#and then theres dr. michael
[followup/sister poll to this!]
bonus question do they have any other siblings? i personally like to think it's just pk and Unnamed Aunt and pk is the youngest. does anybody else think about things like this
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mrsoftthoughts · 4 months
I always need more content of the Mortal parents of pjo, like, this people seriously have to raise childres that depite their looks we need to remember aren't human and a lot of them don't even know why their childres are so "weird" and even if we know some gods that probably were there at least the first years, almost all of them are single parents trying to figure out how to raise this kid that they don't have a fuckin clue of where is their mother/father
And Then they need to discover that their kid is half god and probably had the mayor mental breakdown because it doesn't matter if they are atheist or believe in other religions, that goes against to almost anything that they believed
And that's just the surface, theres a lot of other things
I mean, we only ge a close up to Demigods born from concensual relationships in the saga, but looking back at some gods historial, i won't discard the possibility of some of them beig results of 🍇 and how the fuck some mortal parents would have to deal with have a child result of that kind of situation
And We have pretty interesting characters here and we barely know something about them, and all this potential is just wasted-?
I mean, just look at Marie Levesque and Beryl Grace, despite that they aren't the Best people on earth for what we know of them, you can't look me death in the eyes and tell me that they don't have potential for building them a past or Characters study
Or what about the parents of the kids that died?? The mortal parents of Lee Fletcher, Michael yew, Castor and all the diceaced characters must be around somewhere, dueling the lost of their child at the hands of a word that of their kids belonged but they didn't
And ofc whe have the ones of alive campers, i mean, just a few of the campers are year rounders, a lot of them come back with their mortal parents at the end of the summer, most of the campers actually live with their mortal parents and each one must had very different dynamics with their parent
And the parents of year rounders aren't least interesting, like, how they feel about having their kid away of them?? Some of them maybe are one of the reasons why their kid's don't come back at their houses after the summer
And also an Honorable mention to the Man that after dieing and being brought back to life as a mist form is the father of a traumatized 16yo war betteran condemned to ostracism: the Dr, Howard claymore
As a summary: The mortal parents are a really interesting part of the world building of pjo and never get enough recognition
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thefaeslibrary · 11 months
Re-Connecting to Library Pipeline Camera Feed...
Connection Restored!
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"Stupid.....stupid iron filled.......mushrooms.... stupid iron burns are gonna take forever to heal.........stupid stupid stupid-"
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"Oh...Big room...? Is sewer water even good for plants- I mean i guess kinda right? Theres a lot in here...."
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"Oh Hello-! Sorry I didn't-"
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"Wh- HEY! Let go! What the hell?!"
"Well well well...look what the spores dragged in. Here I thought I was just gonna have to wait till the iron wore you down enough for me to come get you safely. Wasn't expecting you to deliver yourself right to me."
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"Spores-? So this is YOUR doing?!? You're the one invading my library!"
"Wow, for someone smart enough to figure that out you sure were stupid enough to let it go on for so long- and to come here alone? I thought fae had a little more sense then that."
"What do you want with me!? Why are doing all this-"
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"Oh were not so different you and I little butterfly. Without going into the details I believe you hold the key to finishing my life's greatest work- a super plant. A plant humanity wouldn't stand a chance against- just think. Plants are stronger, more resilient, even smarter then most humans. A few samples of yourself, a creature known for its connection to the forest, and a few samples from that library of yours, and you might not have to worry about deforestation ever again- doesn't that sound nice? You helping every fae that comes after you by preventing them from losing their homes like you already have? Working with the world's greatest botanist to outlive humanity's flaws. We'll overgrow everything. We'll-"
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"Where's the world's greatest botanist?"
"You asked if I wanted to work with the world's greatest botanist- and that sounds great and all but like- where...are they?"
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"Are you seriously telling me that you don't know who I am?"
"S...should I?"
"Oh. Well I don't. What does me knowing you have to do with the botanist though?"
"Oh for the love of- I've made countless medicines from herbs! I've worked in companies you could never dream of interacting with on a personal level! I redefined botany as a culture!"
"Never heard of you."
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"Oh Thank you! It's been a pleasure to have you."
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"Unfortunatly, I no longer desire your company. So if your don't mind-
Burn Yourself Alive Michael Brewer."
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[Connection lost, High temperature warning, Main Port is regulating temperature until next available power on.]
Part 1
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thealogie · 1 year
it was actually a completely bizarre experience going into good omens knowing nothing abt Michael Sheen OR David Tennant. and i even vaguely knew DT was the doctor at some point i just didnt recognize him when i first watched gomens 😭 first of all i got the impression that MS was a much more sillier actor than DT. like firstly i had the impression that Having Been The Doctor comes with a bit of prestige (clearly not lol) and theres something about crowley thats just a little darker and a little more stoic abt him compared to aziraphale (obv hes still silly, gomens is a deeply unserious show but yknwo)
i went back to watch DW after gomens s2 as seemingly everyone else on the planet did which was a completely INSANE experience. i did not know DT had the capabilities to be this whole fucking off the rails hyperactive weasel (obviously everyone else did, this is what 99% of people know him for) like who the hell is this freak THIS is DT?? THIS is the guy they picked to play crowley?? and it just made me realize how absolutely insane that decision was... like in what world?? obviously gaiman saw this insanely powerful vision we simply were not ready for because he's like the most perfect crowley like the most crowley to ever crowley. crazy
I think all of us who didn’t watch doctor who had this same experience except when I watched dr who i fully understood why that would be the perfect Crowley audition. Fundamentally both characters are tragic while also living by looney tunes rules. They could get flattened by an anvil and they’d just get back up and shake it off, but if they get so mucin as an emotional paper cut it’s time to look blankly into the distance with repressed emotion
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hearts401 · 9 months
can you pass the golden duo headcanons i think you would have good ones
🤲🤲🤲my hands are open ready to catch them
echolalia. i already said that but. ECHOLALIA. shit gets tossed around. funny words youd find in a dr seuss book.
holding hands, leaning on each other, and lots of hugs!!!! best friends 2 me :(
cassidy wasnt super nice to him when they were alive and she regrets it a lot because of how things turned out and shes super defensive of him now
that being said, she never bullied him and was actively rude to anyone who did. she didnt particularly like him but she wasnt gonna stand for the harassment. if shed known about his party, she couldve saved him and i think she thinks about that a lot
i think eventually she apologized formally and he assured her it was fine and that he forgave her. because she of all people deserved it
he listens to her vent her frustrations. sometimes she reminds him of michael with how angry she is, but he knows how to calm her down and he always remembers shes nothing like michael was
he keeps her company in ucn when being around everyone is too much. hes forgiven them but sometimes things are hard still. sometimes he cant be around them. and she really needs company too. he knows she wont come to him, so he goes to her.
he doesnt like the gore or blood so cassidy will talk to him when theyre stuffing nightguards
hes still scared of animatronics so none of the kids greet him as animatronics. they care about him sosoososo much
evan would do fucking anything for cassidy. anything.
she knows his anxiety triggers pretty well by this point and she knows how to distract him. and vice versa.
casisdy doesnt panic as much as she gets over emotional and freaks out. does that make sense? she has more anger than fear and it fucks her up and hes always there when she gets tired of it.
he does her hair because he died before he could ever do his own. he wishes hed grown out his hair before he died
she encourages any behaviors he hid because of michael. she encourages anything that goes against michael.
shes a terribly influence on evan but its because she lvoes him and thinks he deserved better. he thinks she has enough anger for the both of them. she knows hes right and she hates it because HE deserves this anger.
they fight a lot but its never like cassidy and charlie. if cassidy fought with evan like she fought with charlie itd ruin both of them.
if theyd lived they probably wouldve run away together and been roomates
they like to joke that theyre soulmates (platonically) in both a figurative and literal sense. get it? because their souls are connected in golden freddy? they are my world
when they first meet in GF its tense. they end up caring about each other but theres lots to figure out and understand. she cant yell too loud at him because it reminds him of his dad, she cant play certain pranks on him like she might with her friends because it reminds him of michael.
