#đŸ„ș gracie gonna feed me
freedomfireflies · 1 year
Gracie đŸ„șđŸ„Č I would love to read a blurb from uuu in the future about Harry taking care of YN who’s on her period đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«
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“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Cause I’m trying to see if you’re gonna yell at me or not.”
Your eyes narrow but you can’t help smiling. “Harry, I’m not gonna yell at you—”
“You just yelled at the pizza guy,” he argues.
that wasn’t yelling, I was just
suggesting he find a better place to put his...foot.”
“Exactly.” He crosses his arms and tosses you a smirk. “He’s gonna go home and cry to his mommy tonight.”
“Good. At least someone will coddle his incompetent ass,” you retort under your breath, and this time, it's Harry that rolls his eyes playfully.
“Mhm,” he snorts, taking a step closer. “So
do you promise not to yell at me if I come sit next to you?”
“Keep feeding me chocolate, and I won’t,” you reply innocently, and he laughs as he slides the plate of cookies off the counter to bring over.
Once the treats are in your possession, he takes a seat, tosses an arm around your shoulders, and guides you to his chest.
You settle there, smiling contently as you nibble on a chocolate chip while The Looney Tunes Show plays in the background. You both laugh at Daffy’s antics while Harry presses his cheek to your forehead, and soon, you can’t remember why you were feeling so on edge in the first place.
And then
you do remember.
The first but very familiar wave of cramps rolls over you without warning, and your eyes flutter shut as you steel yourself from the pain. 
This again.
“Goddammit,” you mutter under your breath, wincing some as you set the plate down.
Harry looks down. “What?”
“Nothing. I’m gonna grab the Aleve, I’ll be right back,” you say, gingerly standing to your feet so you can make your way for the bathroom.
Harry watches you closely, gaze rather scrutinizing as he suddenly snatches onto your wrist just before you can scoot by. 
You blink down at him, a little annoyed at the delay.
“What’s wrong?” he asks again, head tilting as he studies you. “Is it the cookies?”
“No, no. They’re fine,” you reassure him quickly, but his eyebrow raises. “They’re good. Very good. I’m just cramping, and I would like it to stop.”
His eyes widen, lips parting as the information dawns on him before he’s suddenly leaping onto his feet. “This is a Code Red?”
You groan, the dreaded nickname making you cringe as you playfully swat him away. “Stop. Don’t call it that.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he nearly gasps, side-stepping past you as he rushes to the kitchen. 
“I did tell you. Just now,” you call as you watch him rummage through the refrigerator. “The hell are you doing?”
For a moment, he says nothing, and you try to peer around his ass to see what he’s looking for.
When he straightens up, you find that he's got a bottle of Sprite in one hand and a bar of dark chocolate in the other.
“I’ve got a whole plan in place,” he says as he turns to you, oddly giddy. “Gemma used to fuck with me about not being prepared, and I got scared she might be right, so
I prepared.”
You can only stare at him, dumbfounded, as he rushes over to shove the items in your hands. “Har...you
are so fucking cute, but I don’t need you to be
prepared. I’ll just take some Aleve, and I’ll be fine—”
He raises a hand, bringing your argument to a halt. “That’s what you would do
if you didn’t have me,” he corrects proudly. “Listen, I don’t know what it feels like, and I can't take it away, but I know it's a bitch to go through. And I feel kind of guilty for not being able to take or experience this pain for you, so
this is the best I can do.”
You fight a large grin as you reach up to squeeze his sweet, little chin between your fingers. “See? Cute. But I don’t need you to experience it for me, baby, I’ll be okay. Just sit down and I’ll be right back.”
A little dejected, he sighs. “Are you sure? Cause
I mean, I made a whole game plan, and...I’ve been doing some research, and
you know, I wanna help.”
And the poor boy looks so disappointed that you can’t help laughing. “A game plan? Oh...my God. Okay, well
now I gotta see this.”
Instantly, he perks up. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you smirk. “I am not calling it Code Red, but
if you wanna take care of me, then I’m certainly not gonna argue.”
Seemingly overjoyed, he dips down to press a kiss to your forehead. “That’s my girl,” he murmurs. “M’gonna take such good care of you. Promise.”
And you know he will.
“All right,” he declares quietly, his entire demeanor shifting as if to lure you into a state of relaxation and bliss. “First things first
let’s get you into a bath, yeah? Get some bubbles, some candles, some soft music. And some Aleve, of course. Give your body a chance to unwind.”
