#'geralt should have bi options' Yes
kashuan · 2 years
once again i am thinking about this video and the romance route that we were Robbed of
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relenafanel · 4 years
Dicks (in every definition): a fake-relationship AU
Find it on Ao3:  Dicks (in every definition) by relenafanel
Tag: witcherauseptember
“I can’t believe anyone could be such an unmitigated puss-filled dick,” Essi said, staring at her phone in disbelief. Jaskier groaned and let his head thunk on the bar.
“I can.” His sticky forehead was the least disgusting part of the evening.  He'd just come out to forget his ex, and maybe celebrate being free a little (as fucked up as that was) and quite frankly felt attacked by his social media.
“If I believed it from anyone it would be that narcissist,” she conceded, biting on her lip.
“I know,” Jaskier agreed. “That’s the worst part. I feel like it’s my fault being blindsided by this, as though I should have known something was going to happen today.”
Essi snorted. “It’s not your fault your ex is the worst.”
“No, but I was with him for almost 3 years. I don’t know. That’s my fault.”
“Don’t be stupid,” she said. “Look at this desperate fucker. Do you actually think he’s winning? He might be in a new relationship but the look of this guy makes my vagina want to shrivel up and die.”
Jaskier took her phone from her and looked again. Yeah. Yikes. Valdo was definitely scraping the bottom of the barrel with that one. Jaskier hadn’t even tried to join any dating sites post-breakup, but he was pretty sure there were better options. It wasn’t even the guy’s looks so much as he just screamed skeevy douchebag. It was making Jaskier’s metaphorical vagina also want to die.
“You need to get drunk. Maybe laid.”
“No,” Jaskier said, an idea starting to form as he looked at the relationship status change. “No. I need to match pettiness with pettiness. I need to find someone so hot that I’d have trouble getting him - let alone Valdo with his sad, small dick - and make sure to post a picture on Facebook.”
“Would that make you feel better?”
Jaskier smiled with teeth. “I think it would.”
It was their third bar of the evening and Essi was definitely sick of the manhunt. She probably hadn’t realized that when Jaskier was judging men fully objectively and not looking for matching personalities (relationship goals) or a willing body (one night stand goals) he had incredibly discerning tastes.
Probably too discerning.
“How about him?” Essi asked, barely looking up from her phone. She gestured to a guy sitting at the bar trying to make eye contact with a woman across the room.
“Ehh,” Jaskier said. “Sweater vest.”
Essi rolled her eyes. “But cute.”
“I’m not looking for cute. I’m looking for eye-searing hot.”
“I’m having trouble remembering how you’ve ever been in any relationships with these unrealistic expectations.”
“Valdo thought I was hot.” Jaskier thought about that for a moment. “Did I stay with someone for three years out of flattery?”
“Probably. Fuck. Get therapy.”
“I am.”
“You’re going to be working on tonight for a while.”
Fucking true. “Oh god, we just saw Valdo’s taste in men. Tell me true… am I ugly.”
“You’re spiraling.”
“That’s not an answer!”
“You’re spiraling!”
“Yes,” Jaskier agreed, pulling at his hair. “I’m so aware.”
“Based on the guy in his status update I’m going to guess you’re the hottest guy he could get.”
“You’re a good friend.” Jaskier pressed his head against her shoulder.
Then, a table opened up across the room, revealing the man sitting on the other side of it. “Holy shit.”
Essi looked up. Then she looked up. “Wow.”
“I hope he’s into men,” Jaskier said. “Or at least willing to play along with pretending to be for long enough for you to get a picture.”
“You’re going to walk up to that?” Essi asked. “You have more balls than brains.”
That was probably true.
“Hi, I’m Jaskier,” he opened with, dropping into the seat across from the gorgeous man. Up close he was even more startlingly pretty, with a chin dimple that highlighted his strong jaw and drew attention to his mouth. “And my boyfriend broke up with me two months ago, only to post his new relationship on Facebook today. Our three year anniversary. It’s the dickest of moves, right?”
The man hummed in agreement, but otherwise didn’t stop frowning in Jaskier’s general direction. Like someone waiting for him to get to the point. Jaskier saw that frown often.
