#the conclusion Denji comes to out of all this is
fma03envy · 1 year
Hm having thoughts about Reze
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e-102 · 2 years
The most interesting and smart thing about chainsaw man part 1 (TO ME) is that Denji believes women are purer and better than men. Hes abused and controlled by men in his childhood and has literally never had an adult male figure in his life care for him or his needs, and it makes him think men are evil. he doesn't like hanging out with guys, he doesn't want to be touched by guys, he subconsciously distrusts them all. Conversely, Denji trusts women implicitly. Every woman who walks into his life he allows in with little resistance, Himeno was not a safe person for Denji but he had absolutely no clue that she could hurt him, nor would he even consider that she could hurt him with sex. Because sex with a woman is what Denji thinks will make his life right, what he thinks can fill the emptiness. Power attacked Denji, Reze attacked Denji, Himeno tried to kill him and he still let her closer to him than anyone had ever been before. Makima most of all, even when Denji wondered if she was a good person, even when she began to take his happiness away, Denji allowed Makima close to him. This isn't to say Denji is to blame, like i said, hes wrongfully come to the conclusion that men are evil and women are good. Even when he figures out the women around him aren't exactly what he was hoping for, he continues to trust women and distrust men.
See: callous and dismissive towards Yoshida, then instantly accepting Asa's proposal.
This to me is so interesting, its a really well thought out aspect of Denji's character. It honestly does subvert a fair amount of story telling tropes. These women are just as evil and manipulative as these men, and that is fairly realistic. Women are not paragons of kindness and motherly affection, they are just as violent and cruel as any human has the capability of being.
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sugar-grigri · 4 months
Nayuta ? Or Makima ? Neither : Nayuta Hayakawa
What I already find fantastic It's that EVERYTHING, absolutely everything in this chapter has to be interpreted in reverse. If you want to know what it's about, you have to interpret it normally. To find out the answer, in reverse.
How did I come to this conclusion? The first part gives you the key :
An unknown lady comes to Nayuta's defense: she's only a child, don't attack her! Open your eyes! Come back to your senses for a second!
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And even though Barem is there to trap her, paradoxically, humanity regains its senses, not by seeing Nayuta as just a child, but precisely by removing her status: she is indeed a threat to them.
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You've already interpreted it right side up, so let's continue interpreting it upside down
The fact that she pities Denji and wants his heart doesn't mean that Nayuta is Makima, or that she's becoming Makima again.
Makima has never felt pity - she's never even seen Denji at all - so having pity is already a step in the right direction.
The former control demon was so powerful but also so distant that she couldn't even distinguish between human and CSM odors.
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As for the fact that she wants his heart, Nayuta feels it before searching Denji's memory. This doesn't mean that the control demon instinctively wants to capture CSM. When Nayuta wants his heart, it's because she wants to be loved, and it's such a strange sensation that she feels lost.
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What's more, when she repeats the plan of her former self, in reality, the equation is not at all the same. Even with the same plan, Makima and Nayuta don't follow the same trajectory. Let me explain: making Denji happy and then drastically taking everything away from him is the basis, but the control demon's position is different.
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Makima wasn't enjoying this happiness, she was completely excluded from it. Whereas Nayuta is completely enmeshed in Denji's happiness, to the point of being genuinely happy about it too. This happiness was brutally taken away, and that's what happened, but it wasn't the control demon's fault this time.
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What's more, Makima wanted a family even though she had no idea what it was, whereas Nayuta has a family but no idea what she is. That's a different question!
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Once again, this chapter should be read through a staggering mirror.
The fact that she sees Denji as empty again shows that Nayuta sees Denji more as a shell than Makima, who was obsessed by the heart, by Pochita.
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Moreover, the chapter betrays this way of presenting Nayuta, she's not cold like Makima, she can have fun like a child and does so sincerely, it's not a facade, simply a questioning of her own person.
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I know that everything I'm saying may sound strange, especially when, if you pay attention to the staging, Denji and Nayuta are constantly going round in circles, faster and faster.
So this chapter gives the impression that everything is the confirmation of a cycle that's closing: Denji realizes once again that he has no family, while Nayuta reconnects with her old self
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But for me, that's a hasty interpretation: don't read this chapter, just enjoy the last drop of it, so let's get on with it!
When Denji tells Nayuta that he's her family, it's not her who tells him that he should be ashamed of uttering such nonsense, it's Denji himself.
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Denji finds it ridiculous to talk about family without understanding its meaning, after all, how can a child who has experienced the worst crime of all, parricide, understand what it means to be a family?
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It's precisely by wanting to become Chainsaw Man that he understands.
His father, his blood relative, was not a parent, he mistreated his child: a parent doesn't behave like that.
Pochita is Denji's family, and he has a blood link with him; he's even the one who irrigates his veins: he's his heart.
What is Chainsaw Man? Nothing more than an empty shell, a bit of an answer to everything, on whom we pin all our hopes.
Makima did the same thing: this unattainable thing, this hero of the underworld, I'm unhappy because I can't reach him, so mathematically, if I could reach him, I could aspire to happiness.
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Nayuta has achieved it, but she still seems to be going through existential crises: this makes sense, because once again, Chainsaw Man is an empty shell.
Denji lost his family, his pets died, so automatically, the response was to aspire to something else, to turn the page immediately by closing my eyes and becoming Chainsaw Man because !!!! Because Denji wanted to become this empty shell
Once again, logically, he became one, because by losing his family, the happiness that filled him, he became an empty shell.
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But an empty shell is not to be understood in a purely pejorative sense, for a shell can contain anything: humanity's need for reassurance, the great enemy for demons to slay, the means to fight death, happiness, family... and so on.
When Pochita asks Denji what he plans to do after he achieves his first dream, Denji replies: to be Chainsaw Man.
To be an empty shell, yes, but empty in order to be filled by others, just as someone who is alone would tie up with others, just as the control devil would want CSM so she won't be alone, just as a wounded dog would agree to ally itself with a child who doesn't want to die either…
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Having your family destroyed, but still managing to move on while building a new one, being surrounded by so many people that you forget your own pain, surviving better together in a terrible environment - that's the Hayakawa family.
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As we've seen, Nayuta talks about a happiness that will then be destroyed. It's a good tactic to follow this plan, because that's what Makima did with the Hayakawa family, but as we've seen, Nayuta is part of this happiness that's doomed to be destroyed, so she's part of this family that constantly dies, burns and then rises from the ashes.
Nayuta doesn't know who she is, but what we do know is that she has a definite attachment to Denji, and above all, she's trying to understand who she really is through this boy she wants to shower with happiness. The fact that both of them are empty shells who are influenced by the other, Nayuta adopts Denji's ways, Denji puts Nayuta above everything else. This action of surviving together, this intertwined suffering and happiness, is precisely what Chainsaw Man is all about.
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When Denji loses his family again, his dogs and his cat, he pushes Nayuta away. Denji realises that being him, being Chainsaw Man, will always be accompanied by pain, so he tries to cut the ties with the last person close to him. He does this without even understanding what it means to be a family.
Yet chapter 155 explicitly answers it. The beginning of the chapter opens with Nayuta about to be attacked and ends with Denji lying there, cared for and safe. Denji may never be able to describe what a family is, but it is something that can be felt, the shared suffering and happiness of living together, and it is something that can be seen : being protected.
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Denji's cycle is not to kill his parents, it's the cycle of neglect, of lack of protection. Denji's father failed to protect him, leaving him in the hands of the mafia. And what Denji does is fail to understand what it means to belong to a family, to protect others, because he has abandoned his little sister to her fate.
Nayuta also had her answer, she wanted to repeat what her former self had done, what was accomplished by one of her former followers, Barem : lose the happiness you've built up.
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And indeed, she understood what she was: someone who belongs to a family, even when that family goes completely off the rails, and her first instinct was to protect Denji and get him to safety. Denji opened the door for Nayuta, who looked at him as an empty shell, and who then saw so much of herself in him that she protected him at the risk of jeopardising her own safety.
This doomed happiness, belonging to a family, sacrificing oneself - that's the Hayakawa. And when she realises that she too has become part of this doomed family, Nayuta paradoxically knows better who she is : Nayuta Hayakawa.
By inundating this empty boy with happiness, she also becomes part of a vicious, ever-accelerating cycle. Her dogs and cat have already paid the price.
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Makima and Nayuta are right: happiness under threat is what awakens Chainsaw Man. After all, it was in front of a burnt down house that a new contract was signed with Pochita. And when this new dream came about, it was when a bird was crushed. The bird represents the cycles: Bucky who opens part 2, Asa the new protagonist who lives again thanks to Yoru in the form of an owl. Crushing it represents its end. Being Chainsaw Man means avoiding becoming that empty shell again by preserving the fragile happiness inside.
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As Aki learns that he, like Power, will be killed by Chainsaw Man, the cycle of his family's condemnation, Denji is also finally revealed, confronted with his own destiny.
How can we put an end to the cycle of neglect? The broken and unhappy destinies ? How can we turn Chainsaw Man into an instrument of struggle ?
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Will Denji remain the product of this cycle of neglect, watching his loved ones die in his arms, condemned like his brother to try to protect them when it's already too late?
Will Denji realise that when he crushed the raven, Nayuta was on his back, and that she needs to be in his arms, protected, to end the cycle? Will Denji finally wake up and try to be a bit less of an idiot?
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And realise that to be Chainsaw Man, he needs a foundation: his family.
As his memories of Nayuta flashed past, Denji realised that he had put an end to the cycle, that he had touched with his fingertips a form of happiness despite the loss of his previous siblings. As he realised this fragile happiness, Pochita asked him what he wanted next: to be Chainsaw Man. Not the man who kills his loved ones, not the man you die for. The one who will protect this fragile happiness like a tower of cards.
