
You don’t know how to answer without making everything worse. So, you dodge the question with a very related proclamation.
“I’m never leaving my house again.”
She is unpersuaded by your disinterest.
“You two are still together, right?” she asks.
For the first time since the start, Spencer speaks. With a lovesick smile plastered on his face, and without a hint of shame, he answers, “Yeah, we are.”
“Do you have social media? So many people would follow you.”
Spencer is wholly uninterested. He looks at you instead, only to find that you have buried your head in your hands.
“Seriously, it’s like right out a storybook,” she continues to gush.
“No, sorry, we don’t.”
His eyes are still on you. His smile grows wider when you abandon your wallowing and begin to wrestle Penelope for the teenager’s phone.
He knows all about the woman behind the tough facade. He recalls her with perfect clarity and even begins to find a hint of her through your almost imperceptible smile.
“But feel free to tell everyone not to worry,” Spencer reassures the somewhat disappointed young woman. “There really is such a thing as a happily ever after.”
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Reid Taglist (Everything Reid): @mrs-dr-reid , @dreatine , @hopefulfangirl24 , @laurakirsten0502 , @dontcallmekittens , @rintheemolion , @andreasworlsboring101 , @imsuperawkward , @wentz2005 , @lovejules888 , @dashneydanger , @materialisthicc , @violetspoetic , @mslowlife 
Complete Taglist (All Works): @cynbx , @emsma11 , @mediocre-writer , @fightingdragonswithwho , @andiebeaword , @jayyeahthatsme 
Thanks for reading!
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yaksha-garden · 6 months
@young-botanical-genius | Continued from x
To be honest, Eden's main worry was if that stranger had noticed them speaking English just before switching to Bengali. They waited and watched her step out of earshot (well, they were pretty sure she'd be out of earshot, what with all the noise in this city). Then, they turned back to the botanist here -- a young man, nice-seeming, nervous-seeming, confused-seeming.
Ah. Right. He did hear all that.
Eden opened their mouth, then closed it. Really, it was purely an act of pettiness. Eden hardly felt bad about it -- who walks up to a stranger clearly having a conversation to ask for directions? -- but there was no dignified way of explaining that.
Their eyes darted back to the side -- the stranger had walked out of sight -- and then back.
After a pause, they shrugged. "I didn't want to talk to her," they said. "Besides, I only arrived what, last week? How am I supposed to give directions?"
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halfdeadsacrifice · 2 months
@young-botanical-genius | Continued from x
Most people (understandably, sensibly) sought to get away from Skid Row. Unfortunately, Vayu had fucked up monumentally, and if he didn't salvage everything within the week, an apartment in Skid Row, with a spare frame-less mattress and a very awkward roommate situation, might be the only thing left waiting for him.
(Unless, of course, he mustered up the courage to call his sister. But let's be realistic. He wasn't gonna do that.)
His mind got lost wandering, embroiling itself in petty interpersonal worries like oh God where else am I gonna live if she breaks up with me? How do I fix this? God dammit you idiot, as he stared through the roses, too much to notice the one employee in the store until he literally bumped into him.
Vayu turned and apologized instinctively, raising his hands. "Sorry, no, no, I'm fine, are you okay? Uh..."
He trailed off. Something seemed wrong, just a little bit. Not that the man in front of him was offputting, anything but, but he seemed uncomfortable... or in pain? An expression of concern crossed his face. "Is something wrong?"
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mirikitakato · 4 months
[Translation] Reflections of the Moon in the Teardrops of Pavone: Episode 2
Cain: ...Ah, but seems like the antidote can't cure humans and wizards yet.
Bradley: Isn’t that a given? Who'd wanna be a guinea pig for that? It's a freaking poison experiment. One wrong move and you're toast. Even if the antidote works later, it's still enough to make you wish you were dead.
Shylock: But it's a great discovery that an antidote has been made. I look forward to the day when this bud of wisdom blooms and bears fruit.
In the midst of everyone's focus on the groundbreaking discovery, they belatedly noticed the wizard who was still reading the newspaper.
Murr: .....
Akira: Murr, what's wrong?
Murr: Nope, just saw a name I never expected.
Murr muttered, dropping his gaze from the article.
Murr: The one who announced the antidote is Dr. Keith Bird....It's not Angelo.
[Next day]
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Akira: Fuuuuaahm….
