#🪦 {brilliant story: in character}
bxtsence · 1 year
'Hello Hikari Nakama,
I am a woman who lives in Las Vegas, USA. My brother Rowan and I are in dire need of your services. I heard about you and found out that you are a strong stand user who is able to help others around the world. We are stand users ourselves. I was hoping you would be able to help us with some people that have been trying to hurt us for something that is completely outside of our control. We've done nothing wrong, and yet they continue to try and cause us grief in spite of that. I would be willing to set up a phone call and explain more if that is easier than communicating through email. Attached below is my phone number. I will be willing to pay whatever price you name. My brother has been getting so stressed out because of this, and I'm determined to get this settled once and for all.
Viridian Lovat.'
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With blurry and tear-stained eyes, Viridian read over the email once, and then twice more just to make sure there were no typos. Not that it mattered, anyways. It was far too difficult for her to think straight right now. She had typed the whole thing up in a hurry as soon as she had gotten home from the hospital, trying to make things go as quickly as possible. She tried not to think about the fact that the person might not even read the email that quickly in the first place thanks to not even living in the same time zone as them. Viridian had to try, though. She hoped the email sounded precise and polite enough.
'Well,' Viridian thought to herself, 'Here goes nothing.'
She took a deep breath, and clicked on 'send.'
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sitp-recs · 9 months
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HP Rec Fest, Day 31
Last day of @hprecfest and I AM NOT READY to say goodbye 😭 so sad to see this incredible coming to an end but also thrilled that I’ve had the chance to participate and found my reccing mojo again. Thank you @givereadersahug for this incredible initiative and to all the mods for for your hard work!!! Of course the last prompt is a banger, it was so hard to pick a fav amongst favs but to honour my commitment to rec fics that deserve more visibility I’m sharing two stunning works that showcase the beauty of short (3k) and medium (31k) form. No better way to close it out than reccing two stories that have been so very special for me ever since I first read them, and informed the way I see the ships and my respect for short-medium length. I can only hope this post will inspire more folks to check and experience these beauties by themselves. I hope you’ve had as much fun with the Rec Fest as I did! Wishing everyone a happy NYE and an amazing start to 2024 🥂
Day 31) a fav amongst favs:
Still Life (orphaned, M, 3k)
No summary provided so I’ll quote:
if you’ve ever wondered if it’s possible to create a perfect short fic the answer is yes and the proof is right here. what a masterclass in short form! the gorgeous prose, the introspective tone, the slice-of-life atmosphere, the perfect pacing and unexpected ending - everything comes together so seamlessly it might feel casual at first but I promise it’s actually quite profound in meaning. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read Still Life and it still hits me in the solar plexus. every. fucking. time. Harry’s pov is a triumph, nuanced, hilariously oblivious and so charming as he navigates conflicting feelings about his growing attraction to Draco. it’s as if we are right there by his side, watching as he overanalyzes their casual-not-so-casual relationship and Draco’s not helping by being infuriatingly hot, tender and quirky (god what a compelling combo, and he has such brilliant lines too!). I am obsessed with their voices and with Harry’s mental gymnastics from horny denial to stunned resignation. this was such a transformative read for me because it’s one of the few fics that made my jaw drop with every paragraph, masterfully crafted to hit me right in the feels. by now I know by heart the lines that give me the “heartkick” - a physical reaction that makes my heart contract and expand with warmth at reading something that changes me in a permanent way. there’s nothing I could say to do this fic justice so I rest my case by stating that it’s a privilege to have the chance to read seefin’s works! what a legend.
Rare pair
A Fine Foray into Fashionable Fellatio by @wellhalesbells (Draco/Ron, E, 31.5k)
First comes tolerating, then comes shagging, then comes unintended consequences.
this is the fic that effectively and irreversibly pulled me into Dron 🪦 I remember being so completely mindblown and obsessed with this story that I immediately found 1824947 ways to mention and rec it every chance I got. holy shit, what a journey! before reading this fic I didn’t know it was possible to love them together and not even think about Harry. but here Ron and Draco are so fully realized, so well-matched in wit, charisma and personality I was promptly sold on the ship without ever comparing their dynamics to Drarry, after all Ron is so very different from Harry. this is quite the emotional rollercoaster, as chaotic, impulsive and intense as both characters; their chemistry and sexual tension are off the charts (the bathroom sex and smoke kink, my god!!!! 🥵) and the Mpreg plot works surprisingly well and in a very Dron way: jump head first, talk feelings later. love the mix of playful banter, horny smut and tentative sweet romance with a long-standing friendship in the background. this is such a FUN read and I really appreciate that the author took their time to develop both the plot and the characters, it certainly felt refreshing to me as I’m used to short rare pair fics. definitely a Dron classic that deserves to be read and reread many times!
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bxtsence · 1 year
cont. from here
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Viridian didn't know any Italian other than the words for "bathroom" and "water", so she was relieved to see someone who spoke English.
"Uh huh...." The goth smiled sheepishly, taking the phone back. "Good thing. Thanks again."
She didn't remember dropping it at all; surely, she would have noticed at least that happening? Viridian was usually careful with that sort of thing, but that didn't seem to be the case. She examined the phone carefully, before letting out a long sigh and putting the phone back in her purse. This time, she made sure that the zipper of the purse was secured. She didn't even want to think about what could've happened if she didn't have her phone for the rest of the trip!
"Um, yeah, I'm a tourist..." Viridian admitted shyly with a small smile. She figured it was obvious, judging from her belongings and her mannerisms that would only belong to the Southwest of the USA. A small part of her was wondering why the blonde teenager was being so friendly to her, but she was just glad that someone was here to help. "And yes please! I was wondering if you knew where this museum was? I'm supposed to meet up with my brother there."