she learns when to be loud and open with him and when she has to be gentle. he gets used to her shenanigans but sometimes things are too much
shes jokingly mean to her friends but not as much to evan because he doesnt always get its a joke
shed have loved to do his makeup and his nails. if theyd lived and moved out together the first thing they wouldve done is dye their hair and paint their nails and do their makeup and buy clothes they KNOW their parents would hate.
thats all i have in my brain rn they make me sad
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sibylsleaves · 1 month
Helloooo defend in place/mayday anon :) sad to report I did not finish my s4+s5 watch/rewatch this weekend (tall task in hindsight plus anirudh tweets dropped right before I was about to start jinx of all episodes lol) BUT I did finish up to 5x10 which means I got to defend in place yayyy! General s5 thoughts 1. Watched ghost stories for the first time and its not nearly as bad as I thought it would be (although 618 and 710 didnt exist when this seemed to be consensus worst ep. So). I get how this ep might be hard to watch on a weekly basis but its pretty fine while binging and also features crucial henren/karen lore like … also noooo way chim really said he was going to bring buck near death, revive him with his paramedic skills and then kill him. Did the writers know. Lmao. 2. Taylor kelly stuff is not nearly as bad as I remember it from what I had watched. Its just painfully obvious her and buck should be friends and not even because their physical chemistry is outright bad just their dynamic feels super friend-ish. And they put all that development time into taylor when they should have developed bucktaylor instead, like how karen was developed after henren, for example. Bucktaylor ily scene still hits like nails on a chalkboard though. God forbid we have to live through something like that again 3. Ravi deadass in every episode. When will my sweet prince return in this capacity 4. Forgot about athena hitting harry :( definitely one of the things that I had issues with from before and was just as shocked now as before like why did that need to happen :(
Okay okay NOW defend in place thoughts !!!!!! I really really liked it, definitely a top 3 s5 episode for me probably (the other 2 I really love are 5x11 and 5x12). Michael/grant family proposal montage… genuinely top (fun) montage in the show. Up there with jinx and stuck/chris and poker date montages imo it was so cute. And while I really loved the ep the whole time I was like damn we were robbed of david content so bad 😭😭😭 he was so good in this ep and the s4 michael bobby ep like I just want more I cant believe we’ll never see him again. Okay and the ravi lore. Im going to be honest I spent years thinking the ravi cancer child thing was fanon/ravi begins spec LMAO like I saw gifs of that ravi hen scene a few weeks ago and was like damn… that lore is canon😭 but yay I wish the show would just once expand on his lore beyond surface level. And the defend in place call was so good although I will say it was giving greys anatomy massively though. Before I kinda wished the show would have done more with david/hen dr stuff but honestly after this Im glad it didnt bc I swear Ive watched this exact stuff happen in greys before lol. But yeah overall what a great send off for michael like so good. On my first watch years ago I was always kind of like okay michael is fun but he doesnt really get to contribute to the main part of the show much outside of being a dad and in that sense I always found his character a bit weak/neglible. But now on this watch Im like why didnt they give us more of this michael!! Copaganda aside, The athena team up when theyre searching for harry was so good and it was probably when I started thinking damn this cast is really missing rockmund in recent seasons. But at least they went this direction with the send off, if theres one thing you can trust 911 for its an eventual happy ending. (And also side note. Amidst the summer of bpreg and domesticverse some of the scene in this episode had me really in my feels. Yay)
hiiiiii bestie!!!!!!! thank you for updating me!!! i also did not watch 5a live (started the show the january between 5a & 5b) so i'm in agreement with you on the fact that it's really not a bad half season when binged!! i can understand the frustration of watching it live though. also ravi being in every episode omg......we used to have it all....(totally forgot about that athena and harry shit too wtf...)
OK YAY DEFEND IN PLACE!!! idk if you saw but i ALSO rewatched it this week (partially in your honor and partially to fulfill the summer of buddie self-care prompt). I have SUCH a soft spot for david, we really don't get to see much of him but i loved their meet cute, loved him in there goes the neighborhood and he's just!!! ugh!!! super hot and so sweet and such a good partner to michael.
lol I've never seen grey's anatomy but i can def see that...anyway yay i'm glad you enjoyed the episode. on my rewatch it really hit home for me how much the episode was grant-nash focused (like you said, with the fun little proposal montage) and it made me realize how much i really do miss them. Looking back, part of what really drew me into the show in s2 was all the family stuff--Buck and Maddie first & foremost (also Eddie & Chris), but also definitely the Grants and how they navigated adding Bobby to their family. It was such a good storyline and they really continued to showcase how special their family is through the next couple seasons!!!
anyway thanks for updating me, let me know how the rest of s5 goes (esp May Day!) 🫡
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ao3feed-kathony · 2 months
Lady Whistledown and the Diamonds of the Lost Water
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57351871 by byebyelullabye Dr. Penelope Bridgerton has had her fair share of adventure. And she's so done with it. The stolen treasure, the double identity, and the dashing archaeologist she continues to hold a torch for? It's everything she's run from three years ago and she's not going back now. Especially not when she can just find the treasure from her hideaway in Derry… At least not until a blast from the past walks through her door… AKA The Indiana Jones x The Mummy Bridgerton AU THAT HAS BEEN STEWING IN MY HEAD FOREVER Words: 1613, Chapters: 1/15, Language: English Fandoms: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn, Derry Girls (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen Characters: Colin Bridgerton, Penelope Featherington, Eloise Bridgerton, Phillip Crane, Anthony Bridgerton, Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Sophie Beckett, Benedict Bridgerton, Edwina Sheffield | Edwina Sharma, Genevieve Delacroix, Violet Bridgerton Relationships: Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington, Eloise Bridgerton/Phillip Crane, Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Sophie Beckett/Benedict Bridgerton Additional Tags: Inspired by Indiana Jones, Inspired By The Mummy (Movies 1999 - 2008), Friends to Lovers, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Colleagues to Lovers, Fake Character Death, Angst, the angst is the from the faking of death, they're not really dead you just need to think that for the pining to be achieved, Sad Colin Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton Being an Idiot, Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington-centric, Protective Colin Bridgerton, Colin "My Wife" Bridgerton, colin is an archaeologist, penelope is a historian turned librarian, she still does lady whistledown but in a different flavor, phillip is a woman because i say so, lesbian eloise bridgerton is what the people deserve, kate and sophie and gen are penelope's accomplices, they're lady whistledown's angels, Jealous Colin Bridgerton, if i could make him yandere i would but the world is not ready for that i fear, No beta we die like Edmund, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, theres no specific time bc haha no, the vibe and setting is 90s but the dialogue is 2020s, there are derry girls references and some characters, BAMF Penelope Featherington, Confident Penelope Featherington, also Penelope is a gifted child because i say so, polin gives off brendan fraser and rachel weisz from the mummy enegry, Polin, michael is colin's bff, colin needs more friends so he can distinguish his feelings for pen, this is fic is very penelope-centric read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57351871
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thebibliomancer · 1 year
Essential Avengers: Avengers #301: SUPER NOVA UNBOUND!
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March, 1989
Do they leech on brains or are they leeches what are brains? Both? Neither?
Day 1 of the Fantastic Two being on the Avengers and they're still rocking the 4s.
Get with the program, Richardses.
I also see that Day 1 of this new Avengers roster and the Captain has returned to being Captain America and ditched the darker costume. Funny how things coincide.
Gilgamesh continues to look like Some Guy in the roster box. Geez, not even going to wear your crappy helmet to look less boring in the roster box? Where's your team spirit, ya dink?
Last times in Avengers: Under the influence of ominous sex dreams from Nebula, Dr Druid basically broke the Avengers. Thor wound up disbanding the team because there was nobody left to be on the team. Then Jarvis had an adventure. Then the Captain and a team of ad-hoc Avengers thwarted the High Evolutionary. Then Inferno happened. During Inferno, first an egg then a demon kidnapped Franklin Richards. The Captain teamed up with Mr Fantastic and Invisible Woman to save yon child. Also, Gilgamesh just showed up. And then they all met Thor. After beating up a lot of demons, the four decide to form a fantastic new Avengers team.