The day after sharing drinks under the moon, I was walking down the Magic Manor’s hall, yawning.
Akira: I was up all night, dragged around by Murr and the others….Huh? Wow!
There, five wizards were dressed in sophisticated clothes that blended intelligence and playfulness.
Murr: Wah, it's the Sage! Look at these clothes!
Riquet: Do I look like an intelligent researcher? Come on, Oz, show the Sage your outfit too.
Oz: ...Don't pull on my sleeves.
Akira: You look really cool! Are you all going out together in matching outfits?
Murr: Yup, we're going out together now!
Rutile: We're wearing the clothes Chloe made and going to Murr's friend's place!
Akira: Oh...! Murr's friend is a scholar?
Mitile: That's right! He's a great doctor called the “Young Botanical Genius”.
Rutile: Dr. Angelo Foster is said to be a leading expert in the study of the Taboo Peacock, a plant known for its deadly poison.
Akira: Taboo Peacock...That's...
Murr: The one who announced the antidote is Dr. Keith Bird. ...It's not Angelo.
[End flashback]
Akira: (Wasn’t that the name Murr mentioned last night when talking about the antidote…?)
Murr: I thought of Angelo when I saw the newspaper yesterday! I haven't seen him in a while, so I thought I'd go see him.
Mitile: I'm excited because I heard his laboratory is full of precious herbs. I also want to hear all sorts of stories from Mr. Angelo.
Riquet: I want to see the Taboo Peacock in the laboratory. The sight of its peacock-like leaves swaying in the sunlight must be truly beautiful.
Rutile: Haha, I’m also looking forward to going there for the first time. I've only seen the Taboo Peacock in books, so I want to see the real thing.
The young wizards smiled at each other. Seeing their sparkling eyes and excited hearts, I couldn't help but relax my expression.
Akira: Oz, were you interested in the laboratory too?
Riquet: He followed along because Murr said we were going to play with him, but I don't know why. Why is that, Oz?
Oz: ...I don't know what might happen with that guy as their guide. The nectar that falls from the leaves of the Taboo Peacock contains a deadly poison. They say it's fine if it doesn't get inside your body, but it's too dangerous for young wizards.
Akira: (So he's going along because he's worried about Riquet and the others.)
Mitile: I told Mr. Mithra that I was going out, so I'm all good!
Murr: Come with us, Sage! Angelo's Taboo Peacock is huge and beautiful.
Akira: Is that so…
As I was about to reply, someone entered the hall.
Shylock: Oh, everyone's gathered here.
Murr: Shylock! Who are you here to see? Me? The Sage? Or maybe the fireplace?
Shylock: Murr. I came to tell you about a request that might interest you, but you weren't in your room... Are you planning to go out soon?
Riquet: Yes, we're going to visit the laboratory run by Murr's friend.
Shylock: Murr's friend...? Is it a safe friend?
Murr: As expected, Shylock knows me well!
Riquet: ...? Isn't that not an answer...?
Shylock: Riquet, I'll be going with you too.
Rutile: Mr. Shylock, what kind of request is it that Murr might be interested in...?
Shylock: It's a request to investigate a research institute. Apparently, the Taboo Peacock they were growing there is growing abnormally. They say the owner of the institute is missing, hence the request for the Sage's wizards to investigate.
Murr: What's the name of that research institute?
Shylock: Foster Research Institute. It's a research institute in the Western Country where Dr. Angelo Foster lives.
[At the institute]
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Akira: (Who have thought something strange would happen at the research institute run by Murr's friend...)
After that, we were transported to the Foster Research Institute in the Western Country by Oz's magic. A sprawling courtyard bathed in sunlight greeted us, alongside a building with countless windows. As expected, the building was overrun by the same abnormally proliferating purple plant we had been warned about. The wizards who had originally planned to come to investigate were all here, and…
Akira: I never thought we'd end up here in these clothes.
Shylock: Thanks to Chloe for preparing the extras. Those big glasses look great on you.
Shylock, who came to inform us of the request, and I, the Sage, also came.
Cain: Incredible growth. It feels like the research institute itself is the Taboo Peacock's dwelling.
Bradley: Damn, that's a seriously overgrown Taboo Peacock.
Bradley and Cain, who had been drinking with us last night, were also there.
Riquet: So this is the Taboo Peacock…The leaves really look like a peacock's feathers. Are Cain and Bradley also interested in the Taboo Peacock?