“The reason for the oversharing is that I just forced my best friend to follow me to three different bars to find someone so phenomenally hot for me to spend time with and get picture proof, and here you are. I’d do jazz hands but you don’t seem like someone who responds well to jazz hands.”
“What are jazz hands?”
What a voice. What a sexy, sexy voice. Jaskier knew what he was talking about. He was a connoisseur of voices.
Jaskier wiggled his fingers at him. Tada! “Jazz hands.”
“Huh.” The man took a drink of his beer. “You want to use me as a revenge plot?”
“Exactly. Can I buy you a drink?”
The man gestured to his mostly full beer. “I’m not drinking to get drunk tonight.”
That was only a no to the beer. “Nachos or some other foodstuff?”
The guy seemed possibly interested in food.  
“Fine,” he agreed.  
Facebook: Julian Alfred Pankratz is in a relationship with Geralt of Rivia.
“Who’s Julian Pankratz?” Geralt muttered, staring at his phone.
“What?” Jaskier groaned, coming out a shitty sleep to a few realizations:
He’d gone home with the hottest guy on earth, which he should be pleased about, AND WAS PLEASED ABOUT
He might throw up
He’d done something last night. Something he’d said “that’s up for tomorrow Jaskier to sort out” because his drunk self was apparently a fucking masochist, and now Jaskier wasn’t really sure what that was.
Only Geralt was still scowling at his phone and seemed to know his real name.
“Fuck,” Jaskier groaned. His mouth tasted like nachos and the regret of doing shots too late in life. He was 28 years old, not dead, but his hangover didn’t seem to know that.  “We didn’t get married , did we?”
Jaskier risked the light filtering in through the edges of the blinds to look at Geralt. His hair was beyond mussed - Jaskier didn’t know hair could get that tangled overnight. He was still frowning at his phone.
“I’ve been calling you Jaskier.”
“I go by Jaskier,” he promised. He was too busy having his own crises to deal with Geralt’s! For fucksakes. “Now, back to the marriage thing??”
Phew. That was probably on him. He wasn’t sure people could actually get fake married overnight. Legally. He’d seen a lot of movies, though.
Ok. Next problem.  “I might throw up.”
Geralt turned his head slowly to look at him. Yikes. Too much beautiful-man-face in his face for this early in the morning.
“It’s eleven,” Geralt told him in the dry tone that told Jaskier he’d said that all outloud.
“Eleven after getting to bed at what? Five? Eugh, boo. Do you have any food?”
Geralt did have food.
Well, Geralt had protein bars and electrolytes, which was basically the same thing. Jaskier could always fall on top of a burger on his way home if he had to.  He’d finally looked at his phone by the time he was halfway through his breakfast.
107 new notifications.
What the fuck?
Julian Alfred Pankratz is in a relationship with Geralt of Rivia
Geralt and I were going to wait until announcing this wasn’t an asshole move, but now that it doesn’t really matter, I just wanted everyone to know that I’m doing GREAT.
Attached to it was the picture of the two of them together that Essi had taken with the caption of “I wouldn’t feel too sorry for Jaskier tonight”
His drunk self had a lot to answer for. No wonder Geralt had been scowling at his phone.
“I can’t believe I went Facebook Official with someone I haven’t even had sex with yet,” Jaskier mourned. “What is it, 2007?”
It took Jaskier almost the full day to recover enough to actually look through his comments on Facebook. By the time he had, they’d almost doubled and he’d made the mistake of clicking into Instagram to find one of those quintessential happy-relationship-our-feet-are-cute-together bullshit pictures. He had a different following on Instagram, mostly using it for pictures of himself singing.
Yikes. Yikes. Yikes. This wasn’t a contained problem, if you could call their mutual friends and families on Facebook that had been gathering in the wings for 15 years a contained problem . Fucking Facebook. Jaskier friended people he’d met once. He had a database of acquaintances. It was great for - you know - being a musician looking for gigs. He’d done 15 weddings in the last year.
It was pretty shitty when he’d faked having a boyfriend so people wouldn’t feel bad for him.
But, as he read through the comments and realized that some of them weren’t for him, he realized that maybe he wasn’t the one with the biggest problem.