It ain't going to last so lets enjoy it while it does.
Simonson quit the book because he was told he wouldn't get to keep this roster. So this arc is written by Mark Gruenwald and Ralph Macchio. Some of our temporary writers before Byrne takes over the book in #305.
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Hi, Thor.
Thor is dragging Hydrobase closer to Manhattan. Parking it right next to Liberty Island.
If Hydrobase is to be the Avengers' new, definitely permanent base, then it's going to need to be more accessible.
They've also just bought the entire island and renamed it Avengers Island. A concept that will later be revisited when Sunspot similarly throws around 'purchasing an island' money.
Mr Fantastic is even going to install a shuttle tube between the island and Battery Park.
This is going to be one sweet, artificial island superhero headquarters!
Let's enjoy it while it lasts!
Captain America is impressed with all these projects Mr Fantastic is helping with. But he also wonders whether Reed wants to be in charge.
Hm. Not something you see as much in modern times. If there's a disagreement, usually there's just a Civil War or a spinoff book.
I can't believe Hawkeye yelling that Captain America is ooooooooold was the more mature option.
Mr Fantastic stretches up a thumbs up to let Thor know the island is in the proper spot. Then, he gives Thor more work to do. Gotta get good work out of your Thor.
He asks Thor to go help Gilgamesh pound in giant adamantium mooring posts. You know, to keep the floating island from floating away.
Gilgamesh is actually pretty into pinning down a floating island. It has a mythological/legendary energy to it that he vibes with.
Jarvis comes up to the new Avengers to introduce the new Avengers' head of security. BECAUSE THEY MAY AS WELL HAVE ONE OF THOSE, Y'KNOW?
I doubt it will help. Because supervillain attacks and infiltration or whatever are plot-mandated. No security can trump that.
But Michael O'Brien was head of security at Project Pegasus so maybe he'll be able to do a good job with Avengers Island.
This era of Avengers tries to make a supporting staff for the Avengers a thing.
I'm here for it. I like Jarvis and having more of a supporting cast can be fun.
Sue comments that the Avengers sure seem a lot more business-like than the Fantastic Four.
Since I think the Fantastic Four had more of a civilian supporting cast way before the Avengers, I don't know what she's on about.
Maybe she's just trying to make conversation but Reed isn't paying any attention.
So she asks how long Reed is planning to stay with the Avengers (and by extension, how long she'll have to?)
Mr Fantastic: "The, ahh, challenges of helping Cap get his group back on its feet interest me more and more. I haven't decided how long to stay."
Now, I'm pretty sure this conversation is to soften the blow when Reed and Sue fuck off back to the Fantastic Four book.
But I do think its an interesting starting place for the Richardses to be on the Avengers.
They were retired so maybe they aren't planning to stay long-term. With the Avengers being so short-handed, maybe Reed and Sue just stay long enough for Captain America to get the team back on solid footing. And in the meantime, Cap and Reed have big ideas on how to revamp the team.
Its good tension!
A leadership struggle between Cap and Reed. And Sue wanting to leave the team to go back to retirement so they can spend more time with Franklin.
Sue even wonders whether Reed wants to make his mark on the Avengers as a sort of way to compete with Ben The Thing Grimm now that his bestie is running the Fantastic Four.
It's an interesting dynamic!
It does make me wish that it got to play out longer than its going to.
Sue is saved from a conversation that Reed isn't really paying attention to by a giant A made of fire blazing above New York.
She wonders whether its the Human Torch, making an A like he usually makes a 4 to summon the team. But since Reed is always right about everything based on nothing, he decides its definitely not Johnny.
Why would Johnny waste so much flame-power to get their attention! Clearly he would never do that, as of this moment and just so Reed is right!
Reed summons the Avengers to the Fantasti-Car. Kkinda love that Reed just brought it with him onto this Avengers roster. It seems like it could be more convenient for shorter distance travel than getting in a Quinjet every time.
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The Worst Roster assembles and heads to the Fifth Avenue and 71st Street park that used to be the Avengers Mansion and find... THEIR GOOD OL PAL STARFOX.
With Firelord's fire stick too.
It's been a while (issue #260) but when we last saw Starfox and Firelord, they had set off together to try to track down Nebula, after the Beyonder teleported her to a random location.
Starfox wanted to find Nebula because he felt responsible for her crimes since she claimed to be his grand-niece and Thanos' granddaughter.
Firelord wanted to find her because she murderfied the fuck out of his homeplanet of Xandar and killed the Nova Corp.
Until a later retcon, it seems like the Nebula subplot was wrapped up with her infiltrating the Kang Klubhouse and trying to use the Avengers to find the Best Weapon Ever. She did this by seducing shitheel Dr Druid into taking over the team for her. But then three random Kangs threw a wooden shoe into the cogs of her machinations and Nebula and Dr Druid wound up falling into a time hole.
Phew, recaps.
The Avengers actually explain this in brief to Starfox's chagrin. Because he and Firelord searched space in vain for her when they could have just stayed on Earth.
And by poking around in space, the two ran into worse trouble.
A being called Super-Nova, the last survivor of Xandar. He's super powerful and super pissed off and super on his way to Earth.
Thor takes Starfox off to a medical specialist who won't be baffled by his alien physiology. Its not said specifically that its Donald Blake but its usually Donald Blake.
Thor rejoins the Avengers just as they're taking off in the Fantastic Four's special 4-branded ICBM.
Like the Fantasti-Car, I'm tickled by how much it seems like Reed is trying to make the Avengers into a him thing. The Avengers already had a space-capable Quinjet. They didn't need to use the 4CBM but if Reed is offering, its rude not to.
Thor comes aboard the missile through an airlock and briefs the Avengers about Starfox's medical care.
Captain America muses whether they should make Thor's doctor buddy into the Avengers' official medic. And Thor says he'll ask.
That'd be awkward if it is Donald Blake. But we're post-Simonson so I don't think Thor has that identity anymore.
Reed starts scanning for any unaccounted mass in the area that Starfox said Super-Nova would be coming from.
Cap marvels at how sophisticated the FF-ICBM is compared to the Quinjets. So I guess thats why they took the missile. Its just way better.
And Reed's scans turn something up!
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It looks Xandarian in design so the Avengers figure this gotta be Super-Nova's ship.
And he didn't even bother to cloak so he must be on quite the power trip.
Reed also predicts that Super-Nova definitely saw them coming but if he's arrogant enough to tool around uncloaked when Xandarian ships can easily stealth-mode, then he might also be arrogant enough not to see them as a threat.
Reed also explains the idea of transparent spacesuits to Captain America, prompting Cap to go 'pls, no more exposition dump.'
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Ah, invisible spacesuits. Everyone can still appear in their costumes, so they can be told apart and all you have to do is draw bubble helmets and an outline around everyone.
Everyone except Thor and Gilgamesh.
Pssh. Gods don't need to breath in space.
Inside the Xandarian spacesuit, there's no artificial gravity, so Invisible Sue puts an invisible force bubble around everyone and moves them as a group through the ship.
Captain America: Interesting how Richards just takes over and starts giving orders even though I'm Avengers leader! But... I guess space is more his domain than mine and I'm sure there's no slight intended!
Leadership struggle!
Sue asks Thor if Starfox told him anything about what to expect inside the ship but Firelord and Starfox fought Super-Nova outside the ship.
Reed is sure they're on the right track because Firelord's staff is burning more brightly so he thinks they're getting closer to Firelord.
And then
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Why is space always so full of disembodied brains?
Sue suggests that maybe these brains are the crew of this ship and maybe they shouldn't jump the gun. Maybe they're not hostile.
Thor declares "We must strike first or mayhaps be o'erwhelmed by superior numbers!"
And throws Mjolnir without waiting for anyone's thoughts on that.
Reed is afraid that best case scenario, Mjolnir bounces off the force field and hits one of the Avengers. He tells Sue to drop the field. Better deal with the brains, than Mjolnir.