Murr: That's right! I called them!
Bradley: Hey, don't answer for me.
Cain: Hahaha... Of course, I was interested in the Taboo Peacock too. But I'm more interested in Murr's friend.
Bradley: I'm not interested in the Taboo Peacock or the bobby-haired guy's friend.
Mitile: Eh, then why...
Rutile: Don't all Northern wizards have a mission to go to the North together today? Uncle Mithra told me.
Bradley: That's why I'm here. I'd rather hang out with cats and kids than be stuck on a mission with those Northern bastards. Not a fan of Oz being here, though.
Oz: ...If you're unhappy, I can send you to the North any time.
Riquet: Oz, Bradley, please don't fight. You're colleagues on the same mission, so please get along a little better.
Murr: Riquet, a question! What's the standard for getting along well? Psychological distance? Physical distance? If we're going to judge by words or actions, we need some kind of guidelines!
Riquet: Guidelines for getting along well...
Rutile: Examples for physical interactions can be holding hands and hugging.
Riquet: That's easy to understand.
Bradley & Oz: No way I’m doing that.
Cain: Haha, you two are in sync.
Shylock: Well, since there are no problems, shall we start the investigation?
Everyone nodded in agreement and headed towards the entrance of the research institute.
Akira: ......Could this incident be related to the Great Calamity?
Rutile: According to people around here, the overgrown plant appeared on the night of the Great Calamity.
Mitile: It was so abnormal that they called out to the research institute from outside several times, but there was no response.
Murr: People also said that if Angelo doesn't return, the research institute will likely be destroyed.
Mitile: They also speculated that he might have run away because of the overgrown Taboo Peacock.
Murr: Angelo wouldn't do something like that if he was still sane.
Murr stared intently at leaves of the overgrown tree swaying in the breeze.
Murr: Angelo loved this tree as much as I love the moon.
Shylock: “As much as you love the moon”?
Bradley & Oz: If he's like you, he already lost his mind then.
Murr: Maybe!
Cain: Perhaps he has collapsed somewhere inside the research institute?
Murr: Or maybe he's already dead.
Cain: Don't say such unlucky things. Let's hurry up and assess the situation… Who's there!?
Akira: A man in white... Maybe he's involved with this research institute?
Rutile: Is he okay? He looks so disheveled...
Mitile: Ah, he ran away!
Murr: Y~ay, lemme chase ya! Wait for me~!
Akira: M-Murr?!
Riquet: Seriously, don't just run off!
Cain: ...He disappeared in an instant...
Rutile: ...I'm sorry, everyone. Can I follow Murr? I don't know who that man in white is, but he doesn't look well, so I'm worried…
Episode 1 | Episode 3
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miss-polly · 8 months
my url for the url ask meme if that's okay?
urls in review // @young-botanical-genius ;
Do I Follow Them?: Yep!
Why Did I Follow Them?: I saw you writing with Marker and thought you seemed great and then you were great so I followed!
Do We Role Play?: Ye!
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: Also ye naturally!
An AU Idea For Our Muses: Alien plant polly. Don't worry about it. She's not gonna eat people, probably. Some kind of lilo and stitch au where we have to contend with fairy blue and orange morality and human morality and also just a massively powerful little lady eating all the sugar in his pantry
A Song For Our Muses: This one was hard but I think "Somewhere Only We Know." I like Lily Allen's cover of it best so that's the one I'm going with!
Do I Ship Our Muses?: Not really lol, they're both too busy crushing on Audrey.
What I Think About The Mun: You seem super cool! I know we haven't chatted much yet, but you seem chill and have a lot of great character insight for Seymour :3
Overall Opinion: 
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10!
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nobodyimportant41 · 9 months
The Jack Stauber's legacy challenge
Jack Stauber is my favorite solo artist, and i been wanted to write another legacy challenge for a while now. So i checked if someone wrote it already and it looks like no!
Before starting...:
I'm only doing micropops ONLY because they usually larger and have more of a story
Im from Argentina, so i may spell some things wrong
As always, i may change some lyrics or interpret them on my own way
The generations will not follow their launch order, the order will be only for storytelling
Non-heir sims don't have to have names related to others songs, but i would recommend for having more fun!
