#''oooh so its selfish to want someone who acts like my human rights should be a given not a privilege. I'm sorry 4 doubting u Miss Makima''
fma03envy · 2 years
Hm having thoughts about Reze
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Ok so his story (chronologically) is that he was trying to save a girl with his best friend and got trapped in a basically-cult at the age of 16. And in this cult he and best friend lost ALL ability to feel emotions. For TEN YEARS. and the whole time he was trying to get closer to cult leader in order to find out about what happened to the girl, and it’s basically saïx and his friend against the entire world. When you (player character) meet him its after those ten years have passed and his best friend regained emotions and left him basically alone in this horrible situation and hes just so angry and betrayed and hes convincing himself that he doesn't care about it and ALSO hes like kinda 50% possessed by the cult leader in a way? and during this segment he’s basically the Worst Guy. Hes aggressive to best friends NEW friends and this leads to him kinda ensuring the destruction of both best friend and his new friends (he intentionally stabs best friend), so yeah. He sucks a lot. But fan interpretations are always “oooh saix did a BAD THING and thats bad so he should be put in a nuclear reactor” which ignores his situation COMPLETELY or theyre like “ooooh hes my precious baby and he was hurt :( he was sad and had no agency whatsoever :( so every character should forgive him immediately” which. Is almost worse tbh because he really did spend a whole game harrasing two 16 year olds for being friends with someone.
Six (long propaganda)
Once again (just like with every morally grey character I think) there's a war between "she's a monster" and "she's an angel".
Six, as a character, is very cool because there's no dialogue or anything in the Little Nightmares games, and a lot of things that are just not showed. The whole point is everyone can have their own interpretations and theories. But Six is just so disrespected by the fandom !
On one side, it's "she's a monster, we hate her, she's selfish and uses people to get what she wants !"
On the other side it's "she's a kid and my favorite character so by default she can't be a bad person, she's actually a sweet and pure angel !"
None of them are right.
For the first ones... Six isn't that much of a monster. And I'm gonna say it : yes, she is a literal kid. That doesn't mean she can't be bad, but she thinks like a kid. She probably cared for Mono before she betrayed him – we can see her trying to help him when he was in the TVs. She probably has a reason why she betrayed him. There's a lot of different theories on that and none of them is more valid than the others because again you're meant to have your own interpretation, so I won't tell any of the popular theories here. You can think she did it for selfish reasons. That doesn't mean she's a literal monster, and that doesn't mean the people who don't think it was selfish are mischaracterizing her.
For the second ones... I don't even know what to tell you. If there's one CLEAR thing in these games, it's that Six is morally grey and could do something scary at any moment. As the player you're literally MEANT to be scared of her and what she could do. In the first game you are meant to slowly realize her hunger isn't human. You can also see how she doesn't try to help any of the kids trapped here, she's just helping herself. In the second one she does scary thing all along the game to keep you scared that she could kill and eat Mono at any time, only for her to betray him in the worst way possible at the end. We don't know her reasons but she still did it.
Six is a morally grey character. She's just a kid trying to survive in a world full of monsters. She's also full of darkness, acts like a creep and eats literal people. You can't say she's "just a monster", the same way you can't say she's "a little angel who did nothing wrong".
(Different Propaganda)The whole thing with Little Nightmares is that the world is terrifying and horrible. It is eat or be eaten in the most literal sense. Six does what she has to to survive. Has she done some bad things? Yes. Was it her fault? …Debatable. But the fandom treats this CHILD like she’s the worst person to ever exist. Like, she’s not even ten years old. She’s a survivor. Mono did plenty of questionable things too, but I’ve never seen anyone hate on him.
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King Chap. 1 &2
Your life changed completely when from a slave, you became a spy for the king. Will you be able to help him in his fight against slavery before it’s too late and the threat hanging over him comes true? And in this society where love comes after appearances, will your mutual affection be able to flourish?  
Royal au fic pairing female reader and Kwon JiYong  
Feat: YoungBae, TaeHyung, MinHo and SeoJoon just because I had their face in mind when I pictured their character. 
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W.C: 5255 
Warnings: In this part, mention of physical evidences of violence, a little angst.  A stoic JiYong (aka his rest bitch face. omg I love him and I want to squish his beautiful cheeks).
Disclaimer: Everything in this story is fictional. There is no research to be politically  accurate or to fit a certain period of time or place. In one word, it’s all invented.
