#'All alright' by fun. also has vague vibes but that's more so for the sequel so ?
tracle0 · 11 months
hello hello! hope you're well!! I'm here to offer my nano playlist making services :D what's the vibe?
o/ howdy! the vibe is 'small bookish child who really wants a cool fantasy adventure in the same vein as the Famous Five or something similar is apprenticed by a man possessed by a storm, and colours are important and magic. Together, they've got to destroy a nondescript object capable of bleaching all pigments everywhere, which is a Bad Thing'
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beryligator · 2 years
Sonic Movie 3 Script Fun
Spoilers duh, no shit, you stupid? Can't figure out they're might be spoilers for a what if predication for a sequel to a movie? This is why no one loves you. Except me, I love you. You need me, but that's not healthy. Find love in yourself okay?
Just to warn you. I uh...it's long
Alright so Shadow's is going to be in this movie. That's a fact.
That also got me thinking. We just skipped all of Sonic Adventure 1, but just like the second movie combined the story beats of Sonic 2 and Sonic 3. They could do the same here.
So here's my spin on how they could do it, while still making sense.
So starters:
The movie will begin with Cream being introduced into this world. She's lost and scared. Until she comes across Amy, who is also lost, but is able to fend of that fear to comfort this child.
Cream is going to take over the role the flicky provided in SA. One because I think it's a great way to introduce Amy outside of Sonic, but two it also gives her someone to bounce of off. All while Omega is hunting them. (Yeah Omega is replacing Gammas story a little bit. He's basically going to have this arc of him wanting to be one of Eggmans greatest creations by destroying that Hedgehog. Unfortunately he thinks it can be any hedgehog, not just sonic due to some faulty programming. He was abandoned after being deemed a failure to a robot that could actually rival sonic. "Oh wow, who could that be?" He's going through the robot learns empathy, and his one sided hatred of Eggman is going to be much more now. It's going to be him proving that Eggman made a mistake throwing him away. By being his greatest invention, and teaming up with Sonic instead of destroying him)
During the entire time Amy is trying help Cream go home she comes across numerous news outlets from whatever (TV, Phones, commercials IDC) That are talking about this hero Sonic. She's not love stricken like her usual counterpart, but instead see's him as someone who can help her and Cream get home.
Shadow and Eggman are going to have a similar story like they did in SA2. Eggman frees Shadow and thinks that Shadow is his puppet while it's actually the reverse. Shadow escaping the GUN base with Eggman. It diverges in that Shadow and Eggman steal the master emerald together. He's going to wreck Knuckles and force him to break the Master Emerald. It of course splits into the chaos emeralds. In quick thinking he uses the rings Sonic had given him (I doubt Sonic wouldn't give him and Tails some to help them) and just throws them and the chaos emeralds. In this confusion of portals opening and Eggman and Knuckles being sucked into separate ones. Shadow is able grab onto a green emerald
Next we're going to have Sonic be arrested and put into a maximum prison for something Shadow did. (and Shadow can be introduced to him the same way he was before). Tails was going to try to rescue him solo, but just can't do it alone. He's going to have help from knuckles to break him out. Knuckles agrees in part to help his friend, but also because he can sense emeralds from inside too.
During this Knuckles will meet Rouge. In this universe she's still a jewel thief, working for GUN. She was kept under a tight leash, but ever since Sonic became a more public figure she was allowed out on the field. (Also keep the flirting but keep it fun I'm messing with you vibes) GUN also knows about the Master Emerald shattering and has ordered her to find the emeralds. (It's going to kept vague whether it's to keep them from Eggman or to use for themselves) Either way Knuckles doesn't trust her and wants to find them before she does. She's already found 2 of them. Now unlike SA2 Knuckles is staying with Sonic and Tails. No flying solo yet buddy.
Meanwhile were going to introduce the human characters with.....Vector. Vector is going to replace Bigs story. For a few reasons. One, Vector is a great character to bounce of anyone so he could make the human sections actually a joy to watch. Two, a thing about Bigs story is that while it was relevant to the plot, it was mostly filler until it actually was. It will also act as a way to converge these separate story lines into one, and allow for the audience to find out more about Shadow.
Vector was hired to look for Cream. He explains that warp rings have just gone haywire, and now people from his world are being trapped in theirs and vice versa. He was hired to find this lost girl and at the moment is just doing it for the money. (some character development won't hurt him). He also needs to find a way back. He's told about the warp rings.