This challenge contains sensible topics such as domestic abuse, low self love and others. Don't read if your sensible
General rules:
Sims don't have to represent their songs phisically, but you can do it if you want to
You choose if the heirs will have the names of their songs or they not (you don't have to put the whole song, for example, for gen2 you can just call they Hamantha)
You can choose the lifespan or edited with MCCC, but i recommend using "normal"
Heir sims can look whatever you want and have any gender/sexuality, but they MUST reflect their personality with their looks
You may use cheats for storytelling
OPTIONAL: each generation must have a different type of teeth
Of course, if you don't have certain DLC, you can change/skip certain goals
Ep: Seasons (gen 1 and 2), Be famous (gen 2 and 10), Get to work (gen 3) , Snowy Escape (gen 4)
Gp: Parenthood (gen 8)
Sp: Vintage glamour (Gen 9)
Gen 1; Bumblebees are out:
Story: Your mother died when you were very young and your father started drinking WAY too much nectar and he started to physically abuse you... luckily, one time when he passed out decided to escape to never go back. You were only yourself and your will to become someone better than your parents...
Loves the outdoors
Complete the freelance botanic aspiration
Max the gardening and fishing skills
Max the gardener career (any branch)
Start this challenge running away from your home
Have a bee box
Rescue a stray cat or dog
Gen 2; The ballad of Hamantha:
Story: You grew up with people telling you how pretty you were but it doesn't matter how much thry told it to you, you still felt ugly.. you only dreamed of becoming the best film star in the world! Will you finally achieved it with what you call your "fat like ham face"?
Complete the world famous celebrity aspiration
Max the acting and singing skills
Max the acting career
Get struck by lighting at least once
Die before/during being an elder
Gen 3; Doctor:
Story: You were always a serious person which all that matter to them was becoming an succesful doctor, you only cared about studying medicines and sickness, until you met that coworker, it was love at first sight, even if that person only wanted to have fun and become a jokestar AND after being hurt by your teen love?
Complete the soulmate aspiration
Max the logic and wellness skills
Max the doctor career
As a teen, be into a toxic relationship and break with them as a young adult
Marry a coworker with an opposite personality
Gen 4; Fighter:
(This is the best Jack's song and i will not elaborate)
Story: Since you were a kid, you always loved your bestfriend; MORE than just like a friend. You wanted to show them how "strong" and brave you were! But each time you tried to impress them, you became nervous by their presence and end up ruining EVERYTHING. You were pretty ashamed of yourself but they found it adorable! No matter what, you said to yourself that you will show them that you were a strong fighter!
Self centred
Complete the body builder aspiration
Max the fitness and rock climbing skills
Max the athletic career (bodybuilder branch)
Marry your childhood best friend
Win as few fights as you can
Gen 5; Baby hotline:
Story: Romance has always been your favorite topic besides technology. You could spend days thinking about how cute couples were!.. but there was a problem with you, you didn't wanted to have a partner, you wanted to have lots of them! Maybe you could create a hotline for singles...
Complete the serial romantic aspiration
Max the charisma and programming skills
Work as an freelance programmer
All your apps you create must be romance related
Watch the romance channel at least once a week
Gen 6; Dinner is not over:
Story: Your parent had MANY partners at the same time while you..well..the fact that they bring a new sim EACH NIGHT made you dislike the idea of romance. Whats the idea of having a relationship if it doesn't matter? You could use that time on cooking!
Complete the master chef aspiration
Max the gourmet cooking and mixology skills
Max the culinary career (any branch)
Revive after becoming a ghost
Never got into a serious relationship before passing to the next gen
Gen 7; Cupid:
Story: you were always a cruel secret agent with a stone heart, if you had to get to that secret file, you WILL get that secret file, nothing did matter! Until you met THAT sim, you thought you had found your soulmate! But later than sooner you discovered that they were only using for information...Why did cupid had to be this cruel?
Complete the mansion baron aspiration
Max the charisma and mischief skills
Max the secret agent career (villain branch)
After divorcing, never get into a relationship again
Have twins
Gen 8; Cheeseburger family:
Story: you grew up in a not so happy household because your parent was mostly crying. So your sibling and you tried cheer them up! Sadly, that never happended... you just wanted to have a BIG happy family and cook for them each day...
Family oriented
Complete the big happy family and cheese sandwich aspirations
Max the cooking and parenting skills
Be a stay at home parent
Have at least 5 kids
Adopt at least one pet
Gen 9; Keyman:
Story: You grew up in..not the whealtiest household but in a really happy one! Of course, having many siblings, its hard to stand out, but for you, it was pretty easy! You could write the first thing that come at your mind and your parents will celebrate it! Your sibling weren't very happy...but you didn't cared!