Jaskier: Did you just come out?
Jaskier: Are you EVEN INTO MEN?
Jaskier: BUT
Geralt: I see you’ve read the comments
Geralt: my brother
Geralt: bold and caps?
Jaskier: and italics what the fuck. Why’d you let me do this?
Jaskier: wait.
Jaskier: WAIT
Geralt: there it is
Jaskier: this was your idea
Jaskier: did you use me to tell everyone you know that you’re gay or bi or whatever you identify as?
Jaskier: what a brilliant opportunity last night was for both of us
Geralt: you went back to sleep and didn’t process any of this yet, didn’t you?
Jaskier had been seen with that, fuck. He made a face at his phone even though Geralt couldn't see it.
A few moments later a response to Lambert popped up from Geralt himself.
@Lambert who says I haven’t been getting dicked down this entire time you heteronormative asshole
Followed by someone named Yennefer posting a picture of a strap on.
Who were these people? Could you love someone based on how their friends reacted to their ill-advised fake-relationship status change? Asking for a friend.
Geralt: for context, that’s my ex-wife
Geralt: we’re ok
Geralt: especially when she’s helping me fuck with my brother
Jaskier was debating the merits of asking Geralt if he wanted to come up with a break-up plan or just date when another comment showed up.
Vesemir left a comment:
You’ll bring him to brunch tomorrow?
Geralt left a comment:
We’ll be there
Vesemir left a comment:
Leave the frightening device at home
Geralt left a comment:
He doesn’t need it
This was followed by a string of variations of LOL and OH SHITs from about 7 different people. Jaskier watched it all unfold feeling like he’d stepped into the middle of something he didn’t understand - yet. He was definitely in trouble, if the way his heart rate increased at Geralt’s he doesn’t need it was any indication. It wasn’t even the dick reference, though that was amazing. It was the snappy, quick response. The underlying sarcasm.
Jaskier had a type. He could end a fake relationship that was based on seeing a searing hot guy across a room, but it was a bit harder when the guy had a personality he liked. If Geralt turned out to have a heart of gold, Jaskier was screwed and would probably be proposing marriage by year’s end.
Yeah, we’ll be there , he commented.
Geralt: my dad
Geralt: thanks
Jaskier: no problem
Jaskier : gonna call
“So I’m thinking,” Jaskier said the moment Geralt’s face showed up on the video call. He was squinting at his phone like no one had ever tried to video call him before.
“Hi,” Geralt replied, looking amused.
“I’ve been debating the merits of planning a breakup for our fake relationship or just… dating? I’m thinking maybe we should date? Do you have input?”
“Dating’s fine.”
“But do you… are you even attracted to me? Would you pick me?”
Oh fuck, what was that?! Something new to bring up in therapy.
Geralt tilted his head.  “You don’t know this about me yet, but I’m capable of saying no. Overly capable, some of my family might tell you.”
“So you’re not saying no?”
“I’m pretty confident I said yes instead.”
“As Jaskier’s best friend and the only witness,” Essi said into the microphone, holding up a glass of champagne to salute the two of them. “Our happy couple gave me full permission to tell the story of what happened the night Geralt and Jaskier met. Like Jaskier himself, the story is partially an embarrassing tale of bad decisions, half-cocked plans, and a lot of heart.”
Jaskier grinned, and nudged his shoulder into Geralt’s.
“And,” Essi continued with glee, “dicks in every definition.”
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relenafanel · 4 years
Squats For Thots - Geralt/Jaskier | PG-13.
This is mostly one long dick joke I wrote as an excuse to use “Squats for Thots” as a title. It’s also mostly foolish men with crushes objectifying each other’s asses. #whoops. 
“The Countess likes her men a little more thicc, you know?” Jaskier said, burning through the starting set Geralt had given him surprisingly well. Well enough that he continued talking, though Geralt wasn’t sure the man ever stopped. “Likes something to hold on to.”
Most of the men Geralt saw at the private club thought targeted exercises were a quick way to improve what they considered to be small problem areas, like there was a cheat sheet to looking like a Hemsworth that wasn’t partially genes. Most of them thought they were a personal trainer away from movie-star abs, and Geralt wasn’t there to disabuse them of the notion.