Personal note: For this serie, and in my life in general,  I had needed a lot reassurance. My lovely princess @aspaceformyself​ helped me a lot by reading it a couple of times :) She is one of the human I cherish the most for her kind heart, her absence of selfishness, her kindness and her amazing intelligence. Without you, I would still face a blank page :)
Chapter 1
When you woke up today, you knew something was going to be different. You felt it in your guts, that wind on change. You didn’t know yet what it’s going to be so you started looking for something different in your environnement. A quick look around gave you no clue about your strange feeling. Everything seemed the same, seemed frozen in time. The straw walls were still wet and smelly, vermin and insects were still snuck in there. The muddy earth that was used as a floor was still cold under your back.  There was nothing new or different in here.
Yawning and stretching your arms above your head, you decided that this strange feeling meant nothing at all. After all, as a slave your condition would basically always be the same, right? Although, despite the precariousness of your situation, you could count yourself privileged to have a roof above your head to protect you from the rain and the wind. Being your owner’s eldest son’s favorite, you got the privilege of having a room to yourself. You should have known, however, that this seemingly generous gesture of providing you a roof, among all the slaves the family owns, hid a malicious intent. Here, doing hard work for a family of rich merchants, very few of you had that chance.  
“Y/n! It’s already dawn, we need you in the garden before the mistress gets up. You know how she is”
“I’m coming” you answered with a light heart. You still have a couple of hours in front of you without master MinHo being on your back.  The strange feeling you had when you woke up already forgotten at the idea of working outside today. You headed to the river and rushed in quickly to freshen up.
The morning passed too quickly. You and the other slaves worked hard to maintain the vegetables plants in the family garden, eating a bean or carrot from time to time, laughing when you caught one another. When noon arrived, you were beckon by another slave, an old woman.
“Y/n, Y/n? Master MinHo is back. He wants to see you in front of the house right now! It seems important”
“In the beginning of the afternoon, this is uncommon”. You thought for yourself.
“Did he say what he wanted?”
“No! He’s with noblemen, a royal delegation, he just said that you need to come very fast. Hurry up Y/n, he seemed exasperated”.
Unprepared and taken off guard from that change in your master’s routine, you walked your way in front of the house.  As you head there, you felt the growing excitement of your peers, babbling like chickens as you pass them on the little path leading to the front yard.
“They seem rich! Have you seen the quality of their clothes?”
“Is he the king himself, what is he doing here?”
“Is this really the Royal Guard? So beautiful”
A few maids almost fainted as they were talking, trying to cool off by waving their hands in front of their faces.  You’ve never felt more nervous in your entire life. What could your master want, especially since he seemed accompanied by the king’s guard or even the king himself if you believe the rumor spreading.  Once you arrived in front of the house, you got down on your knees and lowered your head as you have been taught. Waiting for the directives to come, two other slaves came to line up by your side, in the same position of submission. You didn’t know who they were since you have to keep your forehead on the ground. You could hear a few words exchanged here and there by your owner, his son Minho and other voices that you could not recognise.
“Thank you for helping us, Cheon Ha” you heard your owner say. “Without you, we would not have survived this attack”  
Cheon Ha… Your Royal Altess… So the king was indeed here, in front of you somewhere. You were fighting against your curiosity, what does he look like? Is he young? Old? It was almost a torture not to catch a glimpse.
“You have been supplying precious silk for several generations. The weavers of the kingdom never cease to praise its quality, we had to help you”
So, your masters have been attacked and the king’s guards helped them. What do you have to do with this? After a short moment, your name is pronounced.  By reflex you raise your head but you were automatically hit in the face by Minho.
“You are in front of the king. Don’t you dare lift up your head and look at him! I’m sorry Cheon Ha, I assure you that she is more obedient than that normally”.
“Is it a common practice to hit a woman in your household? Cause I can’t tolerate this in my kingdom, under any consideration”.
“She is not a woman Cheon Ha. She’s a slave”
You dare not defy orders so you didn’t make an attempt to stop the blood from running down on your chin, too scared of the consequences that you might endure if you get caught moving without permission.
“One day I will kill this man” the slave on your right said. You recognised TaeHyung’s voice. He, out of all the slaves, was the more positive and kind one. To hear him speak like that surprised you. He was one of your dearest friend here and he had never shown any signs of violence whatsoever.
You didn’t hear the steps coming towards you. Confused, it took a nudge on your left side to realize that someone was addressing you calmly.