Sue herself thinks she might have held Mjolnir but that the strain was a lot.
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Anyways, as soon as the field drops and Mjolnir obliterates one of the brain leeches, the rest swarm the Avengers.
Captain America: That was a foul-up we could've avoided! We've still got a long way to go before we're not stepping on each other's toes!
Since the writing on the wall, I think this is supposed to set the stage for the Richardses to quit the Avengers fairly soon. Their method of doing things just doesn't gel with the Avengers.
Mr Fantastic almost reflexively barks orders at everyone. Captain America shrugs it off in this case because Reed is more experienced with space stuff. But Thor is used to doing things his own way and Reed hasn't personally earned his respect the way Captains America or Marvel have.
And Thor isn't an idiot. And he has a lot of experience with weird space stuff. More than Reed, probably. Very long lived god guy. Swarms of brains are just something that Thor looks at and goes 'better hit them with Mjolnir.'
But the mess they're in now because Thor didn't march to Reed's drum maybe justifies to Reed that he should be in charge, after all.
I repeat myself but its a shame that this is a throwaway story to dig the book out of the hole Simonson left it in. This is good stuff.
Gilgamesh metaphorically explodes out of the brain pile and starts beating a brain with another brain.
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Which is just A+. Good job, Gilgamesh.
Thor squishes a brain with Mjolnir, again. And up close Reed is able to see that instead of organic nerve connections, the brain leeches are held together by electricity.
This means that it is 100% okay to murderfy the fuck out of these brain things. They are 100% not really alive, "at best, they're pseudo-life!"
I love when Reed speaks authoritatively out his ass.
This is comics. A real, living brain thing with electricity instead of nerves is so plausible.
But its good that Reed told everyone it was okay to kill the brains when they've already been killing the brains.
Maybe the comment was aimed at Sue.
Because it takes her exactly one panel after that before she starts exploding the brains by growing force bubbles inside them.
Sue just loves putting bubbles in peoples' brains. Its her thing.
Despite the numbers, the Avengers' willingness to just pulp these guys means the battle starts to turn to their advantage. But Reed bemoans this unnecessary fight scene all because Thor couldn't keep Mjolnir in his pants, metaphorically.
When the numbers get low enough, Reed slingshots the remaining group of them in all directions with his stretchy belly, SPRONG!, and the brain leeches flee.
Gilgamesh starts flying after them because one of them stole his dumb helmet during the fight but Cap yells at him to stick with the group.
Wa-hey! More group tension! Thor is used to taking orders from puny mortals but how about Gilgamesh?
He follows Cap's order but he looks awfully sour about it.
Captain America muses that although they won the fight against the brain leeches, they didn't gel as a group. Everyone just smashed brains on their own. He's determined to get this group acting like a real, united Avengers team -- if they survive this experience.
Since the fight is done, Sue asks Reed what the brain leeches even are.
Reed deduces that they're part of the living computer of Xandar, which he saw back in FF #207. If you know Nova stuff from when Dick Rider was the only Nova, then you know Worldmind.
Dead Xandarian brains are preserved and made part of the Worldmind. And, uh, the Avengers just squished a lot of data, I guess. Whoops.
File not found?
Its funny how a bio-mechanical supercomputer made out of the brains of the populace is something the Kree and Xandarians have in common. You'd almost think it's something that all sufficiently advanced space civilizations could manage but as far as I know, its not common among the other big names.
Anyway, Reed decides he needs to study one of the brain leeches and has Sue capture one in a bubble.
Captain America thinks that Reed's priorities are all wrong. The Avengers are here on a mission, not a research expedition. But he lets it play out because its not getting in the way, really.
Captain America: "Richards seems intent on being the scientist no matter the circumstances."
Also, the Avengers find Firelord.
Hanging upside down in a big chamber with a bunch of wires and devices stuck to him.
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I wonder if he's being used as a battery.
Because of all the wires 'n stuff, Reed thinks its too dangerous to just yank him loose.
So instead he blasts Firelord with his Firelord stick.
Everyone goes 'what the SHIT, Reed??' but he explains that he was pretty sure that Firelord's weapon won't hurt him. Based on his experience with the Silver Surfer.
And then he backpedals and says actually exceptions apply. But he "channeled the power carefully."
Anyway, the stick blast frees Firelord.
Thor: "Firelord was a noble ally -- and sometimes foe. I rejoice that he yet lives! Now, we must needs seek the base villain who put him in such an ignominious state!"
Thor: "Behind us -- sudden light! Our unseen enemy or --" Captain America: "Look sharp, Avengers! This may be the showdown!" Invisible Woman: "Look at that! No wonder Firelord didn't stand a chance!" Gilgamesh with Prince Valiant hair: "But we stand together -- and will prevail!" Thor: "By Ymir's beard!"
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Sue and Reed sure have to deal with a lot of those...
Thor says that they're the Avengers which piques Super Nova's interest.
He's looking for the Avengers. Because he heard that Nebula is an Avenger. And Nebula destroyed Xandar.
Ruh roh.
Wait but how does he know about that? Nebula only joined the Avengers when they were trying to fly into the bubble what is in the center of time.
She was an Avenger for all of part of an issue! During which time nobody else was around to pass the news along!
How the hell did you hear about this, Super Nova??
Captain America explains that Nebula only joined the team through trickery and that she has nothing to do with them now.
Super Nova argues BULL and SHIT. Such a transparent lie won't fool him, the smartest guy around! He knows they're hiding her.
Soooo... he's going to go to Earth and break shit until the Avengers give him Nebula.
Thor: "Verily, thine arrogance is exceeded only by thine ignorance! Captain America speak truth! She is not among us -- or on Midgard! But if thou seeks battle -- the Avengers stand ready!" Super Nova: "I'VE NO TIME TO ENGAGE IN POINTLESS STRUGGLE WITH SUCH INFERIORS! OTHER PURSUITS NOW ENGAGE ME!"
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And Super Nova blasts off so quickly that he blows up his own ship.
Kinda wasteful, dude.
Also, I guess the Avengers are dead forever. Again.
I guess the West Coast Avengers are just the Avengers now. Or maybe the book will just be about Jarvis from now on.
But, nah, I'm sure that Sue put a force field around the Avengers just before disaster. She tends to do that.
What's funny is that the next issue teaser uses a very similar joke, guessing that "guest stars galore" will save Earth.
Follow @essential-avengers for all the posts, all in a row. Like, reblog, and comment if you'd like. I'd appreciate it.
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okthatsgreat · 6 months
HI LEE sorry you're bored.. hmmm okay. are there any of your ocs who havent interacted with each other who would be fun to throw together somehow? under what circumstances/in what setting would that be the most fun/interesting? and like. how would you picture the interaction going
OH MY GODD????????????????????????? lily u rule always ANSWER BELOW THE CUT!!!
