#'do i know you?' 'ya im the loser you copied all your homework off of' 'youve narrowed it down to like. 6 now'
please enjoy this interaction between the first doctor and the master from the five doctors
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like what do you mean we were at the academy together. you disposed of a body together once, I think that is a little more significant
asdfhkjfh what a power move
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anieswrld · 4 years
Hockey Stan pt.1
Im a a dumbass and I deleted this, so here it is again
pairing: stan x reader 
warnings: teasing, swearing, drugs, alcohol.
word count: 1.1k
enjoy babes!!
“Wait what’s wrong with Bill?” You asked Richie as you got passed the blunt by Bev. “He literally fucked every single girl, I heard there was this one girl who he fucked in the ass and the the tits.” Bev rolled her eyes, “Chee you do know it’s y/n right?” You slapped Bev “Bevvy!!” She shrugged and hit the blunt. “Holy shit you let Denbrough hit it from the back?! Damn you got balls dude. How was the titty fuck though?” You sighed “More for him not me, I just had to act like I enjoyed his dick in between my boobs.” Richie laughed so loud that you guys would probably get caught. You all started to pack up the weed and put on your backpacks.
 “Just stay away from the hockey team y/n they literally all suck dick, well Toby did suck me off once-“ Bev hit Rich upside the head, “Beep beep bitch.” He rolled his eyes and walked off to class with a wave. “Bev why would I fuck with the hockey team after I let Bill do that.” Bev shrugged “Be careful please, I gotta go to bio, see ya.” You decided to go to english today even though it was your least favorite class. 
It was only because of the Stanley Uris, hockey team captain and Bill’s right hand man. He was such a dick to you and your friends. He hit on you a couple times and after you fucked Bill it only got worse. He’d always try to finger you in class or try to give you his number. One day he put it in his phone without knowledge, you didn’t block it only because he didn’t try to text you. You walked in to class 20 minutes late, the entire class looked at you. “Mrs, you are late again, see me after class.” 
A mist of ‘oooohs’ were heard from across the room. “Oh shut the fuck up and bite me losers” You sat in your seat right next to Stan. You copied whatever you got from the board. Stan leaned over and whispered to you “Hey doll wanna-“ “No. I don’t want to do anything with you.” Stan rolled his eyes. “You let Bill-“ You rolled your eyes. “Listen Stan just because I got railed by big dick Bill doesn’t mean I’ll fuck you, shrimp dick.” 
He leaned back in his seat, huffing out of anger. You smiled to yourself and kept taking notes on your assignment. After class you met with your teacher who simply said to be on time, you went to lunch and sat with your friends. There was Mike Hanlon, the quiet sweet mom friend. There was Eddie, the worrying friend, who always had a first aid kit. Richie, your best friend since diapers, he’s your neighbor and he’s a dumb bitch whore but you love him. Beverly Marsh is your girl-friend, like you guys sometimes casually fuck no feelings or strings attached. “Hey guys, what’s the plan today?” Eddie shook his head “Not today gang, I have work then I have to fix my car.” Mike shrugged, “I have farm work to do y’all, sorry.”
 “Bev, Richie? I know you’re free.” They nodded and picked at their school lunch. “Yeah we can smoke at the quarry.” After ten minutes Bev fell asleep at the table, Richie rolled blunts, Eddie listened to music, and Mike was doing homework. You got up to take a break from that awful smelly crowded lunch room. You walked right into somebody and quickly apologized, “Sorry dude, my bad.” Stan chuckled and ran a hand through his curls, “It’s all good doll.” You sighed “I take back my apology.” Stan smiled “So, why aren’t you with your crackhead friends?” You sighed “They’re all being dull. Even Richie and he is never and I mean never, dull.” Stan chuckled and cleared his throat, “Will you come to my game tonight?” You rolled your eyes “And why the fuck would I do that?” Stan smiled, “Because who wouldn’t want to see this cutie on the ice, and i’m not asking.” You smiled, “I will think about it” 
“No fucking way y/n! No fucking way am I going to the hockey game! Have you lost your shit?!” You grabbed Richie’s hand, “Please Chee pleasssseee” He rolled his eyes, “Wait, did Stan ask you to go?” You nodded slowly “Then no. I’m not going, not for him- wait Toby’s gonna be there, where’s the face paint bitch?” You laughed, painted his freckles black and orange,  and grabbed your old letterman jacket from track. “DAD ME AND CHEE ARE GOING TO THE HOCKEY GAME WE’LL BE BACK BY CURFEW!” You left your house and ran to the drivers side. “Richie there is now way in fucking hell you’re driving my fucking car.” He pouted and got in the other side. 
     When you walked into the ice rink and smiled at Stan. “Y/n don’t you hate him?” You shrugged “He ain’t as bad as he seems Chee.” Your two got some popcorn and sat down. You kind of forgot that hockey is so violent so when they basically started fight you freaked. “Bub relax it’s allowed.” Richie rubbed your arm. When the game was over you went to congratulate Stan on his winning goal but bill stopped you.
 “Hey babygirl, up for some more fun?” You backed away from him “Just because I said yes doesn’t mean it’s consent forever. No I don’t want your dick near me ever again please.” Bill smiled, “Whore.” You walked away and heard Richie yell something, you turned and saw him punch Bill in the face. “You learn a bit when your dads abusive, aint that right billy” Richie got up and walked to you, “Sorry about that bub, you alright?” You nodded and found Stan. “Good job tonight Stan. Winning goal huh?” Stan chuckled and smiled, “Maybe I could...uh, put that number to use?” You gave him a wink before heading to your house with Richie. You dreamt of Stan that night. 
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