#'danny? danny cares? danny wuvs me? i love him so much'
teruel-a-witch · 1 year
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2.10/3.15/5.15 'You were worried about me?'🥰
Steve makes the same face for every time he realises Danny is ranting/cranky because he is worried about Steve. No matter how many times it happens it seems to take him by surprise. A year later 'still cares?' another year 'still cares?' two years later 'still? just checking but it's nice. Love you too'.
No one has ever cared about his safety and his life so consistently, it's still a wonder to him that Danny, his favourite person in the world, gives a shit about him. Especially since he doesn't put much value on his own life himself.
Danny cares, he cares So LOUDLY he would yell self-preservation into Steve if he could. Sadly due to his abandonment issues Steve doesn't have object permanence when it comes to his loved ones loving him in return so he makes a face of a slack-jawed surprise completed with a barely contained smile of delight and fondness because his crush shows signs of caring about him.
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