sae is the oldest danganronpa oc ive got and also a teacher so if i put her in a room with any other oc she immediately becomes the Wise Old Mentor. ryobe especially treats her like that one pocket mirror michael jackson post where he asks "sae should i get the meal or just the sandwich" and she so wisely from the corner replies "get the fries sonny ..... you will need the energy in the coming days 🙂" and ryobe tears up
WAIT STOPP HOLD ON I JUST REALISED THAT I CAN MAKE ALL OF THESE GUYS GO TO SCHOOL TOGETHER BC THEYRE ALL DANGANRONPA CHARACTERS ok yea so hopes peak is where they all meet. dr:50th are in their final years and billie is JUST starting out but sometimes hangs out with them bc yoshito invited her to their table after he saw her sitting all alone and felt terrible. she just does her homework with them LMAO
naomi goes and hides in sae's classroom soooo often because sae a) doesnt care to get in her trouble for it and b) can either talk so much as a distraction or just sit on the other side of the room and leave naomi alone for the entire period depending on what is needed. theres probably been multiple times where naomi has gone "ok i need to get to my next class thanks for letting me stay here ms sae" only for sae to wake up and go "oh....................... you were here? yea ok good luck in algebra :)"
they interact with each other already in canon but this just needs to be said. rie and yoshito form a study group early in the year and occasionally invite mika or naomi if they really need motivation to do better at school. yoshito and rie realise this study group is actually really good and slowly invite the others into it but the more people they invite the less productive it becomes until they eventually have created two study groups: one with their friends and one with just the two of them again LMAO
ANDDDD FOR FUN BECAUSE IVE BEEN REALLY INTO DND/DND-RELATED MEDIA. bringing my dnd characters into the mix with my danganronpa ocs is extremely funny and also i love giving my ocs dnd stats ALWAYS. grins :)
elese and erin (glamour bard) would be so fucking funny because elese is just sooooo immediately petty for no reason???????????? and pippy truly could not give less of a shit. like there is zero reaction to any of elese's passive aggressiveness. elese can be like "woowwww pippy... that song was certainly loud! 😃" and pippy would go "THANKS!!!!" and then minor illusion a bunch of confetti around the two of them while theyre trying to sneak through a dungeon
and while we're talking about elese i do think she gets instantly humbled by rie (eloquence bard/pact of archfey warlock) LMAO. they both have very similar means of persuasion and speak very noble-like despite elese being the only one actually from nobility, however rie is juuuuuuuuuuuust ever so slightly more persuasive. juuuuuuuust ever so slightly able to get people on her side with her charm (and the silver tongue feature). it drives elese a bit mad but she cant actually complain about it until the moment she figures out rie is a warlock and she throws her hands in the air and yells I KNEW IT (she did not know it). but then once she gets over this i can see the two of them bonding over quite a lot in their life i think :)
since we're putting the same classes together nowhere and sae (path of tempest barbarian) are also cool. cuz nowhere isnt necessarily one to repress her emotions, she just unfortunately has quite a lot to be mad at and BECAUSE she gets angry her magic tends to go everywhere. meanwhile sae absolutely spends a LOT of time going through the adventure thinking that she is a strength-based ranger because she absolutely refuses to go into a rage during battle. so he spends so much time thinking to himself "hmmmmm well i do hold the knowledge one might expect from a ranger but i am incapable of certain magical feats that rangers have.... 🤔 oh well guess i am a late bloomer 🙂", while also greatly assisting nowhere in rearranging her thoughts and where she's expressing anger. and then one day during some huge climactic moment sae actually finally rages and it's terrible for so many people and shes like Ohhhh Wait Nowhere Help. Hellppppp
putting tinni and naomi (scout and THEN phantom rogue) is like putting two scared deer together except one of them is actually for real a deer
OK THATS ALL I GOT FOR NOW i love dnd/baldurs gate aus alwaysssss i do think however a few of these people would have a heart attack if a tadpole went into their brain but thats a problem for another time. BYE THANK U LILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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gender-mailman · 2 years
-General kins:
Chaos deity
Cursed deity
Tommy coolatta(HLVRAI)
Pinkie Pie(MLP)(hearttype)
Flutter Shy(MLP)(hearttype)
Michael Afton(FNAF)
Vincent Afton(Blueycapsules)
Phil guy(Blueycapsules)
...Well better then the alternative by will wood
Love, me normaly by will wood
I/me/myself by will wood
The main character by will wood
Love taste by moe shop
Brainwashed by between thorns
Sweet by phemiec
Serenata existencialista by o grilo
O sol e a lua by kamaitachi
(Theres more but i just cant remember now <:3)
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sodasnapz · 1 year
oooo YES i have Sathix questions!!! and a couple about Tom!!
I guess first of all, what IS a Sathix? :ooo Volites are like, energy stealing shape shifting space horror creatures, yea? So the opposite would be...full of energy? And if Volites are from the Void, where's a Sathix come from?
Tom has fire (and lightning) do they all have powers like that? And a monster form? (assuming that's still something he has!)
Speaking of Tom!!! How does he like, become a Sathix, s it a voluntary thing? Also I dont have a specific question for this but, please talk about his deal as a protag!!! Also also, a map of the world, you say? 👀👀
You Pretty much got it in one!! A Sathix is a being a pure unadulterated life energy (Sathix energy)! They hail from the Aether, which like the void is a space between realities but much like Sathix is more volatile so it spits out Sathix all the time. But unlike Volites, Sathix’s hosting process is incredibly intense and most people DO NOT survive it. It rapidly tries to convert the body into essentially a walking generator of life energy and if the body isn’t strong enough to take it… you will literally just melt or blow up.
Sathic energy takes natural forms, kinda represents the core elements of the universe. Tom has Fire and Lightning, but some might have water or ice or smoke or something like that. Key is ITS MORE ALIVE AND NATURAL.
As for Monster forms, They absolutely can have one!! Tom in particular cannot control his, theres a lot of symbolism with it too that i wont get into here.
Tom becomes a Sathix completely unwillingly! He escaped from the garden and got eventually picked up by the hunters. He was dragged back in after just wanting to move on. Dr. Michael Trager made him into a Sathix, that man makes me want to commit ARSON so if u wanna know about that freak lemme know.
In another ask i will have to go into more detail about Tom
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jodiposting · 2 years
do you have any book recommendations?? i love your writing and your taste in art/words/etc on your reblogs. curious if theres anything you would rec (poetry, nonfiction, fiction, idc) :-)
hi :) i love anything written by elizabeth wurtzel. she is like home to me. obviously shes most known for her memoir prozac nation, but her essay collection 'bitch: in praise of difficult women' is so good, as is her Other memoir 'more, now, again' :)
typical tumblrina response but anne carson and sylvia plath are prob my fav poets, but their work outside of poetry is so so so fun, i love the beauty of the husband and h of h playbook. anne sextons letters to dr y are...astronomically felt..
some random favs, i have such a deep profound shameless outspoken love for a clockwork orange...wish i could explain it but i just love everything about it. holy anorexia by rudolph bell, the dreamers by adair was quite silly and rambunctiously fun, i just read the entirety of frankenstein for the first time for some novel research and hate that i never read it sooner for school, BLACKBIRD by michael fiegel was recommended to me by a good dear friend and oh my god its def a fav of mine lots of dark humor. The long walk by stephen king is brutal and unexpectedly impactful. i wont harp too much on my love for ottessa moshfegh and melissa broder, enough has been said about them but i do want to eat their brains professionally and respectively.
i have so much stuff on my reading list that i just havent gotten around to and know that i will like, so im just going to say that i am looking forward to reading: all of simone weil, venus envy by elizabeth haiken, tropic of cancer, the slave by isaac singer, wetmore's eaters of the dead, fasting girls by brumberg, candy by luke davies, nightbitch by rachel yoder
and many many more!