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bxtsence · 1 year
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[ ✞ ] - ❝ One of my favorite memories of visiting Italy was not at any of the major tourist traps, but visiting the smaller towns. This particular place stood out, where there was a small church decorated with human bones. It was a rather somber and fascinating experience. ❞
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bxtsence · 1 year
tag dump because most of my current tags don't work and honestly the fancy text ain't worth it tbh.
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bxtsence · 11 months
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[ ✞ ] - ❝ At least I got to try the cake before it disappeared. ❞
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bxtsence · 11 months
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[ ☠ ] - ❝ What is this? Ya all gonna turn this into a reality tv show where it’s a bunch of guys arguing over who the father actually is of some kid? ❞
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bxtsence · 11 months
What’s your energy?
Viridian has chaotic idiot energy
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[ ☣ ] - ❝ What the heck? Excuse me? ❞
Rowan has smol uwu energy
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[ ✞ ] - ❝ …. ❞
Nik has ultimate bitch energy
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[ ☠ ] - ❝ Can’t deny that. ❞
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bxtsence · 1 year
[not sure about making Rowan feel loved but. I would like to throw him a bone. ~@yaksha-garden]
Eden, after looking at Rowan, looking away as to not look weird or creepy, but kinda glancing at his face out of the corner of their eye, finally takes a deep breath, and asks in a small voice...
"...how do you do your makeup? I really like it."
Make my character feel loved!
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[ ✞ ] - ❝ Hm…? ❞ Rowan turned towards the direction of the voice, raising a single eyebrow in slight confusion. He’s heard many, many comments about his eyeliner, many of them typically consisting of how heavy or dramatic it was by their standards. This comment was a more rarely heard one. After the past couple of days, it was indeed much more appreciated to hear.
❝ Oh? Well, thank you. ❞ He bowed his head politely to them, albeit with his usual calm demeanor. ❝ I simply apply my favorite eyeliner and eyeshadows and blend it out where I see fit. ❞
… It sounded odd saying it like that, but it was the best brief version of a description that he could come up with on the spot.
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bxtsence · 1 year
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[ ✞ ] - He’s currently at the local goth club, drowning his sorrows in wine and depressing music. What a perfect way to start off his favorite month, his birthday month no less.
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bxtsence · 1 year
Tweek: “Why did all the candles just go out? This can’t be a coincidence, right?” (for viridian)
Halloween starters
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[ ☣ ] - It was Halloween season, and they were just reading ghost stories out loud to each other. Normally, Viridian was the type who didn’t like getting scared easily. When it came to movies, stories and games, however, she enjoyed it. She knew it wasn’t real. It was a “safe” thrill to have. She had even set up candles to make a spooky setting, giggling and enjoying the reactions on Tweek’s face as they took turns reading.
She wasn’t giggling when the candles went out.
❝ HOLY CRAP. ❞ Viridian had been reading “What Do You Come For?” from “Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark”, which subsequently dropped to the floor when the room turned pitch black.
❝ Tweek, are you playing a prank on me?? Is this because I was giggling at you freaking out at the other story? ❞ She questioned anxiously as she pulled out her phone to use the flashlight feature. ❝ Because THAT is so not funny! ❞
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bxtsence · 1 year
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[ ✞ ] - ❝ …. I’ll think about it. ❞
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bxtsence · 1 year
you look beautiful in my bed. (for viridian 😈)
Prompts for the morning after
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[ ☣ ] - ❝ Oh…? ❞ Viridian found herself squirming, doing her best to strike up a pose that she thought would be pleasing to his eyes. She hoped that he’d say something of the sort, having spent even more time on her appearance than normal. Even if it were to all be inevitably ruined, she took great care into making sure nothing was out of place, from her hair, to her black lips and bold eyeliner.
Everything had to be perfect.
❝ Thank you… But it’s nothing compared to how you look. ❞
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bxtsence · 1 year
" red looks good on you. " (for rowan)
Blood, blood, gallons of the stuff!
[ ✞ ] - ❝ Oh? ❞ Rowan glanced down at the red floral vest he had elected to wear under his black jacket, then lifted his eyes back up towards Dio.
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It was a color that he typically never chose to wear, oddly enough. He always preferred a subtle grey, or a dark blue to compliment the mostly black articles of clothing that show-cased his sense of style: grand, centuries-old fashion that was tinged with the aesthetics of old gothic novels. Perhaps he just preferred the cold dreariness of the other colors for the most part. Red was a hue that was often far too bright for his tastes, even if it was a darker shade or variation of it. Still, he was beginning to understand the appeal.
Rowan’s pale hand reached into his coat pocket, pulling out the fabric handkerchief. Calmly, he dotted each side of his face in a practiced and methodical fashion, never once taking his eyes off of his master, never once breaking his stoic demeanor. He knew the real reason for the so-called ‘compliment.’
He had learned that every compliment from Dio should be taken with a grain of salt but yet… Even then, they all still had an implication behind them.
❝ Forgive me. ❞ The man gave a brief nod. ❝ I should have freshened up more properly after my last meal earlier. ❞
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bxtsence · 1 year
cont. from here
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[ ✞ ] - Rowan just sipped his tea. ❝ By no means do I claim to be a philosopher. I am but a mere servant who wishes to provide his master with some insight. ❞
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bxtsence · 1 year
@rejectshumanity replied: “Smooch”
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[ ✞ ] - ❝ Oh really now….? And here I thought I was just your errands man. ❞
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