#🥀. a thousand addictive kisses. ⁽ ᵖᶤᵉᶜᵉˢ ᵒᶠ ʰᵉʳˑ ⁾
intcritus · 5 months
How do you deal when you know you’re being irrationally jealous? How do you deal when you know someone’s not willing to give you what you want? // @ Your Witches
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❝ ━ The only time I get irrationally jealous is probably over something silly, like an inanimate object is being held more than me. Or if someone gets the last slice of chocolate cheesecake from my favorite bakeshop. Over people ? Yeah, I don't care enough for that. We're each our own person and there's no need for me to feel that especially if I trust them. ❞ He clicks his tongue, mulling over the second question, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. ❝ ━ There's a thing called consent. If someone is not willing to give me something, then the answer is no. Doesn't matter the context, I'm not that persistent if they've already told me no about it. I just move on. What could I possibly want that badly, anyway ?❞
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❝ ━ Pfft, as if I would get jealous over anything. If I want something, I go and get it. If I want someone, I get them. It's that simple. Life is too short to wonder about the what ifs, go out and have fun. Fuck are ya gonna be jealous for ? ❞ She couldn't remember any time being jealous, she was powerful, beautiful and lived a fufilling life. Who could say the same ? ❝ ━ Depends on what we're talking about. Grimoires, power, sex ? The first two I have in abundance. The latter, well if I need relief, there's toys. If we're just talking about situations where I need something and I get frustrated by people not holding up their end of a bargain, well no one can cancel a spelled contract without worrying about the backlash. ❞
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❝ ━ Mm, then it's a me problem. If I ever feel that way, I need to talk it out. Not just to see why something triggered that jealousy, but also the why it bothered me in the first place. I never want to inspire insecurity in a friend or a partner just because I feel that way without understand the why of it. ❞ A wry smile curls his lips, eyes hidden by the glare from the sun in his glasses, ❝ ━ I've never been big on confrontation. If someone is being stubborn and insistent, I back down immediately. It's not worth the bitterness that would fester in the aftermath. ❞
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dcwnrisen-aa · 2 years
adair made me think of what my magic uses magic feels like to people who can sense it in the air.
lysandra’s is heavy, dense, like a fog that rolled in but unbearable to rbeath in when she’s irate. other times, it’s like when you inhale and the body thinks too much oxygen and panics. 
arsenio’s is cool, but electric, static-y. like you feel cool waters, washing over the space, but the second he loses his temper, it’s like you’re drowning, fighting to get your head above water. or it can feel like the earth itself is shifting beneath your feet, tilting your equlibrium.
hekate’s is…..enormous. it crawls over your skin, making everyone aware that her power is palpable. the second she’s upset, furious even, everything feels out of wack, like it’s literally your mind going hazy, you’re getting naseous, but most of the time, it’s like the world is frazzled, aware of what and who she is. to those she befriends and cares for, it’s warm, all encompassing, like a physical caress, a hug. it’s honestly a lot for those who have first met her. and it doesn’t really dim, it’s just…a big fucking presence. think of when you first see the moon, when it feels like it’s too close to earth, it’s beautiful but the implications of it being so close ? catastrophic.
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dcwnrisen-aa · 2 years
sometimes lysandra likes to traipse around naked when in the middle of the wilderness.
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dcwnrisen-aa · 2 years
lysandra mostly uses her hands and her magic in battle, but she's well versed in using a bow and a staff. she personally likes to use a staff because of the range it gives her, but also because her staff is embued with her magic.
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dcwnrisen-aa · 2 years
lysandra is clingy when she's sleepy, she will be like a whole koala when napping. she will also steal the covers.
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dcwnrisen-aa · 2 years
unlike aj, lysandra keeps a high calorie diet because she knows her body and her magic rely on both her health and emotional state. she's never had a magic overload, but she knows if she doesn't keep up with her regime, the magic will backfire on a bad spell and eat at her.
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dcwnrisen-aa · 2 years
lysandra real life likes to flirt, but most of the time she does it because she finds someone interesting. a lot of times when she finds a guy whose shy and tends to blush easily, she's a demon and will tease them mercilessly.
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intcritus · 1 year
lysandra was a name gifted to her by the fae. she hasn't been called aemilia in a very long time and she doesn't really want to because it reminds her too much of the way her mother used to spit her name along with insults. so she probably won't bring it up unless she trusts you explicitly.
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intcritus · 1 year
if you thought hekate and oceanus were protecting of arsenio, then you haven't come across lysandra once she finds out you've wronged her little brother. she killed their mother for him, so what do you think she'll do to anyone who hurts him ? no fucking mercy.
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intcritus · 1 year
lysandra packs a mean left hook, she doesn't have to use it often because her magic is lethal on its own, but if someone pisses her off enough, she's able to ko them with one punch. and she will step on their prone body when she's walking away.
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intcritus · 1 year
lysandra is very conscious of her own eating habits. it took a very long time to have a good relationship with food and because of that, she eats in a way that doesn't harm her and most of what she eats are fresh fruits and anything that she's caught herself. that and because under her mom's thumb, she used to binge eat when the woman wasn't around and ending up getting an eating disorder. so now, she's mindful of herself so it doesn't make a resurgence.
this is also why she encourages the people she comes across to have a healthy relationship with food and their body, because it's not just important to the body, but the mind.
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intcritus · 1 year
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name: lysandra ( aemilia ) artemis drakos age: in human years, she’s 35 but she’s been alive for more than 9,000+ years. height: 5′8′’ species: demi-god / witch parents: zeus, mom who is deceased ( thankfully ), great-grandpa oceanus who sometimes checks on her whenever she disappears off the map for more than a month. important notes: lysandra did not inherit the earth/nature of her magic much to her mother’s dismay, instead she’s a literal storm, meaning most of her magic revolves around any of the elements of water and air. and inheriting zeus’s lightning and temper, she makes literal storms wherever she goes. 
drakos is the name whispered with awe and fear, for she leaves a trail of bodies in her wake. or atleast that’s the rumor going around. lysandra has been a witch hellbent on exploring what she can do with her power. since the death of her mother, and the end of her abuse, she parted ways with her brother and hasn’t seen him since. it’s not for a lack of trying, lysandra just knows she inherited the worst of her mother’s traits and doesn’t want to remind her brother of all they went through.
 she’s managed to make many enemies in her travels, this particular drakos because she doesn’t mind stepping into an impromptu battle or defend her own honor. most of the time, these situations end with her using her magic to drain the air from someone’s lungs until their grasping their throat and begging for their life. and she barely lets them live, which is when the rumor started. she does not care how others view her because she’s had a long time to come to term with who she is and could care less about it.lysandra does not settle down often but she’s been hovering around aj’s lately and is thinking about moving to where he resides, if only to rekindle their familial relationship. she misses him terrible and truly, he’s the only person who can ground her when her temper gets the best of her.
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dcwnrisen-aa · 2 years
tag dump.
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