Due to Amy and Cream being on the search for Sonic, Vector and the humans unintentionally follow the trail leading to Sonic, and because Vector has not met him yet. Mistakes him for Shadow and so follow those clues. (and yes the running joke can be the humans confused but accepting the logic because this is a "professional" detective) It can also be ascertained that he is wondering how a 6 year old is connected to all of this. Remember is his and the humans eyes they are trying to find Cream and just happen to come across this background of Shadow and the arc.
This is where we as an audience find out about Maria and the dark past of GUN. In this universe the space colony arc still existed, but was teleported into Sonics world. It turns out Sonic wasn't the first one here. It won't be stated who came, but just that they helped create this technological marvel in the 90's. Now that everything's gone array, it is now is "our" world. They will discover a security tape that showed Marias last words to Shadow, but it's old and corrupted and appears to have saying that Shadow should get revenge on humanity for what they've done. They also find something about a project Chaos along with project Shadow. They rush to find Sonic.
Now back to the A plot.
Sonic and co manage to find 3 of the emeralds. (Rouge has two, Shadow has one, and Eggman himself got his paws on one too)
Omega has actually found the final one. During the portal incident one of them dropped on him. He doesn't know what it is, but feels like it's important so keeps it safe. Basically after his run in with Amy, Cream and his character growth. He gives this emerald to her, and stays with the group. Acting as a bodyguard of sorts.
Holy fuck this is long, but Shadow. I have not forgotten about you.
Now you'll notice. Shadow isn't doing much yet, and I've done that on purpose. I want it to be a mystery of what he's doing. With clues of what will happen being discovered by Vector and the humans, and Sonic, Eggman, and unintentionally Amy and Cream all being his unwitting pawns in putting this plan together.
Now we focus on him, we see him flashback to what happened to Maria. Unlike SA2, where going to see more of Maria. This is a whole scene that should make the audience sympathize with Shadow. Make us feel the loss he felt. During this we see a kind Shadow. We see how he could lower his guard around her. He was designed as a weapon, but Maria was the one person who treated him like a friend. In his eyes she was a sister to him. We see the Arc in space being taken over by the same species that had kidnapped Knuckles prior. During this time GUN in a desperate attempt to keep the invasion from reaching earth pushes neurotoxins into the arc. Killing everyone but Shadow. (Maria manages to get him into an escape pod but when it malfunctions sacrifices herself to help Shadow escape) The last thing Shadow remembers seeing before blacking out
In the present day we see Eggman in the wreckage of the Arc. It's destroyed and has been left to the elements. There's a machine. He was asked by Shadow to fix it. Claiming that it would the ultimate weapon to defeat his enemy and become the leader of the whole world. A weapon so powerful, no one would dare touch him. Rouge would also be with them now. Basically doing her own thing, she figures working for Eggman is better than being under his control. She's betrayed GUN, and has supplied her emeralds to this machine. (It needs the Master Emerald to function)
Meanwhile Sonic and Amy finally meet up. He's of course taken aback by Omega, but is convinced not to destroy him. He has a deal of respect for her. Admiring that she and Cream managed to follow his trio all this time never giving up. Amy responds that she'll do anything to help someone in need.
All of this will happen in the Arc. They are looking for the last chaos emeralds and according to what tails machine and Knuckles sixth sense. The rest are here.
Rouge appears and immediately get's them away. Stating that Eggman is trying to create a powerful weapon but she was able to give him some fake emeralds. She begs Knuckles to give her there emeralds so she can take them to GUN where they can be kept safe. Knuckles hesitates, he was meant to protect the Master Emerald at all costs, but how he can protect it has changed ever since he's gotten into this world.
As if on que Vector and the humans will appear frantically warning them about Shadows plan. The machine being repaired isn't a weapon. It was the main way it was able to travel between dimensions. Shadow plans to use the Master Emerald to overpower it, allowing it to teleport an entire planet. This will cause it to smash into Sonics world. Causing a extinction level event.
Rouge after learning about this joins the heroes to help them. She's a greedy jewel thief who looks out for herself, but isn't a sociopath. They all reach Eggman and Shadow. After a nearly one sided fight he defeats everyone. He puts the humans into danger which forces Vector and Tails into rescuing them. Amy and Omega help Rouge escape with Cream being separated in the chaos.
This leaves only Sonic and Knuckles left. Knuckles is forced to fight eggman (He has his eggwalker okay?) and is trying to get the emeralds out of this machine.
