#''Curse of ham'' he cursed canaan - and also that bit was probably included for political reasons
a-story-teller ยท 7 months
Decided to read the bible all the way through since the last time I "did" it (much was skimmed or skipped and instead I watched doctor who from the library on my laptop, lol) was when I was like 14, I'm an intellectual and religions nerd, I am ostensibly Christian, and I'm trying to learn and grow in my spirituality beyond the typical but it's been so long since I read any of it that my recollection is almost all out of context and regurgitated, not an actual foundation for further thought and exploration.
Anyway I made it 9 chapters before having to stop, google some things, and find that yeah, I'm not stupid, everyone all over has been inconclusive on the meaning of this bit for over 2000 years ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿซก๐Ÿ˜
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