“Woman, look at me” a determined voice ordered you. Normally, you have to obey your masters only. Since you are in a submissive position, you didn’t know who was talking and if you had to execute his order. Not knowing how to react in these circumstances, you took glimpse at each side of you to see how the other slaves reacted.
“Look at me young lady, I’m not used to having to repeat my orders” he was still calm but you felt in his voice that you had to do as he asked. Everything in his tone, in the way he speaked, radiate confidence.
You raised your eyes slowly, dazzled by the afternoon sun. The first thing you noticed was his leather boots going up to his knees. Although you never saw clothes from the king’s court, you would have spontaneously associated what he was wearing with it.  You noticed that he started to move towards you so you lifted your gaze up to meet his eyes. The man was, without the shadow of a doubt, the most beautiful person you ever laid your eyes on. His face was serious, concentrated and a natural authority emanated from the way he held himself up. From his cold and piercing gaze to the way he was moving with grace, everything was hinting you that he had a lot of power. He addressed TaeHyung, SeoJoon and you.
“The three of you have been chosen by your owner as a thank you gift to me, your king.
Astonished, you couldn’t think straight. What was happening?
“Yes” you hear TaeHyung and SeoJoon answered simultaneously to a question you didn’t hear.  You knew you had to say something but you were bewildered.
“What about you, young lady”? He looked at you, straight in the eyes.
“I’m so sorry Cheon Ha. Let me give you another slave, this one is not...” MinHo hastened to say before getting cut.
“I didn’t ask for another one, have I?” the tone was cold, final. MinHo’s jaw dropped open.  On his plantation, he was always the one who gave orders. Until now...
“Lady… I will repeat myself one last time. Do you if you agree to follow me?”
“Yes” you heard your voice say.
“Very good”.  He turned around, took a few steps and got on his horse. “Let’s not waste any more time”
“They’ll have to come on our horses since we don’t have any extra ones”
“So be it. We’ll take turns so our monts won’t get too tired” you recognise the king’s voice now.
What’s happening? You’ll leave like that? Without a goodbye to the people you loved?
“Have you changed your mind, young lady? You still can choose to stay here”
“No Sir, I will follow you”.
“Cheon Ha. You have to address me as Cheon Ha since I’m your king. Please, don’t forget that from now on”. He corrected you coldly.
“I’m sorry Sir… oooh I mean Cheon Ha. I didn’t know Cheon Ha. I promise I will address you correctly from now on” you bowed.
“She is not an obedient slave Cheon Ha. My father is getting old and he doesn't know the slaves very well since I’m the one in charge of them. I can give you a more obedient and a more efficient one. Actually I can give 2 men against that woman” MinHo told the king.
“How dare you son. Calling your father a fool, in front of our majesty! Cheon Ha, please don’t think I would give you any less than my best slaves, my bravest and most hardworking ones. My son, he doesn't want to have to do without them, that's why he acts like this”.
“I understand. As I said earlier, you don’t need to give me anything in return of our help M. Jang. It’s my duty to make sure that the citizens of my kingdom are safe”.
“I have to Cheon Ha. It’s my pride to pay for your kindness”
“We have to go if we want to arrive in our campment before the sunset” the king said. “See you around M. Jang. Minho”. He greeted them without smiling.
With a last look at the house and the curious who had gathered around the royal delegation,  you felt the horse launch into the forest.
Chapter 2
You have been galloping in the forest and fields for at least 3 hours. The king wanted to avoid villages and assemblies in order to maintain his security, from what you understood.  Even if the journey was to be longer, the chosen path had the main objective of bringing the king securely back to his home.
Seeking a little comfort in the only thing that was familiar and stable to you, you frequently looked at TaeHyung and SeoJoon. You were beyond grateful to have them with you to start your new life at the King’s court. Each time Tae saw you, he lifted both his thumbs up in the air and a big smile illuminated his features, momentarily forgetting that he had to clump to avoid falling off the horse.  It was not the same for Seo who had a tight jaw and a haggard look. He must have suffered to the bones to have abandoned his wife and their newborn baby so abruptly without even a goodbye kiss or an explanation. You tried to make eye contact with him with the vain hope of bringing him some comfort. Unfortunately, you knew very well that it would be futile and that you would not succeed in relieving him of the pain that overthrown him.  Seo, the husband of your friend HyunSa. She must be devastated by now.