When you moved out, you started falling in love with your neighboor! But when they moved with you and decided to hire a butler, you notice that you ALSO found the butler quite cute...
Self centred
Complete the best seller author aspiration
Max the piano and writing skills
Max the writer career (journalist branch)
Marry one of your neighboors
When married, cheat with the butler and have a kid with them (this kid MUST be the next heir)
Gen 10; There's something happening:
Story: Your family situation was never great since your step parent didn't really like you and your other parent (gen 9's butler) didn't wanted to aknowledge you... but luckily, your classmates really liked you and your extravagant fashion sense! You always told the world that they were looking at the next best fashion designer of the WHOLE simworld!
Complete the fabulously wealthy aspiration
Max the Photography and knitting skills
Max the fashion influencer career (stylish branch)
Become at least a 3 starts celebrity
Marry someone who shares at least one of your traits
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scrivellc · 6 months
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"I'm actually here to buy some flowers, but of course, if you don't want my business I can easily go somewhere else," Orin said, his eyes narrowing slightly as he gazed down at the shrimpy guy who stood in front of the counter. He had definitely heard his name multiple times before, but Orin couldn't quite grasp it in the moment, his thoughts all jumbled together and hazy through the fog of his high.
He'd come here on a serious sort of mission, but that wasn't going to stop him from making himself feel too dopey to completely comprehend his own intentions. He'd found out very quickly on the way over here that if he thought about the actual reason he was buying a bouquet that his feelings had an uncomfortable way of cropping up. He was still determined to get this done, but only if he remained a few clicks above reality. "But I'd rather spend my money here, or is it not good enough?"
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Ingvar's fingers gingerly curled around Audrey, carefully lifting her from her solitary window and into the open air, before the two hands cupped so as to prevent her from falling.
The other man needn't know. He needn't find out. They would be gone for only a moment.
He slowly knelt upon the ground, cautious not to tread upon any of the myriad flowers there, then, and placed Audrey carefully upon it — and in front of a waiting Seymour.
Audrey’s heart pounded in her chest as she rose into the air. She gripped the tip of Ingvar’s finger like a lifeline, squeezing her eyes shut as the breeze ruffled through her hair. When she sensed that the downward motion had stopped, she slowly opened them again. For a moment, she sat in the palm of Ingvar’s hand, gazing around and working up the courage to take her first step into the real world. She trusted that Ingvar and Seymour would keep her safe, though there was the lingering fear that she’d be found out. But after spending her afternoons talking with Seymour about the human world, Audrey was beginning to realize that being held captive was not a form of protection, but rather a form of cruelty. And apart from the obvious reasons for fear, there were other reasons for her moment of hesitation…like the fact that she’d never felt the feeling of grass between her toes. She had no shoes, they were never something she needed living in the tower all her life. Tentatively, she uncurled one leg and gingerly placed her foot on the ground. It was surprisingly soft and slightly squishy - which was a bit alarming for a second. Slowly, she set her other foot down and stood up, still holding on to Ingvar’s finger for support. She giggled at the way the grass and flowers tickled her feet, and she knelt down and ran her fingers through the green that she’d admired from her window for so long.
She stood up slowly, her cheeks pink with a hint of embarrassment. Here she was being marveled by grass, which was a completely normal and mundane thing to Seymour. “Sorry I’ve just…neva’ done this before,” She couldn’t hide her smile, which was about as bright as the sun that shone down upon them.
( @young-botanical-genius )
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Mourning a dear friend (verse)
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My dear friend A passed away.
We are close in age and met in our early 20s.
A and his friends were eating at a certain natural food restaurant.
I heard someone say, ``Trihalomethane (*1) ...''
Since that was my specialty, I called out to him from behind.
That's the encounter.
He is an acupuncturist, and his girlfriend who was also present
After that, I started working at a botanical garden. The strongest couple.
He is someone who cannot fit into one profession.
Most of the work he has been involved with
Now he can do more than a professional job.
He called me a ``genius,'' but he was a ``super genius.''
If I were to compare him to an animal, you could say he was a ``capable four-legged beast, a bear.''
There were a lot of things going on, and the happy times outweighed the sad ones.