During this the emerald rouge had placed falls into the chasm below. (Or whatever, man I'm just trying to add that iconic race) Shadow and Sonic both race to the bottom to grab it. Sonic is able to reach is first, but is surprised to find out that Shadow knew all along this emerald was a fake. (I think he could put two and two together on what gems rouge had acquired and just put faith into her not lying)
Shadow appears in front of Amy, Omega, and Rouge. Teleporting them all back with him. (He decimates Omega and practically just leaves him as a head) He tells Rouge that he knew she had given them fakes, but isn't mad at her. Citing that she still gave him what he wanted. While knuckles is distracted and Sonic is racing to the top realizing just what's about to happen. Shadow forms the Master Emerald. The machine activates locking it behind an impervious barricade. Shadow has won.
The cast panic and try to figure out how to stop it. Eggman is brought up to speed about Shadows plan when Shadow himself tells the doctor. He then walks outside where he see's Cream. Sonic urges everyone to get to safety. Amy panics and says she can't find Cream and can't leave her alone. Knuckles refuses to leave the Master Emerald and claims he will protect it no matter what. Tails won't leave sonic out loyalty. Then Vector and the humans points out it's not over. The humans had taken a photo of the things Vector found, and one of them is the schematics of this machine. Tails is able to find a way to turn the machine off, but with the changes Eggman made to accommodate the Master Emerald he's struggling. Eggman not wanting to be blown up offers his help. The two of them work out how to stop the machine.
Outside Shadow is with Cream. This is where we get that one scene with Amy, but it's Cream instead. We of course get the "help humanity" flashback that completes what was blacked out before in Shadows mind. Shadow realizing that he would have hurt someone like Cream. (To him a very similar person to Maria, someone that see's the good in everyone) He realizes he has become no better than those who killed Maria all those years ago.
While Eggman and Tails hack into the system trying in vain Shadow appears. Immediately Vector and Knuckles stop him, predicting that he would appear to stop them and set up a trap. Knowing that he no longer had the Emerald that allowed him to teleport. Cream rushes in and explains Shadows change in heart. When asked if it's genuine Amy replies that she didn't know if Omegas was genuine but still gave him the benefit of the doubt. Shadow himself points out the lesson he learned from Maria. That in this world the act of compassion is what makes someone worth respecting.
(So I'm at a bit of pickle here. I want to have Shadow sacrifice himself, but I also feel like it wouldn't work too. So...we gonna be skipping that sorry)
Tails and Eggman were able to stop the portal and is just appeared. It's the size of a large house, and according to there calculations. Permanent. Knuckles goes to grab the Master Emerald and bring it back before Chaos final form appears from it. Powering the machine and causing the portal to grow.
The whole place becomes flooded. Shadow is able to teleport Amy, Cream, and Omega to safety. Vector helps the humans and rouge swim to the surface. Tails saves Sonic from drowning by doing the same.
Now the way they defeat this monster is going to be that Knuckles needs to get to the emerald to shatter it again. Supersonic is going to be needed to put this old corrupted guardian back into sleep.
Vector is the strongest swimmer and is able to get the Master Emerald out of Chaos body. He's put of of commission and Rouge is able to grab it right before he goes out. She's forced to throw it too Tails before she's hit. Tails barely makes it to knuckles who jumps to punch the emerald. With the help of Amy and Cream who tag team a fly hammer combo to get it to him. It shatters and the emeralds are caught by Sonic and Shadow as they race to grab them before the monster does.
Blah blah blah Super Sonic, Super Shadow, Chaos defeated, the portal is now huge, but harmless and being permanent allows for Sonic his company to freely travel between the worlds. GUN is exposed for what they did by an article written by one of the humans. Exposing them to the world. Vector takes Cream to her mother Vanilla. He doesn't charge her. We see the results of what happened. The world is much closer to how it was in the Dreamcast era. With humans living in Sonics world, and Sonics species living in the human world. Omega is fixed by Tails. Rouge takes advantage of what happened with GUN and gets promoted to a more leadership role. The rest of the cast are just having fun. (Does that include Shadow...I don't' know he might be "dead") Ya know what, we deserve two credit moments. we also see the remaining Chaotix as they point out they still need to make rent, and there only client in a long time wasn't charged. Vector points out they'll have even more work in this new world and the camera pans to show that they've moved into this world. Pointing out that there next client can show up at any minute. Knuckles, bursts in stating that the Master Emerald was stolen and he can't even sense it. (I've heard he's getting a solo movie, and I'm just saying Knuckles Chaotix wouldn't be a bad solo film for him....also sorry Mighty. I don't think your allowed to be a part of this)
and then of course Metal Sonic. Cause. Well I don't know. He's cool.