A couple of glances at the king, always closely surrounded by his guards, shown that he seemed worried. He looked straight ahead, frowned and gave short answers when he was directly summoned. He did not sketch a single smile since you had left. The cheerful humor of his guards didn't seem to reach him, but neither did it seem to irritate him. He talked only once, asking them to move more discreetly so as not to draw attention on them unnecessarily. He didn't need to repeat himself, he was obeyed immediately.  Although you could not have a complete impression on him, the relationship he had with his guards impressed you. They obeyed him but did not seem to be afraid of him. Their respectful interactions was new to you. It’s not what you were used to seeing between a master and his subordinates.                                                                            
In the middle of the afternoon, you were interrupted in your thoughts. YoungBae, you just had learn his name as he was the target of rogue mockery being newly wed, whistled and made a sign for the others to follow him. He seemed to be leading the king’s guards, to be the right-hand man. Everyone stopped and the king’s soldiers gathered around him. In one movement, they went to a stream which they seemed to know existed and refreshed there. The smallest guard sank into the forest and disappeared.
By pure reflex, since this is how the exclaves always had to stand before their masters, TaeHyung, SeoJoon and you knelt down side by side.  You had no idea who was your new master so therefore the 3 of you ended up in the submissive position you’ve been taught. Your hands were crossed on your back and your forehead on the ground, whatever was in it.  Earth, turd, grass or even a puddle of water, you never had the luxury to be picky I t was the only way to wait for the master’s orders.  Someone crouched in front of you and gently laid a hand on your back. Expecting the worst only with that touch, you start shaking like a leaf in the wind. Your blood ran cold and all the muscles in your body tensed up.
“What are you all doing like this?” you recognised the king’s voice. “It’s my fault, I haven’t taken the time to talk to you yet. I’m sorry”.
Flabbergasted, SeoJoon who had always been eager to fight or to protest, couldn’t help himself.
“Cheon Ha, I’m sorry to tell you this but we are slaves. How else do you want us to wait for you?” He asked with a defying tone. Immediately you felt the urge to help your reckless friend.
“Please master, don’t hurt him. I think he lost his mind since he let his wife and his little girl behind. Please master, I beg you to punish me instead of him. Oops, I meant Cheon Ha, I’m so sorry”.
“Y/n!  Don’t play the brave girl. I will deal with the consequences of my own actions” Seo fumed.
“Stop it immediately! You’re in front of our majesty” ordered a guard.
Scratching his head, the king started thinking out loud
“That can’t be happening under my reign. What kind of king does that make me?” What was he talking about, you wondered.
“One who’s been busy staying alive, if you’d ask me majesty!  Also, don’t feel too guilty about it, even your father wasn’t aware of the situation on the plantations”.  
“I beg to differ YoungBae” with a sigh, he added “can you please hand me my bag? This poor girl needs it more than me”.
“Here we are”, you thought as you tried to make yourself as little as you could. “I will be punished. I deserved it. I even asked for it. Begged for it…” What a huge surprise it was when, instead of being hit, you felt a hand gently grabbing your bare wrist. The sleeves of your dress were lifted because of the position of your arms, the blue marks on your wrists were probably visible.
“Young lady, I have no intention to hurt you or anyone else here. The three of you, stand up”
“What?” TaeHyung asked, doubtful while SeoJoon was already on his feet.
“You heard me. Don’t make me repeat myself. I don’t like to have to say things twice.” Tae and you stood up and nervously started to shift from one foot to another, waiting for the rest of the instructions. Seo for his part was as immobile as a statue, looking straight ahead, jaw clenched.
“Young lady, come closer and give me your hands” He didn’t have to ask you twice this time.
You reach out to him, trembling from head to toe. You were scared to death. You knew too well that behind every charming smile, hides a malevolent monster. That every act of goodness, in truth, will cost your dignity in the end. You will not be fooled by the gentle appearance of this authoritarian king. But as your new master, he has the right to do whatever he wanted with you so you obeyed.
“YoungBae, come and have a look with me”. The said man dropped something behind your back, you presumed it was the king’s bag as requested, and stood beside his king.  Before he lowered his eyes, he made sure to bow his head in your direction.
“On both wrists, you see? Also, there are red marks around her neck that could fit with the print of a man’s hand. Someone strangled her”
He carefully lifted your hair that you had braided beautifully this morning.  You waved as soon as you felt his hand on your bare skin.  Knowing that you had no right to avoid the ordeal, you pull yourself together and endured even though you didn’t appreciate the contact.