“I figured,” Jaskier continued, breathing through his final 20, “if I found the trainer with the best ass in the place they’d be the person to show me how to turn this slab into fab.”
“Do you ride?” Geralt asked, making a note to make Thursday’s session more intense.
 “Yeah,” Jaskier said, finally sounding out of breath. He batted his eyelashes and Geralt also made a note to recommend the man invest in a sweatband if it was going to make him blink like that, especially since Jaskier didn’t seem to be perspiring hard yet.
 “How many times a week and for how long?” 
 Jaskier opened his mouth. Closed it. Looked flustered and then flummoxed, though Geralt pretended he didn’t notice since he couldn’t figure out why. Then Jaskier laughed. “Ohh, you mean a horse,” he said. “Not often, not since adolescence, though I can still manage a decent seat when needed. Why? Should it be part of my training? I can’t say I’ve noticed all equestrians have a juicy booty but I don’t know if I’ve been looking for the trend.”
 “Hm,” Geralt answered, aware it wasn’t an answer at all. “My job today is determining your limits.”
 “Yeah,” Jaskier agreed, probably because they’d already been over this before starting. There was also that flirtatious lilt to it that Geralt was realizing he should have been able to identify from the start. 
 Jaskier was one of those people who stopped by the club a few times a month and spent more time off to the side drinking smoothies and watching the people around him than he did exercising. It was a surprise he was able to keep up with the exercises Geralt had designed to easily break him. “Your lower body is better developed than I assumed.”
 “Thank you for the compliment, even though I think what you really mean is you assumed my fitness level is the same as a 3 year coma patient and tested me accordingly. I don’t think I’m even insulted by that. Though we could have saved some wasted time if you’d ever seen me naked.”
 Geralt leveled him with an unimpressed expression designed to ask ‘why would I want to do that?’
 Jaskier flushed but didn’t look particularly embarrassed or emasculated, which was maybe the first thing he’d done in his favour. “I don’t know,” he said with a shrug, “why does anyone?”
 “I hear you’ve taken on the Viscount de Lettenhove as a client,” Lambert said, looking far too relaxed against the bar. 
 Geralt shrugged. He had six new clients since the last time he’d spoken with Lambert and the name didn’t sound familiar.
 “Lord Julian?” Lambert continued. “Has a reputation for being very generous in bed, both generally and -“ he made a vague gesture to his dick. “A good third of the people at the club have either already had sex with him, want to have sex with him, or a combination of both. During your session last week, Rodgie said Lettenhove fucked him so well he thought he was gay for another three months, like he’d gone temporarily blind to the charms of women it was so good.”
 Geralt scowled. 
 “I’m just repeating what he said. Don’t pretend you’re beyond gossiping about this.”
 “I can’t place the name,” he admitted instead of answering that. Beyond gossip? Apparently not. Seeking it out? No. Especially about someone referred to as Lord Julian.
 “Really? Tall-ish. Handsome-ish. Good with his hands. Treadmill squad can’t seem to take their eyes off him. Was in on Thursday.”
 New client. Thursday. “Jaskier?”
 “Yes,” Lambert agreed with a snap of his fingers. “That’s the name he uses. Rich people, eh?”
 Lambert shook his head. “I can’t tell if you just don’t notice people or if you genuinely aren’t into dick, sometimes.”
 Geralt was into dick.
 He noticed. 
 Not anything different about Jaskier. The man still talked his way through whatever exercises Geralt threw at him, far too flirtatious for comfort, and never really seemed to notice that he was being openly appraised by almost every single person on exercise machines. 
 But Geralt did. 
 It wasn’t that Geralt noticed Jaskier, it was just that Jaskier was standing at the smoothie bar on a day they weren’t scheduled to work together and he noticed the incongruity of seeing Jaskier on a Friday morning.
 Wearing shorts.
 It wasn’t really the shorts that kept his attention, it was the same thing about Jaskier that he’d noticed from the first moment they’d started working together - Jaskier’s damn legs and those calves that told of a less sedentary lifestyle than Jaskier pretended.  Geralt didn’t understand why someone would stop by the gym in a health club only to lounge around doing nothing if they obviously spent a lot of time working out their legs (at least).