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punkitt-is-here · 12 days
I decided to catch up with Chainsaw Man because of the rumblings surrounding ch. 167 and I wanted to read it before I could get spoiled.
I caught up, and I got a laugh out of it.
What are your thoughts on the chapter?
for me, i was extremely shocked Fujimoto went there, but it also felt like such a logical conclusion for both characters to come to. Asa/Yoru's growing attraction to Denji/Chainsaw Man and Denji's struggle with his sexuality all kind of crashed together in a horrible, messy, captivating chapter. I think the fact that Yoru took the lead while Asa returned but still had her eyes is so fascinating. What the hell is it going to mean? How are these two/three going to interact? I'm deeply impressed by the paneling and lineart, you can REALLY how good a grasp Fujimoto has on subtle human intricacies. There's an extremely well-done "melting" between the urgency, then hesitancy, then confused arousal, and it all feels really...real. The whole thing feels gross and uncomfortable but in such an intentional and captivating way. Eagerly waiting for the next chapter.
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satubby · 7 months
Hello! How are you? if you still place orders I hope you can attend to mine. I confess that your male Makima writings drive me crazy, so if you don't mind, here I have another request for you and I hope it's not wierd. Could you make a scenario that the reader moved away from everyone for a while and stayed out of everyone's sight, and after a few months she returns and they find out that he had a daughter? (Makime is the father) and he finds out that the girl is his daughter? I hope my request doesn't bother you and I really wish you could attend to it. I hope you have a good day and stay healthy!
[Hello sweetie! Thanks for entrusting me with these requests, sorry to keep you waiting but I took my months off and started working, that's why I didn't answer my inbox. Here you go, it's like a little One shot/scenario].
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You find yourself in the bathroom, bent over the toilet as waves of nausea seem to drag your consciousness down. The bitter taste in your mouth and the rapid beating of your heart take you back to the murky memory of your encounter with Makime at the bar. Although days have passed since then, the images are still tattooed in your mind, like fresh scars that refuse to fade.
"Why, no, this can't be happening to me? Fuck," you mutter between sobs, feeling a lump in your throat as tears begin to mix with the sensation of vomiting. A sarcastic joke about the irony of life crosses your mind, a kind of bitter self-reflection that only you can understand.
The muffled voices of your friends reach you from the other side of the door, but you barely manage to pay attention to them. Aki, Denji and Powa try to be supportive, but the sense of isolation is stronger than ever. Makime's cold presence, clinging to your thoughts like a shadow, plunges you into a spiral of self-loathing and despair. So much effort you put into getting away from him, but it only seems to motivate him to stalk.
"Hey, is everything okay? You've been in the bathroom for half an hour and Powa keeps nagging me about coming in….. (Y/N), you know I'm worried about you," Aki asks with genuine concern in his voice. You can feel her palpable anxiety, as if she shares your torments in the distance. His words offer you a glimmer of clarity amidst the darkness, but they also make you feel even more vulnerable and pathetic. You don't think you're brave enough to face them, not after your betrayal, or at least you feel that way.
"No, I'm… fine, ugh," you say in a halting voice, fighting the lump in your throat as your tears mix with the cold sweat on your face. You clutch the toilet tightly, reality becoming a blur as another access of vomit shakes you. In the midst of this painful moment, memories of Makime reclaiming what shouldn't have been hers, assault you cruelly, causing your tears to fall silently as you once again feel stripped of your self-control and power over your actions, you feel dirty and disgusted… Sleeping with the demon, giving in to his dirty, sin-filled words. That you cannot forgive yourself.
Carefully and shaky-legged, you pull yourself away from the toilet, the cold of the bathroom clinging to your damp skin from the sweat of overexertion. You stand up, but your body feels weak, as if nausea has stolen all your energy. You look in the mirror, your reflection seems strange, almost unrecognizable, or was it the tears from so much crying? Your face is pale, with the traces of tears and effort marked on it. You stare at yourself, lost in thought as doubts and fears gather like stormy clouds.
What will your friends say when they realize what is happening? You know deep down, how disappointed they would be or maybe you always jump to conclusions without asking first. You haven't had your period for weeks, so you know the only reason for it could be… pregnancy. But you didn't want this child, as guilty as you feel, you also didn't want to be a murderer of your own unwanted child. Maybe… Should you hide this unexpected pregnancy or make a more radical decision? The thought of hiding it or even aborting it haunts you, but you know you can't help but think about it.
Your mind wanders down the dark alleys of your fears-how will Makime react if he finds out? The very thought of his cold stare and cutting words makes you shudder or worse, to see his look filled with mocking satisfaction at your defeat carrying his child inside. And then there is the damage you could cause yourself if you decide to abort, both physically and emotionally, you don't think you are capable of enduring those horrors, but you know well that in this universe full of maniacs, blood is the daily bread… That's why you hated Makime, that bastard who would destroy the dreams of others and especially Denji.
But apparently now it's more fun to annoy you, to threaten to kill them… You don't even understand what's so attractive about you that the greatest enemy in this world would notice you.
But your thoughts are interrupted when, in a nervous gesture, you bite into your own flesh. The momentary pain jolts you out of your mental spiral, and that's when you really look at your reflection. Your face is blotchy, a mixture of tears and sweat, and your expression is a chaos of despair and confusion.
The truth hits you hard: you feel caught in a whirlwind of emotions, with no clear path to follow. You realize that every decision you make will carry with it dark and heartbreaking consequences. And as you keep looking at your own reflection, you feel the crushing sensation that you are trapped in a game you didn't ask to be a part of, even though you are aware of your actions that also led you to this… You thought you could handle it by taking this job, but you are not sure at this point.
You sigh with exhaustion, a mixture of physical and mental exhaustion. You ruffle your messy hair with your hands, as if trying to push the shadows out of your mind, even though you know that's impossible. The decision to take a bath seems like a respite in the midst of the emotional storm that engulfs you. Stripping off your clothes is a mechanical act, as if you want to free yourself from the worries that oppress you, free yourself from this feeling of lustful filth even though it has been weeks since… Your first time in this body, stolen and swallowed by the devil of control.
The warm water from the shower falls on you, enveloping you in a comforting embrace. You close your eyes and let your thoughts be swept away by the stream. Slowly, you feel the mist of steam and the sound of water fill your senses, muffling the tumultuous voices in your mind.
Unnoticed, time passes in the blink of an eye, and you find peace in the simple action of feeling the water run over your skin, as if those drops of water are washing you clean of your sins. But when you finally turn off the water and step out of the shower, the thoughts return with renewed force, like angry waves lapping against the shore.
Maybe it's the monotony in your gaze or the fact that you're in such a mess between thoughts that you finally realize you're in your room, sitting up in bed. You stare into the void, your eyes swollen and your fingers hurt by the anxiety you have failed to control by biting your nails hard. Moments of relief dissolve into the raw and painful reality you face. Your mind turns again to Makime, her twisted personality or her unpredictable actions that make you so uncomfortable, you don't want to accept it, but a part of you enjoys it.
You try to map out a plan in your head, but every possibility seems to carry with it an abyss of consequences. would Makime ignore your situation? Fuck that's such a stupid thought, knowing him you know he wouldn't, always looking at you like he's the hunter and maybe he is. Could he force you to go through with this pregnancy you don't want? Your throat tightens with fear and uncertainty, a feeling you can't choke down.
You bite the end of the towel wrapped around your head, as if it might somehow take away the stress of the dark thoughts that crowd in. You keep looking for a way out, a spark of hope in the midst of this overwhelming anxiety that invades you, you have always been like this, insecure though trying.
The sound of the door being slammed abruptly breaks the silence of the room, snapping you out of your jumbled thoughts. Powa, with his thunderous energy and imperative attitude, bursts into the room like a flurry of chaos. He informs you, in his characteristic shouting tone, that Aki has already served dinner and everyone is waiting for you at the table. Though with your fog of thoughts carried away from the questions, you barely give a nod with your eyes lost in nothingness.
His words ring in your ears as you look up, meeting Powa's rambunctious figure. The blood possessed one seems more playful and noisy than ever, ready to drag you away from the pensive trance you were in. It moves into your field of vision crouching down to you, doing its best to get your attention and pull you out of that darkness.
"Looks like someone got lost in your world again," Powa comments, a hint of mockery in his voice as he smiles, showing those shark teeth that seem to be his trademark. His words sound like an invitation to leave your worries behind and join the present.
His defiant smile and mischievous child's attitude wrench a response from you. You come out of your trance, your face lights up with a nervous smile, aware that Powa might notice your worries, which you don't want him to, so you smile at him trying to draw his attention away from you. You hope that this momentary distraction will keep the rambunctious demon away and offer you a respite from the emotional storm in which you find yourself mired.
You leave the guest room that Aki had lent you, you didn't want to think about Rintarou either, what would you say to him? You don't think you're capable of anything. Your eyes fall on the trio of men occupying the kitchen. Aki is concentrating on cooking with his usual grace, while Denji and Powa argue animatedly over the vegetables that none of them seem willing to eat.
As you watch the scene, a momentary relief washes over you. The comfort of being with them, even in the midst of your anxieties, makes you feel that perhaps you can find temporary refuge… But you know the fate that awaits the three of them, it only makes you feel worse about your apparent betrayal. However, the fear of breaking that tranquility persists, holding you back in your intentions to share your worries.
Denji stops fighting with Powa and fixed his eyes at you, greeting you with an enthusiastic "Good morning, (Y/N)!" Your smile forms automatically, as if his greeting manages to momentarily dispel your gloomy thoughts.
You gather at the table, sharing your meal and chatting naturally. Aki, always attentive, asks you if everything is all right. You nod silently, not wanting to delve into your own internal struggles, not whether you wanted to bring back those horrible memories of Makime violating your privacy or this pregnancy of yours. Denji, with his characteristic intuition, comments that you seem quieter than usual, which he finds strange since you are usually the more playful one in these situations.