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Halloweenathon: I Was A Teenage Werewolf
Today on the Halloweenathon we shall look into a classic horror movie that most see as camp but is actually really damn good
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This 1957 film follows Tony (Michael Landon ) a teenager with a temper who seeks help from a psychologist Dr. Alfred Brandon(Whit Bissel) who is actually a mad scientist who turns Tony into a werewolf
So this is one of those movies where the title is more famous then the film (Mainly cause the company that made the film,AIP made title first then made the movie to go around it ,as was there custom ) so most people assume it is a cheesy B Movie,while there is definate camp and rediculous plot points (I'll get to you doctor "Somehow thinks turning people into were wolves is a good idea").....This is actually really good
I think the main thing that makes it work is Michael Landon as the lead,as he takes the broody teen angst of Tony seriously,as well as the fact that while he can be a bit of a prick he does want to improve himself ,hes simply a teen desperate for help only to be betrayed by someone he thought was on his side .He is also convincingly ferocious as the werewolf .No wonder he went on to an impressive TV career
Now our villain Dr Brandon ....Is a mixed bag .The actor Whit Bissell is phenomenal doing a perfect protrayal of a seemingly trust worthy guy who has his own sinister agenda and a loose set of morals......The problem is his motivation is kind of dumb and only makes sense if you assume he is completely out of his gourd .Ya know that "I dont wanna cure cancer,I wanna turn people into dinosaurs !" meme....Yeah thats this guy in a nutshell,just replace dinos with werewolves.Again Whit Bissel is good enough to make it work
As for the rest of the film it's pretty damn good ,I like films where people are like "WEll we have a monster,cant dispute that lets deal with it " ,I like that the drama is played straight , ,theres a fun musical number and I am always for random song sequences ,we have a pre "Zorro "Guy Williams and he is pretty good , and I might get some hate for this .....I think there werewolf makeup here is better then the Wolf Man
Overall I really loved this movie
@ariel-seagull-wings @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @angelixgutz @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @amalthea9 @princesssarisa @filmcityworld1
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bonecouch · 2 years
as much as i hate the whole brother sister thing introduced in halloween ii (which is otherwise one of the better halloween sequels) i hate halloween 2018 even more with the all the stuff where michael myers doesnt care about laurie strode at all and hes just a mindless killing machine going house to house because that directly contradicts the original halloween. he doesnt just go house to house killing people in the og halloween. he stalks laurie all fucking day and specifically kills her friends and pj soles boyfriend. personally my interpretation is that he fixated on laurie after seeing her at the old myers house. he didnt break out to go on a killing spree, he broke out so he could go home. the only person he kills on the way to haddonfield was the mechanic whom was only killed for his pants. shortly after he arrives at the old myers house, laurie strode, whose father is trying to sell the house, drops off the key on her way to school. michael sees her through the window on the door. up to this point he has been focused on one singular goal: to get home. upon returning home, he of course still feels an insatiable urge to kill. he doesnt target her because shes his sister, but at the same time he didnt just go after her completely at random. the reason michael stalks laurie all day, targeting her and her friends, is simply that she was the first person he saw after coming home. basically when halloween 2018 retconned the brother sister thing they overcorrected and decided that that meant he wouldnt target her at all and the doctor had to drive him to lauries house in an attempt to recreate halloween night 1978 or whatever. when really theres an extremely obvious way to retcon the brother sister thing while still maintaining that michael is targeting laurie specifically. shes the one that got away! he spent all day stalking her, undoubtedly thinking about what he was going to do to her that night. he got as far as killing her friends, and one of her friends boyfriends, before laurie and dr loomis stopped him. it makes perfect sense that hed want to finish what he started that night, regardless of whether or not they have any blood relation.
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biblenewsprophecy · 25 days
Should Christians Eat Insects?
It is reported that 2205 insects are being eaten around the world in 128 countries as part of the food supply. This is being pushed by the World Economic Forum, United Nations, and the government of the United States of America? Does the Bible endorse eating any insects? If so, which? Some people promote "cockroach milk" as well as larvae-derived "Entomilk." Does France have the biggest insect farm? Are there thousands of insect farms in Thailand? Does the New Testament support that Christians are to be holy and not eat unclean meats and insects? Could God have had health reasons to tell His people not to eat certain creatures? What are some health issues that eating insects, mealworms, etc. have reportedly caused? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie address these matters.
A written article of related interest is available titled ' 2205 insects now in food supply–will this stop famine?
2205 insects now in food supply–will this stop famine?
The government of Singapore is in favor of more insect consumption:
August 28, 2024
Singapore has just greenlit 16 types of insects to eat as foods. …
Grub’s up in Singapore where authorities have designated 16 creepy crawlies as safe for human consumption.
Locusts, five types of beetle grub and even a species of honeybee are among the minibeasts deemed good enough to eat, after a decision in July. The Singapore Food Agency has also greenlit imports of pasta, chocolate bars and crackers that contain insects as ingredients. One restaurant – House of Seafood – has added 30 insect dishes to its menu, ranging from sushi topped with silkworms to squid ink pasta sprinkled with house crickets. … insects can also be fed on waste … https://www.positive.news/society/as-singapore-approves-16-types-of-insects-as-food-for-humans-theres-a-growing-buzz-around-the-sector/
Dr. Joseph Mercola wrote:
The Push for Bug-Based Diets Continues
August 28, 2024
Proponents market insects as sustainable and culturally diverse food, with over 2,000 species consumed worldwide. However, historically, insects were mainly eaten for survival, not as delicaciesInsect-based products like “cockroach milk” and larvae-derived “Entomilk” are being developed, despite production challenges and potential allergy risks, especially for those with shellfish allergiesThe push for insect consumption is part of a larger “green agenda” promoted by organizations like the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), claiming insects are more sustainable protein sources than traditional livestockThis movement is part of a globalist agenda to control the food supply, alongside synthetic meats, aiming to replace traditional farming with patented, ultraprocessed foods
Mealworm meatballs, anyone? Or how about a salad with a side of crickets? With the recent changes transpiring in the food industry, it’s highly possible that these will be the food choices you’ll see on restaurant menus in the future. …
But while humans did historically eat insects, we mainly did so for survival or as a last-resort tactic — not as a delicacy. https://www.sgtreport.com/2024/08/the-push-for-bug-based-diets-continues/
Michael Snyder had the following about the consumption of insects around the world:
… People All Over The Globe Are Already “Eating The Bugs” On A Regular Basis
August 26, 2024
Are you ready to “eat the bugs”? For a long time, we have been told that “eating the bugs” is just a “conspiracy theory”, but as you will see below more than 2 billion people around the world already eat bugs on a regular basis.  …
A report that was recently published in a major scientific journal says that 2,205 different kinds of insects are now being consumed all over the globe…
A 2024 report titled “The global atlas of edible insects: analysis of diversity and commonality contributing to food systems and sustainability,” has identified 2205 species consumed across 128 countries. Published in the science journal Nature, it notes that Asia has the highest number of edible insects (932 species), followed by North America (mainly Mexico), and Africa. The countries with the highest consumption of insect are Mexico (452 species), Thailand (272 species), India (262 species), China (235 species), and Japan (123 species). …
The largest insect farm in the entire world is located in France…
In Europe, France is the center of European insect farming for animal and plant feed; a biotechnology company, InnovaFeed owns the world’s largest insect farm at 55,000 sqm that produces 15,000 tons of protein a year. …
An app that allows Germans to scan food products at the grocery store indicates that a whole host of things that Germans regularly eat have bug parts in them…
A German app called Insekten Scanner scans the barcode of a food product to tell you whether it includes insect parts in the ingredients. The app, which was first developed in late 2023 and now has over 100,000 downloads, recently went viral on X after several viral posts caused outrage among Americans.
The account Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) posted a video on May 2 of a user in a German supermarket scanning items with the app, which they captioned “‘We will NOT eat the bugs’ has become reality.”
In the video, the user repeatedly receives the message “Insekten Gefunden” or “Insects Found.” Items include pudding cups, premade meals, and even chocolate candies. “Everything has bugs,” one user replied. …
The very first “insect restaurant” in the United Kingdom is getting a lot of attention for the very unique dishes that it is offering to customers…
Grub Kitchen in Wales, the United Kingdom’s first insect restaurant, focuses on sustainability and is the vision of chef Andy Holcroft. The menu ranges from minced insect Bolognese to mealworm hummus and mixed insect pakoras fried with vegetables and served with mango chutney. Grub Kitchen largely has good reviews on TripAdvisor, but one reviewer was sceptical of eating insects, writing: “If this is the future, kill me now.” …
It is being reported that Thailand already has over 20,000 insect farms…
According to the Trade Policy and Strategy Office, Thailand can produce over 7,000 tonnes of economic insects annually. Thailand has more than 20,000 insect farms, especially cricket farms, the office said. …
In one region of India, silkworms are so popular that they are “available at every market”…
Silkworms are considered a delicacy in some northeastern states of India. In Nagaland, a state on the Myanmar border, silkworms are available at every market. Known as “eri puka” in Nagamese, the silkworms are fried, tossed together with spices, vegetables and bamboo shoots. Crispy fried grasshopper is also a common snack in the state. …
Here in the United States, more than 2 million taxpayer dollars were spent to create “the Center for Environmental Sustainability Through Insect Farming”…
In 2021 the U.S. National Science Foundation awarded Texas A&M and two other universities a $2.2 million grant to establish the Center for Environmental Sustainability Through Insect Farming. Sixteen multinational companies, including Mars and Tyson Foods, also joined as member organizations. …
No matter how many insect farms they set up, it will only make a very small dent in the nightmarish global famines that are coming.