Is this long convoluted and probably would be a bit much.
Just know this is a literal first draft, and my plan was to get the most memorable parts of the SA and SA2 while also changing it up to work in this new universe. Yes Chaos is meant to kinda come out of nowhere just like the Prototype lifeform was in SA2. It's an excuse to have Super Sonic and Shadow. Vector was chosen instead of Big because well one. He's my fave. But also I think he would work of well with the main human cast and actually help give them purpose. (I think those sections would be set up as a comedic mystery)
Amy is tricky, and I still don't think I did her all to well. I actually like her character when she's used well but that can be tricky. As for Cream. Honestly I think she deserves to have a bit of the spotlight, and it allows Amy to have someone to talk to before she meets Sonic. Omega was chosen as even though Gamma would have worked well. In the end Omega is the one that actually has stayed in the sonic universe and became a mainstay. I also think giving him more to do besides get revenge on Eggman is beneficial. It also gives Amy and Cream (Mostly Amy) and obstacle to overcome.
Also I wanted more of Maria beyond just the brief scene she has. Maybe even have a pre story moment that shows her and shadow before everything goes to shit. I want her to death to have an impact. I want it to break people.
As for Vanilla, and the Chaotix. Vanilla exists, and unless we want to pull another twist I think her being the one to hire Vector to look for her daughter makes sense and seeing them reconnected would be nice. The Chaotix is just because Knuckles only solo game is Knuckles Chaotix, and while I doubt the movie will take much from that story. I think the Chaotix would be a great supporting cast for him. (I don't want Sonic in that movie, it is Knuckles movie)
Finally the worlds combining. Honestly, I just think it allows for future movies more flexibility in location. Also Metal Sonic just seemed like the most appropriate character to introduce as a post credit. (The others would be Blaze and Silver, but I just chose Metal.)
Also this whole thing is a mix of what I want, but also what I predict will happen. Basically I do think were getting a story that combines SA with SA2, but how it's actually done. Complete mystery.
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tigerlover16-uk · 7 years
Just got back from watching the Power Rangers Movie...
... ... Meh... that was okay?
Honestly, that felt like the most meh film I’ve seen in a while. It had a lot of good things, I really liked the portrayal of Billy, Zack and Alpha. But all the other characters were just okay, not all that interesting. I enjoyed the stuff with Trini and her family, but I wished they’d actually done something with her being a lesbian in this continuity other than one throwaway joke and hinting it has something to do with her family issues. Zordon could be kind of a jerk at one point, but I easily understand where he’s coming from and he easily makes up for that by saving Billy, though I didn’t really get the same wise mentor vibe and sense of grandeur tv Zordon could give off.
Jason was fine, but nothing exceptional there. Same with Kimberly, though it felt kind of off that the film seemed to be treating her friends as such jerks for wanting to cut her out of their lives when Kimberly honestly kinda deserved it. I’m glad she realized her mistake and felt bad about it, but sharing nude pictures of a friend with some guy she likes does not a sympathetic character make. Honestly there was some awkward writing there.
Rita was a pretty fun villain, she could be delightfully creepy yet in a way that’s also ridiculous, which could slide between being funny and legitimately terrifying. But at the same time the backstory with her, Zordon and the past rangers feels really underdeveloped. The film could have done a lot more with the lore honestly, but then again it’s meant to be the first film in the series so, whatever. Still felt underdeveloped. The film is seriously lacking in the lore and just general Power Rangers stuff to me.
While the first half of the movie was kind of boring, it got a lot better once we got to the command centre and from that point onwards. Honestly the best parts of the movie where when it was embracing the franchise’s famous cheesiness. Stuff like the bit with the nuns, the megazord slapping Rita into space, Rita’s weirdness in general, all of that was fun.
The stuff with Billy was all good, there were a few funny jokes here or there (And some bad ones. Seriously, did we have to have the masturbating a bull joke at the start of the film? For Animus’s sake!). I loved the stuff with Zack and his mom. Felt almost depressingly relatable. The campfire scene was great, probably the best in the movie.
But a lot of the rest of the movie just felt like it ranged from meh, to kinda good, to kinda boring. It was inconsistent.