You stop eating for a moment, laughing nervously at his observation. "Really? S-sorry, I didn't notice," you reply trying to deflect, knowing that you don't want your world of worries to overshadow the moment you share with them.
Again, like a blur, everyone is already dressed in their uniforms, including you. You leave the apartment ready to face the day. You walk with the trio to work, your finger finds its way into your mouth, biting it anxiously once again. You wonder if the bulge in your belly will be noticeable after several months, if the stares of those around you will discover your secret. Makime is a constant weight in your thoughts, wondering what he will say once he sets eyes on you.
Every time you meet, you always feel vulnerable and nervous no matter how much you want to cover up that feeling.
As you move forward with your friends, you feel a mixture of nervousness, disgust and fear. But again, you swallow all your feelings.
The quartet advances towards the public security offices, each step you take carrying with it a load of nervousness that is reflected in your finger, which keeps getting bitten until it bleeds. The thought of facing Makime in the office torments you, and your mind races to what might happen if the devil control detects your nerves which you don't try very hard to conceal either.
The offices lie before you, and you feel as if each step brings you a little closer to the abyss of your worries. You know that when they work, they need to request the file of the next mission from Makime, and the mere idea of crossing words with him fills you with those thoughts. What will he say if he finds out about your pregnancy? You always come back to that question and fear his dirty words as possessive attached to the weight of his penetrating gaze.
Finally, you find yourself alongside the trio as they enter the offices. Aki leads the way, and you stay behind him, almost as if afraid to cross the threshold of the door. You can feel Makime's eyes on you, like needles piercing your skin. But for now, the red-haired man says nothing, he just listens and dictates the orders for the day.
Your mind clouds with a mixture of fear and resignation, as you try to keep your composure by not letting your worries overpower you. As Aki and the others dive into the discussion, your thoughts turn to Makime, how to deal with this dangerous game of appearances and secrets.
As Aki withdraws, you feel the urge to follow him, as if his presence might offer you a refuge in the midst of this awkward situation. But your plans vanish when Makime intervenes, requesting that everyone leave the office except you. His request causes your nerves to intensify, and you feel a strange sense of vulnerability pressing down on you.
Aki casts you a look of concern and comfort before closing the door behind him. The dull click of the lock adds extra weight to the already tense atmosphere in the room. You find yourself alone with Makime, and discomfort seems to fill every corner.
Makime slowly approaches you, his sly gaze and soft words forming a trap that you feel yourself sinking into. The redhead's closeness only intensifies the tightness in your chest, as if you're trapped in his magnetic orbit until you feel it… your back against his chest. You don't want to look into his predatory eyes.
"It saddens me that you are ignoring me, and I thought you had already accepted me. You know I would never hurt you or do anything you don't want, for example… Your moans that night, so soft and innocent."
His words, though laden with false comfort, only leave you more anxious. Your mind whirls as you try to decipher words with which to attack. You feel the tension in the air, a mixture of fear and obedience that keeps you on edge.
Makime's amused smile triggers a shiver down your spine. You know he can smell your fear, and that only adds to your unease. Suddenly, he takes your nibbled hand in a gesture that seems too intimate, too invasive. He scolds you for your behavior, treating it as a childish prank, as if this whole game is simply that: a game for his own twisted amusement.
"Tch! But what a mess you made… You know I'm not stupid, but we won't ask questions, okay? Let me help you with that."
The feel of his fingers around yours makes you feel trapped, and you realize that you are in a dangerous position when he runs his tongue over your badly moderated wounded fingers.
As his presence dominates the room, your thoughts become increasingly suffocating, as if you are caught in a net from which you do not know how to escape.
Makime advances with sly complacency, his falsely friendly smile is like a hook in the murky water of the situation, as he continues to play with his mouth… Oh! That beautiful, stupid, voracious mouth.
"You don't need to get so uptight, (Y/N)," he murmurs with a softness that contrasts with the storm you feel in his gaze clouded with dark thoughts. "You know I'm always here to listen if you have any problems."
Your eyes roll quickly avoiding looking at him again, desperately trying to divert the conversation away from the dangerous waters. "Oh, it's nothing, Makime. I'm just… a little tired lately," you reply in a shaky voice, aware that every word out of your mouth can be a double-edged sword in this game of yours.
Makime moves even closer, his proximity suffocating. "Tired, huh?" he muses, his tone laden with irony. "It can be overwhelming work being a demon hunter, I won't deny you that. However, you should take it easy, sometimes those emotions can lead you down…deadly…routes."
Your mind races through the possibilities behind the meaning in his words, but before you can articulate a response, he takes the initiative once again. "Haven't you noticed how your fingers are hurt?" he asks with a tone that oscillates between concern and mockery, it is obvious that the question is unnecessary in this situation.
His eyes are riveted on the hand he's still holding, as if he's analyzing every little detail of you, how his saliva is still on your wounds. Fuck how he wants to lick your sweet skin again, that addictive blood.
You stumble over your own words, diverting his attention back to you. "Oh, it's no big deal, I'm just a little nervous from the stress of work. I nibble my fingers without realizing it, sorry," you say, trying to sketch a smile that hides your true feelings. "I wouldn't want to bother you with nonsense like this."
Makime laughs softly, a laugh that makes you feel as if you're caught in a net of his design. "Nonsense, you say. But you know, (Y/N), sometimes things we consider small reveal a lot about us." His eyes sparkle with a mischievous spark as he continues, "We must learn to control ourselves, don't you think?"
You feel caught up in his devious game, a conversation that seems harmless on the surface but carries with it a subtle venom. His every word seems like a carefully crafted trap, and as you struggle to maintain your composure, you realize that you are dancing on the edge of manipulation and deception.
Makime continues his game, like a cat toying with its prey before finally attacking. His piercing eyes search yours, as if he is trying to read every thought that passes through your mind. "Sometimes, it's important to talk about our worries," he comments, his voice soft as the scrape of a sharp knife. "If you have something on your mind, (Y/N), don't hesitate to tell me. I don't want you to feel alone in this."
You feel the weight of his words like an anvil on your chest. You want to speak, desperately want to free yourself from the anguish that surrounds you, but the thought of confiding in Makime, of revealing your intimate thoughts to him, fills you with an almost paralyzing fear. His true intentions are hidden behind that mask of kindness, and you can't help but wonder if this is simply another game on his part. You don't want to be controlled by him, though at this point your lustful side wonders if you could withstand the temptation.
"Thank you, Makime," you reply, trying to remain calm, though your words tremble slightly. "I'll keep that in mind. For now, I'm just… trying to manage my own insecurities."
Makime's sly smile widens slightly, as if he's enjoying your discomfort. "Insecurities, huh? We all have our internal struggles, (Y/N), but you shouldn't be carrying all that weight alone." He takes a step closer, his presence feeling more intimidating than ever, his hand squeezing yours. "Remember, we're on the same team."
Your mind twists with conflicting thoughts, the desire to trust fighting against the fear of falling into his trap. His every word seems like a rope squeezing your throat, a rope that threatens to choke any truth you may be about to reveal. You realize you are in a dangerous game, one where every move can be fatal.
"Ahh! Anyway, I don't want to delay your work. I hope you have a desirable performance this week, don't get distracted yes?" Makime's eyes keep searching for some chink in your armor, looking you in the eye as you struggle to stand your ground, you realize that every word you choose could be the final nail in your own coffin.
"Y-yeah, well I'm out" You could hardly think straight and more so when he ended up kissing the back of your hand.
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strawberry022 · 1 year
When Asa is told that she can and should weaponize people, she chooses not to. That's her way of living off her and following her heart
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For example, when Yoru told her that she should turn Yuko.
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But she saved her as she could.
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Something similar happened in the aquarium/infinity demon arc. Fami manipulating the situation into turning Denji into a weapon.
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But she decided to weaponize the aquarium because of the moments she spent with Denji. They will have been precious to her, and she may also have felt guilty for having used the money that the two of them had pooled together.
Yes, she asked him out on a date with the goal of turning him into a weapon, but she later regretted it.
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She also tried to push Denji away from her simply to protect him and not hurt him.
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These panels are sad. Well, at least they made me sad.
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With the most recent chapter we see again how Asa sinks deeper into her sadness and loneliness. Coming to the conclusion that it would be better if she is dead. (Is this because of a demon?)
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What would happen if Asa's heart filled with negative emotions? If that's the case, she would stop feeling guilty for her actions, right? And her weapons would be weak, right?
Asa has everything going for her to become a much colder person, even hurting people, but until now she hasn't shown otherwise. Because despite all the bad, she tries to remain a good person (despite her flaws).
less guilt=weak weapons, right?
Asa demonstrated that she can create strong weapons without the need to kill or otherwise harm people.
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Regarding the words that Yoshida says to Asa, she could calmly deduce that he and Denji played a practical joke on her or something.
She said 'this guy spends a lot of time with Denji'. She must have thought they are friends or something. (Yoshida introduced them)
Now, imagine Denji finds out about that, meaning Yoshida also tries to get Asa away from him (Nayuta already did). Denji what would he do?
Will he be more suspicious of Asa? (because that would already be two people taking her away from him) or does he just get mad at Hirofumi for being a obtrusive and stalker?
"I can make my own decisions. Don't meddle"
Maybe Denji doesn't do anything about it and keeps his distance from Asa. That, I think would make her angrier, I don't know why lol
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conostra · 3 days
Chainsaw Man, or: The Myth of Third-Party Consent
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This is gonna be more a stream of consciousness than a properly-written piece btw. Love me some CSM and had some thoughts on the recent chapters
It finally happened! Denji got molested. Unfortunately, this is probably the absolute worst way bro could've got his first nut off. After a series of literal months of his life being sexually harassed, assaulted, manipulated by older women in his life, and then ultimately coming to the conclusion that his dick, as the embodiment of his sexuality, was his ultimate demon, and that the stick gotta go. Maybe the balls too. They make the testosterone, so they gotta be the problem, right? And Yoru offers to assist him, by cutting his dick off in the back alley between some nearby buildings. They go back there, he changes his mind, they argue over it for a bit, and then she forces her hands into his pants- Yoru, not Asa, forces herself into his pants. One tally on the "ummm, I don't think this is appropriate" score.