But I said goodbye to him twice.
I thought plants, especially wildflowers, were precious, but
He had a strong air of disdain for wildflowers.
"I'm not as versatile as you think.
If I were to be reborn, I would like to become a chickweed.”
I wrote a letter to him.
A few years later, I contacted him and we resumed our friendship.
However, I wrote my book ``Eating Wildflowers - Nourishment (JIMI)!!''
When I tried to write it, I used the comfrey (*2) item as a sample.
When I sent it to them and asked for their opinions,
“Comfrey is a poisonous plant, people who irresponsibly published it and ate it
Will you be held responsible if they get poisoned? "and.
(Even wild plants with the same poison will not addict you unless you overeat them.)
That's what I thought. Listening to Mr. A's words,
"That's enough," I said and hung up.
After that, I stopped contacting him.
If someone says, "It's too young, Morishita," that's all that matters.
I thought, ``At the time of Chickweed,'' I realized that nothing of A had changed.
I was disappointed.
So I stopped dating. Even so, he still gave me New Year's cards.
Mr. A has left this world.
"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. A. Let's meet again in another world."
BGM: Self-Portrait (Ryuichi Sakamoto)
(*1) Trihalomethane: A carcinogenic substance contained in tap water as a result of chlorination.
(*2) Comfrey: An herb native to Russia. Contains vitamin B12.
           BGM: Self-Portrait (坂本龍一)
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orionicchaos · 1 year
Boys will be dandelions
a genshin impact smau | Kaveh x transmasc!reader
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cyno, don't. - Kaveh's friends
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Kaveh - truly the school's darling. The best in his course (architectural arts), he's promised a bright future as an architect. He's bad at handling pressure though, and always finishes his work last minute. Everyone loves him, he's sociable, expressive and his smile can enchant anyone. Everyone can admit that he has a pretty face (except Al Haitham, he would die before admitting it).
Al Haitham - the school's genius : he cumulates four courses (mathematics, physics, literature and foreign languages) and his fonction as the president of the students council. He shows up at 30% of his classes and always ends up first at every tests and exams. The school is super lax with him because he's an incredible president and great at nearly everything, except feelings and communication.
Tighnari - a sarcastic, yet kind student following the biology and botanic courses. Started a ftm transition last year, and one of his only support was Kokomi at that time. Changed uni with them for the one they're currently in, and they became friends with Kaveh and the other. He's great at teaching things and a lot of students will go look for him after every class for explanations of what was going on.
Cyno - his favourite life being is his dog, a young black and white border collie named Zip. He follows the history course (the same as [Name]s). Didn't really care about what people think of him but one time he overheard other students saying he was scary, so he started to try smiling and doing random jokes... which didn't make people laugh but that's beyond the point. He's agender but uses he because it's simply easier.
Kokomi - another student who is great at school. Follows the literature course and is the book club's president. She's also Al Haitham's assistant and ze truly does god's work : without them, Al Haitham would need twice the amount of coffee he usually drinks in one day. With Bennett, they're the group's emotional support : they're both the reason why no one did a burn out (yet). Intersex and genderfluid, xe doesn't really hide it but they do not talk about it often as it's still a controversy with the other students.
Yoimiya - doesn't do so great at school but eh ! who cares anyway, she'll just take over her dad's business and that'll be wonderful. A real sweetheart, helps people when they lack self-confidence. Queen of everyone's heart but hers belongs to Ayaka : Ayato's little sister. Fan of all kind of musics before the 2000's, and her absolute favourite is Queen.
Bennett - he's not that bad at school he's just.. unlucky. Will answer perfectly to every questions of the first page but will forget there's a second. He'll run out of ink or corrector in the middle of a test, lose his notes or forget his project in the dorms. Everyone is convinced he'd be a top student without his bad lucky, seeing how much of a hard worker he is. Stopped growing at 15 and is now stuck being 5'3. If you hurt Bennett, you'll get hurt in return (Cyno put that knife away-). His favourite animals are bunnies.
Ayato - oh boy, Ayato needs coffee. A lot. He's the official head of Kamisato Corp, a multi-billionaire business, even if he's still in uni. He's helped by a ton of older employees who have been working with his parents before they died and his sister, so he mainly attends meetings and events. He's also part of the students council, and is Al Haitham's second assistant. He's quite the busy type of people, but he always makes sure to keep time for his friends. Follows an economic course. He deals with a lot of pressure and expectations from people, in more fields than one..