I also hated a lot of the designs of stuff.  The ranger suits were fine, not as good as the original suits but perfectly suitable, but the zords just looked kind of off. Like, at times I couldn’t even tell the mastodon and triceratops zords were meant to look like animals. And I know they wanted to have a more alien look, but at times they just look weird and that I can’t make out what they are. The megazord looked lame, the original megazord was a guy in a suit sure, but it had an awesome and instantly iconic look to it that was pretty cool even if it did look. Here it just looks like a generic Bayformer.
Rita’s design was... alright I guess. A little skimpy for Rita if you asked me. And I know they couldn’t really go with something completely like the original design, what with the cone bra and all, but they could have given us SOMETHING vaguely resembling her original outfit outside of her broken ranger costume, the weird rags she wore aren’t that interesting.
The command centre was alright, again not as interesting as in the show to me. Alpha’s slimmer design was alright, but MY GOD, THE EYES! Those just look creepy. What was really wrong with a glowing visor? It would have looked better. And yeah, I prefer the classic floating white head in a tube to movie Zordon’s look.
And dear lord, the movie RUINED Goldar. Goldar is honestly one of my favourite characters from the original show, he was fun and the perfect henchman for Rita. Here they just turned him into a generic giant monster with a much worse design and no personality, it honestly felt insulting to me.
Oh, and no Bulk and Skull in this movie. That’s probably the saddest part, the movie could have really used some fun side characters like them. Honestly they’re the most developed and beloved characters from the Zordon era of Power Rangers, I don’t see why you wouldn’t at least include them in one scene. Or at least show Ernie and the juice bar. Honestly Angel Grove just wasn’t a very interesting place visually in this movie either. Oh, and no morphers. That’s kinda sad.
The action was also kind of disappointing. I mean, the original power rangers could have some awkward, silly or poorly edited fights at times, but a lot of the time the franchise can feature some really impressive, and even fantastic choreography that rivals big budget action movies. Here, the fights we get with the putties are... pretty meh, nothing all that impressive. The initial zord fight was pretty good, but the fight between the Megazord and Goldar was way too short. The bits we had were good, but it was way too short a climax and I wasn’t satisfied.
Honestly all around, the movie was just really mediocre. It’s great to see a superhero movie with such a diverse cast, we desperately need more of these. I hope this film paves the way for more. I’ll especially applaud how well they portrayed an autistic character with Billy, and as someone with aspergers and a low functioning autistic sister, it’s REALLY nice to actually see a superhero movie that has a character EXPLICITLY STATE that they’re autistic. But in a lot of other ways, this movie just felt excessively generic and unimpressive.
It wasn’t a bad movie. It could be pretty good at times, and when the characters got their moments to shine, they were really good and made me want to know more about them. But as a superhero film, it was lacking. And as a Power Rangers film... well, honestly, it barely felt like a Power Rangers movie at all. There were moments where the charm of the franchise was there, but other times it felt like the movie was trying too hard to distance itself from that silly image people have of the franchise and present itself as mature and different and something more.
And there’s nothing wrong with that. Power Rangers can do darker and more mature stories. Time Force and RPM can be pretty dark and outright grim at times. But they were also a lot more interesting about it, and better at retaining the franchises sense of charm and humour throughout. At least to me. Really, all I was looking for was a fun and awesome movie that also told a really good story with great characters. But it only got half way there.
Really, Power Rangers 2017 isn’t a bad film, but there’s plenty of room for improvement. Hopefully if a sequel does get made, now that the groundwork has been laid they can afford to really go all out and give us a great Power Rangers film and an awesome series. It should be nice to see them bring Tommy into the mix. And I hope he brings Bulk and Skull with him. And yeah, I’d like to see Lord Zedd in a sequel too (Though for the love of God I swear, if they screw him up anywhere near as bad as Goldar I’m not watching it or any other potential sequels to this).
Admittedly, maybe I’m biased. If the film does help to bring in more people to the Power Rangers fanbase and make people happy, which I’m seeing it has for a bunch of people out there, then I’m happy either way even if I myself am kinda lukewarm on it for now. Maybe I just need to see it again a few more times when it’s out on DVD. But for now, I’m thinking I might take a short break from my anime catchups sometime soon to try and catch up on some of the series past Wild Force I still haven’t gotten to outside of Linkara’s History of Power Rangers videos.
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mozillogames · 7 years
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Can Be a Little Grootutious
I’m so glad I thought of that title, time to start drinking.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is a pretty decent film to say it has literally no plot. That’s how I describe it to everyone and you can’t stop me. Hitting the funny bone once again, the sequel to Guardians of the Galaxy proves to be strong in a fair few aspects, if not lacking in any real purpose, other than having more jokes.