“Where else are you hurt? ” YoungBae asked, making eye contact with you. He was as furious as the king seemed in disbelief. You wrongly assumed he was mad at you.
“I don’t know what you are talking about” You lifted your chin up, trying to keep a little bit of dignity. You felt pathetic with your wounds exposed to the light.
“Lady, don’t lie to me, I’m your king. Lying to me is an offense that I don’t easily forget or forgive. Now tell me, where else have you been hurt?”
Despite his piercing gaze, he seemed to have misinterpreted your attitude. You weren’t trying to lie to him. You just felt small because you never wanted anyone to know the violence you have been exposed to. How injured your body was. Although you have to admit, your attitude could be interpreted as an attempt to lie. TaeHyung came to your rescue.
“Cheon Ha… She often had bruises around her ankles as well. And on her chest and on her back” Offended, you quickly drew back your hand from the king's grasp to cover your chest.
“Why in hell did you saw my chest TaeHyung? I swear to god, I’ll kick your butts as soon as I have the opportunity” you explode, even knowing it was not something you could say in this precarious situation. Smiling tenderly, YoungBae made a move towards you before he was cut short.
“No, let me do it”  
The king knelt before you. Heedfully, he lifted up your white, but not so white anymore, cotton dress.  Doing so, he exposed the blue-yellowish bruises on your ankles. You saw his gaze changed when he acknowledge the condition of your feet. You shook your leg trying in vain to removed your ankle from his unpleasant grasp. His warm hand became firmer but his eyes softened. He lifted your dress upper your leg but respectfully stopped his ministration at the level of your knees. He stood up and gently pulled the collar of your dress. He inspected  the nape of your neck, your upper back and shoulders. He was scrutinizing you in a thorough manner, pointing details to YoungBae.
“What is your name?” Of all things he could have said, this muddled you. Nevertheless, you mumbled in an extinct voice.
“Y/n… I don’t want to harm you in any kind of ways. Now tell me, where are your shoes? Have you ever worn shoes? Judging by the condition of your feet....”
When TaeHyung began to shed tears, sniffing loudly, the king stopped his physical investigation.
“ENOUGH!”  he exclaimed, shocked.  “I saw enough” with a softer voice. Shifting his eyes on the boy’s, he noticed that they had something on their feet. It was confectionned with straw and rope and didn’t seemed to protect them on the long run but at least, they had something.
You never heard or saw YoungBae moved on your back because your chin was tilt on you chest. You only noticed his presence when he laid a large velvet blanket on your shoulders. Looking above your shoulders, you were astonished by the sadness in his eyes. You looked at the men around you. All of them seemed emotional except for SeoJoon who kept a furious face. Even a couple of guards had respectfully tucked their chin in their chest. Why would simple bruises put them in this state of mind?  You felt a warm and soothing hand grabbing yours on your right. Tae.
“Noona… Noona…” he couldn't say more. Silently wanting to comfort him, you interlaced fingers with him.  You did the same on your left with SeoJoon. In response Seo gently stroked you with this thumb. His heart was so much more tender than what he hid behind his cold features.  Tae for his part, went on sniffling and saying “noona”.
“Tae, please stop. This is humiliating” you murmured. Your comment surprised the people around you. Why feel humiliated for something you were not the slightest guilty of.
“I’m sorry Y/n. I wasn’t able to protect you” SeoJoon fumed. He seemed composed but on the merge to explode from anger. The king stepped in front of you.
“Know that this was the only time I’ve looked at your body like that. Well…” he seemed confused for a second “you know what I mean. Now remember, as I said a few seconds ago, you should never lie to your king out of everybody in this kingdom”.
He paused, making sure you caught the meaning of his words. When you nodded, he resumed.
“Who? Who did this. I already have an idea about it but I need your testimony before I take concrete actions”.
Knowing your soft heart too well, knowing that you would hesitate to admit who your assailant was, Seo and Tae answered in one voice.
“It’s Jang MinHo”.
“YoungBae, as soon as we arrive home, we’ll take care of it”. He told his guard without looking at him. His piercing eyes were on yours.
“Yes Cheon Ha, we will”
“Now, you need to know that the three of you are not esclaves anymore. Starting immediately, you will be paid for your work. I will give you two complete set of proper clothing but it will be your responsibility to buy more if you want. You will provide you a place to sleep, already ready to use. Boys, you’ll be in a dorm with the other workers. Young lady, we’ll see where you’ll sleep depending of the task I will assign you. Start to think, if you don’t already know, in what field you would like to work”.
