#'Sir Raleigh the Pirate Frog'??? COME ON.
[followup/sister poll to this!]
bonus question do they have any other siblings? i personally like to think it's just pk and Unnamed Aunt and pk is the youngest. does anybody else think about things like this
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isakthedragon · 6 years
Super Sonic Thieves Chapter 13
Chapter 13 - Croaked Ships
The Set Up:
Sonic, narrating: “Blaze, Silver, and Marine warned us of where the next villain appeared, and he was attempting to take control of the Sol dimension.”
Sly, narrating: “And just as appropriate, Sir Raleigh was the criminal handling the occupation here. Figures he’d try to take over the seafaring world here like the pirate he thinks he is. He was born to a rich family, but loved stealing other people’s riches. Last we dealt with him, he tried using a storm machine to churn the seas to stop ships.”
Sonic, narrating: “And it looks like he’s doing it again here, since when we arrived, there was storm clouds as far as the eye could see. We better find him, and stop him before he does irreversible damage here.”
Zone Layout: The gang has unfortunately landed on the other side of the island Raleigh has docked his ship at, so they’ll have to pass through a Sol island jungle to get to his ship. Then it’s a trip on and in Raleigh’s gigantic pirate ship to find the frog himself. Perhaps Raleigh is hiding his storm generator on board as well?
Robot Walrus (Mallet): These angry metal walruses smack the hammer down to crush you. Carries/drops 15-17 coins and has a 10% chance of treasure to pickpocket.
Robot Walrus (Welder): If they aren’t working on fixing metal, they’ll turn their torches on you and burn you. Carries/drops 15-17 coins and has a 10% chance of treasure to pickpocket.
Robot Walrus (Shuriken thrower): These robot walruses toss metal starfishes like shurikens to smack you away. Carries/drops 19-21 coins and has a 25% chance of treasure to pickpocket.
Robot Squid: Robotic copies of Raleigh’s flashlight carrying squids. They still squirt globs of oil at you that make you slippery when they spot you. Carries/drops 19-24 coins and has a 50% chance of treasure to pickpocket.
Aquis: Flying robot seahorses that also shoot globs of oil to make slippery floors or make you slippery. Drops 19 rings when smashed.
Stormmister: It’s similar to Eggman’s earlier Toximister, but this one dispenses storm clouds that if touched, will attempt to strike you with a lightning bolt. You need to be moving to miss it. Drops 21 rings when smashed.
From Guards:
Lump of Bronze: Worth 90 coins and 45 rings.
Lump of Silver: Worth 110 coins and 55 rings.
Lump of Gold: Worth 130 coins and 65 rings.
From Pedestals:
Platinum Ship in a Bottle: Found near to the river in Act 1. Worth 2150 coins and 1075 rings.
Water Jewel: Hiding on the top deck in Act 2. Worth 2250 rings and 1125 rings.
‘Jeweled Scepter’: In plain sight in Clockwerk’s room, grab it before destroying the bird. Worth 2350 rings and 1175 rings.
The coins have the Sol emeralds as the design on them.
Stormy Seas Zone Act 1: Dimitri and Silver take on the first leg of finding Sir Raleigh, which is actually getting onto his ship that is docked on the other side of the jungle island they are on. The player will use Dimitri’s swimming abilities and Silver’s psychokinesis to traverse the dense jungle, avoiding the enemies along the way. Silver’s psychokinesis will need to be used to either block or destroy spotlights so you won’t get shot at.
*At the start.*
Silver: “* Sigh* I wish we were coming back home under better circumstances. Seeing our world under this storm is saddening.”
Dimitri: “Hey, don’t worry, bro. You’re with the Cooper gang. We’ll put the bizness back to what it was before, you dig?”
Silver: “I dig… I think.”
Bentley, over the binocucom: “Just be careful through the jungle, guys. I’m pretty sure Raleigh’s set up plenty of traps to catch us in.”
Stormy Seas Zone Act 2: Carmelita and Blaze sneak their way onto the top deck, and listen in on Sir Raleigh as he hops around and talks about his plans. The player must stay out of his sight, or it’ll have to be done again. Soon, he’ll go a deck down, so it should get a bit easier to hide behind things. The main focus of his talking is of his storm generator, which happens to be another Clockwerk bird.
*At the start*
Carmelita: “We’ve boarded Raleigh’s ship, so we better look for him…”
Blaze: “Maybe we could entice him out with a cannon blast or 2?”
Carmelita: “That would work, less searching for us.”
*Some cannon blasts and hiding later, Raleigh comes to the top deck to inspect.*
Sir Raleigh: “Hey! Quiet down up here! I’m busy trying to figure out our new ship course for this place!”
A guard: “Sorry, someone fired the cannons out”
Sir Raleigh: “Cannons don’t fire by themselves! Find the person who did it!” *He turns around and starts hopping.*
Blaze: “Phew, that was close.”
Carmelita: “Yeah, but we better follow him.”
*After a bit.*
Sir Raleigh: “I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical about this place, but now that I see it for myself, it’s quite perfect for me. So much sea to see, so many islands to raid and plunder. Surely a pirate’s life here.”
Blaze: “Not if I can help it, you stupid frog…”
Carmelita: “We’ll nail him, just wait…”
*Later, a deck below.*
Guard: “Remind me why we are also sitting around for now?”