Tally two comes after she grabs his penis, and this is where the weirdness comes into play. She remembers as she grabs his dick that this is not, in fact, the first time that these two have "gotten intimate". The first time was Asa and him at his apartment, at her behest- before she was turned into a dog by Nayuta, and had her memories wiped. She remembers that they kissed, and leans in to kiss him again. Denji's face screams confusion, but ultimately, he accepts, leaning in to kiss as well after her second go at him. And she begins to jerk him off, to completion, and he finishes in her hands.
So, here we are. Denji finally got his nut off! But instead of celebrating, he slumps to the ground in the alley as Yoru cleans off her hands in a puddle. Her immediate first response is, at first calm, then panicked, to cut Denji off when he asks why they kissed to tell him that she only kissed him because it felt good. And absolutely no other reason. At all. And that she harbors no feelings for him. At all. In any way at all. In any way shape or form. And in fact, that any and all feelings that she felt or has only came from the "other her", Asa.
Way to clear things up, Yoru.
Asa bitch smacks the absolute fuck out of Yoru on her way out the alley, hurting both of themselves, punching and beating on herself even after she gets her body back, crying into the wall that she did, in fact, like Denji, and now he's just gonna think she's some slut cause she literally gave it up to him in a back alley.
And on the train, they both look like they've gone through shell-shock, and to varying degrees, they both have.
Asa was forced to become a rapist. Despite Yoru being the one to "act", it was her body, her hands, her feelings that were Yoru's own one and the same. She, to some degree in her own mind, bears enough of the responsibility here to feel shame on herself, not just if at all for what she did for Denji, but the age-old shame that all women, but especially women Asa's age are forced to bear for being at all sexual with another person, especially another young man like Denji. She's soiled herself, in her eyes, and Denji wouldn't want her. She holds no value to herself, as much as she thinks she holds to Denji.
There's a mix of other feelings in there, of course. Potentially, there is jealousy that Yoru was the one who used her body for the "real" kiss from Denji, that she was robbed of the opportunity to actually get to perform the acts of both love and intimacy that her body was puppeteered for. There is also more than just a small chance that Asa is too caught up in these mixed feelings in the moment to understand that what just happened to her AND Denji was nothing short of sexual assault by Yoru.
And this is almost definitely what happened to Denji. When he has been manipulated like this for the entirety of his life at this point, with no real autonomy or ownership over himself, starting as a young boy and ending with the collapse of Makima's reign over his life, Denji is almost used to these feelings. But when this... "thing"... happens with Yasa, this on-and-off relationship the two of them have shared over the past few months, his immediate concern is the one thing he's truly focused on when it came down to it for his relationships- Does Yasa really feel a way about him? Or did she, just like those before, simply use him?
First the mafia. They owned his body as a tool to pay off his father's debt. Then, Makima, and Himeno, and Reze, Power, and even Nayuta. Himeno used him to try to get off, then vomited in his mouth, then utilized him to try to get what she wanted from Aki. Sure, she became a friend, but only after nearly forcing herself onto the conflicted and young boy.
Reze, who claimed to have fallen in love with him, and wished to run away. Who helped teach Denji to do math, and read, and to play and think for himself, before ultimately revealing that the love had been staged, and that she was a powerful devil sent to either kidnap or execute him. She kills some of his friends, allies, whatever- and still, he wishes to run away with her. He hopes that, perhaps, although staged, the flower of love had still actually bloomed, and could grow even further were it planted somewhere else. And Reze, in fact, reveals that it could have blossomed even more beautifully- before being cut down at the stem by Makima.
Power is Denji's first real experience with the female body. And it's... not at all what Denji had it cracked up to be. First time bro copped a feel on a pair of titties, and not only were they padded, but he still didn't enjoy it nearly as much as he imagined he would. In fact, this was enough to get him to re-think his goals, and what it was he wanted out of life. It got him to almost remember...
And then Makima got her hooks back in him. She ruined not just his relationships with women, but people in general. Got him to kill Aki. Got him to kill Power. Got him to forget his initial dream, his dream to just find a girl to hang out with and play video games with, a girl to just fall asleep with in his arms. She might, in fact, be one of the primary reasons that his perversion went beyond just standard perversion. By making herself the object of his desire, she could shape his activity, shape the very desire itself. And she did- he needed a mother, and she gave him the idea of that and a lover in one, the shelter he needed through the girl he could fall asleep with. She made herself his goal, and dangled it, constantly. Every woman now compares to Makima, and now with every woman Denji must go through the same hoops.
One of those hoops being: "Do you really love me?" Not only if they truly love him, but if they love him. That they aren't still just there for chainsaw man. That they aren't still just there for his body, aren't there on some secret agenda, that they're there for him. And Asa? Denji enjoyed his time. And perhaps, Denji thought that Asa was there for him, even if she flip-flopped so hard. Even through her emotional issues and diabolical amounts of autism, she was fun to be around, and enjoyed the time she spent with him for him.
And here, stripped to his barest, literally slumped to the ground in an alleyway after being sexually taken advantage of more directly than any other time in his life, is the first girl who's really, truly, unabashedly brought enjoyment to his life in a way that Nayuta simply couldn't, there is- nothing. There is just the idea that, once again, Denji has been used and cast aside.
He's still reckoning with all that. The aspersion of his autonomy is already ingrained into who he is. There is no need for Denji to reconcile with being taken advantage of in the alley, because in order to do that, Denji must reconcile with his entire life. And I'm not even sure if Denji has the mental faculties to reconcile with the idea that this is an issue he has to deal with. Not even taking into account that one of his immediate stress responses is still, after all this time, putting his finger in his mouth, and thinking of Makima.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 2 months
I would really like to know if you did any kind of character study for Makima when writing your two-part fics. I'm sure others have said this to you, but you do a really good job of writing Makima. Her interactions with others (specifically reader) are never out-of-character in terms of tone and diction. Was there any aspect of her personality/character that was difficult for you to flesh out in writing? What did you enjoy the most when characterizing her? Thank you so much for your time!
TAT thanks so much, the amount of love the duology has received since I've written it makes it really happy! And I love being asked about the technical side of things I've written so thanks for asking!
I have done a couple of partially in-depth character studies in Makima, some of which I've subjected anyone in the tags to reading and subjected my friends to reading as well.
If you ever want to read those posts separately, you can check that out here.
But to summarize, after a thorough read of CSM I came to the conclusion that what got in the way of Makima's dream wasn't her nature as the Control Devil, but herself. She enjoys being in control, she enjoys tormenting people. Part if it is nature, yes. Controlling people comes to Makima as easily as Power desires blood as the Blood Fiend. But some of it's nurture. We aren't entirely sure how she was brought up but it clearly created a terrible, terrible person. A person who enjoyed fucking with people.
And by the time chapter 1 has rolled around, Makima is too far gone to ever get the sort of relationship she wants even if she had won.
So going with that analysis in mind, I wanted to craft a story with a Makima not quite at her breaking point.
I thought going in Makima would be difficult to write but it came surprisingly easy to me! I'm not sure if that's because I was up in CSM hell dissecting her character because it didn't feel like I was when I read things initially. I was mostly going "Someone PLEASE take all of Denji's suffering and give it to Makima" lmao, she grew on me after my reading part 1 of the manga.
She was even fun to write, in my opinion. It's her condescending way of talking to others, her surprisingly gentle voice that lacks any true warmth.
But I think the thing I enjoyed most of all as far as the Makima duology was writing Makima's displays of affections while still maintaining her possessive nature. Using her abilities to take control of the senses of animals to check when Reader gets home, eavesdropping, half-jokingly talking about how she can make people come to her wedding with the reader, using absolute control to force the Bureau to accept her resignation because all she desires at this point is living peacefully with her beloved. And especially her ambiguous wording of the contract in Man is the Breast, Heaven is the Playground.
As she maintains in her contract with the reader, she doesn't use her abilities on you and you'll stay with her forever. But I chose to have word choice be ambiguous because for Makima, a future where she can't guarantee she'll be loved the way she is in the present by the reader is one she doesn't desire. She won't allow it. She won't let herself be anyone else's so by extension, she doesn't want anyone else to have you.
It's a twisted selfishness blossomed from genuine love and affection, a feeling only you've given her.
She wants you forever. In this life and the next and the next and the next. Something you agree to without realizing the full implications of what she meant, not that you really care. You want to be with her forever too even if your belief was that it would be contained to a single life.
So in the sequel A Blazing Star Sought Refuge in My Chest, I really loved writing the scene where the reincarnated Reader meets Nayuta.
「You glared at the girl, ready for a fight. “Hey get off of m-,” You. Your words halted as soon as you saw her wide-eyed stare and tears. There was nothing familiar about this girl, you had never seen her before in your life. There was nothing familiar about her black hair, nor the mole under her left eye. You were sure you couldn’t say you’d ever met anyone with golden eyes with red rings in them either. There was no reason to feel like your senses had been set ablaze and the universe shifted.
You didn’t know this girl.
This girl was a stranger.
You knew this and yet you still fell to your knees as warm tears flooded your eyes without your permission. Your mind had gone blank, unable to conjure a single thought and even if you could, you doubted you would be able to voice them. So you followed instinct as it screamed at you to hold this stranger in your arms, welcomed the way she threw her arms over your shoulders in return.
An indeterminable amount of time passed while you cried in the arms of a stranger before you stood up again. 」
I wanted that scene to be purely instinctual with their souls recognizing one another. And with Reincarnated Reader's earlier mention that she felt like there was something in her life she needed to do, for the both of them it was like an awakening. A single moment of seeing each other was the birth of a universe. That's blazing star has found refuge in both of their chests in that moment.