Tae’s grip hardener around your fingers, his sad features from earlier let place to his beautiful boxy smirk.
“Just know that you won’t have to live at the palace if you chose not to. When you’ll have enough money, you’ll be free to live where you want in the surrounding villages. In one word, you are free to go and do whatever you want when you are not working for me”.
That was too good to be true. The three of you were slaves therefore, you couldn’t be free. Right?
“Before I forget, the order will be given for your wife and kid to come and join you. It’s inhuman to separate a family like that”. He told SeoJoon. “What’s the name of your daughter?”
For the first time since his baby was born, a grin spread wide across Seo’s face. Too surprised to answer, you poked his side with your elbow without letting go of his hand. It didn’t took him off his state of shock so you answered for him.
“His daughter’s name is MiNa, sir”
You were impressed that the king remembered the gender of Seo’s baby. He seemed to be very attentive of little details. Emerging from the initial shock, Seo kneel down in front of him.
“Thank you Cheon Ha. Thank you”.
“You’ll thank me once they arrive safely, it’s not done yet. Now, come and join our company, you are part of us now. We’ll share food before we take the road again”.
He took a few steps back and turned away. Looking at you over his shoulders, he softly told you.
“You are freezing Y/n. Wrap yourself completely in this blanket and if you’re still cold, we’ll figure something out. Once the sun goes down, it will be hard to keep you warm if you stay in that state.” No one, absolutely no one ever made sure that you were warm and comfortable. Well, probably your loving parents when you were a young girl but you don’t remember it. Your heart melted and ache at the same time. Strangely, it felt bitter to be taken care of.
Not letting go of your hand, Tae and Seo followed the king, pulling you with them. The 3 of you you felt a little relief. The life that was offered to you seemed promising, even though it was way too soon to believe it.
While the king and YoungBae had a private conversation away from the rest of the group, but never away from the eyes of their guards for security purpose, the soldiers made an effort to include you in the conversations. They offered you bread, rice cake and dried octopus but not having the habit of eating anything other than oatmeal and clear soup for several years, since you had become a slave in fact, you did not dare touch it. Tae and Seo did not shared your reserve and they stuffed their cheeks with both hands, humming shamelessly. Their blatant happiness snatched a thin smile from you.  You finally succumbed to a little piece of chewy rice cake. You had forgotten the delicate taste of matcha tea,  The flavor that was once one of your favorite tickle your taste buds, you almost quivered with contentment.  Slowly chewing to keep the taste in your mouth as long as possible, you glimpsed at the king a couple of times. He was now joined by the soldier who deserted a little earlier.
“What’s the situation?”someone asked with a loud voice to the trio who returned to you.
“Choo thinks it’s only a few hours ahead. It’s getting closer, that maybe explains the sudden drop of temperature. I suggest we don’t stop traveling tonight, the moon will be full in the direction we’re taking. I hope that if we do not manage to avoid the storm, at least we will only have a few hours to undergo it”. YoungBae instructed the group.
Suddenly, the guards got serious. Picking up their belongings quickly, you noticed the change in atmosphere.  They were busy putting the luggage back on the horses and in one minute everything was ready to leave.  Holding his horse on a leash, the king came by your side.
“We’ll ride the first part of the evening together. I prefer if you sit in front of me, is that ok with you?  Do you need help to get on the horse?”.
It was beyond your imagination that a noble could ask a downcast his opinion about anything. Masters never talked to their slaves, they give orders. Although M.Jang sometimes addressed you a few polite words, it was always him talking. Him giving his opinion on something. When you realised that he was waiting for you to answer, you pulled yourself together.
“I’ll need your help if you don’t mind Sir”.
“You have to address me as Cheon Ha. Also, if I would have mind, I wouldn’t had asked”. Although his words seems rude, he didn’t seemed irritate.
He removed the blanket from your shoulders and he placed it on the pommel of the saddle. With one foot in the stirrup, he gave himself a swing to cross his free leg on the other side of the horse. Once he was stable, he leaned towards you and without further ado, his hands were on your hips. You were lifted off the ground in one strong and solid movement. A surprised ‘ooh’ slipped from your lips when your seat bones uncomfortably landed in the middle of the saddle seat with your legs hanging loose on the same side.