Numerous long-term trends are combining to create a “perfect storm” for global food production that is unlike anything that has ever been witnessed in all of human history. https://endoftheamericandream.com/12-facts-that-prove-that-people-all-over-the-globe-are-already-eating-the-bugs-on-a-regular-basis/
While the Bible seems to allow for the consumption of crickets and grasshoppers, black soldier flies, mealworms, and silkworms are biblically unclean–thus should not be consumed by Christians (see also The New Testament Church, History, and Unclean Meats):
20 ‘All flying insects that creep on all fours shall be an abomination to you. 21 Yet these you may eat of every flying insect that creeps on all fours: those which have jointed legs above their feet with which to leap on the earth. 22 These you may eat: the locust after its kind, the destroying locust after its kind, the cricket after its kind, and the grasshopper after its kind. 23 But all other flying insects which have four feet shall be an abomination to you. (Leviticus 11:20-23)
29 These also shall be unclean to you among the creeping things that creep on the earth (Leviticus 11:29)
God’s people are not supposed to eat bugs.
We are to be holy in all of our CONDUCT:
15 but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:15-16)
When the Apostle Peter wrote that he was quoting the part of the Hebrew scriptures that were against eating unclean creeping things:
44 For I am the Lord your God. You shall therefore consecrate yourselves, and you shall be holy; for I am holy. Neither shall you defile yourselves with any creeping thing that creeps on the earth. (Leviticus 11:44-45)
Holy people do not intentionally conduct themselves to eat biblically unclean creatures.
Let me also add that it is almost 100% certain that COVID became a problem because of people consuming biblically-unclean meats along with the viral research that was done in the lab at Wuhan (watch also: COVID, Pandemics, and Unclean Meat).
Notice also:
Thousands of Bug Eaters Are Getting New Incurable Diseases, Doctors Warn
Thousands of bug eaters around the world are developing rare and incurable diseases, according to doctors who warn the act of eating insects is harmful to humans.
July 26, 2024
As the consumption of eating bugs has risen in popularity in recent years thanks to the push by the WEF to replace meat with insects, people who dine on bugs are increasingly being diagnosed with horrific illnesses as a result.
Infowars.com reports: The Bible instructs us in Leviticus 11: 20-23, not to eat insects, with the exception of orthopterans, specifically, locusts, crickets, and grasshoppers. Even so, permission to eat these is not instruction to do so, and there certainly isn’t reference to the Israelites making insect offerings, or of Jesus encouraging his disciples to eat them.
Eating these in a survival situation — like that of John The Baptist — is one thing, but to have insects discreetly added to our foods, or touted as the future of the human diet, as is happening in Europe, North America, and abroad, is a threat to our health, and is disgusting. …
Contamination of Insect-based Foods
Bioaccumulation of poisonous heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium and others, and of pesticides including herbicides, has been documented to occur in insects used for food. This means that as insects grow and develop in a contaminated environment, or if they eat contaminated plant matter, toxic heavy metals or other toxins build up in their bodies over time. Therefore producers must carefully source insect feed, and ensure the rearing environment is free of contaminants. …
Mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) larvae, full of feces, and supposedly suitable to eat.
One of the most alarming potential problems of food insect production is pre-or-post-processing contamination by Aspergillus, a common fungus that releases the mycotoxin known as aflatoxin. Cooked and dried insects can reabsorb humidity, and could grow Aspergillus, as could pre-processed insects. Aflatoxin is heat stable and cannot be eliminated by cooking insects contaminated by Aspergillus. Mpuchane et al. (1996) identified aflatoxin in edible grasshoppers at a concentration of up to 50 micrograms/kg. The European Union [EU] allows a maximum of 15 micrograms of aflatoxin per kilogram in plant based foods***, but disturbingly, the EU does not have regulations for aflatoxin in animal based foods including insects. Aflatoxin is the one of the most carcinogenic chemicals known to man. This problem must be addressed, but unfortunately, anyone encouraging you to eat insects is not looking out for your health in the first place. …
A 2017 paper published in Clinical Toxicology presented evidence of histamine poisoning from insects, in three cases in Thailand, including an outbreak affecting 118 patients, and another incident involving 19 students. The paper focused on direct evidence in another case in which 28 out of a group of 227 students were sickened, and concluded the cause was histamines present in grasshoppers and silkworm pupae they ate at a seminar. The researchers analyzed the leftover foods, and what the 28 sickened and other 199 students ate, and alleged that the histamines were implicated, which like tropomyosins, are heat-stable (resistant to degradation by cooking). The sick students’ symptoms included hives, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and breathing problems (bronchospasm and dyspnea). …
Insect exoskeletons feature sharp protuberances made of chitin, including spines, spurs, and rigid ‘hairs’ called setae. As noted by Mézes (2018), the pointy shape of these protuberances may cause them to be mechanically toxic, by damaging the digestive tract. This is not the chitin per se causing toxicity; instead, it’s the shape of the structures formed by chitin leading to toxicity.
Spines are narrowly conical, rigid, fixed projections, found on grasshopper legs, for example. Spurs are similar to spines but are on a socket allowing movement. Setae are hair-like, and contain nerve endings for sensory perception. The hairs on the legs of a fly are an example of setae. …
It also seems reasonable to surmise, and even hard to ignore, that chewing an insect exoskeleton would produce sharp fragments that could damage the lining of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Similarly, sharp particles could result from grinding insects during food processing. …
God had a reason to command us not to eat crustaceans and most insects. It’s misguided to believe that science is likely to fully elucidate the medical reasons for God’s instructions regarding food, especially considering the plethora of factors involved in human health that complicate dietary scientific analysis, and the sometimes-delayed health effects attributable to various factors.  … the idea of eating insects is disgusting. The best thing to do is to refuse to heed World Economic Forum head Klaus Schwab’s exhortations to “Eat ze bugs.” https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/thousands-of-bug-eaters-are-getting-new-incurable-diseases-doctors-warn/
Some lawmakers do not seem to want consumers to know about the use of bugs as part of the food supply as the following suggests:
Democrats Push to Hide Insects in American Food Supply
April 8, 2024
In Minnesota, state Senate Democrats blocked an amendment that would have required foods containing insects to be labeled.
Republicans are arguing that insects should be listed in the ingredients of food products to inform consumers.
However, for reasons that are not immediately clear, Democrats are pushing to keep bugs a hidden ingredient.
Last week, the Minnesota Senate passed S.F. 4225 – an omnibus agriculture policy bill. …
However, before the bill was passed, Sen. Torrey Westrom (R-Alexandria) introduced a commonsense amendment for food labeling.
The amendment would require food to be properly labeled if it contains either insect products or artificial “cell-cultured” food like lab-grown meat. …
However, the bill’s Democrat author Sen. Aric Putnam,(D-St. Cloud) shot down the proposal.
Putnam insists that, although “consumers should know what they are consuming,” the issue of labeling insect parts in products was a “future problem.”
He falsely claimed that insect-based “foods” and lab-grown “meats” are not available yet, and therefore, do not need to be addressed. https://slaynews.com/news/democrats-push-hide-insects-american-food-supply/
The Bible warns about the “ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1:18) and not letting people know that biblically-prohibited insects are in packaged foods is wrong suppression of the truth. Hopefully, the lawmakers in Minnesota will realize that.
Last September, we put out the following sermon about the food supply:
Evil is Affecting the Food Supply
God gave humans food and said what He made was good. What about unclean animals? What about genetically-modified organisms (GMOs)? What about ‘bioengineered foods’? What about lab meat? What about human-cloned salami? What about ‘Piggy Sooy’? Are Christians supposed to eat what is good according to Isaiah 55:2? What should we eat? What should Christians avoid eating? Dr. Thiel addresses these matters and more.
Here is a link to the following: Evil is Affecting the Food Supply.
