#''Have fun guys im gonna go curl up in my nest and kiss my ass goodbye''
bonefall · 8 months
My only exposure to BB!Darkstripe is through your Leopardfoot post and I already love him in the df. Darkstripe my beloved. Actually all of the df demons my beloved.
I think it's going to be VERY fun in the end of TBC where Ashfur escapes to the Dark Forest and like half of the demons are like... "Who. Are you."
Arrives in the middle of a dinner party where they're eating black puddingcakes and sauteed rattails and Darkstripe looks up from his cauldron like, "i didnt make extra and im not feeding all of starclan"
He probably ate someone and that scared them into following him right quick... but, there's definitely a noticeable difference between the cats who are doing it willingly (Mapleshade, Adderfang, Houndleap) and the ones who are just scared of permadeath (Darkstripe)
Basically the DF is a whole faction now, just like StarClan.
And Darkstripe is actually going to give up when Rootspring gets possessed by the half-ghost of Hawkfrost. Man gives an effort but as soon as he realizes he's beat he's like, "oh this is bullshit. I give up. I'm so fucking done get off me im not doing this"
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bumbleklee · 3 years
Hihi! I hope you dont mind this request :3 Could you do a headcannon or oneshot with zhongli, xiao, ganyu, hu tao, and a reader? I have this headcannon they’d be a family in a modern au and it’s ndjddjsjjejsehhwje Or Zhongli ‘creates’ (?) a new adepti and xiao and ganyu help raise them like a little sibling fnfnsdjjdjssj The reader would be the youngest sibling :) Hu Tao as the second youngest Xiao as the middle child Ganyu as the oldest And Zhongli as their dad <3
this is so cute im gonna cry (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) i went with a modern au bc my brain is short circuiting tonight lol. also there's chili near the end because brainrot (was listening to the song “the best day” by tswift while reading these so yktv)
it’s very sfw, just cut for length  
your mother passed away shortly after you were born, leaving you and your three siblings in the care of your father
zhongli was devastated, of course, but knew he needed to be strong for everyone
fortunately, zhongli had a well-paying job so your family never struggled
when you were a freshman in high school, ganyu was already in college so you took over her bedroom that you shared with hu tao
without ganyu around to rope you guys in, life at home was total chaos
hu tao loved to play pranks on you and xiao like putting flour in your blow dryer or turning off the internet connection when xiao was fighting a boss in his favorite video game
xiao, like most teenage boys, often retaliated and it was you who had to pull them apart from killing each other
despite the constant sibling bickering and arguing, the three of you had an unexplainable bond and zhongli’s heart melted when he came home from a rough day at work to find the three of you curled up on the couch watching a movie together
zhongli is the best dad in the entire world
he was a “cool” dad, too
he let your house be the party-house as long as everyone gave him their car keys and slept over
he actually liked looking out his bedroom window to seeing you and your friends having the time of your lives in the pool (his motto: you all deserved to have a fun childhood)
he was very comforting too and his speciality was being able to fit all four kids (teenagers) in his arms at once
if zhongli realized you were upset, he would take you out to spend the day with him, window shopping or eating at your favorite restaurant and ending the day with a snuggle in front of the tv (no matter how old you were)
one time, you and hu tao woke up to an eighteen year-old xiao wrapped up in a blanket next to zhongli on the couch
zhongli has special nicknames for all of you (ganyu is ganny, xiao is kiddo and will always be kiddo, hu tao is princess, and you’re bug)
you’re closest to hu tao
she’s two years older than you and is the only one of your siblings who doesn’t treat you like a baby all the time
she’s definitely the rebellious kid and you know all of her hiding spots for things (you would never snitch on her though)
xiao and ganyu are very protective of you
ganyu just wants you to make smart decisions while xiao threatens anyone who comes near you with a romantic interest
it was annoying at first to have such an overprotective older brother but when your very first relationship ended horribly, you were glad xiao was there to kick their ass and bring you ice cream
when ganyu comes home from college, it’s like a celebration
you and hu tao will run at her and nearly tackle her to the ground in excitement
xiao stands around usually but is always happy she’s home too
birthdays are a big deal in your home
zhongli likes to surprise everyone with “blank days until your birthday” gifts as an excuse to spoil you kids 
he lets you do whatever you want on your birthday too
if you want to go a fancy restaurant, sure. if you want to have a huge birthday party at the house, go for it. if you want to stay in your room all day, alright. his mindset is that it’s one day a year that about you and only you
zhongli is so supportive of you guys
if you’re questioning your gender or sexuality, he’ll listen to you
he’s very progressive and all he wants is for you kids to be happy
when zhongli starts dating a man named childe when you’re sixteen, everyone reacts differently
ganyu is excited, happy her dad finally met someone new after so many years of being alone
xiao is indifferent. at first he’s upset, thinking zhongli is going to forget about their mom, but once he reassures him he’s not, xiao comes around
like ganyu, you’re happy for zhongli. you like childe and you know he makes your dad happy so you’re happy
hu tao, on the other hand, is very against it
anytime zhongli tried to date someone new when she was younger, she had thrown a tantrum and cried for her mom
zhongli, not wanting to make his daughter upset, usually broke off the relationship
but now she was eighteen and she couldn’t really throw a tantrum
so when zhongli told everyone he was dating childe and hu tao ran off to the basement, the three of you followed her
you found out that had similar thoughts to xiao and thought zhongli was dating someone new to replace your mother
it took a lot of coaxing and tears but finally, hu tao came to terms with the situation
surprisingly, she had the best relationship with childe after a while
when you’re graduating high school, zhongli realizes all his babies grew up
(he suffers from empty nest syndrome)
“So, what do you think?” You grinned, watching your siblings and father admire your new dorm room. Ganyu and Hu tao exchanged looks before Ganyu nodded her head proudly. 
“Looks great,” She smiled, “It kind of looks like your bedroom at home.” 
“I thought it would look like a hurricane,” Xiao smirked, earning a playful hit on the upside of his head by his older sister. You heard her mutter an insult under her breath. 
“I think it's quite lovely, Bug,” Zhongli says softly. His hands are twisted behind his back and he won’t make eye contact with you. 
You run your hand under the waterfall lights on the wall, hundreds of photos of your family and friends clipped to the strings. Looking around, you realized you dorm was decorated like your bedroom. You had brought the same comforter and pillows from home and even set up your desk exactly the same. Maybe you weren’t so ready to let go of your childhood, either. 
Zhongli was about to open his mouth when your roommate and their parents walked into the dorm. There was a short exchange of greetings before your siblings filed into the hallway. You knew this was goodbye. 
“You can call me anytime. You know that, right?” Zhongli started, toying with your lampshade. “And if you ever feel homesick and need to-”
“I’ll be okay, dad,” You smiled softly. You embraced your father tightly and he did the same to you. After what felt like hours, but was probably not even a minute, Zhongli pulled away. He gazed you adoringly before kissing your forehead and leaving the dorm. 
Ganyu, who had taken a day off from work to be there, held out of her hand to her father. “Weird, isn’t it?” She asked comfortingly. 
“They’re all grown-up,” He mumbled, “All of my babies are grown up.” 
“Oh, dad,” Hu Tao said. She threw herself at Zhongli, catching him off guard.  “We’ll always be your babies.” 
Zhongli mustered a smile on her lips. He ruffled Hu Tao’s hair. “Yeah,” He agreed, “Let’s go eat.”
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