#''i think its time the herbivores get their due for being the toughest creatures in an environment'' and yea hes fucking right
timogsilangan · 2 years
if u could meet a real life dinosaur and it was garunteed to not hurt you, which one would you be most interested in seeing up close?
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(skeletal by ArcaneHalveKnot on wikipedia)
giant herbivores are so so fucking dangerous ostensibly moreso than carnivores coz the plant eaters have nothing to lose and especially not a fucking beast of this size (which is why its name means Fears Nothing) so if they were still around i wld be doing the thing that wont get me killed by it aka staying away from it instead of trying to get up close for a #selfie but if i was guaranteed safety i wld absolutely want 2 stand under this beast and like. be driven to tears in awe over the absolute scale of it
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