#🩸| elder faerie answers |🔪
corrupted-fae-king · 5 months
"It's just that I fell in love with a war, and nobody told me it ended..."
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This an ask and rp blog of an au! This au is a tad bit fucked up! It's very much a Dead Dove: Do Not Eat situation, there is murder and there is attempted necromancy and there is a whole lot of mental breakdowns and blood.
Anyway yeah this is an rp and ask blog for the Corrupted Elder Faerie au by @peppermintstarsonamintyway and @xaytheloser, run by Peppermint! :D
[Bonus Muses!] - Shadow Milk Cookie - ...Silverbell Cookie?...
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corrupted-fae-king · 3 months
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the air was cold... frigid even.. the rumbles of storms can be heard from the south.. getting louder as they inch closer..
and there was the faint smell of.. warm butter? wait.. "..umph!" a thud was heard in the distance, as if a frail body had hit the ground. this thud was followed with a quiet whimper..
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"ah... no.. where.. wh-where is he.. I.. I must find him.." (@askwhitelily teehee :3)
*The moment the scent of warm butter hits the air, Elder Faerie is suddenly paying far closer attention to his surroundings than he was mere seconds ago.*
*His eyes are wide open, his ears are perked. His wings are trembling, itching to launch into flight, in search of the source of the scent.*
*But Elder Faerie does not move the way his body wishes to.*
*He rushes into a sprint, worry and surprise etched across his features as his feet thump against the ground.*
*It's not all that long before he hears the thud, and he hears her voice, and then he sees her.*
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"...B-...Benign Butter?..."
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corrupted-fae-king · 5 months
Elder, where is her coffin? is it in your chambers? ... where you do.. you know..? (Mod Xay (I couldn't find a way to send this ask from the white lily blog-))
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"Everything is in my chambers."
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corrupted-fae-king · 4 months
E-Elder...? Moonflower..?
*The air is hardly still, there's an indistinguishable hum against the wind threatening to roar through the kingdom.*
"...I am here."
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*Elder Faerie clutches a hand over the jam stain on his chest, soaking through his robes.* *His jam.*
"...We are here."
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corrupted-fae-king · 4 months
Elder, are there any fond memories you have of her? like when the two of you were younger??
"...Yes, there are..."
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"I remember we'd often walk through the forest together...the spores always crowded around her, nudging her towards me as we walked...I think they might have known about my feelings before even I did..."
*Elder Faerie looks to be beginning to tear up...*
"...I, remember times where we'd end up dancing in the middle of the night, because neither of us could sleep...a number of those times I had been up all night putting together songs, I was so excited to perform them for her I never could quite bring myself to sleep..."
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"...I'm almost certain she stayed up those nights out of sympathy for me, not wanting me to deal with the morning exhaust alone...she was always so kind, even if she shouldn't have been, or didn't need to..."
*Tears are beginning to prick at the corners of his eyes.*
"...I remember, back when I was still learning to fly, times where I would get injured, manage to tear a wing, crash land and end up covered in dirt..."
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"...She'd...she'd always, help patch me up, mend my wings...help rub away the dirt and debris...she was always, so careful with my wings...so careful with me..."
*Suddenly, he's fallen to his kness.* *Tears are streaming down his face.*
"...I miss her...I miss her so much..."
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"...Benign...come back...please..."
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corrupted-fae-king · 3 months
rate her beauty out of 10 :3
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*The ask said out of 10, not 100-*
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corrupted-fae-king · 3 months
she's... she's back...
*There's a distinct silence for a little while.*
"...She's really..."
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"...She's really back?..."
"...You're not, lying, are you?"
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corrupted-fae-king · 3 months
give him another Pat maybe that will help
*First try wasn't enough?*
*Well, your death wish then.*
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*Elder Faerie is staring at you with particularly murderous intent.*
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corrupted-fae-king · 3 months
Y-your not going near her! Not until your calmed down!
*I stand in his away, but at a distance-ish*
"Get. Out. -"
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"-Of MY WAY!"
*Well that's not good, he doesn't seem to be willing to calm down.*
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corrupted-fae-king · 4 months
I don't think you're alright- maybe medical attention is best at this time??
"...No, I am fine."
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"It's...it's just jam."
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corrupted-fae-king · 4 months
"gave him a pat on the head to calm him down"
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". . ."
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*That, seems to just annoy him more.*
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corrupted-fae-king · 4 months
"...Is she- is she really?..."
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*His hope seems to stay this time.* "...What, changed?..."
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corrupted-fae-king · 4 months
*Throws a thin slice of flat cheese at Elder Faerie*
Oi! What are you doing?!
". . ."
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*Elder Faerie seems irritated more than anything else now.* *The cheese seems to have backfired.*
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corrupted-fae-king · 4 months
"It's alright...I'm here..."
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"Everything is alright..."
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corrupted-fae-king · 4 months
damn, you love her that much, huh?
"...I just wanted her back...all I wanted was for her to come back..."
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"...I didn't mean for this to happen...I didn't mean for this to get so out of hand..."
*...Elder Faerie is temporarily unavailable for asks!*
*He needs a moment.*
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corrupted-fae-king · 4 months
*Elder Faerie looks a little confused.*
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"I, suppose I can smile for you?"
*Elder Faerie gives a gentle smile.*
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*Smiling Elder Faerie acquired!*
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