You let him lead you to the bathroom and delicately sit you on the closed toilet seat so he can get the water running and grab your medicine.
And normally you’d argue that you aren’t a child, and can undress and prep yourself just fine, but he’s so gentle with it. So, kind and so in-tune with what you need that you just
don’t feel the need to fight him on it.
The look of adoration doesn’t leave your face as he slips your shirt over your head and helps you step out of your jeans just to kiss you in-between each task.
And while you know he wouldn't care, you force him around while you take off everything else (after all, why ruin the moment?), before you're quickly stepping into the tub.
He asks if you’d like him to join, and you say yes (because why would you say no?), and he’s more than happy to oblige.
For the rest of the evening, he doesn’t leave your side. You spend at least an hour in the bath, your back snug against his chest as he tenderly cups the water in his palm and lets it run down your arms and stomach.
He keeps you warm and surrounded by bubbles. He whispers when he talks, presses kisses to your cheek, and not once do his hands leave you.
He mentions that having an orgasm is supposed to help with cramps, and while you already knew this, you smile at his cheeky efforts.
Once you’ve pruned, you decide to get out, and he implements Phase Two of his plan. He retrieves your favorite pajamas, gets the bed ready, and flips on your comfort movie.
He brings you water, more medicine, a heating pad, and as many snacks as you might need.
He offers to give you space if you need it but is absolutely thrilled when you decline and instead ask if he’ll hold you.
And you watch your favorite movie with him tucked into your side while he continues those lazy touches on your hip and innocent kisses to your neck and shoulder. 
He tells you he’s proud of you, that he loves you, and that he’s so lucky to have you in his life.
And it’s cheesy, and it's a little dorky, and it’s him.
And you love him.
And that’s never gonna change.
But most importantly:
You owe Gemma a huge thank you.
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I'M NOT SURE IF THIS IS WHAT YOU HAD IN MIND, but he's so cute and I'm so glad I got to write it, thank you so much for asking 😭💞 If you wanted a little more, though, or if it's not quite what you had in mind, send me another one and I'll absolutely get on it!
~ Other Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 2 years
fall IS the best season for datesđŸ˜€
you know how your wife feels about outdoor dates. i am taking you soo many places👉👈 we're going apple picking at a very pretty otchard. and to the pumpkin patch if youre into that. and to very legit haunted mazes. and i'm bringing you a warm, spiked cider that's steaming a lil. and i'm taking pictures of you on my phone. and and and you're gonna tell me JUST how you like your s'more so i can cook it that way over our lil bonfire. do you want my coatđŸ„ș
Ah yes, my darling wife, Gracie, is here once more to give me such treats. I hope in kind to do the same, and I suppose this one will be a little different; more of a chat than a drabble but I am sure you won't mind 💛
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It would have to be a double date, you know better than I that I simply cannot leave to do any of these marvelous things without Bokuto knowing and wanting to tag along - and you know I can't say no to him when he's pouting.
So Osamu will have to come along as well, someone to keep Bokuto company as you steal the majority of my time. I'm sure he won't mind too much, we are after all going to an orchid that has a variety of apples and he simply will enjoy picking at the higher quality trees as he daydreams of the desserts he can make for you while he does it.
Of course, with those two along, it would also mean they would have to be in these photos too. So, perhaps we can do a couples shoot? I can get all sorts of beautiful pictures of you and Osamu, with the leaves falling in the background, and capturing just how fond he looks at you. and you in turn can take some fun ones of Bokuto and I! Us in an apple tree, me in his arms, things like that.
The pumpkin patch I think is where we will have to divide and conquer, Boktuo will want to go and see how far the patch goes and will drag me off before I can have a say otherwise. So you'll have to stay with Osamu and look at all the decorative little pumpkins and the ones used for baking while we're gone. But, we will bring back the largest two pumpkins we can find while we are gone.
And despite his protests, I will be taking your arm for the haunted corn maze. We will huddle close together as we try to make out way out and not be too scared of what it has to offer - don't worry I know a trick so we won't get lost. Doubt our men will be so lucky, we may have to wait for them at the exit.
And to end the night back at your place, with delicious homemade apple cider that Osamu made (that you spiked just a little bit), as well as use your firepit to roast marshmallows sounds so nice. We'll put on large sweaters to help keep us cozy and warm as we snuggle deep into our lawn chairs, sipping away at our cocktails as we continue to feed each other smores and giggle over things.
We'll have to be carried to our respected beds at our respected homes (poor Bokuto has so much further to go) but it'll be worth it!
There was a reason we brought them along after all~ 💛
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