Now I was rather worried going into Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, when you’ve seen how much of an international merchandise gold mine baby dancing Groot became anyone would be worried that nearly every scene would involve some form of dancing twig. I felt that my fears were well founded when the very first scene is just that, a small child Groot dancing around to even more 70s tunes. The joke here is that while the titular guardians are fighting some dimensional hell beast we watch Groot dance around with not a care in the world while you watch enough CGI action that vaguely takes place that there’s probably a CGI artist that spent weeks working on it and practically no one actually saw it, I feel sorry for you buddy.
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Fret not though, as far as I’m aware, having watched the film twice now, that was the only moment that Groot dances, in fact, Groot takes more of a back seat in this film, as it is sort of hard to write a child into an action film, and have them take part in all the action. Children just shouldn’t be murdering, or something. Instead Groot is mostly just raised by his three dads and one mum, one of his dads is also a raccoon, or trash panda.
The film had some entertaining writing in it. If you liked the first film, then the jokes are like that again, fun, dumb and zany. The first time I watched Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 I was cracking up with laughter throughout, the second time not so much, but I still had a hearty guffaw once or twice. It’s rather hard to talk about comedy when it’s good without almost ruining it.
Overall, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 once again proves that the best way of doing a superhero film isn’t whatever the heck goes on in any of the Avengers films, or Spider-Man, fuck Spider-Man. I’m going to reiterate my previous point made in my Logan review, a lot of superhero films comes across with the smug pop culture references seen in The Big Bang Theory. The jokes are as simple as Iron Man telling Thor to get on Tinder. It’s hilarious because you know what a Tinder is, that’s the joke. Tinder. Instead with Guardians of the Galaxy, it doesn’t lay it on too thick with the pop culture references, even though that’s literally one of the characters. That’s what he does, he makes references to Earth culture that literally no one else gets. But the jokes tend to revolve more around the mutual hatred for one another within the Guardians themselves, it’s the level of banter that you may remember from your time as a British teenager or from The Inbetweeners, although not nearly as awkward to look at.
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Oddly the one who really stole the show this spin around the galaxy was Dave Bautista. Drax has found a new place in the world going from being a man set solely on war and fighting to a man set almost mostly on fighting but seemingly more so in just having a good time. He’s got a newfound joy for life that seemingly revolves around laughing heartily and still not wearing shirts. And his laughing is infectious, just at how large it is.
There’s plenty of enjoyment in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 but there’s little to no story. Remember back to 2014 with Guardians of the Galaxy, remember how there was like, direction and motive. The characters cut a path through space as they got to their goal. In the sequel the characters just bum around a planet for pretty much the entire thing. Not really doing anything other than cracking jokes at one another. The main issue for this is that the film is basically Chris Pratt’s origin story, or at least Starlord’s one. The rest of the characters awkwardly stand around not knowing what to do while Chris Pratt has an awkward father son bonding moment for most of the film, and then has a big fight for the rest.
I’ll be lying if I said that some parts of it didn’t exactly feel forced. The incorporation of the music felt significantly more forced than previously, with characters specifically asking for music to be put on for the upcoming murder montage, some aspects worked well, but at the same time I felt it felt like music because the series is known to use sweet 70s vibes. Then you’ve got a whole bunch of post credit scenes that are definitely NOT worth watching. It was entertaining the second time round watching my friends slowly watch the ending sentiments be destroyed by obscure references to Marvel. Let’s keep in mind that Guardians of the Galaxy was originally pretty obscure, it’s why the film was made in the way that it was originally, now you’re referencing no name things from that? Man, they were pointless and boring, don’t stay around for the post credit scenes, just enjoy the ending as is.
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On that train of thought though, is it bad that I felt more feelings at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 than I did for Logan? Possibly, but the vague themes of family and fatheryness are more than enough to get the water works slightly going and there are some genuinely touching moments throughout the film, just a shame that there’s no plot, eh?
Remember Thanos? Remember how he’s like, the big bad for the Marvel Cinematic Universe? What happened to him? He’s mentioned twice in this film and is again just forgotten, like a fart on the road. I’m sure he’ll be in Avengers Infinity War, ironically “Infinity War” is a good way of describing the MCU in of itself, so there’s that.
Oh, yeah, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, it’s alright. It’s kind of funny, but suffers from a lack of movement in the story and doesn’t exactly do anything new compared to the original film. Focusing more on the comedy side of things works for a spell, but ultimately leaves it to rapidly be forgotten by time and space, also fuck Stan Lee.
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