 It took him a bit longer than it should have to realize he was gawking just as badly as Jaskier’s damn treadmill fanclub. He turned his back and pretended he was very interested in something else. Anything else.
 “Hey,” Jaskier said, handing Geralt the second smoothie in his hands. Geralt was sure the person overdoing it on the rowing machine wilted in jealousy. “Are you in a session?”
 “Technically,” Geralt said and took a sip of the smoothie. It tasted like summer. 
 Jaskier grinned at him. “No show?”
 “That’s an option?” Jaskier asked, but looked more amused than anything. “And here I’ve been exercising like a chump”
 “It’s an option.”
 “Of course, I wouldn’t leave you out here fully clothed. Seems like a waste.” He grinned at Geralt, sly in a way that included Geralt in the joke.  “Maybe you could advise me on the best ways to steam it up.”
 “It’s an option,” Geralt repeated.
 “I…” Jaskier started to say and then closed his mouth.  “Really?”
 “But if you do, you won’t make any progress.”
 “In my butt or with you?” he blurted out.  “And yes, I can hear that sentence is one finished thought away from a dirty joke but I’m going to be the bigger man here.”
 Geralt seriously doubted that.
 “Oh my god. Are you one finished thought from making that into a dick joke?” Jaskier looked delighted.  “Yass, Geralt.”
 The sauna door opened, and Geralt prepared himself to finish the last five minutes of the hour, which consisted of making sure his client was hydrated before sending him on his way, rather than continuing this conversation with Jaskier.  
 “Wait,” Jaskier said, with a hand on Geralt’s arm. “Is there something I can make progress on?”
 Geralt shrugged.  There wasn’t NOT something, which he knew wasn’t an answer either. 
 “Ok, so, that’s not a no. I acknowledge it’s not a yes, but it’s also not a no, and you’re not someone who has trouble with the word no. So.” Jaskier waved his hand, spraying smoothie from the top of his straw.  “That’s cool.”
 That’s cool, Geralt repeated in his head as he walked away. He probably should have said no just to save himself the pain of hearing that’s cool.
 “There’s a rumour you’re about to get laid,” Lambert said on their bi-weekly meet up for beer. 
 “That’s cool,” Geralt said with a shrug.
 Which, honestly, was worth it just for the look on Lambert’s face.
 “Ok,” Jaskier said on Monday, which also wasn’t one of their scheduled meetings. He showed up like some kind of annoyance mirage wearing a brightly coloured shirt and shoes meant for lounging. Geralt was in the middle of helping the Earl of Something’s second son work off his weekend bender. The man had run off to puke twice already and Jaskier’s shirt wasn’t helping any. Neither was the way Jaskier snapped his fingers in front of his clammy face. “Off you go, you’re looking a little peaked.”
 “Thank you!”
 Jaskier rolled a yoga ball over with his foot and perched on it, crossing his legs. It occurred to Geralt that Jaskier was like a male peacock posturing, with his vibrant clothes and stupid pose. It also occurred to Geralt that he shouldn’t be into it.  “We should go out for coffee and stuff.”
 “What?” Jaskier said, losing his balance and almost falling on the floor.
 “Coffee and stuff. Fine. Let’s go out.”
 “I…” Jaskier opened his mouth. Closed it.  “Expected more of an argument and to maybe leave disappointed.”
 Geralt shrugged.  “Why?”
 “I don’t know!” Jaskier threw up his hands and then stood.  His movements had an ease to them that they wouldn’t if he didn’t fucking exercise somewhere. Geralt was going to figure it out because he was pretty sure if he asked anyone they’d say it was from sex and life didn’t work that way. “Because you asked me if I ride and meant a horse!”
 “You stop by the smoothie bar, grab a lounge chair for a few hours, and take a nap whenever you come in.  Something needed to account for your legs.”
 Jaskier started laughing.
 “Don’t say it,” Geralt told him with annoyance.
 “You noticed,” Jaskier stressed. 
 “I hate that I know why you look so relaxed,” Lambert grumbled.
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