The reason I chose to make them both children during this section of the fic was because of the inherent innocence they would have. An adult would have this experience and more than likely be skeptical and less receptive to such an experience. They'd be too cynical.
But for two kids alone in the world and instinct telling them they're meant to be together, that the other person is what they've been looking for this whole time, it makes perfect sense not to question it and live the rest of their lives together.
And as far as my completely separate Makima oneshot when it all comes Crashing Down (the title was a stylistic choice), I used Makima having a sweet tooth and the reader disliking things being too saccharine to reflect Makima's desire to clutch onto any traces their dying friendship and the Reader's dying affections towards her and yet still remaining by her side despite knowing their friendship is pretty much dead. I had a lot of fun with that!
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laugtherhyena · 6 days
Oc stuff in csm chapter 137-138 (y'all get what's happening in just a moment from now)
So continuing where i left off chapters 137 and 138 get shaken around quite a bit, there's no "go lick this devil and I'll have sex with you" or music venue (which sucks because the Chu chu lovely scene is one of my favorites from part 2 but i just can't imagine Mao doing that, oh well, you win some you lose some)
Mao is quick to tell Denji that this is a gig from public safety and that she's there to work as sorta of a bodyguard to him when he expresses being weirded out that another devil person suddenly came after him. He says that she was only coming on him because of her job and that's a let down to which Mao refutes by saying that while she doesn't like Denji in a dating sense, she does like him because chainsaw man is the reason she's alive and that's why she's been wanting to meet him ever since.
The two go to an arcade where Mao asks Denji how does it feel when he transforms because for her it just hurts a bunch and she wondered if it's the same for someone as strong as chainsaw man, Denji tries to put his feelings of wanting to be chainsaw man into words but it's interrupted by that crowd of dudes with baseball bats that comes after him in the canon chapter 137. He fights a few of them off before Mao, transformed into the clock hybrids jumps in and starts attacking the thugs, she says she's meant to do the fighting and tells Denji to go hide somewhere.
He obviously doesn't do that, saying why should he miss the fun part, and proceeds to grab one of the bats on the floor and beating the shit out of those people too. He looks down at his chest and considers transforming before Yoshida shows up and the fight ends. This time he's accompanied by Fumiko and this is where she gets introduced into the story.
He explains that they're all from division 7 and that he and Fumiko, Mao's superior in the mission, were watching them from afar to evaluate how well she would do in her assigned task, coming to the conclusion that she lacks fighting experience but does state that this should have been expected seeing as Mao's most useful abilities are not related to fighting. Amidst his confusion Mao approaches Denji and uses her clock to cure the few bruises and scraches he got on the fight, finishing off by saying that she did tell him the clock was cooler!
Fumiko approaches them and talks about how chainsaw man is strong even when he's not trasnformed and says that she wishes there will be an opportunity for them to talk more in the future, she leaves with Mao and Yoshida tells Denji that he'll set her straight and so he won't have to fight anymore. From there his meeting with Miri in the streets happens just like in canon.
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redsandspirit · 3 months
What is the devil's nature anyway?
Let's talk about what the so-called "devil's nature" is and what traits are inherent in devils. We know from the manga that devils usually have some sort of instinct to dislike humans. That's all by now. The problem is that devils are just as intelligent beings as humans (perhaps more intelligent, considering that Darkness Devil has gained some great wisdom over his long life, I don't know). They are capable of learning and drawing conclusions based on their experiences and knowledge, and they are not animals following their instincts, because if that were the case, Chainsaw Man would be a completely different manga. In general, devils here have the same free will as humans.
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I've seen a lot of people convinced that devils are some kind of plain evil, devoid of any kind of virtues simply because that's what they are, despite the fact that this is completely contrary to what is shown in the manga. Compassion, remorse, selflessness and love are called by many as something alien to them.
We have Angel Devil, who blamed himself so much for the deaths of people that they appeared in his nightmares, and who formed strong bonds first with the villagers and then with Aki. Then we have Power, who we were able to fully watch go from the point where she didn't care about anyone, including herself, to the point where she desperately does everything she can to save the person she cares about. Nayuta was also willing to sacrifice himself to ensure the safety of a human she loved. Makima shows some degree of remorse, despite the fact that her environment wasn't even dispositioned to develop such feelings (I don't think she could have been insincere in the beach scene, since Aki and Angel Devil were already under her control and it didn't make sense for her to manipulate them). In fact, it's in regards to Makima that I most often come across nonsense like "well, they're devils, obviously they're inherently bad" as fandom struggles with the idea of her not being universally evil, but that would also mean that characters like Power and Angel Devil are no different, and I don't think the same people would like that. Now that we've got that out of the way, how can all these traits not be an integral part of the "devil's nature" if devils have the natural potential to develop them?
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It's also a common idea that devils are killing machines obsessed with genocide, but in Nayuta's example, we see, we see that devils may not even like killing at all. The manga often shows that even unfriendly devils' first reaction to humans isn't always to kill them.
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Finally, we come to the individual devil's nature. Like I said, disliking humans is literally the only known thing the devils can share with each other, according to the manga. So I roll my eyes every time I read something along the lines of "wow, Nayuta chose Denji's happiness above her own, she defeated her Control Devil nature". I mean, what do we even know about the "Control Devil nature"? Some attribute Nayuta's innate tendency toward dictatorial behavior or possessiveness, but I don't see the point in considering it anything more than fanfiction until the manga itself points out that such things take place. What then is Famine Devil nature? Eating sweets for five? It's more like people jump to premature conclusions on their own, and then when they don't match reality run to write nonsense about "nature vs nurture", an idea that has already been horribly twisted by fandoms.
Yes, of course, devils in general are very dangerous for humans, and in the war with them (part two calls it that), countless numbers become victims. Still, devil characters in manga are just as complex as human characters, and I find it very reductive to try to simplify them in this way. The author has already humanized the devils enough for us to ignore it.
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stopdyingnow · 1 year
Outcast // Hayakawa Aki x GN! Reader Fluff
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Warnings: None. Sfw. Focuses on Aki and reader’s healthy relationship. Story note: This is before Power and Denji moved into his apartment and when Himeno was alive.
————- Note: I'M CRINGING SO HARD AT THIS ALREADY- ;_; ahem. Anyways, no manga spoilers or spoilers past season one are here. So Anime onlys are completely safe. :)
I randomly got motivation to do this since it is a shower thought I had. Fictional character brain rot, am I right? I don’t know if this is considered a full on fic but more of a one-shot. Hope you enjoy. This is my first time writing on Tumblr (or a full on one-shot in general lol) so yeah. Hope it isn't too bad, if you want you can give tips in comments. ^^
Ended up being a bit longer than I thought, it was fun writing even though I struggled a bit at times to be happy with the dialogue and stuff. May edit a bit (cough cough a lot) more.
Another month, another day.
Nighttime had overtaken the skies as you hear your co-workers laughing and enjoying themselves. They're all having fun, no worries whatsoever.
You were invited by Himeno to go out and drink. To have some fun for a bit. To let go of reality for a bit. The harsh reality of devils and lives constantly being robbed of innocent people.
It was a successful mission, so you were at the ramen restaurant watching your colleagues get drunk off of alcohol. It smelled like sweat and alcohol in the air, as you quietly sat there at a table not speaking to anyone.
In all seriousness, you didn’t really want to come. You would much rather stay home in your comfort area. You mainly came for two reasons: one being that you didn't want to decline Himeno's offer and seem a bit rude. You were starting to run out of excuses to not come. Second, being that you didn’t want to be the only outcast who didn’t come to a meeting where your co-workers are supposed to celebrate and forget about worries. All in bliss, getting high off of alcohol, escaping from reality.
You chose a chair where not too much people were as their laughs kept echoing. You sat somewhere to at least make you seem a bit included. You didn't drink any alcohol. You weren't a big fan of some. Certain drinks to you tasted disgusting in your opinion, and you didn't know how someone like Himeno could drink it raw.
You tried to peer your eyes at anything in an attempt at trying to ease the awkwardness of not having anyone to speak to. You didn't want to make it obvious you felt left out. If you were being honest, you felt like an outcast, like you weren’t really as included as some other workers are. Nobody tried to talk to you. And if they would do other activities, you'd be at home. Uninvited.
Or if you were invited, you barely spoke to anyone. If someone would reserve seats in a restaurant for the entire division, you would be the the person who is most likely to have been forgotten. Leading you to then be forced to eat at another table away from everyone else. Either that or if you do sit with many others, you'd be there in silence. Only occasionally speaking as you watch everyone else chat away, carefree. Having fun, getting high, getting that spark in their chest when they find someone they really enjoy talking to, and enjoying their time there in general.
So in conclusion, you felt like an outcast to others. Some people would only occasionally speak to you, only to stop speaking to you again. You barely knew anyone of them outside of work.
Well, except for one person that is.
Hayakawa Aki. Professional Aki. Known for being number one devil hater. The man whose family was robbed of him. The man who was forced to grow up too early in his life.
The Gun Devil obviously impacted everyone. Including you. So you couldn’t help but sympathize with him. At least some people who got affected had somebody. Whether it was an aunt, uncle, grandparent…While for Hayakawa, he had nobody. He had always blamed himself for his brother’s death. You knew that since you’ve known him for a while now. He always has blamed himself ever since that day.
November 18th, 10:00 am.
The Gun Devil would arrive and hit Japan for 26 seconds.
Deaths: 57,912.
United States: 124 seconds, 548,012 deaths.
China: 37 seconds, 316,932 deaths.
Soviet Union: 210 seconds, 155,302 deaths.
India: 15 seconds, 29,950.
Canada: 7 seconds, 8,481 deaths.
Mexico: 2 seconds, 6,088 deaths.