Now is Michael Snyder right, that despite the increasing consumption of insects, famine is still coming?
Jesus taught that famines were part of the beginning of sorrows:
4 Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.  (Matthew 24:4-8)
The rides of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse (Revelation 6:1-8) relate to what Jesus warned would happen during the beginning of sorrows.
The Book of Revelation says that there will be more food shortages and food price inflation:
5 When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation 6:5-6)
Food price inflation has hit in many places, but will worsen.
We put together the following related video:
3rd Horseman of the Apocalypse and Food
There are reports about food price inflation around the world. While it is worsening in many areas, some believe it will improve in 2023. Instead, could prices continue to rise in 2023 and get much worse in 2024 and thereafter? What are the causes of food price inflation? Is there any connection between weather, government policies, fertilizer prices, energy costs, economic sanctions and food price inflation? What are we seeing in reports from the United Kingdom, Hungary, and South Africa? What about impacts from Russia’s ‘special military operation’ into Ukraine? Could EU and/or USA policies be effecting any of this? Is the ‘black horse’ the one associated with famine, food shortages, and food price inflation in the Book of Revelation? Are there any physical lessons we can learn from ants according to the Book of Proverbs? What are some spiritual steps we should take according to Jesus? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie address these matters and more.
Here is a link to our video: 3rd Horseman of the Apocalypse and Food.
Although, according to Jesus, the time of sorrows is not one to trouble Christians, notice something else that He did say:
34 “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. 35 For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:34-36)
Worse things are coming, and Jesus stated what He said He wanted all of His people to be doing. So, watch and get ready.
Update 09/01/24: We just uploaded the following video:
Should Christians Eat Insects?
It is reported that 2205 insects are being eaten around the world in 128 countries as part of the food supply. This is being pushed by the World Economic Forum, United Nations, and the government of the United States of America? Does the Bible endorse eating any insects? If so, which? Some people promote “cockroach milk” as well as larvae-derived “Entomilk.” Does France have the biggest insect farm? Are there thousands of insect farms in Thailand? Does the New Testament support that Christians are to be holy and not eat unclean meats and insects? Could God have had health reasons to tell His people not to eat certain creatures? What are some health issues that eating insects, mealworms, etc. have reportedly caused? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie address these matters.
Here is a link to our video: Should Christians Eat Insects?
Related Items:
Christian Health Matters Should Christians be concerned about their health? Does the Bible give any food and health guidelines? Here are links to three related sermons: Let’s Talk About Food, Evil is Affecting the Food Supply, and Let’s Talk About Health.
The New Testament Church, History, and Unclean Meats Are foods considered to have been unclean in the Old Testament considered to be food in the New Testament? This article discusses this from the perspective of the New Testament. It also has a list of clean and unclean animals. It also answers the question, is pork healthy or is pork dangerous? There is also a sermon-length video on this: Christians and Unclean Meats; three short videos are also available: Did Jesus declare all animal flesh food?, Should Christians Eat Insects?, and COVID, Pandemics, and Unclean Meat.
Cannibalism is Wrong, But it is Coming! Is it logical to eat human flesh? Or is it a curse that will return? Here is a link to a related video: Cannibalism is prophesied!
GMOs and Bible Prophecy What are GMOs? Since they were not in the food supply until 1994, how could they possibly relate to Bible prophecy? Do GMOs put the USA and others at risk? Here are some related videos: GMO Risks and the Bible and GMOs, Lab meat, Hydrogenation: Safe or Dangerous?
Chimeras: Has Science Crossed the Line? What are chimeras?  Has science crossed the line? Does the Bible give any clues? A video of related interest is Half human, half pig: What’s the difference?  and Human-Monkey Embryos and Death.There is a Place of Safety for the Philadelphians. Why it May Be Petra This article discusses a biblical ‘place of safety’ and includes quotes from the Bible and Herbert W. Armstrong on this subject–thus, there is a biblically supported alternative to the rapture theory. There is also a video on the subject: Might Petra be the Place of Safety? Here is something related in the Spanish language: Hay un lugar de seguridad para los Filadelfinos. ¿Puede ser Petra?
When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? 2024, 2025, or 2026? Can the Great Tribulation begin today? What happens before the Great Tribulation in the “beginning of sorrows”? What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? Is this the time of the Gentiles? When is the earliest that the Great Tribulation can begin? What is the Day of the Lord? Who are the 144,000? Here is a version of the article in the Spanish language: ¿Puede la Gran Tribulación comenzar en el 2020 o 2021? ¿Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? A related video is: Great Tribulation: 2026 or 2027? A shorter video is: Tribulation in 2024? Here is a video in the Spanish language: Es El 2021 el año  de La Gran Tribulación o el Grande Reseteo Financiero.
Could God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? Was a 6000 year time allowed for humans to rule followed by a literal thousand year reign of Christ on Earth taught by the early Christians? Does God have 7,000 year plan? What year may the six thousand years of human rule end? When will Jesus return? 2031 or 2025 or? There is also a video titled: When Does the 6000 Years End? 2031? 2035? Here is a link to the article in Spanish: ¿Tiene Dios un plan de 6,000 años?
Is There A Secret Rapture for the Church? When and Where is the Church Protected? What does the Bible really teach? Does the Church flee or is it taken up just prior to the great tribulation? Who really is left behind? There is also a YouTube video with information Did Jesus Teach a Pre-tribulation Rapture?
Is God Calling You? This booklet discusses topics including calling, election, and selection. If God is calling you, how will you respond? Here is are links to related sermons: Christian Election: Is God Calling YOU? and Predestination and Your Selection; here is a message in Spanish: Me Está Llamando Dios Hoy? A short animation is also available: Is God Calling You?
Christian Repentance Do you know what repentance is? Is it really necessary for salvation? Two related sermons about this are also available: Real Repentance and Real Christian Repentance.
About Baptism Should you be baptized? Could baptism be necessary for salvation? Who should baptize and how should it be done? Here is a link to a related sermon: Let’s Talk About Baptism and Baptism, Infants, Fire, & the Second Death.
Physical Preparation Scriptures for Christians. We all know the Bible prophecies famines. Should we do something? Here is a version in the Spanish language Escrituras sobre Preparación física para los Cristianos. Here is a link to a related sermon: Physical preparedness for Christians.
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eponymoussquared · 2 years
OC's as Animals tag
Thanks to @mariahwritesstuff for the tag! Find her post here. This one is quite interesting. A few characters have animal motifs already, but alot of them don't.
Jonah: Platypus. Doesn't look dangerous, and isn't very strong, but still very much able to hurt you. (Platypi have like 50 kinds of toxins, apparently. And also basically sweat milk. Platypi are weird.) Mr. C: Bear. He's a teddy bear, so my hands are kind of tied. If I had to pick another one, I'd say he's something of an owl-stern, scary, but also wise. ..Oh my god he's an owlbear. Twistongue: Cat. Did you know that cats spread parasites that make animals and people less afraid of risks, both causing humans to be more affectionate and mice to be less cautious? This fits too well to not pick.
Michael: Goldfish. While goldfish memories aren't actually that bad, theres still the association with them, and more importantly, just like a goldfish, he's also been replaced.
Idris: Wolf. Vicious, predatory, and protective of his pack. (Fun fact: Did you know that pack leaders usually protect the weaker members and are responsible for everyone, instead of just being the strongest and abusing their power? Furthermore, did you know that the entire study about 'Alpha' wolves was done on wolves in captivity and turned out to be totally wrong? TL;DR: If someone calls themself an alpha male, theres a high chance they aren't.) Also, have a symbiotic relationship with ravens. Annabel: Raven. Smart, able to use tools and cunning, but not very good at offense. Have a symbiotic relationship with wolves. They also usually travel in flocks, and Annabel's experiences with Twistongue and Michael have left her very uncomfortable with the idea of being in a room alone with one person. Plot Reaper: Panther. A creature as black as night that stalks its prey invisibly. I don't really have anything better then that.
IIIII'm too scared to tag anyone, but as usual, anyone who sees this is welcome to pretend I tagged them.
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