Sir Raleigh: “We’re waiting for our Storm Clockwerk below to turn the whole Sol Dimension stormy, so we can easily plunder this world.”
Guard: “I thought that raccoon who got you last time killed him, twice.”
Sir Raleigh: “He did, but that Eggman fellow somehow figured out how to build copies of him, and now we can control one as we wish! He’s better as a loyal servant than as an annoying leader anyway.”
Penelope, over the binocucom: “Huh? That’s strange…”
Bentley, over the binocucom: “It is?”
Penelope, over the binocucom: “I don’t remember him ever talking about Clockwerk copies, at least, not offering one to me. Now that I think about it, he did send me out quickly…”
Tails, over the binocucom: “He probably didn’t want you squealing any information to us. He’s really putting the hammer down on leaking information.”
Penelope, over the binocucom: “Jeez… I really was just a pawn…”
Bentley, over the binocucom: “It’s okay… you’re with us now, that’s what matters.”
Penelope, over the binocucom: “Yeah… I’m going to see what I can do about hacking the Clockwerk Owls while you guys smash them. Maybe I can figure out what’s going on.”
Stormy Seas Zone Act 3: Panda King and Marine head down to the lower decks and find the Storm Clockwerk up and running and creating electrical storms in the seas. The player can use Panda King’s fireworks to just use fireworks to blast apart the bird to pieces, while Marine plugs up leaks that may appear from the falling pieces and explosions. Then, it’s just a trip to the captain’s room to confront Sir Raleigh.
*At the start, on the sight of Clockwerk.*
Marine: “Argh, mateys! We’ve spotted the blight of a bird! It’d be working electrical conduits to the top o’ the ship and discharging into the atmosphere!”
Bentley, over the binocucom: “Thus, supercharging the air above and producing storms! Good job, guys.”
Panda King: “I assume you want me to use my fireworks to smash the bird to pieces?”
Tails, over the binocucom: “You got it! We better hurry, before it creates a storm too powerful to stop!”
Panda King: “Excellent. Prepare, fake Clockwerk, to become nothing but dust!”
*Upon destruction*
Panda King: “The bird… it is gone now.”
Marine: “Yar, let’s make haste to find the captain’s room!”
*While looking for the captain’s room.*
Penelope, over the binocucom: “Hmmm… interesting. Something left when it blew up.”
Bentley, over the binocucom: “Can you determine what it is?”
Penelope, over the binocucom: “Hard to say… it’s not a simple electrical reading… I can at least say, based upon designs you guys made of the original Clockwerk, it seemed to come from where… the ‘hate chip’ was located.”
Sly, over the binocucom: “It’s been a long while since we’ve heard about that thing…”
Penelope, over the binocucom: “I can say there is no hate chip though, from the wreckage you guys made, nor does it seem to be there anyway… Maybe Eggman attached something there to work it from far away?”
Tails, over the binocucom: “It’s not familiar to me. Eggman has dabbled in the supernatural though, if that is any help. I mean, he’s built a few bases on haunted grounds.”
Penelope, over the binocucom: “Hmmm…”
Bentley, over the binocucom: “So have a few of our villains, kind of a normal thing actually. We got laws limiting the use of supernatural things for evil uses.”
Stormy Seas Zone Act 4 (BOSS): Sly and Sonic enter his swamped Captain’s room to deal with the annoying frog…
Sir Raleigh: “Well, well, if it isn’t the lost raccoon and an annoying pincushion Eggman warned me about. You sure have been making a mess of my ship, haven’t you?”
Sly: “Only enough to stop you from pirating this world.”
Sonic: “Wait, this little frog is a nasty villain? He looks like he’s going to break into a dance. You know ‘Hello, my baby, hello, my honey, hello my ragtime gal’ ? ”
Sir Raleigh, sounding quite pissed: “Grrr… I was told by Eggman you’d be annoying, but that’s really low. I am not related to Michigan J. Frog at all!! Just because they create a cartoon that stars a frog that’s all happy and dances does not mean all of us are like that!”
Sonic: “I don’t know… you do got the top hat, and you’re old enough to need a cane. Look! He’s even got a record player in the back!”
Sir Raleigh: “Shut up, Shut Up, SHUT UP!!! I was just going to crush you, but now you’ve made it really personal, hedgehog!!! DIE!!!”
Boss: Sir Raleigh
Sir Raleigh fights like before, hopping around and trying to smack you with his tongue, or attempting to belly slam you on the lily pads. And like before, wait until he deflates to attack him, though watch out for the tongue still. If he was easy the first time around, this is going to be a walk in the park.
*When defeated*
Sir Raleigh: “Noooo… lost again… Why did pirating get so hard?”
The Getaway:
Sonic, narating: “Soon after Sir Raleigh’s defeat, the storm clouds faded away, and the seas became calm once more. The Sol dimension was safe again, much to Silver’s, Blaze’s and Marine’s excitement. We couldn’t stay for long, since we had to drop Sir Raleigh off back at INTERPOL and return to our world again. I wonder where our journey is heading next...”
Next Time: There’s a tiger on the prowl in the cold jungle in Bamboo Blitz Zone.
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