Hawaii: 0.4 seconds, 780 deaths.
In about five minutes, the Gun Devil managed to rob almost 1.2 million people of their lives.
New laws were enforced, orphanages began to overflow with desperate children and teenagers alike, kids, adults, grandparents, teachers, nearly everyone alike was impacted by the Gun Devil.
Hayakawa Aki, the man who deep down is filled with sorrow, anger, and guilt.
You remembered all of that. Felt a bit of sorrow, pity, and guilt in your gut for him and other victims, as a familiar face you began to notice was standing in a corner.
You couldn't help but feel yourself light up a bit. It was an opportunity. At least someone you know is there. At least someone who you know personally is there instead of being alone awkwardly, barely knowing anyone. You then stood up, and begin to wave to him, being careful not to be too loud to the point other workers would notice you. But just enough to get his attention. He noticed your hand, as his eyes met yours and he began to walk to you. Suit tied perfectly, hair tied in a topknot, eyes darting onto you.
Mister Hayakawa. Number one devil hater. The one who is supposedly cold on the outside.
As he walked toward you, you lightly smiled as he breathed in a cigarette.
“Aki- how are you?”
You were desperate to find someone to talk to by this point. You felt like an outcast at times as stated. Barely anyone talked to you at the moment and before. You couldn't help but feel alone at times. Every time you'd met up for the division to hang out and have fun it'd be the same. You would just be silent and ponder why you even decided to come.
Aki was the only one you knew well in that division. He was the only one who attempted to talk to you. The one who you could sometimes notice smiling in your presence.
Aki, the one you can go to to vent your problems.
Aki, the one who even bothers to ask how you are.
Aki, the one who speaks ever so politely to people that deserve it. Especially you.
Hayakawa Aki, the one who is always concerned for your safety despite what people say. Hayakawa Aki, the one who treats your wounds if you injure yourself. Hayakawa Aki, the one who you can always go to for comfort. The one you trust…
You were broken out of your train of thought, when he responded.
“I’m fine for now, thank you. I hope everything is going well for you.”
“It’s going fine so far- just glad to see you here so I can have someone to talk to. Better than just sitting there alone, am I right?”
He raised an eyebrow slightly.
“Hm? Don’t you have anyone else who talks to you here? You seem easy to get along with. I'm sure there's someone other than me.”
“Yeah, well…”
You couldn’t help but feel a flutter when he said you were, “easy to get along with.” Did he mean it? Cold devil hater Mister Hayakawa, calling someone easy to get along with? How nice. How surprising it’s you out of all people.
“I don’t really have any, close ones here y’know? I mean…Nobody really tried to reach out to me except for you. Or at least not as much.”
He lightly took a puff of his cigarette, when he spoke again.
“I see.”
You couldn’t help but notice a bit of pity in his eyes. Like he felt a bit, bad for you in a way? It was very hard to notice. But you can swear he at least feels a tiny bit of pity for you. A bit of empathy.
Aki empathizes with you. He remembers what it was like alone. Having to recover his family’s cold and lifeless bodies. Or at least what was left. They didn’t even look human. They looked like cold mannequins disguised as humans. No life in their eyes. He remembers the cold air and numb feeling he felt in his chest. He doesn't even know how to describe it.
He remembers being frozen in fear as he felt indescribable emotions during that time. A bit of denial when he first saw his house get blown away. Trying to process what just happened to not only him, but the entire world. Fear, anger, sorrow, guilt…
He felt alone. Like an outcast, perhaps? Nobody was there. That was something that hit him like a rock. Something he had absolutely no choice but to accept. No aunts, uncles, grandparents, no nothing.
He remembers coming to the realization that he truly was alone. Lonely, is the right word perhaps. Over time, he didn’t feel anything to it anymore as he first did. He was now numb. He felt nothing. Empty, perhaps. He was used to that feeling now. As stated, he became numb.
He has been used to waking up, going to work, and in hopes of getting closer to achieving his goal of revenge to soothe all of the anger and sadness he has. He just felt a bit...empty. Perhaps.
He lived for nothing but revenge. Anger, hate, sadness, guilt.
He’d wake up every day in his empty apartment. It was the same cycle every day since the Gun Devil.
Wake up, go to work, come home, sleep, repeat.
Wake up, go to work, come home, sleep, repeat.
Wake up…go to work, come home, sleep, repeat…
Revenge. That was his only purpose. Nothing else. Repeat the same cycle every day and hope to get closer to his goal as stated. Hope to soothe the pain. Hope to get peace by revenge.
Afterall, he had nobody. So why should he care about anyone or anything else?
Although, there was one exception.
Someone that feels just as lonely as him at times. Someone that sits alone at gatherings, such as this one. Barely talking to anyone. Someone who can listen to him. Comfort him. Support him. Just as much as he does to other’s. Almost as much as to how he doesn't hesitate to pull out his sword to save a life. Almost as much as how with each stab or usage of the blade reduces his lifespan with every time he tears a devil's flesh.
Aki cries, you and Himeno know that.
Even if it is just a partner he has known for a bit or a rookie, he cries. He cares.
Aki, whose heart deserves so much more.
Aki, who is deep down one of the most empathetic and caring man you've ever known.
Aki, who’d cry over your death.
Aki, who would do anything to protect you even if he won’t admit how much you mean to him…
Sometimes, he might even think when he sees you that he might have something in his life other than revenge, anger, sorrow, guilt, or the same cycle for once.
Maybe, instead of going through the same endless and empty cycle, it was pretty fun to talk to you.
The day got a bit more fun whenever he talked to you. It was just recently he noticed that. He'd feel something whenever he would see the way you enjoy talking to him. Whether it was him telling you how ridiculous you can be, whether it was about devils, whether it is him venting his frustrations...
To see you smile, laugh, and to know you enjoyed it just as much. You were so grateful to how he was one of the few, no, the only one who reached out to you in and outside of work.
Aki, the one who tries to include you even in gatherings like these. The one who at least tries to speak to you if he sees you're alone in gatherings. All so that you don't get the saame feeling he gets when he's alone.
Aki, who makes the places where you're usually an outcast, left out in conversations, kind of fun.
Back at the present, you were there in your chair. The air smelling like alcohol, beer, and sweat. Aki stood there. His tall figure looking over you. Analyzing you.
That’s when you realized he has been standing this whole time.
It was a long mission, his legs must be sore and tired. You notice the bandage over his arm due to him donating some skin to the fox devil. He deserves a rest. A whole break honestly. A whole break from this miserable life in general. From this sorrowful world. A world where he could be happy and have a life purpose that isn’t revenge. Aki, who deserves so much more...
It comes to your mind to offer a seat to Aki.
“Oh, you’ve been standing a lot, haven’t you?”
“I guess so.”
You get up, and slide the chair out a bit.
You see he gets a bit confused as you pull the chair out, that's when you explain.
“You can have my seat.”
He gets a bit caught off guard by the sudden gesture. A nice act of kindness to him. He then begins to politely decline, not wanting to take your seat.
“Hm? It’s fine. I’m alright with standing. Thank you for the offer though.”
“Nono, you need a break, Aki. You really should...relax for once. You’ve been through a lot. And we got out of that mission barely alive. We don't even know if we'll survive the day tomorrow...So because of that,"
"can I at least offer you a seat, Mister Hayakawa?”
Been through a lot.
Been through a lot is an understatement.
For a while, he’s had nobody and his only life purpose was revenge.
Yet hear you are, concerned for him. Caring for his life. Even though you know his lifespan has been shortened due to the curse devil, you are still there with him. He gets baffled when he thinks about it. Someone as kind and sweet as you nurturing him. Listening to him. Even if he can't even owe you a full life if he survived. But yet, here you are still wanting him to relax. Offering him a seat. Comforting him. Smiling at him. Talking to him outside of work. Being concerned for him...
You’re a pretty damn good person, he thinks.
Just the way your eyes light up when you talk to him. The way they light up when you get really into conversations with him. That spark in your chest. The way you act that way around him.
He’d pretend to be annoyed by you at times. By your ridiculous conversations at times. Mister perfect Hayakawa. Always so professional. But deep down, he can’t deny it.
You’re adorable.
He gets out of his thoughts about you, about your pretty face. The one he could never bring himself to hurt or insult. When he is about to speak again to politely decline once again, you begin to slide his body down onto the chair stand up.
He gets a bit caught off guard when your arms go onto him. A flutter goes off in his chest as he realizes your skin is touching his.
“Please, let me, Mister Hayakawa.”
You lightly smile at him when your eyes meet his.
Mister Hayakawa. He’d pretend to be annoyed by the childish nickname you gave him just to tease him, however he can’t help but lightly smile at your childish teasing's. How you are always more cheerful around him. Especially when he tries to include you in conversations he notices you're left out in. He can't help but find it cute with how comfortable you are with him.
As he gets forced to sit down, you begin to walk away to maybe try and find another seat or a comfortable place to stand. But that’s when you feel a hand on your arm, ushering you down.
“Since there’s one seat, we’ll make it work.”
“Wait- hu-“
You get extremely caught off guard, when he drags you down onto the chair until you’re on his lap.
“Wait- Aki- wha-?“
“There’s one chair here, isn’t there?”
“How about we both sit here. It works. Doesn’t it?”
Your eyes widen a bit, extremely flustered and caught off guard. You did not expect that at all. Especially from Aki out of all people.
“Aki I’m going to crush you-“
“I’m fine. I can handle you sitting on my lap.”
You’re holding back your weight to not crush him, you're tensed up and incredibly flustered at him suddenly offering you on his lap. You look at him, a bit shocked. As he continues smoking his cigarette non-challantly like it's nothing.
You get even more caught off guard when he has his arms go onto your back and stomach, trying to straighten your posture.
Since when did he get so bold? You wonder.
When did he get so handsome? So charming?