• except for Yoimiya, none of them are present in Summer Love Club *cheer for me*
• Kaveh my beloved
• Also i don't understand why Bennett is never present in any smau like what did my boy do to you :(
• Don't mind the joke in Cyno's profile.....
cred : @orionicchaos
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adaginy · 7 months
It is baffling* and slightly horrifying to me how many people see a Weird Plant and assume it's GMO.
well not super baffling, people are very disconnected from their food and plants in general
Now, in defense of the person commenting "GMO" about this pink pineapple, yeah, there are GMO pink pineapples. But you'd see them at a grocery store; except for their $30-50 price tag they look like "normal" pineapples until you cut them open. No-one is going to go to the expensive multi-year effort of bioengineering to try to produce this tiny danger fruit. (And i mean fruit in a botanical sense, not an edible sense, because I can tell you just by looking at it that this pineapple does not have much fruit for the effort it'll take to get it. Worse than a pomegranate or a walnut.)
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This is not GMO. This is probably Ananas bracteatus, red pineapple, and then some specific cultivar. Cultivars are like dog breeds, basically. So it'll be called "Ananas bracteatus striatus" or something, roughly equivalent to "Canis familiaris chihuahua" though I'm pretty sure dog breeds don't get marked like that. ;)
And humans made chihuahuas and huskies and so on well before we knew what a gene is! Dogs are a little bit of a special case because their genome is doing some weird things, BUT other domesticated critters have breeds, too. Look at horses. We made Clydesdales and Arabians without knowing what genes are. Holstein and Angus. Rhode Island Red and Silkie. Siamese and Maine Coon. Rabbits, ducks, pigs, goats, pigeons, goldfish! They all have breeds and they all have wild counterparts!
Aside: This isn't how you grow pineapples. This person was asking the internet how to grow her own of this adorable ornamental pineapple that she yoinked from a wedding floral display; she has gotten advice to twist the top out and put it in water until it grows roots.
If humans are breeding plants for a purpose, the result is a cultivar. That's how you get cherry tomatoes and beefsteak, the little dark round watermelons and the great big long stripey ones, bell peppers and jalapenos, kale and broccoli (Brassica oleracea is the dog of the plant world, in terms of unhinged customization). Wanna see something cool? Here's a wild carrot i pulled out of my yard. My handspan is 8 inches almost exactly.
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Another plant that I've seen people claim GMO on: grafted plants.
You may have heard that apples don't grow true to seed, that you "can't" plant apple seeds, etc. Apple genetics are a mess, a constant dice roll, you'd think that planting a honeycrisp seed would get you a tree that's at least half honeycrisp but you might not??? It's complicated, I don't understand, I don't need to, because there is a workaround: You take your one original honeycrisp tree and you snip off twigs and you stick 'em in slits in the bark of a different apple tree (probably a crab apple because they're really sturdy). Or you just cut the top off a young crab apple tree and replace it entirely with a honeycrisp branch. And once those trees are established, you can snip honeycrisp twigs off them and do it again.
And some genius people sell apple trees that have multiple different types of apple in them. You can do that! They're fine with it! This is also how you get citrus trees (and multiple-varieties-citrus-trees); a lot of citrus fruits don't grow true to seed either (some do, some do sometimes, plant reproduction in general is wild, Mendel was lucky he grew peas). AND this is how you get some artist person creating a tree that grew ~40 different Prunus fruits (peaches, cherries, almonds*, all the fruits that look sortof like butts) and having people freak out about GMO. Not what GMO does, not how it works!
*Almonds look like butts if you get them with their entire hull on, but you almost never do. What you think of as an almond shell is basically a peach pit, and the almond "nut" is the seed inside. Don't eat other prunus seeds though.
ADDITIONALLY: for the most part GMOs themselves do not concern me. Adding a gene to corn that makes it resist weed-killer is not going to affect the cows that eat the corn or the humans that eat the cows. What could affect the cows/humans, and the entire fucking ecosystem, is that they're enforcing a monoculture by dousing millions of acres in powerful industrial herbicides. Farmed salmon that grows faster? Cool, we don't pick up genes from what we eat, nothing to worry about -- but if it's producing twice as much poop or something then I want to be sure they're handling the pollution right. These are capitalism problems, not GMO problems.
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