“Can I let go? You’re stable enough?”
Shocked by the sudden proximity, the numerous questions and the fact that not even a split second ago you were still on the ground, you froze for a second. You also had no idea where to place your hands.
“Y/n, we don’t have the evening, you’re gonna have to straddle the horse, the sooner the better.  Please, swing your leg over”.
“Yes, sir” he sighed loudly at the way you persisted on calling him but didn't comment.
Managing to sit in the good position, you bended one knee and used the side of the horse to support your foot. You’ll never know how exactly it went so wrong but the uncoordinated person that you were decided it was time to humiliate yourself in front of everybody.  Awkwardly, you passed the wrong leg backwards. At the very last split second, you realised something went wrong but it was already too late to stop your movement. You inelegantly find yourself straddling the horse but face to face with the king. A general burst of laughter was heard and ashamed, you looked up to meet his unamused expression.
“I’m so sorry sir… for my defense, I had never ride a horse before today”.
“I could have tell” he muttered.
You lost balance as you tried not to touch him and stayed as far away as you could. Catching you by the shoulders to avoid a catastrophe, he stabilised you. You were surprised by the strength of his hold as much as the delicatessy of it. Almost like if it was not possible to have such powerful arms and to use them with so much softness.
“Hurry up y/n. We must leave before being caught by the storm. Apparently, it’s going to be a violent one, we don’t want to be outside”.
“I’m sorry, sir”
“Chop, chop” he said as a smile cracked up his lips.
He held your hand to support you while you turned around and managed to sit properly. None of the boys seemed to be over it yet. The more they laughed, applauded and commented it, gently mocking the situation, the more your cheeks turned crimson red. The king stayed stoic at their buffoonery.
“Cover yourself with the blanket. It’s going to be cold and you are still shaking. Tell me if you need more layers”.
“I’ll be alright” your soft voice murmured.
“Yes, you will finally be alright, I promise you that”.  
You understood the meaning of his statement and although you were overwhelmed by conflicting emotions, you were mostly grateful. You wanted to believe that your condition could improve but you didn’t put too much hope into it, scared to be deceived in the end.
The king took the reins in his hands and you felt him squeeze the horse’s side with his legs. It was the cue needed for the animal to start walking. As the landscapes begun to defile before your eyes, the king finally burst out of laughter.
“Well young lady,  the way you sit on a horse, it’s something” 
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blautitlewave · 8 years
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Oops, forgot to tell you that I have this awful habit of screencapping people who talk shit to me and then do not allow me to reblog those posts so I can submit my rebuttal. I am not a person who likes to be yelled at and not given a chance to reply.
Her Mom clearly thinks stealing is wrong. Her Mom likely taught her stealing was wrong, and yet she chose to do so anyway. Not only that, but she stole again, likely after her mother warned her not to. So that’s not only committing a crime via theft, that’s also lying and disobeying your mother who expected her child to respect her and her rules while they lived in her house.
Your argument that people who follow the laws aren’t necessarily good people is fallacious because you stealing is only benefiting yourself and maybe a few family members. It is not bettering the community or anything else, not like how people risked their lives to help black slaves make their way to the North (yes, I pulled something out of my ass just like you did in making egregious examples to make my point), which was, hm...illegal. 
Yeah, I understand that people work long hours and are given shit deals. You think I was born into money? My great-grandparents grew up in the Depression, poor as dirt. Managed to make a life for themselves. My grandparents? Poor as dirt, managed to make a life for themselves. My Mother? Poor as dirt, managed to make a life for herself. Now I am white, so obviously obviously ob-vi-ous-ly there’s a reason why we are likely more successful than others who had similar cards stacked against them since the beginning. 
I am studying the big W’s when it comes to the financial crises facing Americans in this day and age at my college (”oooh, she goes to college, big whoop” you’ll likely say. Well, personal experience means nothing to people in charge if you don’t have actual stats, accredited sources to back up your complaining, and formal training in how to make sound arguments based off of them). 
Coincidentally, I am also studying Social Psychology, among other things, and what you are doing right now is known as neutralization, a theory which essentially means you’re making some convenient little narrative to justify committing crimes. Your first one is citing history (segregation), your second is pointing to how capitalism has gone awry in the past few decades. While your second point is very much a valid one in its own way, that does not justify your behavior, it only explains why you and people like you think it’s okay. 