“Straighten your posture a bit, bad posture can cause back pain. I don't want your back being sore on the next mission.”
You swear you can hear him lightly chuckle as you’re on his lap. On how flustered you are. This is unlike him. Very unlike him. He's a sweet and empathetic man deep down. You know that. However this is in public, in front of others, where anyone can see.
However, this one time, perhaps he doesn’t care.
He wants you to be included. To not be like him when he was alone. Cold, empty, going through the same endless meaningless cycle in hopes for magically finding happiness one day.
Aki empathizes with you, Aki would always understand your emotions no matter what. Whatever happens, he'd always be as understanding as he possibly could with you.
“Aki, are you sure this is oka-“
“I’m the one who offered you on my lap, didn’t I?”
You nod, when his hands go to your shoulders to massage it. He tries to get you to relax, noticing how tense you are.
"You should relax, being tensed up can also cause soreness."
Because of those words, you begin to ease up a bit. You feel your body slowly stop being tense. And you swear you hear Aki chuckle about how flustered you are.
You’re cute. He thinks to himself.
A few minutes go by, and you and Aki begin to have some small talk. Some parts of the conversation about devils, how work is going, life, advice for outside of work…
For the first time in this gathering, you genuinely smile and laugh with him. As Aki looks at you, he notices you have that spark in your eye. The feeling you get when you're really enjoying a conversation with someone. That feeling in your chest. Like a fire being lit up and the flames burning. That great feeling. And if you're being honest, you can tell Aki feels the same.
Aki, the man you can always trust to be your therapist. The one who would wipe your tears if you cried. The one who calms you down. Helps you relax. You, the one Aki is empathetic towards. The one who Aki trusts to talk to. The one he can vent to. The few he wouldn't mind crying in front of.
You continue chatting instead of drinking. Him chuckling at some of your funny or weird retorts. You're still on his lap. Which in your opinion, is a lot more fun than getting high off of beer and alcohol as an escapism from reality.
Perhaps this night was a bit fun after all.
. yes reader is quirky and not like the others ik. 😩✋🏻
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sugar-grigri · 8 months
After questioning it, Fujimoto sets fire to his own creation
Witch, cremation, CSM wannabe... what if the work we love was burning?
You might think that the shortness of this chapter means that it doesn't say much, but the opposite is true - it's overflowing with richness and coherence.
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The first thing that impressed me was the mastery of the action, particularly Quanxi's attitude during this very scene 
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The fact that Quanxi bit Fumiko was nothing more than a way of controlling her future pain; she had perfectly understood that she was going to lose her legs as a result of the fall, just as she couldn't bite herself.
I also like the way we understand how extremely fast her regeneration capacity is, in just a few seconds her leg is healed, and the fake chainsaw men don't even have time to get any closer before their heads are flying.
Apart from the action, the chapter is also very rich in dialogue 
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I'd like to come back to Barem's characterisation of Nayuta as not only a witch but also an ex-Makima.
First of all, it makes sense in terms of the scenario, because if Nayuta were to die, there'd be no more locks, and the public hunters' dilemma would also fall by the wayside. 
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But we can dig even deeper, whether in the character of Barem or that of Nayuta. 
It's not insignificant that the flame-throwing weapon is the one who starts the witch-hunt, just as it's not insignificant that it's Barem who says it, given that he's a character we can describe as religious. 
I think Barem is the weapon with the most resentment towards his instrumentalisation, he also sees Nayuta as a threat because she was a former mistress of the weapons. 
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But above all, why is the control demon closer to a witch than a demon? 
Obviously, when we think of witches, we all think of witch-hunting, but let's take the reasoning to its logical conclusion: why hunt witches? The witch is the symbol of what must be eradicated, of a close link with evil, but above all a pretext for the powers that be to eliminate women who represent a form of power.
Calling Makima a witch is consistent, but at the same time it differs in a few respects: she wasn't driven out by the government, she was deliberately put in place by it. But calling Nayuta a witch instead of a demon is consistent, because she's a demon who, despite her desire for control, blends in with humans. 
Nayuta sticks to her role as a little girl, whether it's her interest in school or her focus on her family with Denji.
Makima also had a real desire to integrate, despite the fact that her only response to socialisation was domination.
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But she remains a witch, not because she is persecuted, but because she persecutes. 
It's not a question of demonising Nayuta, but of not presenting her as a cute, nice girl. I don't understand how some people think that the antagonist of part 1 could have been magically diluted by the power of love. Nayuta is no longer a tool, but she's still a demon exerting a form of control over Denji in his isolation.
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Nayuta isn't Machiavellian and she thinks that by preventing Denji from seeing Asa, for example, she's protecting him. What's more, Denji deliberately isolates himself and thinks that Nayuta is the only one who will accept him. While he was psyching himself out over his wet dog smell after Asa's rejection, Nayuta, who claims to love the smell, only confirms this point of view.
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Once again, the control demon's objective is always the pursuit of happiness for both of them, just as it was for Makima with Pochita or Nayuta with Denji. The control demon's obsession with Chainsaw Man is what marks the continuity between Makima and Nayuta. 
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Nayuta's character may not be fundamentally different from Makima's, she's just marked by a more infantile control that's more demonstrative and noisy than adult control, which is colder and more insidious.
That's why I'm changing the premise, I think Nayuta is still Makima, but she's simply changed environment. 
When Barem pretends he's heard Chainsaw Man, I don't think it's as absurd as it sounds, he's the one who's most piercing about Denji in each of his interactions, he's insisting on something that Denji isn't admitting to himself. 
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Whether it's his desire to become Chainsaw Man again in spite of Nayuta, or the fact that Denji also likes to have fans by presenting himself as one, I think that without saying that Denji wants his little sister dead, he thinks she's a witch... 
Witch and not demon, Nayuta is not the threat of an enemy, of a demon that CSM should eliminate, but she is not a human little sister, she is dangerous in her need to control her brother. 
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I adore Nayuta, so I don't want people to think that I hold her responsible for everything, but I see a kind of taboo in the way some fans refuse to see her as anything other than the idyllic little sister 
CSM is grey, each positive facet will have a negative facet. Denji's relationship with his little sister is full of contradictory desires that also need to be pointed out. 
I think this chapter just points out the taboos, for example by calling Denji a CSM wannabe, I think that's a part of the character that's often overlooked. 
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CSM is part of Denji's identity, but it's as much a role he's taken on as a mask he hides behind. 
To avoid facing up to his own existential difficulties, Denji hides behind Chainsaw Man, convinced that the only way to love him is to discover that he is Chainsaw Man, as if it wasn't possible to simply love the boy. 
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Just as the only time Denji expressly confesses his feelings is when he's Chainsaw Man. Denji has never spoken of his grief as a human again, just as he has never come to terms with his dream of having sex. 
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Chainsaw Man is the semblance of confidence that allows Denji to be himself. Didn't you notice how silent and passive he was as a human in the last arc? 
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Fujimoto questioned one thing throughout part 2: what is Chainsaw Man? Is he the hero that a whole generation of people are fans of, Yoru's enemy, Pochita, that impostor, Denji's identity or... isn't he more all those moments when Denji is himself? 
Yoshida had wondered whether CSM would eat the demon of death, and Denji's answer to that question is to go and help Asa without a mask, just by encouraging her. Having just identified the great king of terror as the demon of death, the way to eradicate him also lies in Denji finding solutions not just in Chainsaw Man but in himself and in relying on others. Denji must come to terms with who he is and his isolation.
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By setting up a protagonist who, like the former protagonist, experiences repeated bereavements, Fujimoto questions the outcome of grief. Hiding behind Chainsaw Man, isolating himself with Nayuta, is a form of withdrawal. The demon of death is already present in the way Asa and Denji tend to cope with the death of their loved ones. 
The door symbol for Denji, the cat for Asa.
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That's why this work is a first break. The only way to eradicate these fake Chainsaw Man is through cremation, as this prevents them from using their blood to live again. This explains the immortality of the weapons, following the same logic: human blood constantly feeds a demonic heart capable of regenerating itself.
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Denji's first response is to burn. Whether it's to emancipate himself from Chainsaw Man, by burning as a simple wannabe of himself, because Denji fantasises about an identity of which he is not the only possessor.
But cremation is just as much a response as escaping the witches - the isolation imposed by the demon of control - but cremation is also a stage in mourning. 
When we see the coffin of a loved one being lowered into the crematorium, it's an unheard-of act of violence, but it also symbolises the fact that there's no turning back, that it's a violent impetus to move forward. 
The person who has all the answers to all these facets of grief is none other than Power. Denji must also reclaim his identity as a co-contractor with the blood demon, just as he must reconnect with the painful memory to make the demon his "Buddy" again, but above all, Denji has two little sisters, so he mustn't isolate himself with just one. Blood is the key to regeneration, and she is the key to moving forward.
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Fujimoto showed in the last arc how "Chainsaw Man" wasn't a satisfactory answer for his protagonist, so now he's setting fire to what has been established as a bad lead.
Fujimoto burns down all the taboos, all the biases we had about the characters but also the ones they have about themselves. 
If Chainsaw Man is to continue as a work of art, the title must be crossed out. 
The question is, what will replace it? 
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smilemuse · 3 months
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THE ISOLATION IS SOMETHING HE WELCOMES WITH OPEN ARMS, but the price of it is keeping denji at arm's length. yoshida takes into consideration denji's preferences & he knows he's not one of them. rationally, he knows where the conclusion would become so he decides to cut it before it does anymore damage. it has run it's course, so the fact of the matter is there was a beating that was being taken. yoshida knows he's not running away from this unscathed, after all the static between the two of them is a current running deep.
however, there was a bit of a solace in the fact that he had another classmate. not that miri could provide anything denji could. the two could relate on the level that they are the subject of unwanted attention. he supposes miri is something of the school's resident bad boy, but yoshida prefers playing the part of mysterious vice president. the truth is being on the studen council is nothing but the popular vote & he was only second to aki. his popularity supersedes yoshida & he has no problems with that. if only being a background character could work in his favor.