You seem to act like I’m some bourgeois uppercrust that believes that people are poor because they choose to be, that I think that corporations actually care about me and that I’m actually somehow mad that you’re breaking the law to “help yourselves” despite the odds being stacked against you.
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Only an absolute F U C K thinks that unbridled capitalism is a good thing. I’m honestly offended that you would even suggest that I am not knowledgeable about:
This nation’s history and the treatment of its workers, up until the Progressive Era of the 1910s-1920s
The historical economic disparity between whites and blacks, for example, since the end of Reconstruction in the South
The major boost corporations received under the Reagan Era when he simultaneously cracked down on labor unions, which led to
Lowered wages almost across the board, as well as 
Lowered taxes for the wealthy under Reagan, then Bush Sr., then Clinton, then Bush Jr., maintained by Obama, and possibly going to be lowered even more under Trump
Political shifts of the parties throughout history
Globalization and its effects on domestic workers
etc. etc. etc. when, like I’ve said, my family has through several generations struggled to survive as members of the working class. I am extremely empathetic of those who can barely make ends meet. I will even extend my sympathies to people who steal food and perhaps medicine to help their families.
However, I do NOT condone stealing luxury products that are not NEEDS but WANTS. While every human on this Earth should be guaranteed basic good treatment, food, water, safety, and a little nook to sleep in, this charity does not necessarily extend to frivolous material goods such as makeup or non-essential fashion items, jewelry, etc.Many people have lived and died comfortably without such things, I do not see why you absolutely cannot go on through life without snatching them. Those are personal little spoils, they do nothing to benefit anyone but yourself, so you are compromising your freedom for some trinkets for selfish reasons.
Not only that, but no matter what you tell yourself, you have done nothing to deserve these things. Nothing at all. Your work hours at some job day in and day out do not translate to being able to sneak out the doors with four bottles of nail polish. It doesn’t work like that. A direct exchange is required, one that benefits both parties giving something up for something else. 
People like you are the reason why teenagers are discriminated against by business owners and treated like criminals without having done anything to deserve it. Hell, your ethnicity or race may likely be furthering preexisting stereotypes that harm innocent kids. 
I am against stealing on principle. It is something that I simply do not consider to be right. It could be because I would not like it if someone were to steal from me (empathy) or maybe it’s because, if everyone stole, we’d have anarchy, and I don’t trust people to do the right thing 100% of the time when there is no obligation other than supposed “common sense of decency” to deter people from doing horrible things.
And no, I ain’t mad that y’all are stealing. I’m mad that OP was actually asking for sympathy and items to make up for the fact that they got in trouble for committing a crime. When I showed a friend this little story, he said “Serves that bitch right” and I have to honestly agree with them.
I don’t empathize with people who manipulate, steal, lie, cheat, harass, coerce, or attempt to blackmail others and then start bawling when Life knocks them on their ass. 
Like I said in my original post, there are families out there that would murder OP for even thinking of doing such a thing as stealing. Pride and honor go very far in some cultures, they should feel blessed they weren’t born in a conservative, rural part of the Middle East or South East Asia.
Anyway, why can’t you borrow makeup from friends, or go to the food pantry if you’re hungry, or ask for donations from people (since that seems to be popular on here), or shop at Goodwill, or visit a church and see if donations are available? Is it because you’re actually well enough off that you could in theory actually buy these things, you just don’t want to under the veneer of “I’m so poor and I can’t afford anything I want :( :( :(  so I’ll just steal it :D :D :D” ?
You know who thinks like that? 1) Children. Tiny, tiny little children that are not yet cognizant of how to be considerate to others.  Either that or 2) Sociopaths, 
You’ll notice that people who are very poor rarely steal unless absolutely necessary. Maybe it’s because they still hold morality to be much more important than the new eyeshadow they want, or a new pair of leggings. 
In conclusion, the one thing that I hope you take away from this is that what you are doing is not justified nor righteous. Don’t use the economic hardships of millions of others as a green light. It’s likely the vast majority of them would think your methods are deplorable and would not even think of doing it themselves. Depending on your race, you’re likely furthering a racial stereotype. Depending on your age, you’re probably helping to perpetuate ageism and validating discrimination against your age group. And lastly, by shoplifting to “save money” you are proving to the big people up top that the poor are morally corrupt. 
Thanks for helping out the people in your demographic by sending the message to bystanders that people in a similar boat as you economically and socially are untrrustworthy, manipulative, subversive, and unworthy of help.
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