❛ no, we aren't meeting today for once.❜ yoshida supposes this cover will suffice, pretending that he's moved on. in fact, he is nothing but an unmoved boulder waiting to run down a hill. ❛ i figured we could handle both our pesky fangirls. ❜ he doesn't try to add the fanboys that randomly decide to confess to yoshida. he would stamp out their rejection with nothing but ease. ❛ i'm a little bit on the hungrier side, but i don't mind the arcade for an hour after.❜ it's a different type of speed, but he needs something to drown the thoughts of denji that linger when he's home alone.
❛ you seem excited to spend time with me. any reason why?❜ he sniffs the excitement that comes in droves, a faint appearance on the green haired boy's face has him curious.
taken from x / @getsusekaii
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greatwyrmgold · 2 months
I love many serial stories, but I'm developing a distaste for serial storytelling.
If you follow me, you've probably figured out that I like both reading and writing media analysis, whether it's essays about the characterization of a web serial's supporting cast or discussing the themes of Shonen Jump manga.
It's pretty easy to read and analyze media that is "complete," a word which here means "the author has written the conclusion". The conclusion is an important part of any story! It's the part where everything built up in the early parts of the story is brought together and assembled into its final form. Every setup has either been paid off or revealed to be a red herring. The puzzle is complete, we can see the picture, we can confidently interpret its meaning.
Analyzing serial media is trickier. You don't have all the pieces; you have to look at what's available, guess what might be missing, and interpret the meaning there might be in the end. This has some consequences.
Sometimes, stuff that you assumed would be explained later isn't. I remember a post I made after Chainsaw Man chapter 137 (which I can't find because Tumblr's search function is terrible) that speculated on why all those people would be mindlessly attacking Denji. It's weird! This isn't the sort of thing that just happens in Chainsaw Man, not without some devil or whatever doing something weird. Controlling people, or making puppets, or at least putting a bounty on Denji's head.
I assumed there would be some kind of explanation in later chapters. And I waited, and kept reading. Months later, I realized that there never really was an explanation. In chapter 138, Yoshida mentioned that it's natural for people to attack Chainsaw Man when they know his identity, and that was it.
Sometimes, stuff that you assume indicates a pattern later isn't. Back in My Hero Academia's sports festival arc, a bunch of spectators flip out when Bakugo beats up Ochaco, and Aizawa goes on a rant about how ridiculous their reaction is. They see a cute girl in a tournament arc and assume she's just a weakling who's being victimized by the big strong bully, and Aizawa won't stand for that. Sure, Bakugo beat her, but only because he recognized her as a threat. To quote Red Sarcasticproductions (2019):
My Hero Academia takes no prisoners when it comes to trope subversion. Man, I hope it stays good.
Foreshadowing is a literary device—
Anyways, it's 2024 and Ochaco has mostly been sidelined. Some time during season three, she and Iida were sidelined in favor of Izuku's new guy friends, Todoroki and Bakugo. Ochaco's only significant contribution in the climactic arc is her catfight with depraved bisexual Toga Himiko, which is its own can of worms.
Luckily, Kohei Horikoshi introduced a bunch of new lady characters with Quirks that can keep pace with the series's power creep. Unfortunately, pretty much all of them are killed, crippled, or otherwise sidelined after getting one cool moment. To be clear, new male characters are also introduced in this time, and while some get killed shortly after their introduction, they don't consistently fall into the same introduction—>action scene—>adios pattern as the women, and that pattern isn't the only pattern which makes the female characters look worse.
My Hero Academia went from being a series notable for vocally supporting its female characters, to a series notable for its mediocre treatment thereof.
And then there's Ward, which isn't a manga at all, despite what some people will claim. (It doesn't even have pictures!) In its last arc, there was some discourse which is difficult to describe without spoiling stuff, so...
There was this plan to solve The Problem. The audience saw a detailed explanation of, and spends chapters watching characters discuss the ramifications of the plan. Vibes in the community are rancid; the superheroes in that story are kinda allegories for people with PTSD and stuff, and the story thus far has drawn a pretty clear connection between "heroic sacrifices" and suicidal tendencies, and the plan seems kinda like a mass "heroic sacrifice"...
Well, it turns out that there was an important detail of the plan which the characters were keeping from the audience. I have strong opinions about why hiding that detail was a bad idea, but it was made so much worse by the serial nature of the story. If Ward was published as one 15-pound book, the time between finding out about the plan and finding out about the twist would be measured in days, if not hours.
But those chapters came out two a week, over the course of months, leaving us fans plenty of time to stew over the implications of that partial puzzle. People who read Ward later don't always like the ending, but they don't dislike it anywhere near as much as people like me who read it chapter by chapter.
And if you wanted another manga example instead of web serials, basically the same thing is going on with Aqua and Ruby's relationship in Oshi no Ko. Unless that's more like Chainsaw Man's "there is no explanation" or MHA's "you only THOUGHT we were handling this well"—it's impossible to say what's going on for certain, and that sucks!
I don't want to say that serial stories punish you for trying to understand them before they're finished; that kind of speculation can be rewarding. (And of course, some stories could not exist without serial publication.) But it can also suck.
It sucks when an explanation you're waiting for never comes. It sucks when a story you thought was good at heart slowly loses its credibility. It sucks when a pacing decision turns an okay writing decision into weeks of agonizing confusion.
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stackslip · 1 year
🔥 12, 18, 20 for csm
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
OH BOY LMAO ok it's complicated but. i think yuko was a crucial character not only for for asa but for our understanding of the themes of part 2 as a whole, and the only people who pay attention to her either meme her as the riddler or see her as a Soft Lesbian instead of like. how interesting she is. she immediately clings to asa because she too has been neglected and bullied and is deeply lonely! she's built on action where asa remains stuck in her head and in her thoughts, the moment she's given a motivation (a new friend) she decides that she's going to fix their problems and that solution involves 1) making a contract 2) killing their bullies. that's how desperate her situation is, that's how bad it's gotten for her--willing to give whatever she could and give up aspects of her humanity in the name of making the world a tiny bit safer for herself and her friend.
and her admiration for chainsaw man as a character is so so interesting--chainsaw man is no longer pochita nor even denji, chainsaw man is a fucking cartoon figure and political symbol who represents everyone's hopes and fears. so it's telling that to asa, chainsaw man is a figure of justice, someone who should be working to make a better world in which neither she nor asa are outcasts and hurt freely without adults interfering except to train them into future employees and fodder in the war against devils. and the reality is that nobody is coming to save her! the reality is that chainsaw man is not any of these things and is Just A Guy. the reality is that the world is, currently, really that cruel. she's basically taken the first steps that i think will guide asa in the future--i truly believe that asa is going to want to end the world out of sheer disgust and pain at everything she's gone through, just as a yuko saw herself as just for wanting to wipe out the school and the uncaring structures that let her family die and then let her be tormented with no care for her life or wellbeing. idk if yuko's fate will be revealed to her at that point but it might contribute to that. anyhow yuko makes me so fucking sad man, i wish people would understand her more than as a cute friend for asa
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
the boob arc has its reasons to exist and i'm not against them but people who want to drop csm for that reason are perfectly justified because every time i reread part 1 the boob arc feels a little longer and more awkward and cringey to me. sorry. its conclusion (the makima scene) is spectacular though
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teddyclara · 1 year
So if you remember this post, I suggested a possible TWST x CSM crossover, and also listed out just what would lead up to this sort of thing. Anyways, here’s just some general ideas that I have that I have no idea how they would fit into a story
Yuu treats Power the same way that they treat Grim, food as bribery and watching like a parent. This works out because Power and Grim kinda act similar, it’s just that Power’s a human meat bag.
Unsurprisingly, Power and Grim do not get along and get into physical fights very easily.
Watching Yuu deal with Power, Grim, Ace, and Deuce gives Aki the impression that they’re the serious and sane one among their group. Unfortunately for him, Yuu is sane in the sense that they’re pretty grounded, but Yuu is also a teenager and given what happens in the story, they’re kinda an enabler for the insanity that occurs in NRC, even if involuntarily.
Ace plays and cheats at poker with Public Safety, which includes Kishibe and Himeno (and Deuce because why not). He wins 4 games before Kishibe notices that there’s a card up his sleeve.
Aki (watching Ace about to get his ass kicked): Are you not going to do anything about this?
Yuu (also watching): I think it’s funny
Kobeni, as in canon, gets bullied by teenagers.
Denji and Ruggie bond on account of both being (or in Denji’s case, had been) very poor
Rook has the time of his life studying Devils and Fiends. He’s having so much fun checking them out, Public Safety have to get him to leave their Devils and the ones that they encounter alone because holy shit kid do you want to kill yourself?
Fiends are identified by the inhuman features on their heads. So Public Safety comes to the reasonable, but incorrect conclusion that the Malleus and Jack are fiends.
The tech gap of the 90s and today is actually such a funny concept to add in, especially because TWST also has on one end of the spectrum, Ignihyde and robot child Ortho, but also the Diasomnia quartet who don’t have CDs because the Briar Valley is in medieval stasis
Anyways that means you can have the interaction of Malleus trying to use a computer from the 90s
Kobeni (trying her best): So, you have to click the save button so you don’t lose your work... I-it’s the button on the top left that looks like a floppy disk
Malleus (trying his best): What’s a floppy disk?
Power and Denji get a smartphone for communication reasons, but they both break it within an hour. It’s not really their fault, they just didn’t expect smartphones to be so fragile in the first place
Actually, considering the chaos of Devil hunting in the first place, it probably wouldn’t take long for everyone to just break any phone.
Makima: So you all have experience fighting Devils?
The first-year trio (thinking about the Overblots that they had to deal with): Something like that
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